So I just tried WvW for the first time...
Are you upleveled or 80? What is your current gear situation? Not a whole lot of info to go off of, but I’ll assume you’re upleveled which is more difficult than max level. Depending on your gear vs theirs, they may have been running a ‘zerker set which will blow you to pieces very quickly unless you’re sitting on a ton of vitality and/or toughness. How many were you going against? 1v1 or multiple people? Were you with a group of your own servermates?
Try it again closer to max level and you’ll have a much different experience. GW2 PvP is quite a bit different than WoW pvp though, so I’m not sure how you can compare the two.
Too Drunk To PvP[LUSH]
Standing United[STUN]-TC
(edited by Zoja.2631)
Well, I just got 80 yesterday and all my gear is green quality level 80 gear. I play a guardian and I am specced 20/30/0/0/20.
I was fighting one person for about 5 seconds , until a second person came in and finished me off and this didn’t matter because I was almost dead anyway. I don’t have any higher tier of gear (exotic, I think? Nor do I know where to get it), so I didn’t expect to dominate or be super powerful right off the bat, but I thought I would at least have a fighting chance.
I only compared it to WoW PvP in the sense that it seems to be very gear dependent.
It’s a team game. Run with your guildmates to have the best fun in wvw.
Also dont make the mistake in judging the game mode on how often you get killed, I get killed all the time! Too many players are too scared to die in a video games. It’s often worth the suicide run if you can contest a point for long enough for the rest of your armies to show up and save the day! (in fact that’s where most of my deaths came from likely…)
Just get yourself in there with some friends, try to learn what it’s all about (the longhaul, points and ppt).
Nar: I love that it will take me time and money to
reach the same level I’m at right now… …said no one, ever.
Guard can be a blast from what I’ve heard, mine’s only level 30 though so I won’t be much help on spec or gear. Try the guardian forums as each forum I’ve gone to has had multiple people willing to give advice on spec and gear. If your server has it’s own un-official forum community or voice server as well (TC does, as do a few other servers we’ve fought) there’s a good chance you can find a mentor willing to walk you through a WvW spec. If you’re still running a PvE spec that may be part of the issue. When I first started WvW’ing I had to change my entire focus and spec, but once that happened, WvW life was a whole lot more fun. That may be what you’re running into right now, but it’s an easy fix.
As far as gear though, on my engineer when it hit 80, I had to pick up some exotics from Karma in Orr to really feel like I was on par. If you have the karma, go pick up a few pieces to get started, I’d suggest the vendor selling vit/toughness to get started unless you find a spec thats very burst dependant. If I’m not mistaken, the vendor is in Cursed Shore at Temple of Melandru. If anyone else can correct that please do, I’m not in game currently.
I can understand the frustration. Currently leveling a ranger through WvW only, which is a blast, but very easily killed. There is hope though, use your resources, find something that will work better in WvW and I can almost guarantee that you’ll enjoy it a lot more.
I could be wrong though! Not everyone enjoys WvW, but I wish you the best of luck.
Too Drunk To PvP[LUSH]
Standing United[STUN]-TC
(edited by Zoja.2631)
Also dont make the mistake in judging the game mode on how often you get killed, I get killed all the time! Too many players are too scared to die in a video games. It’s often worth the suicide run if you can contest a point for long enough for the rest of your armies to show up and save the day! (in fact that’s where most of my deaths came from likely…)
This! So much this. Since you’re a (former?) WoW player, tell your team chat where your at and how many enemies are there, yell LEEEEEEERROOYYYYYYYYYY and plow into the group. If you last longer than 10 seconds, laugh heartily, rez up and move on. You may have just saved a camp for your team if they can get there fast enough! Kamikaze can be rewarding.
Too Drunk To PvP[LUSH]
Standing United[STUN]-TC
And I didn’t have much fun. How gear dependent is the PvP in this game, because I literally just melted while doing barely any damage to the enemy. Very lame, because I expected something better than World of Warcraft PvP.
