So who fought Yak's Bend last week?
They’re poor sports. Just take the lead and they’ll all give up.
Kinda hard when they have 24/7 coverage.
The fact that you say Yak’s Bend will give is up if you take the lead is misleading.
We gave up last week due to the 200k point different we lost within the first night of that rotation, and as the week went on, that difference went up to 400k. SoR gained a HUGE Guild last week and was able to have 24/7 coverage of everything with 40+ man zergs.
It’s not the fact that we “gave up,” its the fact that even if we tried to fight, it wouldn’t of gotten us in the lead.
Tarnished Coast
Well now you guys have the lead, so it’s another week of the other two servers of just not doing anything cause of no lead period.
Yaks is a very mature server and its population reasonably stable. We did take off on Fri/Sat like an express train. I was overwhelmed by SoR and their great comeback with the transfers in that they had. Everytime we took our part of the world back hoards of SoR poured onto the map. Despite the world being blue they continued to have queues for every map who did sentry duty all over the place. Any sign of trouble and they were at it. Frustration did set in due to their vigilence and apparant superior numbers. I take my hat off to them for a great victory. I wish them well this week in the higher tier and they achieve what they want a top tier place. As far as Yaks is concerned do not underestimate us or any other server for that matter
Well now you guys have the lead, so it’s another week of the other two servers of just not doing anything cause of no lead period.
I seriously doubt we’ll have the lead for very long. I predict us losing a majority of the map when I wake up.
Yak’s Bend
Lincoln Force [BOMB]
SOR has been elevated by its transfers many spots in the rankings. Gj on kicking our butts last week. They have become a really strong server now. Good luck this week.
Tbh yaks has a good oceanic presence, its a wonder a few NA guilds haven’t taken advantage of this.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
Yaks show strong on weekends. SoR and Yaks were evenly matched till they got 8+ top tier guilds. Whether that bumped us down 1 tier further than where we would otherwise be remains to be seen. If it did, you can blame the same transfers.
We (SoR) fought Yaks Bend the past two matchups.
Last week they came out really strong and took a 20K lead in the first 12 hours. After that SoR had an increase in strong WvW guilds and that turned the tide at least at the start. After that we began communicating more, using better strategies and just upping our performance wich ultimately led to the huge victory. However, that matchup did not give enough credit to Yaks Bend I think.
The week before SoR was matched up against Yaks Bend and Northern Shiverpeak and it has to be the closest matchup ever with no server gaining more then 2 or 3 K lead untill the very end. Best fight ever and that shows how balanced these match ups can be. Still a big round of applaus for YB and NSP for all the battles.
So don’t be surprised about YB’s good game, they are a very worthy opponent.
It’s just the way the system works unfortunately, combined with a match last week that went badly for Yak’s.
-Two matches ago Yak’s came 2nd and beat Northern Shiverpeaks by a narrow margin
-Last match Yak’s came 2nd but were a long way behind 1st place in points
-Last match Northern Shiverpeaks came 2nd but the score difference wasn’t so big
-So Yak’s goes down while Northern Shiverpeaks goes up with Darkhaven who Yak’s haven’t fought since the very first week-long match.
In this match Yak’s started off a bit disorganised but then got itself together as well as we can. SF and GoM were putting up good resistance but after 5 or 6 hours it was obvious that both of your population numbers were dropping off way faster than ours, which is when things turned drastically.
But it’s early days so there might still be hope for good fights to come. Yak’s has been known to take their foot off the gas
was a great 3 way battle on all fronts last night. GoM ,vs Yak’s vs SF. But as usual Yak’s just night capped the entire map very late and now its a blowout. It has nothing at all to do with tactics… nothing to do with skill, nothing (dare I say to do with server transfers..yet) It’s a joke really. Would have been such a good matchup. Now let the fairweather crotch stains all flock to Yak’s and create another 300k + win.
Cyas next week!
I loved how all last week, YB went on and on about being spawn camped, how it was bad play. So this week, I figure us here at GoM, even though we knew we would be out numbered by quite a bit(We lost most of our WvWers after last weeks blowout) atleast would have some good clean play.
And then there’s this.
When you are out numbered, and the situation is hopeless, you have no option-you must attack
Oh and for clarification, behind this spawn camping ball of awesome we have siege!
