So if SBI loses....

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


47 hours since reset.

SBI 74,942
ET 56,397
HoD 48,040

Current scores as of posting.

Been a queue for every WvW map since reset. EB was as short as 3 minutes early yesterday, but has been averaging 30. Over an hour right now.

So as the work week dawns and fewer people can play overnight or during the day, and SBI starts getting rolled. Will it then be OK to say that the so called ‘nnight capping’ issue is a big deal?

With no outnumbered times and always having equal numbers SBI has been pretty dominant. Even with the hacks and cheating and other BS that has gone on in there this weekend.

But say in 12 hours when (if) the population in WVW crashes and we start getting rolled then what?

Although I am not positive that will happen as I have seen a few HoD guild tags on SBI the past couple days, s I guess those chasers went to greener pastures, problem is they’re playing at the ‘wrong’ time.

Will be extremely interesting to see what happens in about 8 hours or so to SBI and what they control and how far they start to fall when/if the population drops off like it has.

Hopefully the score inspires some late night people to play, but I am just not sure how many people we have that fit that definition. SBI was sort of a destination server to begin with meaning most people were going there to be with other people who were going there, and most of them played at the same times.

Will be a good ‘test’ though I suppose because it will definitely show that population has more to do with it than anything else.

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: Richard.8207


If you guys lose, you’ll have to recruit more overnight guilds to be competitive. I think the class and skill you’ve shown on the battlefield and off should make that a lot easier. Best of luck, and thanks for providing such a fun matchup.

It should also be interesting to see how the average skill level is impacted after Tuesday when lots of visitors will return to their other game for a new expansion.

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: mangocheesecake.1487


I kind of hope we lose until the server transfers are stopped, so we don’t get 4 hour ques like HoD.

The weekend matches proved a point, let’s take it easy now gais >___>

Terrifying Kitties | SBI | Recruiting Active Players for WvW and PvE
PM Carme, Soji, Taper, or Mrsowrd in game

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: Jorjeis.2169


If you guys lose, you’ll have to recruit more overnight guilds to be competitive. I think the class and skill you’ve shown on the battlefield and off should make that a lot easier. Best of luck, and thanks for providing such a fun matchup.

It should also be interesting to see how the average skill level is impacted after Tuesday when lots of visitors will return to their other game for a new expansion.

Pretty much this. One of your major PvP guilds (War Machine) are Korean so they are playing during the NA night time. Get a few more and you’ll be sweet.

It’s been an awesome match up and SBI have really brought their A game. It’d be a shame to see it cheapened by whinging about Oceanic play times. Part of being successful is organizing round the clock coverage. With the level of skill and organization you guys have shown on the battlefield surely it won’t be too tough for y’all to get together and sort that out.

Member of [KnT] – Blackgate

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: mangocheesecake.1487


Well during the week, most players cant stay up late/wake up extra early to play during the offpeak hours.

If you looked at mike’s chart, HoD got very even coverage throughout, while ours falls off significantly during the week.

Terrifying Kitties | SBI | Recruiting Active Players for WvW and PvE
PM Carme, Soji, Taper, or Mrsowrd in game

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


@ Ascii

thats my point, I figured it would be closer to 60 off the top of my head for HoD to beat us. But I have been in there late nights and seen them ticking 500 a tick and us at 90 or so and JQQ was around 110

So it isnt out of the realm of possibility. Thats my MAIN point. We have gotten into what looks like a dominant position when the battles were what I would say the game was ‘supposed’ to have and what the developers imagined.

BUT that isnt to say it is a forgone conclusion. I would have liked to see the fight closer to be honest. But since it is so lopsided it makes the point even better. That if,under ‘ideal’ conditions, a dominant servers loses, then what?

But on the flip side it also brings up the question, of if we (SBI) do that in the top tier then what? How can it be ‘balanced’ without some sort of ‘flawed’ system?

If anything is shows that no matter what people want to say or do the system isnt made in such a way as to be ‘balanced’ there are always going to be better people in there or bigger populations, it s a little bit of luck and alittle bit of skill.

The one constant however is that Stone Mist castle is a MAJOR advantage, and maybe its effects and strategic importance might have to be looked at. basically anyone that owns it dominates. It might be cause and effect but I dont think so. I think BECAUSE a team has it is BECAUSE they are dominant, they dont necessarily own it and hold because theyre ‘better’. Because basically once that place is owned and held long enough to get upgraded it is basically impossible to take unless it is assaulted with no one on the map defending.

But getting a little off topic. But yeah if SBI loses SM then we could (probably would) lose the week, but to lose stone mist we would have to basically be non existent in WvW. So they are semi related.

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: Smallpoxx.6935


HoD Usually has a +100 point lead during the week so this shouldnt be a problem.

The problem is all the newbs heard we were #1 so they all Xfer’d now they mine or AFK while we pvp.

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: Jorjeis.2169


So it isnt out of the realm of possibility. Thats my MAIN point. We have gotten into what looks like a dominant position when the battles were what I would say the game was ‘supposed’ to have and what the developers imagined.