So you have 20 minutes experience in PvP, you know only 1 class , maybe not even all skills , you got no clue what enemy clas can do , you had 20 minutes farming gear , and you espect to win against full geared players ,maybe with 2000+ hours experience
What are we the rest of the players ? Rat Labs for you ?
And even more lool 20/30/0/0/20 on an guardian, 13000 hp much and 2400 p defence ? let me explain you that decent guardians got 3000+ defence and over 16500 hp + 1000 hp heals /dodge… protection/ retailation almost non stop.
It looks for sure like an l2p – issue
(edited by Rayya.2591)
And I didn’t have much fun. How gear dependent is the PvP in this game, because I literally just melted while doing barely any damage to the enemy. Very lame, because I expected something better than World of Warcraft PvP.
So you have 20 minutes experience in PvP, you know only 1 class , maybe not even all skills , you got no clue what enemy clas can do , you had 20 minutes farming gear , and you espect to win against full geared players maybe with 2000+ hours experience
What are we the rest of the players ? Rat Labs for you ?
And even more lool 20/30/0/0/20 on an guardian, 13000 hp much and 2400 p defence ? let me explain you that decent guardians got 3000+ defence and over 16500 hp + 1000 hp heals /dodge… protection/ retailation almost non stop.
It looks for sure like an l2 kitten ue
This may be slightly harsh, but that’s the gist of it. To OP: you go into something with no experience, significantly lower than optimal gear (full exotics are really not hard to come by in this game, and even full rares is a huge step up from masterwork gear), little knowledge of how to build or play your newly level80 class in a PvP scenario, and you lost a fight. What else did you really expect? That other players die as quickly as PvE mobs?
I’m gonna be nice here and give you some advice. In WvW, winning is based on 3 things. In no particular order
1. Your traits and the skills you use.
2. Your gear
3. Your skill in playing your character
Just doing WvW for the first time don’t expect to insta win against someone who might’ve played a lot more hours and spent a great deal of time learning and shaping their character to perfection against other WvW players. If I were you I’d go to the Mist and find out what traits and armor works best for you and if you like it. Get the exotics and trait it in WvW and see how you do. WvW / pvp is based on dying and remaking your character to see how best fits you and your playstyle against other players.
As a couple others have suggested, do gear up. It’s not hard to at all in this game, compared to other MMO’s.
The only way you’ll get better really is through playing and experience. It seems you’re running a full damage spec (I don’t know the Guardian traits as I don’t play one though so, disclaimer). I’m not sure why you expect to last very long in massive battles while built for damage. That’s not to say that you can’t, it’d just take some knowledge and intimate knowledge of your class to pull it off successfully.
And as some others have mentioned, you’re going to be coming up against players of all skill levels in WvW – those new and fresh to MMO’s who probably don’t know much beyond auto attacking and pressing that one button that heals them, and the seasoned sPvP expert who knows how to leave a trail of bodies. It’s very much a mixed bag.
For the toast!
This should tell you where to go for armor. I would recommend the power/vitality/toughness gear at least to start. I think every guardian I know runs these stats on their armor. They then round out the gearing for whatever build they are running with trinkets. (crit or condition or healing for tanks.)
“20/30/0/0/20” this trait spread is a “glass cannon” build with no points in either of the durability lines. You need to have more defense and life.
(edited by eithinan.9841)
Well, I just got 80 yesterday and all my gear is green quality level 80 gear. I play a guardian and I am specced 20/30/0/0/20.
I was fighting one person for about 5 seconds , until a second person came in and finished me off and this didn’t matter because I was almost dead anyway. I don’t have any higher tier of gear (exotic, I think? Nor do I know where to get it), so I didn’t expect to dominate or be super powerful right off the bat, but I thought I would at least have a fighting chance.
I only compared it to WoW PvP in the sense that it seems to be very gear dependent.
There have been a lot of good suggestions already here. I play a guardian as my main as well and I have a similar build as you.
