So do you still enjoy wvw?
Disappointed so little has been done to encourage different styles of play other than zerging.
I’m disappointed so little effort is spent actually balancing the game and making other classes more viable. There’s a reason everyone has a ele, mesmer and guardian alt at this point.
Disappointed the little roaming that was left has all but disappeared. If you find small groups to skirmish with they’re almost always up leveled and not worth the time.
Just going to go back to my Elementalist I think. Haven’t played it in so long because I was really hoping things would change and all classes would have equal chance in WvW. But nothing has even suggested WvW will change anytime in the near future.
I play in a small group enough to enjoy running around with a big group when I do find myself following the zerg. Variety in WvW is key to keep the rather stale gametype enjoyable.
It fills the void until something better comes along.
Disappointed so little has been done to encourage different styles of play other than zerging.
I’m disappointed so little effort is spent actually balancing the game and making other classes more viable. There’s a reason everyone has a ele, mesmer and guardian alt at this point.
Disappointed the little roaming that was left has all but disappeared. If you find small groups to skirmish with they’re almost always up leveled and not worth the time.
Just going to go back to my Elementalist I think. Haven’t played it in so long because I was really hoping things would change and all classes would have equal chance in WvW. But nothing has even suggested WvW will change anytime in the near future.
Roamer and scouter here! Can’t bear zergs, not for long anyways. I usually go solo, and try to spot out enemy zergs. One of my favorite things to do is jump into a battle between two other servers, and just reap all of the loot bags that drop.
That, or I’ll shadow an enemy zerg where they go. Did that yesterday, actually, before FC attacked Durios. I gave my allies some scouting info to watch out for FC, and then watched them closely. Eventually FC pulled some catas on Durs and there was a fight between a small group of us ETs and a much, much larger zerg of Fergs. My allies attacked from one side of the field while I weaved through their ranks and spread chaos near the back of their army. It was great fun.
T7 has amazing roaming. Generally each server has one zerg (easy to avoid, and maybe only 20-30 people), and the rest of the map is roaming groups.
Me and a buddy were going around capping camps and killing small groups of people today in EB (warrior + engineer). Got a ton of kills and helped our main force secure and disrupt supply. We even ninja’d a tower with a few pugs we found. All in all, we had a pretty good time.
I find that most of the people whining about zergs on the forums are tier 1-4.
There is a time for zerging, but it gets old pretty quick. Usually run with like minded people (ie, guild groups) of 3-10 and get done what we can get done. The game is still fun, but that is because of a 3-4 week break a few weeks back. If it’s getting boring, step away for a few days/weeks and come back later.
I play in small and big groups (depends on how much pugs come with my guild).
So mainly my WvW is:
1) small groups —> Play like in TPvP and enjoy the pvp, and farm WXP
2) big groups --→ Spam Dagger Storm, lag for 1 minute straight and after that i’m dead or i have a lot of bags to loot.
This is WvW for who don’t have big big pc.
I am just wondering if people still enjoy wvw.
Oh hell yes. Some big fights, some small fights, lots of stuff in between. Kinda feel a bit sorry for the blob tiers, but not that sorry. You makes your bed etc.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem
WvW seems kinda stale to me, and some others I have spoken to. I think it will be a real problem by the summer if ANET hasn’t done something to freshen it up (new map etc)….But I doubt they will.
Still better than PVE though.
Disappointed so little has been done to encourage different styles of play other than zerging.
I’m disappointed so little effort is spent actually balancing the game and making other classes more viable. There’s a reason everyone has a ele, mesmer and guardian alt at this point.
Disappointed the little roaming that was left has all but disappeared. If you find small groups to skirmish with they’re almost always up leveled and not worth the time.
Just going to go back to my Elementalist I think. Haven’t played it in so long because I was really hoping things would change and all classes would have equal chance in WvW. But nothing has even suggested WvW will change anytime in the near future.
Roamer and scouter here!
Can’t bear zergs, not for long anyways. I usually go solo, and try to spot out enemy zergs. One of my favorite things to do is jump into a battle between two other servers, and just reap all of the loot bags that drop.
That, or I’ll shadow an enemy zerg where they go. Did that yesterday, actually, before FC attacked Durios. I gave my allies some scouting info to watch out for FC, and then watched them closely. Eventually FC pulled some catas on Durs and there was a fight between a small group of us ETs and a much, much larger zerg of Fergs. My allies attacked from one side of the field while I weaved through their ranks and spread chaos near the back of their army. It was great fun.
What’s funny is you and I probably crossed paths as I often just scout with Zanzer (Ranger in a green and purple trenchcoat and pirate hat) on FC doign exactly what you just mentioned.
I’ve personally found the need to scout reduced some now with culling and the swords giving most of the work away. But yea, in my Shadowbane days I was actually a scout for the guild keeping tabs on enemy positions until we engaged when I switched to my Mage Assassin for offense and my Wizard for defense.
