So, i'm hearing things about SBI/BG Alliance, is this true? What REALLY happened to JQ?

So, i'm hearing things about SBI/BG Alliance, is this true? What REALLY happened to JQ?

in WvW

Posted by: Hydrodioxide.1705


So, as most from JQ, SBI and IOJ know, JQ was in the lead for a while after they took off with all three orbs. For a while they had not a solid, but a steady gain.

Out of nowhere? Total. Flip. SBI Smash through JQ like a hot knife through butter.
What happened? How? That’s a bit confusing.

I’m hearing Blackgate made a truce/alliance with SBI, and xferred some of their guilds to SBI to roll JQ, which would explain the unexpected, instantaneous turn-over.

I’m hearing peple from multiple guilds claiming their sources on SBI/In SBI guilds made this truce/alliance and it goes a little something like “No attacking eachother until JQ is wiped out completely”.

If this is true, it’s kind of a disappointment that this is what WvW has come down to. They really need to stop these free xfers.

Anyone with any information?

Please, might i request that this post not just be thrown aside and locked, this is not a flame/troll/spite thread, i’m genuinely intrigued by what’s going on here.



So, i'm hearing things about SBI/BG Alliance, is this true? What REALLY happened to JQ?

in WvW

Posted by: Urrid.4593


Sounds like a rumor to me.

And yes, the free transfer silliness will stop, someday. Hopefully. With any luck. groan

Coral -Mesmer- Omnomnivore and TC’er.

So, i'm hearing things about SBI/BG Alliance, is this true? What REALLY happened to JQ?

in WvW

Posted by: Yama.9376


Don’t you put that on me Ricky Bobby.

SBI thug

Zibzab SBI
Pnt N Lol at Bndwgn Zerg Server[sOLo]
Zergling Hunter [ZILF]

So, i'm hearing things about SBI/BG Alliance, is this true? What REALLY happened to JQ?

in WvW

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


Two words: Candy Corn.

SBI went for Halloween as soon as it hit, so you took the lead. Once that happened, JQ went for Candy Corn when SBI came back.

So, i'm hearing things about SBI/BG Alliance, is this true? What REALLY happened to JQ?

in WvW

Posted by: Agony.4638


I have info. It’s not true. BG plays every match honest and above board. I think Candy Corn is what happened too.

Don’t listen to trolls. Many people on JQQ just love to make excuses for losing rather than accepting they got legitimately beaten.

So, i'm hearing things about SBI/BG Alliance, is this true? What REALLY happened to JQ?

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid.9672


Silly rumor. No BG guilds were involved in that match at all, and had nothing to do with the turnaround.

What happened was War Machine and SBI’s other Oceanic/SEA guilds. They pushed hard, worked an overtime shift and flipped the map overnight late Wed/early Thurs and held it through the day until SBI’s primetime crew logged on. SBI was able to to hold the +PPT lead long enough to pull ahead on the score and JQ rolled over.

That was it. No shenanigans. Nothing. SBI wanted it and they got it.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

So, i'm hearing things about SBI/BG Alliance, is this true? What REALLY happened to JQ?

in WvW

Posted by: NightFox.3957


Silly rumor. No BG guilds were involved in that match at all, and had nothing to do with the turnaround.

What happened was War Machine and SBI’s other Oceanic/SEA guilds. They pushed hard, worked an overtime shift and flipped the map overnight late Wed/early Thurs and held it through the day until SBI’s primetime crew logged on. SBI was able to to hold the +PPT lead long enough to pull ahead on the score and JQ rolled over.

That was it. No shenanigans. Nothing. SBI wanted it and they got it.

I have to agree. Not only from what liquid said but major team work was involved if it was called out that everyone was needed in a certain location then that is what happened. All three server put up a good fight but SBI pulled ahead in the end just because of shear out maneuverability from what I saw when I was on and i was on for point swing.

All Out Assault (AoA)
Stormbluff Isle

So, i'm hearing things about SBI/BG Alliance, is this true? What REALLY happened to JQ?

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.7361


i love the rumor mills lol… what most of the people on this server don’t realize is SBI is one of the only servers that are constantly full. making it very hard to transfer. what the only thing that might change that is when another server takes first over us and the band wagons jump over to that server. SBI is one the skilled serers here that can play and take things without having a zerge follow them, we have great commanders and some lousy ones but overall we have a community that works together and fights to the end we dont back down when it gets tough. IOJ and JQ put up a good fight no doubt event killed us early on and later it killed the other 2 servers just sadly the other 2 servers didnt have 3 days to come back around.

So, i'm hearing things about SBI/BG Alliance, is this true? What REALLY happened to JQ?

in WvW

Posted by: Gwendabell.8479


it’s just a rumor.

Gwendabella 80 Human Mesmer – SBI
Guild Leader of [CaLM] Before the Storm

So, i'm hearing things about SBI/BG Alliance, is this true? What REALLY happened to JQ?

in WvW

Posted by: vanzan.1250


Just a vacation then?


So, i'm hearing things about SBI/BG Alliance, is this true? What REALLY happened to JQ?

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


SBI doesn’t have control over w/e other servers want to do. We don’t ask for people to transfer here, and we don’t ask for alliances from anyone. Other servers just seem to not like attacking us, or would rather focus/beat up on other servers. We just focus on defending what we own and taking whatever is easiest to take. If it’s not blue (we’re usually blue) it’s fair game, and if it’s red, it’s dead (unless it doesn’t drop badges).

So, i'm hearing things about SBI/BG Alliance, is this true? What REALLY happened to JQ?

in WvW

Posted by: Irony.5203


100% untrue. I know a handful of people transferred to SBI and JQ just to see what was up. BG did not ally/truce with SBI.

Irony Torzung – [US] Blackgate – Website Administrator
1st Generation War Council Leader

So, i'm hearing things about SBI/BG Alliance, is this true? What REALLY happened to JQ?

in WvW

Posted by: sazaw.1347


Two words: Candy Corn.
SBI went for Halloween as soon as it hit, so you took the lead. Once that happened, JQ went for Candy Corn when SBI came back.

^this is the truth. Please stop posting on alliance thing. Cuz whenever one clueless person say something we got bad names for the whole server.

Wrath T – Asura Necro | Don Hohenheim – Norn Guard | Bellcroxx – Human Mesmer
[DKJ] – Jade Quarry

So, i'm hearing things about SBI/BG Alliance, is this true? What REALLY happened to JQ?

in WvW

Posted by: Kralous.7563


For some reason the commanders of IoJ seem intent on attacking JQ and SBI is taking major advantage of that.

So, i'm hearing things about SBI/BG Alliance, is this true? What REALLY happened to JQ?

in WvW

Posted by: Forest.4197


I blame the random reset too that allowed SBI to easily take one orb from JQ. The effects snowballed after that. Give SBI credit though, they were very strong without any orbs and just became unbeatable with one, then two, and finally three orbs. The WvW population on JQ just never recovered after that.