You’re not too bad off, but there is a relative disadvantage in your gear. Most players in WvW are going to be running Exotic gear. (Especially in the Eternal Battlegrounds.) In a fair fight that little boost from the better gear will usually be enough to hand your opponent the win. I would recommend running some dungeons so that you can get tokens. You can then purchase Exotic gear from vendors in Lion’s Arch. A little time-consuming yes, but nothing too difficult.
As someone else mentioned, your build is something of a glass cannon. Good for causing damage, not for taking it. I would definitely recommend you find friends or a zerg to join. Unless you change your traits for a more “Tanky” build your greatest strength is going to be in causing damage with others to back you up in defense.
Don’t give up just cause your first experience wasn’t optimal. Every good player has to figure out what their strengths and weaknesses are and that takes time.
Fellowship of the Five [FoTF]
Eredon Terrace
And I didn’t have much fun. How gear dependent is the PvP in this game, because I literally just melted while doing barely any damage to the enemy. Very lame, because I expected something better than World of Warcraft PvP.
Gear matters IF you are running around solo and will normally come across other ‘roaming ganker’ players built to duel. Stick with groups when you’re unexperienced and don’t have the gear.
Also I first tried using my first character in WvW (a ranger) and didn’t like it at all. I enjoyed playing WvW with my guardian a lot more. Guardians are a great for team fights with all their toughness, and utilities and buffs. You will end up helping a lot in team fights once you have researched the guardian class a bit more and fully understand what you can do to help out.
Use the reflection shield, that’s a fun ability just to drop down on a choke point in a group vs group fight. Number fly up everywhere, and the lol moment when a warrior uses a killshot.
Thanks for the advice all.
I tried the sPvP stuff, where you get the free PvP gear and free respecs and that wasn’t much better. Maybe this game isn’t for me, because I don’t like dying in under 5 seconds. What I hate worse is joining a game where people do nothing but stand around…had to join and leave 3 of them before I found one where people were actually doing something other than dancing on rooftops.
Honestly you seem too casual.
I don’t know how you could possibly be too casual for GW2, but kitten .
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
I’m just a poor sport, I guess. I don’t like losing in the first place, and it makes it especially vexing when I join a game to try and learn but I can’t even react before I’m dead.
Hi Paul, your actually a good class for survivability, your spec is full DPS though. it only costs a few silver to resepc so try
0/0/30/30/10 with altrusic healing, and symbols heal etc, this gives you dodge healing aswel. Also your weapons matter. Mace&shield Mace&focus Hammer are more defensive. Also when you get on a map just ask if anyone wants to party up or follow a commander. If you roam around alone , your going to run into people that out searching for lone players and generally are specced for small duels (thieves and eles)
anyway good luck next time
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior
I cant understand how you can be dead before you can react on a guardian.
If you dont like to die, look for the tankiest build and gear and start to addapt from there… the trait setup you described looks very dps oriented, and to do dps on pvp in this game you really need good reflexes and understanding on what is going on and who you are fighting.
Join in on a zerg that outnumbers your enemy. Bulldoze your way through camp, towers, keeps and smaller enemy zergs. Have fun!
As mentioned before, running around alone is not a good idea, especially with a guardian. (Guardian just got absolutely no way of getting out of a tight spot)
There are a lot of people out for blood on the map, these usually solo or run in a small pack and are fully specced for mobility and dueling. If you run into a mesmer specced for dueling, who runs in full exotics and got all food boosts etc up, you are toast when you use a makeshift build and run around in all greens. If you run into a warrior, who […], you are toast too. Even more, cause you might be able to outrun the mesmer but your guardian will never outrun a warrior.
Also, another important hint: You should at the evry least get “Stand your ground”. It’s amazing, cause it gives 2 of the strongest boons in the game(retal and stability) on a very short cooldown while being a stun breaker. Or at the very least get judges intervention. You need some form of stun breaker when running with a zerg and you need two of them when running solo.