But yea, I’m finding very little out there as far as roaming goes in T8 these days. If I run into small groups they’re either up leveled or in packs of 10+.
I love WvWvW here in T2. Never a dull moment.
Tarnished Coast
WvW is what you make of it. Personally, I find WvW the most exciting when I am completely solo since there is no backup, no one to bail you out, no one to lean on and get lazy with your play.
Sunday morning I solo roamed for two hours and stole camps from DB (and some YB) since they controlled 95% of all WvW maps at that time.
I solo capped at least 20 camps (obviously recapped the same camps a few times), stole a few camp caps from other solo roamers, got into a few duels, ganked a few players that came to inspect the crossed-swords at the camps, ShortBow kited a few Guardians to an agonizingly slow death…all-in-all had a grand ol’ time.
Original GW had an expansion so am sure GW2 will as well to keep the game from becoming stale. Won’t be surprised if the expansion is announced sometime around when TES Online is due for release.
It’s fun and needs a lot of work. To be honest, I put it as sort of the mutant baby of WoW and League of Legends…both are alright and can be fun but neither were my favorite.
Even though in DAOC in Warhammer I was in Scenarios/RvR constantly, in this game I find it can be extremely repetitive and button-mashy a lot of the time. To be frank while it’s fun in it’s current state it’s not something I’d want to do every night I play. (Luckily, the game has relatively mindless but engaging PvE…and is free to play!)
I overall still enjoy WvW they just need to figure out a way to tone down the zerging, don’t get me wrong I still love being part of that 3 server 250 player mega battle, I just do not enjoy them as much anymore due to it happening every where ALL THE TIME!!! But it will all get better over time as they add more stuff.
It fills the void until something better comes along.
Ever since release the game become worse. Wxp-farming patch was what ruined it for me though.
But no matter how bad or laggy or zergy a game is, the mentality of the gamers is what kills my spirit.
And after the wxp-farming patch it’s just dropped below required IQ to open a kinder surprise.
I am just wondering if people still enjoy wvw. I find zerging boring so I don’t zerg. But since 95% of the people who wvw are zerging it stands to reason the health of the game really has nothing to do with people who roam. So do you zergers still love this game ? Is anet keeping you happy enough ?
Why does it matter to me? Well the more people zerg the more target for me to kill . So if you are happy then I’m happy as well.
Not really. Zerg is boring, although I run with one to get the last badges I need to finish my exotic gear. I roam, but I usually only encounter the enemy zerg or another bunker D/D elementalist—a fight that usually ends with both of us emoting /wave and going our separate ways.
I would love a smaller battleground where you can use your PvE gear and still have some sort of effect on the world. Either that or find a way to kittening disincentivize zerging.
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb
It’s going downhill a bit for me.
Here on Piken the small gameplay in WvW is slowly getting weeded out.
Almost every night I see zergs and blobs, ours too.
The best I can do solo is scout a bit…
Not that I want to solo all the time, just sayin the options are getting limited.
Small teams have little use as well:
they can’t kill buffed camp commanders, and when the buff is gone… the zerg arrives.
Scouting, or blobbing.
Organised guilds tend to run alone still, but often they lack the numbers too if they face a blob…
(edited by Kimbald.2697)
I enjoy WvW on my server.
Crystal Desert
I solo roam and small man with guildies…jump into the Zerg fights opportunistically. Still finding WvW much fun as the adrenaline rush of a good 1v1 and 1v2 is what I am looking for.
Vol I –
Vol II –
I still wuvs my wuvwuv.
I still enjoy it as being part of the community, the aspects of wvw like sieging and point capping but I’m getting frustrated as of late, the Borderlands maps at prime time are too small where large groups can just respawn close by, there is too much of an advantage to people blobbing cause of the ridiculous AOE cap which needs to be increased, the lag is unbearable especially at prime time and of course the matchups can get stale.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
This is the best PvP game on the market. Since the fix to culling I’m nothing but happy with it. Yes I wish there was more to it — more size, more depth, more things to do — but even as small as it is, WvW in this game is better than anything ever offered in Rift, Warhammer or SWTOR, to name a few.
I still shake my fist at Warhammer launching with “RvR” areas that were literally just empty land masses with maybe one tower per map. Like we were supposed to just go out there and fight in an empty field for 6 months. Ugh.
Yes there’s a lot of zerging but the MM stands for Massively Multiplayer. If I wanted solo fights I’d play League of Legends. I do sometimes split off and do my own thing (setup defenses, man a tower, flip NPCs, attack dolyaks, flip a camp) but I also enjoy running with the zerg because 50 vs 50 is FUN. Even 20 vs 50 is fun, trying to use tricks, flanks and bluffs to beat the 50 with the 20 or, sometimes, trying to outsmart the 20 awesome single-guild players to save the 50 horrible pugs I’m with.