Pretty sure the developers imagined that battles were ‘supposed’ to last the whole week not just a weekend.

SBI have done really well this weekend and capitalized really well on the intense rivalry between ET and HoD. Plus they’ve really sunk some siginificant funds into siege (pretty sure there were 2 omega golems at garrison on Green BL at one point) and used it effectively. The point is thought that wars are marathons not sprints.

Member of [KnT] – Blackgate

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: Tumbero.3945


On stormbluff we are not all the day there sometimes when i can on nigth we are low people , but at any cost i rush all the enemy camps and upgrade all i can and mostly i leave sometime 2 golems on garrison. when i have time i lead some people,

Is better a group of 5 good teamplayers than a 20 zergs guy that dont do nothing and run over all the place.

Still i remember last week when jd and hod pusshed us like hell all day.

SBI Firstborn.
(LX) Legion

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


So it isnt out of the realm of possibility. Thats my MAIN point. We have gotten into what looks like a dominant position when the battles were what I would say the game was ‘supposed’ to have and what the developers imagined.

Pretty sure the developers imagined that battles were ‘supposed’ to last the whole week not just a weekend.

SBI have done really well this weekend and capitalized really well on the intense rivalry between ET and HoD. Plus they’ve really sunk some siginificant funds into siege (pretty sure there were 2 omega golems at garrison on Green BL at one point) and used it effectively. The point is thought that wars are marathons not sprints.

Thats still not entirely correct. It still will eventually come down to whether or not SBI population dips to anemic numbers. If they do we could lose, if they dont we will win. Its really that simple.

You guys can make all the excuses or conditions you want to. When I read stuff like that its like SBI doesnt exist and we just got everything for free because the other two servers were too busy to bother with us. I laugh at that. That ‘we were too busy fighting each other" excuse is almost as rich as ’they ganged up on us (mommy)’ excuse.

When the numbers are even and the players are in a queue everywhere then there really is no excuse for any side. because if you have Pugs we have pugs. If anything our server is as full of cheap skates as it gets. But yes there was some money thrown around Friday night, mostly because we got out to a good start and we got SM. But during non peak hours no one buys anything. We had siege destroyed Sat and it hasnt been replaced yet. But then we havent really needed it. Which goes to my point about stone mist castle.

but as for your true argument, they actually want 2 week battles which will just make lopsided fights even more lopsided. I have yet to see a ‘comeback’. The only way to maybe get comebacks to occur is to use a cumulative time owned scoring system rather than ticking a score every 15 minutes. All that does is entice ninjaing things simply for the score and nothing else.

So if you own something for 14 mins and 10 seconds and someone zergs in and takes and captures it with 1 second left on the timer they get the credit and you get nothing. But if it were a point a minute or whatever then you get points for holding it. So if a supply camp was worth 15 points (instead of 5, and 1 point a minute) you get a point a minute, they would have to round it obviously. Then a tower could be worth 45 points (3 points a minute), a keep 5 points a minute, and Stone Mist 8 points a minute, but I think stone mist should reset every day during a time that Arena net determines is the most ‘fair’ for all 3 servers. That data might take some time to come up with especially if there are servers with extremely different time zone pairings.

Or they could make Stone Mist worth nothing in terms of points and it only gives the obvious tactical advantages.

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: Jorjeis.2169


No need to get hurt feelings friend, I was complimenting SBI

And yes everyone has pugs, what changes though is the pug:organised guild ratio. We don’t need that as an excuse though. If we lose we lose. We pick ourselves up and get better next time.

Member of [KnT] – Blackgate

(edited by Jorjeis.2169)

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


No need to get hurt feelings friend, I was complimenting SBI

not hurt just laugh at the excuses on the forums.

SBI isnt great we still have a lot of braindead moments. But those are less obvious when there are enough people running around in there that know what theyre doing.

Until I can run by a gate or a wall and NOT find one less than 50 or 60% I wont start feeling secure. especially if there are 40 people standing around that same wall and not even making an effort to fix it or say that it needs to be fixed.

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: MyDublin.8924


How to beat StormBluff Isle, from an SBI player who is sick of their harassment of new players and bullying of people who don’t follow their “orders”…

1. Control and constantly attack their supply camps.

2. Kill their Dolyak sniffers who constantly afk escort their Dolyaks.

3. If SBI control StoneMist, constantly attack the walls with Trebs and make sure your Trebs are away from edges of outside walls and well hidden from easy counter attacks as their “follow me everyone” 100g commanders will always have a few roadies hanging out of them to attack you.
If your Treb/mortar is downed, build more, keep doing it.

4. Their commanders are terrible, they really are. Apart from one or two, the vast majority of their commanders think they deserve to be followed and shout orders at everyone (or demand others do it for them) on their chat. They did and do nothing to earn their title, one in particular gives directions to someone operating a mortar or Treb from ET server if they have Anzalia, to take out anyone operating a mortar or Treb from SBI server in StoneMist, just because that commander shouted orders at random people not to attack ET server and they dared to ignore him.