You probably picked one of the harder classes to learn WvW, cause a Guardian is toast when he’s caught off position. Pretty much every class got skills which allow you to get out of a tight spot… Guardians simply don’t. On a sidenote, the hardest class to learn wvw is probably the engineer. It seems, engineers can’t even spell the word “reposition”. Sure, they got rocket boots to knock themself down
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.
I recommend you try out spvp in heart of the mists. There, everything is designed to be balanced and everyone gets the same level gear and stats. By playing in hotjoins and tournaments, you can get a feel of how playing against other classes work, because it’s an entirely different experience to pve. If you beat someone, or someone beats you, it wont be because of gear differences but because of skill.
Playing some sPvP and finding what works well for you will train you well for low-end roaming in WvW. You will need to tweak your build more though to be properly useful in larger groups in WvW though.
On a Guardian, for example, you’re probably going to want to pull something like a gsword and then scepter/your preferred off-hand for sPvP (assuming you don’t just try to jump into a bunker build). This, along with a build and traits will serve you well in low-end WvW, but you’re probably going to have to migrate at least over to hammer if you start partnering up with larger groups.
I would also, of course, recommend working with your own world – most worlds have their own forum and VOIP server for WvW, where you can coordinate better with people and will be able to find out some good strategies for various classes.
Of course, if that’s not available, try hopping over to the Guardian forum to get some ideas or, if you’d prefer, drop me a PM and I can go over some of the more usual basic builds to try out and build from.
If you’re looking for perfectly fair fights where gear plays no role you’ll have to play spvp. WvW is quite gear dependant and requires organization. If you just jump in and kitten around by yourself you won’t accomplish much. Many servers have communities that use a voice chat program which makes for a lot of fun.
If you’re looking for perfectly fair fights where gear plays no role you’ll have to play spvp. WvW is quite gear dependant and requires organization. If you just jump in and kitten around by yourself you won’t accomplish much. Many servers have communities that use a voice chat program which makes for a lot of fun.
If you are on JQ we have a community teamspeak.
If you’re looking for perfectly fair fights where gear plays no role you’ll have to play spvp. WvW is quite gear dependant and requires organization. If you just jump in and kitten around by yourself you won’t accomplish much. Many servers have communities that use a voice chat program which makes for a lot of fun.
If you are on JQ we have a community teamspeak.
pretty much every server has by now…
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.
Well, I just got 80 yesterday and all my gear is green quality level 80 gear. I play a guardian and I am specced 20/30/0/0/20.
I was fighting one person for about 5 seconds , until a second person came in and finished me off and this didn’t matter because I was almost dead anyway. I don’t have any higher tier of gear (exotic, I think? Nor do I know where to get it), so I didn’t expect to dominate or be super powerful right off the bat, but I thought I would at least have a fighting chance.
I only compared it to WoW PvP in the sense that it seems to be very gear dependent.
:3 When you get your gear, you will be one of the thoughest baddass thing out there. guardians if build right is nearly unkillable. pretty much a very irritating enemy.
Always Loyal
(edited by Moderator)
In WvW, expect to die. Expect to die more if you don’t have the experience playing WvW.
Things you can do to die less:
1. Find out what your class is good at in WvW and get the weapons/traits/gear/food for it.
2. Run with and observe the guilds/commanders to find the playstyle you like best. You’ll also find which guilds/leaders are successful.
3. Use your server’s community voice chat.
Once you get on voice chat and follow a good leader you’ll get that “light bulb” moment when you start enjoying the game.
So you run a few minutes of WvW for the first time and got pwned, how can you tell it was gear making the difference? Don’t mean to be offensive or rude, but I seriously doubt you are the most skilled PvP player, considering that was your first time
Do you have an SPvP background?
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
Maybe this game isn’t for me, because I don’t like dying in under 5 seconds. […]
When you come to a PvP/WvW map with PvE experience you can not expect to be good, because we are talking about two completely different things.