I think Arenanet is regretting not putting more resources into WvW sooner.
All this PvE junk dies off faster than they create it. Anyone still care about guild bounties and all that other PvE nonsense they added? The culling fix brought a ton of people back to WvW and now we’re all wishing there was more content.
A game that’s 100% WvW
I slept 12 hours in the last 72. The rest was in WvWvW. We always have something going on in game. Our guild roams in groups of 5 to 15 depending on how many are on and we hit camps, defend, flip towers, cut off reinforcements, zerg hunt, repair fortifications. All of those activities are great but the fun for me is reading the momentum of an enemy force. Can you maneuver and strike? Bait them to a choke point? Make a three server sandwich? Tough times are when you are out manned under sieged and the zombie horde keep rolling in but you fight through and come out on the other side like leaving the sauna.
Molen Labe Female Human Necro
Devonas Rest – Black Rose Legion -CF4L
I slept 12 hours in the last 72. The rest was in WvWvW. We always have something going on in game. Our guild roams in groups of 5 to 15 depending on how many are on and we hit camps, defend, flip towers, cut off reinforcements, zerg hunt, repair fortifications. All of those activities are great but the fun for me is reading the momentum of an enemy force. Can you maneuver and strike? Bait them to a choke point? Make a three server sandwich? Tough times are when you are out manned under sieged and the zombie horde keep rolling in but you fight through and come out on the other side like leaving the sauna.
Hey, might be time to step out of Devona’s Rest and get a little Phlogus’ Rest, you know? No need messing yourself up IRL over the game, as addictively fun as it is.
No problems just a long hard push for the weekend. I have a garden to tend to as well and spring is here so DR will have to miss me some soon.
Molen Labe Female Human Necro
Devonas Rest – Black Rose Legion -CF4L
I wish someone from Anet could explain to me why 98% of their game ONLY wants to hit doors/protect NPC camps/build seige ? Why is there 2 % that actually want thr adrenaline of killing other skilled well equipped players? Killing a player is 98% more challenging than what zergers do so why is this the opposite of what occurs?
(edited by Jscull.2514)
Yes I am, though I had more fun before the WXP patch.
Xylani – 80 Ranger | Osoroshii – 80 Warrior
I never zerg, so I solo roam (or go in a small group) looking for decent fights, disrupt supply camps, kill doly’s, escort ours etc… etc… I don’t find it challenging or fun running in a large group mashing my 1 button.
It’s really nice if I come up against a really good opponent who is like minded, doesn’t run, doesn’t call for help and stays in the fight till the bitter end, those fights make it worthwhile. Or the times I find a small group trying to cap a supply camp and manage to stop them It’s not so fun when I get engaged in a decent fight and 40-50 players appear and steamroll over me, but that’s to be expected
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro
Slightly off topic, but the lack of gvg is killing this game. Lack of guild recognition in wvw is also killing this game.
The whole 24/7 around to clock system is also flawed. The system is burning everyone out.
I am seeing it with my own eyes that people are quitting this game left and right. My guild has lost 70-80% of its active members since August last year.
Other than WvW, there is absolutely nothing in this game that allows for community building. And the WvW community is highly depending on winning the matches. You start losing and people starts leaving. See SBI, SOS, IOJ, CD, etc.
The wvw environment is highly toxic in general. With trolls, spies and saboteurs everywhere. PUGs also don’t like to be ordered around by larger guilds. Many small guilds have hatred toward all WvW guilds, and show no appreciation and acknowledgement of what WvWers are doing for them. Many small guilds run 10+men havoc teams to flip camps, while making a point not to talk on map chat so they stay invisible to the bigger guilds. It happened in SBI, and it is starting to happen in Kaineng too.
For me, both pve and dungeons are extremely boring. The mobs are totally dumb and only relies on cheap one-hit-kill attacks. The only thing holding me in this game is WvW. If I ever get bored of it…
My guild already moved once. If Kaineng fails as a WvW server I will probably quit the game altogether. I don’t want to move again and if Kaineng WvW is no longer fun, this game has nothing left for me. There are plenty of games that I have on Steam, which I aren’t playing because I really want to help Kaineng win. This coming from a player who played GW since GW1 beta.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-
(edited by CHIPS.6018)
Slightly off topic, but the lack of gvg is killing this game.
The whole 24/7 around to clock system is also flawed. The system is burning everyone out.
I am seeing it with my own eyes that people are quitting this game left and right.
Killing the game or something you personally miss? There’s a difference.
So… you don’t like the around the clock system… which part of the world do you want to tell can’t play WvW during the times they’re home from work and still awake? Which of this planets communities do you want to isolate from the game and tell they’re not worthy of prime time? That’s what would happen, you know, if they shut down WvW during a certain time of day… you’d be screwing over the area of the world where that’s their prime time.
