So dull...

So dull...

in WvW

Posted by: misterman.1530


….three weeks in a row, same NA T3 matchup. Seriously. It’s not as if WvW wasn’t frustrating enough at times, this just caps it all.

Come on, Anet. This needs some attention.

So dull...

in WvW

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


6 server rotation. lets goooooooooooooooo!

Bad Elementalist

So dull...

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


Danged if they do, danged if they don’t. When they relax the restrictions on the system, players cry that they get in uneven or unfair matchups. If they tighten the system, players cry that matchups are stale.

The most interesting thing about this thread, is that the OP has expressed and issue with being in unbalanced matchups recently. OP are you suggesting it is dull because you are set against an uneven match up and fell that moving down a tier would do you justice, or you wanting to fight new servers for the sake of fighting new servers?

Personally, I just assume see the 3rd place server in every tier drop a tier for the following week, while the 1st place server in the tier move up for the following week. In that case, the forums would be spammed with threads of unfair matchups, but at least it would be consistent.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

So dull...

in WvW

Posted by: Ballads.2509


….three weeks in a row, same NA T3 matchup. Seriously. It’s not as if WvW wasn’t frustrating enough at times, this just caps it all.

Come on, Anet. This needs some attention.

So let me try to understand this….
So, Mag gets Xfers to increase their wvw population/coverage. They climb 3 tiers over 4ish weeks in hugely lopsided matches. Then they reach a tier where they can’t score enough to move up. So they come and complain about “boring” match ups?

So dull...

in WvW

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


….three weeks in a row, same NA T3 matchup. Seriously. It’s not as if WvW wasn’t frustrating enough at times, this just caps it all.

Come on, Anet. This needs some attention.

So let me try to understand this….
So, Mag gets Xfers to increase their wvw population/coverage. They climb 3 tiers over 4ish weeks in hugely lopsided matches. Then they reach a tier where they can’t score enough to move up. So they come and complain about “boring” match ups?

this is one guy, not the server. Plus, it is pretty boring.

Bad Elementalist

So dull...

in WvW

Posted by: misterman.1530


The most interesting thing about this thread, is that the OP has expressed and issue with being in unbalanced matchups recently. OP are you suggesting it is dull because you are set against an uneven match up and fell that moving down a tier would do you justice, or you wanting to fight new servers for the sake of fighting new servers?

No, not an issue with unbalanced. It’s actually pretty close. Been close for the three weeks. It’s just boring to always face the same 2 servers – so, yeah…would be nice to face a new server. I mean, the difference between 10-14 (and possibly even 15) isn’t that bad. You would think that at some point we would face one of those. I think the last time we faced a 13 we also faced 9th, which was a bit much (and I would assume frustrating for #13).

Anyways, I understand the rankings and how, vaguely, the algorithm determines the next match, but at some point the program has to cough up a “Umm…you might want to switch it up” to a developer/administrator.

I guess this is how tier 1 feels though, so really shouldn’t complain.

I still think there should be a handicap given: so, if server 14 faces server 9, server 14 gets some sort of handicap. Perhaps boosts to power, toughness, or vitality. Lower supply cost (10%?). Something. That would help balance the matchups and provide a break from the tedium of always facing the same servers.

Just my 2 cents.

So dull...

in WvW

Posted by: SleepingDragon.1596


Ever since Anet’s implementations of their glicko system, matches were more stale. Maybe Anet ought to go back to what it used to be? Win, move up. Lose, move down. Put some varieties back into these boring matchups. Their rating scale is broken. It barely moves…

-S o S-

So dull...

in WvW

Posted by: Kaiser.9873


So Mag ran into a gatekeeper they couldn’t “run rule” into submission, and are bored?

This is kind of a tradition. There is always a T3 gatekeeper. Many servers have climbed into T3 and hit a plateau. Some keep chugging along and become the new gatekeeper, and some triumph, sending a current T2 member down.

The problem though is that what’s to gain after reaching T2? No one goes into T1 anymore without the express permission of JQ and BG.