Strategies and builds which were fine in PvE are totally useless when it comes to fight another player.
I’m sure you will do fine, just gather some experience and try some alternative builds with toughness and vitality (btw min. yellow gear is a must).
When i first visited the borderlands 3 months ago i was a pure glass cannon and surprised, that i find myself dead everytime i meet something red. Now i win 70-80% of 1vs1. Just stop to think in terms of PvE.
PS. If you are in a guild or have some buddies on your friendlist ask some friends to train with you in spvp. It really helps, belive me.
(edited by Blankverse.4927)
Lv80 green berserker gear?
Do not forget about your jewelry, too – it actually can give you more stats than your armor. And don’t go berserker/ruby
Also its pretty easy to farm karma, run a few AC explorer, or follow a zerg for badges to get full exotics in which I would recommend with the stats power, toughness and vitality. Lot of people don’t realize how hard you can hit glass cannons for in tanky gear and live to tell the tale.
When trying out a class in a PvP setting for the first time, I’d recommend to always start off with a tanky build so you at least have the time to get used to some of your skills. Tanky might not be the best build in the end, but it helps teach how all your skills behave in a PvP setting and how other classes will act towards you without dying really fast.
If you build your guardian as tanky as possible, you can move through an entire zerg and come out alive. You won’t do much damage, but that’s not important as there is a lot of stuff to get used to that’s completely different from PvE.
Running around in full ‘glass cannon’ gear is what people in my guild see as free badges generally.
Gearwise try and aim for your exotic weapon first and the rest of your gear rare items (or karma/dungeon exotics) and focus on getting vitality and toughness above all else for the time being. Since guardians are a low HP class, I’d recommend prioritizing vitality above all else. Going with a build focused on shouts should also help out as they’re generally very defensive (especially Save Yourselves and Stand Your Ground should help you survive a lot more).
If you walk around alone and meet an enemy that’s walking around alone, it is generally because they choose to solo, are built to solo, and have a lot of experience in solo game play. Their classes are also generally the best suited to this style of play, and will generally be some of the nastiest enemies you will ever come across.
If you walk around in a group of random people and come across an enemy group of a similar size all from the same guild, don’t be surprised if you simply get rolled over; in a similar manner as vs the solo players these guilds are coordinated and have a well thought out group composition and generally a lot of experience in dealing with large enemy forces.
Don’t let the above situations discourage you though. You can opt to run with a WvW guild and learn from them, run with a large group (zerg / blob) following a commander or adapt and try and learn how to beat the solo roamers if that’s your preferred style. Seeing how you really resent dying, the best option will be to run with a large group (i.e. safety in numbers), just follow around one of the blue commander tags and listen to their instructions.
Once you get more comfortable in a PvP setting you can start tweaking your build towards something more offensive, or try the smaller scale fights again. PvP gameplay is really very different from PvE and it takes some getting used to. For me the first times I played WvW I had so much adrenaline whenever I got into a fight, my decision making suffered and I tended to panic a lot. Just getting the adrenaline under control took quite a while, let alone getting actually good at my class.
(edited by multivira.7925)
Hi OP,
WvW is a stretagy war game. You should learn siege operaion/placement and defending building/sites first. If you want to do only PvP, it’s ok too. Go with your comrades and gank the opponents at first. After you are comfortable with the surrendings, you can consider 1vs1 or 1vsX when you are that good.
I think gear matters only when both yourself and the opponents are experienced. There are many low levels mixing in the zerg, so you can get kills even if you are low level with crap gears. Once you are very experienced in WvW, you could even make kills with the right builds at low level on your own. You just have to draw the surrending to your favor. :P
first off try look at your build.
right now im useing two builds in wvw and one of them is in full zerker gear with only the back peice and amulet being soldier stats the other being full soldier stats.
if you know there is not going to be alot of groupe fights try a 0/15/30/5/20 build with sword/focus and greatsword. with blind exoposier, purity, monks focus, Meditation Mastery, vengefull and absolute Resolution(as majot traits).