5. SBI attacks go like this in EB WvW – attack Golanta, attack Rogues, protect Danelon, protect Umber, escort Dolyaks. That’s it. They do nothing else and anything else they do take is because low numbers from the opposing servers allow or a random few ignored the moronic commanders and just continued on forward attacking, then got lucky in numbers.
They will also push for one or two other places a couple minutes before the points tick, then leave it and not care if it falls, they do it just for points.
They’ve also been leaving Rogues Quarry for ET server to take once ET have settled in to Anzalia with it fully upgraded, SBI watch this from the hill overlooking Anzalia.
Their sole purpose is to disrupt and cut off supply to HoD and tick points over, which is fine, but pathetic when double teaming imho.

In ending, to kill off SBI, Take Danelon, Take Umber, Attack SM with long range Siege constantly. Take Ogre’s, frogs etc., also on your way, they detract enough to be worth it.
The last time HoD (the other night, Saturday evening/night) attacked SM South with the huge Golem charge (looked great btw) – SBI server burned over 1,500 supplies defending from that one attack. If only HoD knew to attack again, they would have done it.

Horrible server, horrible people – apart from the Korean players who are really nice and respectful to others.
They’re only this far ahead due to the pact they had and still have with some plants on ET server.

Smash them HoD, smash them to pieces and camp them continually outside their spawn when you do. Can’t wait to get away off this rotten server tbh, it reeks.

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: mangocheesecake.1487



Why dont you just transfer to HoD then? > x<
or Kaineng, I heard they need people.

Terrifying Kitties | SBI | Recruiting Active Players for WvW and PvE
PM Carme, Soji, Taper, or Mrsowrd in game

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


@Mydublin.8924 your smoking crack really 90% of the guys I have seen have been calling awesome strat and don’t stink. unless your trying to feed false info to HoD. And transfer off if you don’t like it lol. Free transfers every 24 hours so go ride another servers coattails.

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


I sense a hurt kitten in this thread.

Dublin, maybe you should leave SBI and transfer to another server, then lead them to “take down the horrible SBI server”.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: bluescape.9176


I sense a hurt kitten in this thread.

Dublin, maybe you should leave SBI and transfer to another server, then lead them to “take down the horrible SBI server”.

I second this.

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


I hear SBI has alot of players from aion on it…. thats all I need to say.

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


No idea where this whining comes from…I’ve been to multiple different borderlands and EB with different commanders on SBI now while helping them coordinate on teamspeak…

All of them are nice people, even though some might seem a bit demanding on all chat they have to be, thats their job. None of them ive seen are even very strict either, we do countless things just to try to make it easier on new players, or players that just want to mindlessly zerg things. We find ways to make these things work as smoothly as possible with minimum arguments. It’s honestly more like asking people to help with things then demanding, and in general, everyone on SBI still wants SBI to win. Common goal. Plus since we have teamspeak we’ve highly encouraged everyone to join it and possibly even be part of the strategy making, and we’re willing to explain everything that dosnt make sense.

Basically what I’m trying to say is you just seem like someone that takes things way too seriously, noones forcing you to do anything, including staying on SBI server.

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


Cheers Talesslaser, you’re pretty much on point. Although we have our bad apples in the mix of leadership, you always have at least one right? Yet, I’d have to second the notion that our team leads are pretty laid back for the most part, and if you do pay attention to map chat you’d see in some cases, the whole map gets polled on what our next move should be to weigh options so that the community has input.

In any case, I’d just recommend anyone else from SBI to not respond to that guys one part of this post, Rodarin was trying to focus on numbers, so let’s keep it to his topic, it’s pretty intriguing looking at it from a mathematical perspective.

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF] – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

There are guilds from europe and other regions comming to USA already, soon the top 5 USA servers will have 24/7 coverage inside WvW maps.

Give it time

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: cryptomega.3745


Feel free to ignore MyDublin aka Nacasatu. We had to put up with this genius in map chat purposely giving out false intel, wasting supply, turning siege around backward, etc., all while raving about communists. Whatever floats your boat, I guess – but if you are going to be a full-time troll you should probably spin up a new account.

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: Tali.4259


Mydublin/Nacasatu/Ooo simply can’t be taken seriously. He’s a random HoD player who clearly couldn’t take losing, so now we at SBI gets to deal with his pre-pubescent disgruntledness. WE didn’t burn that many supplies during the HoD attack, HE did. He makes sure to repair all of our walls and build flame rams in the middle courtyard using only Stonemist supplies as well as convinces the random pugs to do the same. He has attempted to convince people he’s from ET while he complains incessantly about communists and his ill perceived idea that SBI and ET have an alliance.

IT may have gone over better if he hadn’t been so blatantly obvious and noobish when he first started doing it three days ago. Guess he forgot to take down his REAP tag before we could notice that we were also attacking REAP members on HoD too. After pointing this lack of forsight out to him, he promptly changed his tag. The next day he logged in with a different toon. Again, not before SBI members had added him to their friends list and could tell it was still him.

Next time a player/guild, (I won’t say server as I don’t think HoD would want to be associated with this juvenile) decides to attempt internal sabotage, I’d suggest not sending your village idiot. He’d probably be more useful running supplies for you.