Skill progression in WvW (or pvp in general)

Skill progression in WvW (or pvp in general)

in WvW

Posted by: SoulstitchMMO.1396


Last night in a discussion on the JQ community teamspeak I was explaining to a group why total domination isn’t a good thing.

I hear a lot of people complain about lack of progression in wvw or “end game” pvp and I completely believe they are 100% wrong. Progression in pvp is not all about points, or new shinies. It’s about recognition, and skill.

I have loved multiplayer games since playing Tanks and Pong on the Atari. The first time I ever beat a human being in a video game, playing against the computer (or pve) was never as fun because generally once you beat the computer, you know how to beat the computer every time thereafter.

Players on the other hand evolve and adapt. My progression comes from being beaten, learning and getting better. My progression comes from becoming a better leader, a better pvp’er, on both the macro and micro levels. In order to do this you need people to fight against, people who are better than you. Always looking for the next challenge.

The next time you see someone complaining about no progression in wvw, remind them that you’re never done as a true pvp’er. Either solo, group, or mass group. At an objective, a map, or an entire match there is always room to grow as a pvp’er. No one is the best at anything, and if you think you are just wait, someone will find a way to beat you on multiple levels.

Skill progression in WvW (or pvp in general)

in WvW

Posted by: Gydion.6582



I think you said this perfectly. Honestly people have been forced into certain game mechanics due to other MMOs that give them a “clear” objective or goal. I rather disliked WoW for this reason. People always based a player off their “progression” in terms of gear or titles and a lot of good players that were casual weren’t able to find a place to fit in among the “elitest’s.”

For this fact alone I have a better appreciation for GW2. It leaves more up to the player and lets them decide what goals and objectives to set. For instance, I refuse to run with a zerg. I would rather run around in small 5-10 man groups because at that level everyone shines and everyone needs yk be on their game to step up against groups equal or greater in size. This Is my goal and objective when playing WvW and I have a blast every time I do this.

Bonniie Brah-80 Thief
Call Mee-80 Warrior
Badonkadonk-80 Engineer

Skill progression in WvW (or pvp in general)

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Sorry but as long as numbers win 100% of the time, skill means jack. The simple mechanic of downed state makes skill pointless. I can outplay people, and kill them but be unable to stomp them because I am playing extend. Their buddies can just throw bodies at us and then rez up the bad we just killed. IF they remove downed state from WvW THEN you will see skill winning and maybe just maybe make this game less boring. Also, having nothing to strive for will eventually kill the game. Period.

Think of it this way, would you work if you didnt get paid? I’m sure the job you do needs to be done anyway, and maybe its even fun. Still, would you go in day after day with no pay check? Same deal. The carrot on a stick design works for a reason.

Skill progression in WvW (or pvp in general)

in WvW

Posted by: Gydion.6582



I’m sorry but the downed mechanic is nice. It is another play style people have to get adjusted to. For you saying its breaking the game because you can’t finish people off doesn’t mean that its a problem. I personally have started a battle 2(me and a mesmer)v6 and had the mesmer die immediately turning it into a 1v6 and successfully killed and stomped all 6 players single handedly before a glass cannon warrior came in last second and killed me. So saying a mechanic that is needed due to not having dedicated healers is a broken mechanic is ignorant on your part. Its something that you need to learn to use to your advantage.

And as far as removing the downed state causes skill to win is not the case. At its current state numbers will win regardless of skill. It takes skill to finish players off during the downed state and skilled players will not complain about this mechanic, rather they will embrace it and use its advantages.

Rather than kitten you can simply quit playing because this game isn’t for your or you can grow as a player learn to use the mechanics to your advantage and become better.

Bonniie Brah-80 Thief
Call Mee-80 Warrior
Badonkadonk-80 Engineer

Skill progression in WvW (or pvp in general)

in WvW

Posted by: SoulstitchMMO.1396


Sorry but as long as numbers win 100% of the time, skill means jack. The simple mechanic of downed state makes skill pointless. I can outplay people, and kill them but be unable to stomp them because I am playing extend. Their buddies can just throw bodies at us and then rez up the bad we just killed. IF they remove downed state from WvW THEN you will see skill winning and maybe just maybe make this game less boring. Also, having nothing to strive for will eventually kill the game. Period.

Think of it this way, would you work if you didnt get paid? I’m sure the job you do needs to be done anyway, and maybe its even fun. Still, would you go in day after day with no pay check? Same deal. The carrot on a stick design works for a reason.

The carrot on my stick is personal skill growth. Does my enemy outnumber me? Great, there’s personal progression. I like the challenge of figuring out how to beat them. Using the downed state? Great, another challenge to figure out how to beat them. Personal progression when I meet and pass any advantage my enemy figures out.

I don’t play for participation trophies. I play to crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of the noobs.

Skill progression in WvW (or pvp in general)

in WvW

Posted by: jayderyu.3751


I agree with the OP. GW2 is more like Street Fighter once you got your 80 gear. It’s about improving your self, it’s about adapting to your opponents tactics, and it’s about countering new adaptation. Serious SF elites know that victory is achieved in anyway. I’m not an eilte, but I do love the way that GW2 handles the mechanics. I’ll always be a scrub, but I’m loving WvW. I have one character that has never set foot doing PvE. It’s been an awesome experience

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