SoR, BG, TC Cease Fire
Helping other servers do JP = helping them get free siege.
The problem is that most people that want a ceasefire are doing it out of convenience. I love when folks want to play nice, bow, wave, blah blah blah, but the day before their guild was camping the puzzle. You cannot camp the puzzle one day then expect a free ride the next because ‘your not in a camping mood’ or whatever goes through their head.
Also how many times I have let someone be, mostly because I am in a rush and not in the mood to kill everyone, and they are all smiles and waves, till you run into 4 more server mates and then they attack you.
Frankly it is just easier to kill everyone, and more fun.
Helping other servers do JP = helping them get free siege.
Poor excuse. A if the 1-2 siege plans a player can get from a JP will really turn the tide in WvW. :P
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’
you are forgetting the badges that can be turned in for more siege also and 2 plans times 4(as there is 4 jumping puzzels in wvw) times 20 is now something to be reconed with(160 siege a day plus the once from badges)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Now I can not speak for everyone but I do know that there are a lot of people who at least adhere to the cease fire rule when dealing with Jump Puzzles and Skill points or Vistas. Why some people go out of their way to openly break this cease fire I do not understand but I would like others who do feel a cease fire for stuff like this openly tell those guilds and/or people who choose to do such things as this to kindly back off and if they disagree to such terms…boycott them in any way possible.
I dont know if I should LOL and intentionally “PvP” against people in JP’s now or
rip out a patch of hair ( its my last one too ) because this is quite possibly the most ignorant thing I have seen all day.
But just to make sure that im not dreaming and this is actually real..
kitten did you just say their is a “cease fire” rule in a pvp area?
Umm, if you’re wanting to do the WvW JP’s without being killed, do them in a large group. If you want to go in alone and not be attacked by an enemy server, try a lower tier server. Tier 1 and 2 for sure camp in the puzzles to prevent the enemy from gaining blueprints/badges.
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
Ermagerd PVP happened in a PVP zone.
And here I thought the purpose of WvWvW was to KILL players and capture keeps from other servers, not hold hands and sing kumbiyah, while skipping through the JP in a parade of sunshine, flowers and cross server-ly brotherhood.
This isn’t hello kitty island adventures.
Wow, glad to know that so many people are willing to help each other out.
In reference to Solori: No, there is no cease fire rule that has been implemented but—out of respect many from SoR as well as TC do not seem to assault each other when trying to do things such as Skill point challenges or Vistas. This also includes Jump Puzzles. Don’t understand why (after being told from 2 BG top guild members) that we can work together only for a sudden group of people from a completely different guild show up JUST for the sakes of JP kills.
Now: A question for everyone that has actually responded. How many of you are even a part of the three servers I’ve mentioned? Hmm? If not, then please keep quiet cause honestly your sidebar peanut gallery comments would be moot considering it’s in the subject that this pretains to 1) Sanctum of Rall. 2) Black Gate 3) Tarnished Coast.
<- Sanctum Of Rall.
I will wave at a TC or BG member. If thye wave or bow back I will normally leave them be. If they try to attack myself or any SoR, they get killed, as do all from their server who follow until I get bored called off for something, or leave. (I figure its the same for BG/TC as well.)
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
(edited by Mishi.7058)
i also tend to go with the “if they don’t attack me, i don’t attack them” method. and like mishi, if i do get attacked, i’m relentless about returning the favor. though, typically, my line of thinking is that if one server has a large group of people ganking in the puzzle, that’s a large group that isn’t defending their towers or keeps. so i wouldn’t be all that upset if SoR and BG decided to send 50 people in to camp the jumping puzzles. hell, make it an even 100 and set up the siege from the blueprints y’all picked up in there.
I probably should have let this thread peter out, but…
This topic is similar to the duel thread:
I’m not speaking for my server or my guild, but I go by the “if it’s red, it’s dead” rule,
If you want to get your vista or POI without worrying about me shooting at you, bring a lot of friends.
Helping other servers do JP = helping them get free siege.
Poor excuse. A if the 1-2 siege plans a player can get from a JP will really turn the tide in WvW. :P
multiplied by a mesmer = 20 to 40 siege weapons against you.
If a guild does a wvw raid and starts off with mesmer portals in homeland and EB puzzle they’ll have 4 times the amount of players they have in siege weapons at their disposal for free.
That actually can very well turn the tide in many battles.
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.
I camped the JP on my Thief last night for a good few hours and had a blast! Actually.. it was 2 of us.. Good times.. Lots of deaths and lots of me dying