and dont be scared to use your virtues, use the 3 offensiv mediation utiletys and always be notecing the area and “run” away when your low HP for CD’s to recharge and then use a cap closer like flashing blads or another abilety like this(you have 3 in this build) and try always to use blinds as offen as possible(you have 3 with the sword/focus and 2 with the Greatsword(one of them is the same in both virtue of justice) and sword/focus is the main weapon in 1vs1 or 1vs2 else is GS main) this is my roaming build at night time where there is not alot on from enemy server or ours as the builds gets burned after the enemy gaines enough people.
the other build i use is a AH build with heavy focus on support rathre then damage.
0/0/30/20/20 i use this build in full soldier gear, hammer, scepter/shield or mace/shield(depending on my task in the groupe) strength in numbers, purity, Altruistic Healing, Writ of Exaltation, Writ of Merciful, Vengeful and Absolute Resolution(this is the traits) im useing all the Aoe boons giving shouts in this build,
stand your ground, hold the line(also removes a condtion dont know why tho but it always seems to be the most damage harmfull so if you have poison burning and 12 stacks of bleed thn bleed goes) and retreat.
your main weapon is hammer and normaly go into the enemy zerk and derupt there line by stayin alive and scaring them with the fact that you are stading aoeing in there lines(it works normaly tho there are some very orgensied groupes that will not falther becouse of it) and dont be scared to hold your ground and use your virtue of resolvens even if you are not low on hp or have my condtion but you know our teammate are haveing problems with hp or conditions as its a aoe condtion remover(3 of each target healed) and useing virtue of justice give aoe 3 stacks of might and gives 5 people a burning on the next attack meaning it will do more on the 25sec recharge then the passiv ever will(plus it heals you alot) remember that the hammer is a control weapon so use it as that(hold chocks a little longer with ring of wordening and Zealot’s Embrace will eighter make your groupe hold the choke a little longer(meaning free aoe time) or they have used a condtion removel and stabilty to get past them meaning they dont have them for x amount of time giving you a little advantes in the fight) and i dont have to say this but be mean and use banis and shield of aborsion near high places faceing the ledge with a enemy in between is always a good ide but dont focus it to much)
and now i jsut given you 2 builds you can try, and then the rest is decided by your willingness to learn and your max capperbilty with the builds i gave you compared to your playstyle. if your still dieing after this then it might be a l2 kitten ue or the fact that the guardian class is not for you
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
(edited by Korsbaek.9803)
Thanks for the advice all.
I tried the sPvP stuff, where you get the free PvP gear and free respecs and that wasn’t much better. Maybe this game isn’t for me, because I don’t like dying in under 5 seconds. What I hate worse is joining a game where people do nothing but stand around…had to join and leave 3 of them before I found one where people were actually doing something other than dancing on rooftops.
You likely joined a server that was “dueling” or 1v1s. You can learn a lot from your enemy in a 1v1 if you ask and they’re kind enough to give advice. As for me, I don’t play guardian so I can’t help you there, but there’s plenty of advice in this thread to guide you in the right direction I believe. If you have some good friends to play with you can practice with them. I found having a friend who would walk through some of the typical patterns of attack on different classes helped tremendously in predicting what future enemies would do and how I would have to react in order to survive. If you have a friend like that who can help you, I highly recommend trying it and having them walk through some of the routines of both the enemy and how you should react step-by-step.
Fort Aspenwood
Some good tips here.
And remember, you are playing against humans. Human is the race who occupied the world, built cities etc and is now slowly killing it. Humans will do anything to win, especially in a computer game. Unlike Mobs (computer enemies) your WvW enemies are skilled and not so predictable. Mobs use the same skill rotations all the time, move stupidly and are easy to kill. WvW players do everything not to lose. If they see you use both your dodgerolls be ready for immobilize, knock down, stun or anything making you an easy target for their big move. If they see you running away they won’t stop chasing like mobs do if you make it out of their territory. They will chase you down for ages to get the easy kill and only dead enemy or the fear of own death will stop them. They have died gazillion times and every time learned something new to leave battles as a winner and not as a loser.
