So what ways are there to play WvW solo

So what ways are there to play WvW solo

in WvW

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Lets say I dont want to join my server’s zerg, or I cant join my server’s zerg, and I dont have people to group up with.

Whats some guides to play WvW as a solo and still be useful to your server?

So what ways are there to play WvW solo

in WvW

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

1. Capture camps
2. Kill enemy dolyaks
3. Take out sentries
4a. Place and build defensive siege for your side
4b. Man said siege when an enemy attacks
5. Roam, get into solo fights. Each stomp is a point for your server if you have bloodlust (and you should most of the time)
6. Run confusion (aka havoc) if you know your side has a zerg in an enemy map or area. This means “tapping” or attacking the gates/guards of a large objective that your side’s zerg isn’t near as a diversion tactic (this causes what people call “swords”, or when you see swords on an objective on the map, indicating it’s under attack), or taking camps or sentries in a similar fashion. Basically all of the above but #4 put to use as a tactical advantage.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

So what ways are there to play WvW solo

in WvW

Posted by: Bo Van Swill.7619

Bo Van Swill.7619

There are a few for a start solo roaming can be very helpful, So you can capture camps and sentry spots around the map taking down supply is very helpful, then calling out when you see the other teams zerg, if a commander knows whats going on he can plan for it. Then there is tapping of the other teams keep’s and tower’s this will work to move them away from where your zerg is running. There are more but i can’t think of them right now.

I need to stop using my phone to type but yeah what that guy above me said :P

Skuld Foefire Mesmer, Thord Blackthorn Guardian, Gele Fireheart Elementalist
Beezy Chan Engineer,Sarah Soulcaller Necromancer

So what ways are there to play WvW solo

in WvW

Posted by: Valdemas.4960


Depends on what you want to do playing solo, get fights or be useful. Fights is simple – get a condi build and go find someone not in a condi build.

Being useful is harder. Get a highly mobile or stealthy build. Even then you won’t have the time to be a real nuisance to both enemy sides, so choose one you don’t like the most. Let’s say on EB. Get in TS so you can report any sightings of large enemy groups and get a general idea where the enemies/your guys are by crossreferencing the information and keeping a close tab at the minimap. See that enemy t3 keep with waypoint, 1000 ACs and 500 trebs? The greatest weakness of it is supply. Start killing the dollies. Ignore the enemy roamers, you are here to cut the enemy supply, not get stuck in meaningless fights. Flip camps if there are no guards. Upgrade said camps with the 5silver guard upgrade just before the 5 min buff is out. Nothing like letting the enemy zerg come to flip a camp to find it empty and with a supply trap on top.

1 hour in. Run from tons of scouts who hate your guts – you are their personal nemesis by this point, if in addition you kept tagging the enemy keep gate the enemy commander by now has set a bounty on your head. The enemy has no easy way to resupply and his operations are lagging, delayed by constantly closed wp and the need to flip camps in order to resupply while fighting a treb-cow rich environment which is EB. Main keep supply is slowly dvindling.

2 hours in. Your commander, unless a total dimwit, is now on the offensive and maybe even in the corner you are operating in. Don’t get dragged into your commanders battles keep at the camps on the side your commander is not on. By now most of the enemies are focused on him, the enemy scouts included. Time to capture a camp and solo build a field treb/ac and snipe out some of the enemy trebs/acs in keep. That’s 150 supply per treb that most likely will be drained out of the keep itself rebuilding, people are laizy like that. No siege you can treb down in that scoutless t3 keep or tower? Time to build trebs and acs in the tower your commander just captured by using supply from the enemies own supply camp. The point is to waste the enemy time even more once they come to retake it. Nothing like greeting an enemy blob with a supply drain cow and supply trap. Or destroying the first attempt at catapulting with a well placed ac. Make them face rub the gate or build trebs. Plan ahead of time. You are delaying 50 people alone here – any second they waste is a victory of yours.

