So, the stickys...

So, the stickys...

in WvW

Posted by: Tumult.2578


I took a look at the stickys with the eyes of a new players and gotta say I’m not motivated to even try WvW.

What I saw was;
1. How not to anger the other players, no matter how angry you are.
2. Only the commander matters, you clearly don’t.
3. If we leave the zerg we must know the “conventions used” by at least some players regarding dueling and roaming.
4. Changes happen without reason given or notice.
5. Want loot? Wrong game mode.
6. Lot’s of unneeded karma available
7. Actual progress will take forever pushing 1 in a zerg.
8. Help everyone, don’t expect help.
9. Badges rewarded are worthless in other game modes.
10. You have to be here because we have to do PvE for map completion.

Where are the invitations and offers of help, of guilds offer to help. Where are the tips on gear, stats, weapons, traits, classes or anything designed to actually help and welcome new players.
It kind of seems like doing this means learning on your own by dying over and over because it is clear the goal is not loot, it’s to kill your opponent and by helping anyone, you help the opponent.

I suspect the game mode is not as bad as this makes it look.
My point is, where do we see the players effort to bring more players into this game mode?

So, the stickys...

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


What kind of loot were u lookign for??

WvW players never received so much loot and free chest like now.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

So, the stickys...

in WvW

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I never read the stickies but if that was what they were saying then they should probably be removed.

1. Ignore angry people. They aren’t worth anyone’s time in any game mode.
2. Not true at all. A commander with no followers is a dead commander.
3. Conventions? Kill red things, flip objects of the opposite color. That’s all you need to know.
4. An exaggeration.
5. This is mostly true.
6. True
7. Not sure what that is even supposed to mean.
8. That’s mostly true. Probably server dependent.
9. True
10. Not sure what this means. Nobody has to do map completion anywhere.

It would be best to handle WvW recruitment and hype in-game since few people visit the forums…but ever since the megaserver system came out all of the towns are full of random servers so long gone are the days when you could pop into Lion’s Arch and sound the alarm that your Garrison was under siege. I miss those days.

So, the stickys...

in WvW

Posted by: Xenesis.6389


Where are the invitations and offers of help, of guilds offer to help. Where are the tips on gear, stats, weapons, traits, classes or anything designed to actually help and welcome new players.
It kind of seems like doing this means learning on your own by dying over and over because it is clear the goal is not loot, it’s to kill your opponent and by helping anyone, you help the opponent.

I suspect the game mode is not as bad as this makes it look.
My point is, where do we see the players effort to bring more players into this game mode?

Megaserver killed off a lot of the effort to get players into wvw, no central place like lion’s arch to call in reinforcements and recruitment, it’s a pain recruiting other than in wvw maps. There use to be lots of guilds around for training and learning wvw. HoT also helped killed wvw population, killed guilds, etc. Anet also never really properly supported the mode very much. The tournaments helped for recruitment I’m sure, but also helped burn wvw players out.

I was thinking of putting up a general tips and tricks thread like the stickies, but at this point of the game mode’s life, with little support from anet, with the population constantly bleeding, what’s the point? Guild’s usually have their own builds to use anyways, whether it’s custom or metabattle.

Another derailing post. ^^
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill

So, the stickys...

in WvW

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


I think you need to read things more clearly since I don’t see any of that written anywhere. Where is the sticky talking about map completion or how commanders are the only important ones?

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

So, the stickys...

in WvW

Posted by: Hexinx.1872


Well I think Spell’s write up is a good general overview to help players understand what is going on around them in WvW, as well as any map chat communications, and provides various styles of playing WvW.

I don’t see much wrong with it… the other sticky seems to focus solely on where the GoB went and how to get it. Kinda useless about the game mode, but good to know for someone who is looking to accomplish that one goal.

It would be nice to see some more community driven information provided for a new player though. Perhaps if there are any creative writers that could put a nice spin on it, like telling the tale of past battles around a bar table with whiskey in hand. Brief but maybe a nice brief read that ends ‘Welcome to WvW’ … alongside some recommended build templates (maybe link to metabattle).

Definitely something that says ‘Supplies are useful’ here’s how to get them, here’s how you use them.

I’m sure most of this is on the wiki, but this forum could probably come up with some nice community driven promotional items.

Hell a video listing by roles would even be useful for those trying to see/learn understand.

So, the stickys...

in WvW

Posted by: Aileras.9460


I think you really need to just jump in headfirst and see for your self. The sticky will make much more sense after you’ve looked around a bit. That’s what I did way back when I was just a wee level 15 thief and the game had just come out. Its all I play now and would highly recommend it to any new players with an interest in world pvp.

So, the stickys...

in WvW

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


Well I think Spell’s write up is a good general overview to help players understand what is going on around them in WvW, as well as any map chat communications, and provides various styles of playing WvW.

I appreciate the compliment and I just want to say that it’s very difficult to cover every possible aspect of WvW in vivid detail. That’s why I was brief/basic and unbiased so as not to over complicate things.

I’m not certain where you read the things that you did, OP, but if that was what you got from anything I had said, it was obviously not my intention. Everyone has different perspectives, it’s not possible to appeal to every individual view.

To put WvW as simply as possible: It is PvPvE and the matches are a week long. You can fight players, you can fight NPC’s, you can do things separate entirely such as building siege or repairing structures. Aside from that, WvW is a free country. You can do as you like, when you like. Play solo, group or large scale, it’s truly up to you. Your contribution can make a small difference or a large difference depending on what it is you’re doing and how you’re choosing to do it. Just know that there are many nuances and nomenclatures that you will need to get yourself familiar with and experiencing them for yourself will always be the best way to do so. No guide can provide you with all the answers so you won’t find one. The one I wrote was only a framework for those that do not understand so that they may have a foundation to create understandings of their own.


Also, about #8, “help everyone, don’t expect help”, that should go for every tread of life. Not just GW2.

You help people as an act of selflessness. You should never expect anyone to help you because help comes out of the good of someone’s heart.

If I’m roaming in GW2 and I’m fighting another player while an allied player is near by, do I expect that allied player to help me? No. They don’t need to help me at all if they don’t want to and they shouldn’t have to.

Depend on only yourself and accept help as an act of support not as an act of necessity. “Do unto others as you would have done to you.”

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

(edited by SpellOfIniquity.1780)

So, the stickys...

in WvW

Posted by: Mrs Qurly.9372

Mrs Qurly.9372

The first time I found myself in WvW (‘hmmm, i wonder where this portal goes…’) I asked for help, and immediately got a party invite and ppl whispering me with advice. Maybe I just logged on at the right time, or my server has nicer players – but you could try that perhaps.

So, the stickys...

in WvW

Posted by: Famine.7915


So many wrong points, too lazy to correct them all. Do better research…

Maguuma – Predatory Instinct [HUNT]

So, the stickys...

in WvW

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


Regarding recruiting and helping etc, this has become more in-game. Just ask around in WvW maps for guilds that take in new players, and ask them for an invite. Most WvW guilds wants more WvW playing recruits, and have people that will help.

Because of Megaserver and the age of the game, it’s the only way that really works.

Personally I can’t help but laugh every time I see a guild outside of WvW posting its recruit message in mapchat, listing PvX, does WvW etc. And then they don’t list their server :p

Elrik Noj (Norn Guardian, Kaineng [SIN][Owls])
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”