That’s certainly not a decision I’m worthy of or qualified to make. You?
I wish someone from Anet could explain to me why 98% of their game ONLY wants to hit doors/protect NPC camps/build seige ? Why is there 2 % that actually want thr adrenaline of killing other skilled well equipped players? Killing a player is 98% more challenging than what zergers do so why is this the opposite of what occurs?
I can explain to you why I personally don’t like structured.
I can’t play with who I want to play.
I can’t use gear I worked hard to get.
If I do a group queue I’m playing the most boring map available.
If I do a group queue I’m playing the most boring game mode available.
I honestly don’t think I’m alone in these concerns either. sPvP is easier to balance when it’s completley isolated. But it’s also much less enjoyable too. And then when you remove the MMO side of things in favor of trying to pretend it will ever have eSport potential? In a combat system as 1-dimmensional as this? I’m sorry, but it’s just not fun.
Slightly off topic, but the lack of gvg is killing this game.
The whole 24/7 around to clock system is also flawed. The system is burning everyone out.
I am seeing it with my own eyes that people are quitting this game left and right.
Killing the game or something you personally miss? There’s a difference.
So… you don’t like the around the clock system… which part of the world do you want to tell can’t play WvW during the times they’re home from work and still awake? Which of this planets communities do you want to isolate from the game and tell they’re not worthy of prime time? That’s what would happen, you know, if they shut down WvW during a certain time of day… you’d be screwing over the area of the world where that’s their prime time.
That’s certainly not a decision I’m worthy of or qualified to make. You?
There are ways to fix around the clock issues where people who can’t fight their way out of wet paper bag somehow manage to win week after week because they take 95% of the map for 10 hours out of the day while people are working or at school.
For example, bonus XP should be given for capturing a point and holding it for the second hourly tally. Beyond that it should give no real value to the score because you’re not defending it and people aren’t attacking it. Scores should also be an average where the highest and lowest scores are thrown out. Buildings that are captured and aren’t reclaimed after the third tally could become locked for an additional 2 hours giving the defenders the option to reinforce, build siege, and gather supplies for the attack that’s sure to come.
I mean tons of ways to handle it.
i don’t anymore, and being stuck with VS in tier1 is even worse
It fills the void until something better comes along.
here’s hoping the camelot unchained kickstarter reaches its pledge goal..
about a week left!
I’m pretty much done with WvW for the moment, just completely bored. The whole Zerg v Zerg mind set is draining. I get real sad when I here “we are a small group of only 30 people” to me that is the ideal size. Until some heavy anti zerg measures are put in, my opinion won’t be changing. If sPvP ever sees something that enables mid sized group fights with out the capping objectives, I’ll probably stop playing WvW all together.
I tend to go solo to take out sentries, run supplies to repair stuffs and, sometimes, attempt to solo camps~
I still enjoy WvW despite getting zerg-ed/WxP train-ed a few times lol
I join the zerg during certain situations only ^-^
Chibi Asura San (Engineer), Hikaru Masai (Guardian), Selene Minerva (Revenant)
Guild: The Bunnies [Bun] ~ Server: Jade Quarry
Yes, but not as much as I used to.
Yes. Why else would I play it or be on the forums for it?
[Eon] – Blackgate
I’ve got no issues running around solo in t1 NA. In EB there is even gentlemen truce between some of us on different servers. We would much rather gank each others server then always kill each other. I truly think most of the people posting should hang up there mouse and store that keyboard in the attic. Get busy living or get busy dying
Slightly off topic, but the lack of gvg is killing this game. Lack of guild recognition in wvw is also killing this game.
The whole 24/7 around to clock system is also flawed. The system is burning everyone out.
I am seeing it with my own eyes that people are quitting this game left and right. My guild has lost 70-80% of its active members since August last year.
Other than WvW, there is absolutely nothing in this game that allows for community building. And the WvW community is highly depending on winning the matches. You start losing and people starts leaving. See SBI, SOS, IOJ, CD, etc.
The wvw environment is highly toxic in general. With trolls, spies and saboteurs everywhere. PUGs also don’t like to be ordered around by larger guilds. Many small guilds have hatred toward all WvW guilds, and show no appreciation and acknowledgement of what WvWers are doing for them. Many small guilds run 10+men havoc teams to flip camps, while making a point not to talk on map chat so they stay invisible to the bigger guilds. It happened in SBI, and it is starting to happen in Kaineng too.
Actually the guild mission has introduced a lot of community building in the game as guilds help each other out. I think playing for ppt has got into your head too much, probably should sit back and relax a little bit. Just play for the thrill of killing people maybe?
The only way to enjoy it is playin with nice ppl.
If the ppl i like r not online i dont do wvw :S