DB was the loser in a months long T2/T3 struggle that got incredibly ugly. Is Mag sure they want into that situation? It forced FA to overstack. It forced YB to overstack, and it made SoS reinvent itself.

So dull...

in WvW

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


So Mag ran into a gatekeeper they couldn’t “run rule” into submission, and are bored?

This is kind of a tradition. There is always a T3 gatekeeper. Many servers have climbed into T3 and hit a plateau. Some keep chugging along and become the new gatekeeper, and some triumph, sending a current T2 member down.

The problem though is that what’s to gain after reaching T2? No one goes into T1 anymore without the express permission of JQ and BG.

DB was the loser in a months long T2/T3 struggle that got incredibly ugly. Is Mag sure they want into that situation? It forced FA to overstack. It forced YB to overstack, and it made SoS reinvent itself.

fighting t2 fight guilds would be good for our server. Many of our guilds have been fighting blobs and dont get wiped that often. Personally I welcome t2 and hope we get crushed, because failure leads to success.

Bad Elementalist

So dull...

in WvW

Posted by: Ballads.2509


So Mag ran into a gatekeeper they couldn’t “run rule” into submission, and are bored?

This is kind of a tradition. There is always a T3 gatekeeper. Many servers have climbed into T3 and hit a plateau. Some keep chugging along and become the new gatekeeper, and some triumph, sending a current T2 member down.

The problem though is that what’s to gain after reaching T2? No one goes into T1 anymore without the express permission of JQ and BG.

DB was the loser in a months long T2/T3 struggle that got incredibly ugly. Is Mag sure they want into that situation? It forced FA to overstack. It forced YB to overstack, and it made SoS reinvent itself.

fighting t2 fight guilds would be good for our server. Many of our guilds have been fighting blobs and dont get wiped that often. Personally I welcome t2 and hope we get crushed, because failure leads to success.

You gotta earn it! Your “fight” guilds are going to have to PPT it up hard core to raise your glicko. Seems your luck as the last hold outs of DB guilds seem have left giving you and an easy road. To bad really if DB guilds could have stayed put we might of had 3 solid tiers not 2.

So dull...

in WvW

Posted by: misterman.1530


So Mag ran into a gatekeeper they couldn’t “run rule” into submission, and are bored?

Not Mag…not me. Unless this was directed elsewhere.

So dull...

in WvW

Posted by: elkirin.8534


Likely they do need some added stimulus to help rising servers move over barriers.


winning server gets X bonus to rng roll allowing them the chance of crossing the glicko barriers currently in place.

Or hard caps on glicko so there is always a % chance to roll up from a lower tier.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

So dull...

in WvW

Posted by: Kaiser.9873


Likely they do need some added stimulus to help rising servers move over barriers.


winning server gets X bonus to rng roll allowing them the chance of crossing the glicko barriers currently in place.

Or hard caps on glicko so there is always a % chance to roll up from a lower tier.

This I could get behind. There should never be a system with such inbuilt inertia. SoR should’ve dropped like a rock once they had their implosion, but they stuck around and stuck around hyperinflating Glicko through the tiers leading to servers being in positions they never should have been. Same as with DB right now. A server that loses 20 WvW guilds at one go should drop immediately, but that won’t happen. DB will bleed Glicko over a long period of time inflating servers beyond their level.

Glicko worked well in the beginning, but not anymore. Glicko has made T1 into an Ivory Tower that is unassailable without express consent from the dwellers therein. The Glicko gap between T2 and T3 is similar. The system that makes the most sense is winner=up/loser=down imo.

So dull...

in WvW

Posted by: pandora.8475


The reason things got to be such ivory tower sever like bg and jq they giveing each other guilds and working together to make sure they stay balance and match fix.

So dull...

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


The reason things got to be such ivory tower sever like bg and jq they giveing each other guilds and working together to make sure they stay balance and match fix.

That’s an urban legend. If you believe there is some sort of organized form of that going on, then I have a bridge in Arizona you may be interested in purchasing.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.