When you are out numbered, and the situation is hopeless, you have no option-you must attack
Bear in mind
Points go every 15 min, so 3 times an hour, with 695 points total up for grabs, or 2780 per hour or 66720 per day.
So it took a WHILE for there to be a 200k point difference.
To Thundar:
I am so sorry that you were camped by my fellow Yakkers.
I don’t want to be represented by those types of people, and hope that the guilds they represent put them in line or kick them out.
If this happens again, see if you can click on each one and take pictures of each highlighted one. This reveals their actual guildname.
I know it’s hard to do especially in a firefight, but that’s all you can do. If they are sitting right next to the entry portal, you should be able to stay on the other side of it and hit tab to target the nearest people. This should help too.
To all the Yakkers that do this sort of thing: Go kitten yourself and get the kitten off our server.
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play
Yaks Bend Over Look
Is my favorite place on the map.
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)
SoR came back and smashed YB well before anyone transferred over.
SoR came back and smashed YB well before anyone transferred over.
are you trolling or do you really not know what happened? besides that fact that many guilds themselves claim to have moved to SOR saturday, everyone knows SOR and Yaks were fairly evenly matched before the transfers.
There are too many biased opinions on this subject to really mean anything.. And plus.. The fight ‘last week’, was just that: last week. So why does anything in this thread matter? Just curious..
SoR came back and smashed YB well before anyone transferred over.
Daboss here, commander of Wv3 for Tempest Wolves formerly of Jade Quarry.
SoR has been very welcoming to the guilds that transfered here, you’ve gotten JQ’s original foundation… the one’s that ran the borderland that would beat hod at its prime. Irony, Knights of White Wolf, Dawn Eternal, Tempest Wolves, Exitium, Final Dawn, Lords of Corruption, Fate and others guilds and not to mention a handful of solo players that enjoyed the type of Wv3 experience that we collectively brought
When we transfered here from JQ (at noon pst saturday) Yaks had a dominate lead of 25k+ and plenty of screenshots on these forums boasting to Yak’s early victory.
Anyway, that’s what happened. Yak’s was pushed into this bracket by a huge transfer to SoR from JQ. It’s unfortunate for everyone involved, excepting the original SoR I suppose.
Yak’s Bend
(edited by Nut.4713)
Most of last week there was hardly a Yaks Bend player on the map. Server transfers or whatever, no one wanting to queue. This week it’s time for “payback” and a chance to queue with obtainable orbs. Expect renewed enthusiasm.
Oh and for clarification, behind this spawn camping ball of awesome we have siege!
Not all of us support that! (Although it can be great fun annoying the campers – just check around the nooks and crannies of your exit and you’ll see what I mean
Yak’s Bend!
Annnd looks like its going to be a dead week for WvW. No one likes to fight a losing battle, and whenever I get in looks like nothing’s happening.
My small guild is on GoM right now, and we’re down to one reasonably sized WvW guild (Pro). For the last several weeks matches have been blowouts, and that doesn’t help build up server pride. Everyone benefits when servers are evenly matched. Our guild is considering transferring because GoM’s bad reputation thanks to orb hacking. How does the guild and queue situation look on YB?
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime
My small guild is on GoM right now, and we’re down to one reasonably sized WvW guild (Pro). For the last several weeks matches have been blowouts, and that doesn’t help build up server pride. Everyone benefits when servers are evenly matched. Our guild is considering transferring because GoM’s bad reputation thanks to orb hacking. How does the guild and queue situation look on YB?
Nice to know that another group of quitters will be leaving GoM
Nice to know that another group of quitters will be leaving GoM
Think what you want. Servers intentionally gang up on GoM players because of our reputation from early orb hacking. That doesn’t sit well with me. My clan tries not to associated with cheaters. If you’re okay with that, then by all means stick around.
Even if my server loses every week, I’m at least looking for a close fight. It’s not fun otherwise.
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime
The commanders on Yaks bend are doing their best to stop the spawn camping. Sorry if its happening.
Yaksbend Commander
Eh its an endemic issue with the population. They crave action and the one place they will see it is where everyone shows up.
We need a deep strike capability. Something like a mobile waypoint. Or a drop ship.