No mob is as cunning and ruthless as human players. If you can handle pvp, you can handle the game. PvP most certainly is not for everyone and will take some time for you to get the hang of it.
Only a WvW player
(edited by satkis.7021)
The gear you wear in WvW makes a massive difference.
Go to buy soldier stats (power/toughness/vitality) karma armour from temple merchants and you’ll go well (don’t forget the trinkets etc).
Well, I just got 80 yesterday and all my gear is green quality level 80 gear. I play a guardian and I am specced 20/30/0/0/20.
I was fighting one person for about 5 seconds , until a second person came in and finished me off and this didn’t matter because I was almost dead anyway. I don’t have any higher tier of gear (exotic, I think? Nor do I know where to get it), so I didn’t expect to dominate or be super powerful right off the bat, but I thought I would at least have a fighting chance.
I only compared it to WoW PvP in the sense that it seems to be very gear dependent.
You have no experience in WvW/sPvP and you are a fresh 80 in green gear and you expected to roll out and have great 1v1 fights? Why would you expect that? It seems like an unrealistic expectation even if you take gear, which is pretty easy to get, completely out of the equation.
Experience and practice count for a lot, in my opinion more than gear.
It’s PvP in an MMO. :/
Sorry; it’s all I can tell you.
As a few people mentioned, it’s much nicer running with a group – you’re less likely to be as punished for having green as opposed to rare/exotic. The numbers on armor/weapons do make a difference, especially if you’re running solo.
Duct Tape Applied [Charr Ranger]
A Roll Of Duct Tape [Human Guardian, Commander]
If I may also speculate as to your age. It is mid twenties or lower. The entitlement/trophy generations. If you get a participation trophy in little league it does not mean you excelled at little league. When there is real competition you only get a reward for winning not participating.
(i gave advice above, i hope you take it. This just struck me as a funny thing to say. please take it with the humor that was intended)
Edit: THIS ABOVE IS A JOKE!!!!!! kitten /p>
(edited by eithinan.9841)
There’s a lot to learn and a lot to do to become a really good WvW player, but to me it’s worth it. Getting your kitten handed to you is just part of it sometimes. The more you know and the better your gear, the less often it will happen, but you’re going up against people who have been perfecting their builds and gear and play style for months. You have to be patient and willing to work for your rewards, unless you just run with a zerg all the time. Even then, you’ll still take some arsewhoopins every now and then. Take comfort in the fact that you are not the only under-geared, inexperienced player out there and that one day it’s you who could be the experienced veteran crushing face.
Edited for clarity.
Hey Paul, if you are not too discouraged and are interested in learning more about PvP I am willing to lend a hand and guide you, give you tips and stuff :-) I doubt we’re on the same server but we can do some sPvP, it’s a great place to practice in a controlled environment. Send me a whisper and/or friend request in game, my account name and number are to the left. My Steam account is 2knowindeed, that would probably work better in case I don’t get on GW2 some nights.
I like the PvP in this game much more than WoW, it has lots of depth. However if it’s not the game for you that is understandable :-)
(edited by lettucemode.3789)
If you have serious issues with dying a lot, then PvP is not the droid you are looking for. In any game, really.
If you can get past it though, it provides an extremely dynamic experience. Some great advice has been given here. I have no doubt someone on your server can help show you the ropes. You cant expect to jump right into something in life and win without effort 100% of the time. Just takes time and patience to learn, but if you learn the concepts, they are transferable to pretty much any PvP experience. To be blunt, you might be overestimating your skill level.
If I may also speculate as to your age. It is mid twenties or lower. The entitlement/trophy generations. If you get a participation trophy in little league it does not mean you excelled at little league. When there is real competition you only get a reward for winning not participating.