4 hours in. The enemy is in disaray, supply in keep is less than half, your people come over to flip and farm the enemy in his own towers. Remember that contested waypoint? By now the enemy scouts do only the most rudimentaly checks while cursing your gut. Time to build a golem and attempt to sneak it to the unguarded backdoor while they are distracted by your commander storming another t3 tower. Whatever you do do not tell your commander you are doing it. Commanders tend to act stupid if they know something like that is going on. Quite a rush seeing the gate go down, waiting to be scouted, let me tell you that. Once the gate is 40ish% inform the commander, he will need time to resupply and figure out a way how to fail storming the inner gate of a keep given to him on a silver plate. Usually done by placing rams at the gate and getting countered by a single treb in 3 hits. Make sure to remind your commander about atleast clearing out the siege at outer in case of failing.

Now at this point I recommend taking a 5-10 min break while the commander does the failing, don’t worry, the attack will fail. It’s normal. After a fail like that the commander will need a break or will have to log off in most cases. This is the hard part, every enemy dolly will be guarded by 3-5 people and there will be no friendly roamers of your own to give ya support. Everyone’s afking. Make a futile attempt at calling for support. Do your best to snipe the supply sources and pray to Davon that the third side will take the oportunity to pressure the weakened side.

Either way, you turned the war in your sides favor and the enemies refer to you in the most imaginitive ways depicting your sexual preferences. You got practically nothing out of it and just lost siege and money.

Is that a new commander that just tagged? Time to start anew. Worth it.

Vinita Rush, ZDs Officer

So what ways are there to play WvW solo

in WvW

Posted by: LightningBlaze.4913


Forget about being “useful” to your server, just have fun while solo roaming. You can for example make multiple enemies jump to their death from a cliff while chasing you. Make sure you have the trait to take less fall damage and kill the few that survived with low health. You can wipe a whole Zerg of 10 by yourself this way. Hunt the poor cub that falls behind the enemy Zerg. /laugh, /dance, /sit at defeated players that annoys you, or just to make them nerd rage in a game. Join the harmless potion/tonic transformers to chill for a bit. Escape from outnumbered fights by Lightning flash/blink/shadow step to higher ground while your enemies can’t. Ambush inexperience roamers that don’t watch their back with instant burst that takes away their hp from 100 to 0 in a second. There’s so many fun experiences you can obtain as a solo roamer. You’ll learn other playstyles in your countless 1v1 encounters and how to counter them. You’ll get way better with your profession and develop awareness of your surrounding at all time. Overall, it will make you a better, skillful player compared to those that Zerg all the time.

Heidia- The elementalist is the #1 most OP profession in this game since beta!

(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)

So what ways are there to play WvW solo

in WvW

Posted by: Dreadforce.6980


Do what I do solo towers as long as the extra guards/increased guard lvl are not present it should not be a problem. I will note I only solo towers with my guardian and necromancer so class may be an issue but I don’t know for sure.

So what ways are there to play WvW solo

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Yes sensi. snuffalupogusses are OP.

So what ways are there to play WvW solo

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


Do what I do solo towers as long as the extra guards/increased guard lvl are not present it should not be a problem. I will note I only solo towers with my guardian and necromancer so class may be an issue but I don’t know for sure.

Its pretty easy on ranger too, no issues to solo flip towers at all.

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

So what ways are there to play WvW solo

in WvW

Posted by: UrMom.4205


When I solo roam i’ll do pretty much everything that has been mentioned above. One thing about tapping gates to create a diversion, tapping keeps with waypoints can make a huge difference. If your server is attacking say hills, go tap their garri to contest the wp. Reinforcements will have to run from the citadel which will take them a little bit longer. That extra time can really help swing the battle in your server’s favor.

Team Raven [TR](Dead)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB

So what ways are there to play WvW solo

in WvW

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Depends on what you want to do playing solo, get fights or be useful. Fights is simple – get a condi build and go find someone not in a condi build.