Oh please … not that incredibly lame entitlement sermon again. Sixty five years of age showed up in my rear view mirror some time ago and even I think that kind of stereotyping of younger people is pure bullkitten. Are younger people sometimes a bit naive? Of course they may be. Do less experienced people sometimes have unwarranted expectations? Of course they do. Lots of people have some sense of entitlement one way or another, but that certainly holds true across all age groups and I can give you dozens of examples to prove it. Besides, it wasn’t the kids who decided they should all get Little League trophies … it was adults in their 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s.
Go peddle your sanctimonious crap someplace else.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
When tweens/forum trolls lose all hope, fall back on the entitlement generation card. Because nothing denotes humanity more than broad sweeping generalizations. Especially when I know 18 year olds with more maturity than 70 year olds.
For the OP: This game is not for you, and if you can’t see the PvP is completely different from WoW I don’t know what to tell you. I am an ex Grand Marshal from Magtheridon, and while I have not devoted nearly as much time into this game’s PvP yet, I can tell you it is nothing like WoW in WvW.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
By giving the entitlement generation generalization claim attention, I think we do nothing but perpetuate the cycle we are criticizing.
It has little to do with the topic at hand, or how the OP can either grow to love PvP in the form of WvW, or decide it simply is not for him. There are undoubtedly plenty of options to go with.
I think the best suggestion is to give it some time and patience. Skill does play a pretty darn big role in this games PvP, and that comes with experience and practice. Hope you find what you are looking for Paul.
If I may also speculate as to your age. It is mid twenties or lower. The entitlement/trophy generations. If you get a participation trophy in little league it does not mean you excelled at little league. When there is real competition you only get a reward for winning not participating.
Oh please … not that incredibly lame entitlement sermon again. Sixty five years of age showed up in my rear view mirror some time ago and even I think that kind of stereotyping of younger people is pure bullkitten. Are younger people sometimes a bit naive? Of course they may be. Do less experienced people sometimes have unwarranted expectations? Of course they do. Lots of people have some sense of entitlement one way or another, but that certainly holds true across all age groups and I can give you dozens of examples to prove it. Besides, it wasn’t the kids who decided they should all get Little League trophies … it was adults in their 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s.
Go peddle your sanctimonious crap someplace else.
Let me put the rest of my post up because you cut the IMPORTANT part off.
(i gave advice above, i hope you take it. This just struck me as a funny thing to say. please take it with the humor that was intended)”
Dude, it was a joke.
I wouldn’t say it’s totally gear depended. If your build is just a random combination of skills and stats, without any real structure, and you don’t know what other professions are capable of, you are going to lose. Just because WvW is a casual type of PvP, it doesn’t mean that’s how everyone is going to play it. Players are going to find the most optimal ways to kill you, and gang up on you whenever they get the chance. It’s a bit ignorant to think that WvW requires no skill or knowledge.
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope
(edited by Kasama.8941)
And I didn’t have much fun. How gear dependent is the PvP in this game, because I literally just melted while doing barely any damage to the enemy. Very lame, because I expected something better than World of Warcraft PvP.
The gear is extremely easy to get. It is your fault that you didn’t do so when there are several methods available. Two of which don’t even require that you go into W3 first.
Why didn’t you bother to do that first? I would expect to get rolled if I ran around with random drops.
Hmm, maybe I should run round in white drops and complain about how gear dependent PvE is.
Chiming in to mention that in WvW, there are still some really persistent class roles that are filled. As a guardian, you cant really solo stuff like you can in PvE. The natural role of a good Guardian is control, tank, or healer. You grab a hammer and CC lock them for your DPS chars, bubble up and use your shouts to buff allies in battle, or throw those heals to allies in need. Sure great sword is really good and there are perfectly viable builds to WvW with on it, but when it comes to roaming, Thieves, rangers, and mesmers are in their element. Stick with a group and you will see what a good Guard can really do to change the flow of battle.
[ARM] Anvil Rock Militia Commander;
The Loryak: I speak for these beasts.