Being useful is harder. Get a highly mobile or stealthy build. Even then you won’t have the time to be a real nuisance to both enemy sides, so choose one you don’t like the most. Let’s say on EB. Get in TS so you can report any sightings of large enemy groups and get a general idea where the enemies/your guys are by crossreferencing the information and keeping a close tab at the minimap. See that enemy t3 keep with waypoint,

This is very solid advice and way more fun than some people might expect. I am a very experienced WvW Warrior (i know, easy mode), though not a very good player in general. I have done nearly everything in wvw, i spent a year in a hardcore wvw guild hammer train, blob running, defending, scouting, small havoc groups and roaming. When i started roaming after season 2, i got fed up with condi builds pretty fast (I also suck at duels) so i made a counter build. High mobility, high vitality (34k with all buffs), lots of condi cleanse etc. My main goal was to have condi thieves (who i hated most) to chase me. Thats easily achieved by constantly tagging their keep and contesting their waypoint, their towers, kill their dollies or flip camps. People will get kittened off at you. I have done this for hours every day for about 2 months now and it is some of the best fun i had in wvw. Even though im quite tanky, i can still flip a camp in 2 minutes, if nobody defends it, kill a dolly, if it gets defended by a patrol and 1-3 players (depending on the players). Those are mayor annoyances to the enemy, especially on EB, where i mostly do my business. If you are on TS and know what the commander is doing or about to do, you can have a big impact on the success of your server. If i hear that the commi wants to flip a certain tower next, i go and tag it a minute before he arrives and try to lure the scout out, if there is one and make him chase me. IF he doesnt jump at me on sight, i start killing the guards until my health is so much down that he sees an easy kill and jumps on me. Then i run away and he follows. If all goes well, the enemy scout will follow me to his keep which i also tag, so the waypoint is blocked and my commander will arrive at a tower that is unscouted, already contested for a minute (and reported to just have been tagged by a single warrior). Until the enemy commander realizes that his tower is under threat by a zerg, its mostly too late because he has to run from spawn. As a warrior, the blue keep is my favourite to tag because it has so many gaps i can traverse with my sword leap to shake off chasers. There is no better feeling than being chased by 5-10 people and jump over one of those with 5-10% health left and all CDs popped and then /dance, while half of them fail to make the jump and the other half just looks at you from the other side. During good times, i have 5 people chasing (or looking for) me and 5 people on siege cannons inside the keep trying to stop me from tagging their gates. Thats 10 people less killing my dollies, flipping my camps, scouting their towers or in their zerg, while their waypoint is useless 90% of the time. In my opinion I make a way bigger difference for my server this way than joining our zerg and be one of many. Playing this way made me way more aware of my surroundings and the enemy classes which chase me and as already mentioned, its alot of fun to get away from multiple chasers (I still die alot though!). The green keep on EB is also fun to tag because it involves alot of water combat (or water chases), which many players dont know much about or are not geared for. If i get chased by a single condi thief, i usually let him get me to 30-40% health and then jump into the water. If he follows, i usually kill him within 10 seconds. Some realize fast enough that they made a mistake and get out quick enough, some actualy stay and survive long enough for other players to join in and i have to get out. But compared to the blue keep, where i can take a little time out after traversing a gap or climbing onto the ruined tower near the vista, the green keep means constant running without many breaks.
A thief can propably have the effect on the enemies but i think people stop chasing a thief way earlier than a warrior due to stealth, I am always in plain sight. I usually get at least 1 party invite from an enemy and a couple of whispers per hour. Normally to throw some abuse and flaming at me, to tell me what a bad player i am (i know that but i am having tons of fun, while they need 5 guys and 15 minutes to kill a bad player) or to tell me how boring i am. But every once in a while, i also get a good conversation out of it, which is nice.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

So what ways are there to play WvW solo

in WvW

Posted by: Valdemas.4960


Marry me. 15chars

Vinita Rush, ZDs Officer