Dragon Brand
(edited by Talmor.9048)
So you want to solo in WvWvW? First you must understand that you are entering into a dangerous area where you can expect to die despite your best intentions. PVE is usually easier than WvWvW (also known as WvW because they are lazy or Wv3 for the same reason).
NOTE TO PVP PLAYERS: Yes, I know that you are going to be upset and do not want PVE players in your precious PVP maps. However, I will argue that these PVE players may eventually become PVPers if they fall in love with it. Don’t you want more players in your zerg and eventually manning your siege? They may be unenlightened at first, but give them a chance and they may become your next off-peak commander!
Table of Contents
1.0 – General Tips
1.1 – Tips to avoid other players
1.2 – Which world are you?
1.3 – The Four Worlds
1.4 – Entering WvWvW
1.5 – Leaving WvWvW
1.6 – Avoiding PvP
1.7 – Thieves
1.8 – Exits to the WvWvW
2.0 PVE
2.1 – Two Battle Axes
2.2 – Battlelands (BL)
2.2.1 – Quaggan water combat
2.2.2 – Temple of Storms
2.2.3 – Veteran Guards
2.2.4 – Dolyaks
2.2.5 – Skritt/Centaur Threat
2.2.6 – Jumping Puzzle
2.2.7 – 100% Map Completion
2.3 – Eternal Battlegrounds (EB)
2.3.1 – Dredge (West)
2.3.2 – Ogres (East)
2.3.3 – Hyleks (South)
2.3.4 – Jumping Puzzle
2.3.5 – Veteran Guards
2.3.6 – Dolyaks
3.0 – Badges
4.0 – WvWvW and the Zerg
(edited by Talmor.9048)
1.0 – General Tips
1.1 – Tips to avoid other players
a) Under options select Show All Enemy Players, NPC Names, and Player Names. It will help when you need to see approaching Enemies. If you see a bunch of red “Invaders/Defenders,” you will die. Run or Teleport.
b) Teleport can be selected from the minimap and it is free. Just like in PVE, if it has an X on the Waypoint, you cannot go there.
1.2 – Which world are you?
a) Color – Find what color you are. Every week it can change. The change happens between 4 PM and 4:30 Pacific Time. Pressing B when you are not in an overflow map will show you the color of your server. You DO know the name of your server, right?
1.3 – The Four Worlds
a) Battlelands x3 (BL) – There are three identical Battlelands. Red, Blue, and Green. Each server/world has a battle land that they are given to defend. So if you are green (which will be assumed for the sake of this guide), you are going to want to look at your Map and find the Battleland that is most green for your first time. There is a fourth land called the Eternal Battleland which we will discuss later. Remember you can fast travel between any lands by hitting the waypoint or going through the portals.
b) Eternal Battlegrounds (EB) – The three worlds will be fighting for control of a central castle. This land should not be the first place you go because there is less places for you to PVE in relative peace. But once you are good enough and comfortable with WvWvW, there are things you can do.
1.4 – Entering WvWvW
a) Press B – Press B and select the grey bar at the top to enter from anywhere in the world. You can even go there from an overflow server even if it says unavailable. The top Battle Land is the Red Server, Second is the Blue Server, and The Third one is the Green Server.
b) Lion’s Arch – In the south center, there is a place to go through a portal to enter one of the four Battle Lands.
1.5 – Leaving WvWvW
a) Logout – You can logout and go to character select screen. When you return you will actually be right back where you entered. So make sure when you go to WvWvW, you are in a safe place or you may find yourself with an extra repair bill when you spawn.
b) Lion’s Arch Portal – Mark where you entered WvWvW, there should be a Lion’s Arch Portal near you. In the Battlelands it is south of the Waypoint. In the Eternal Battlegrounds, it is right next to you.
c) Combat – If you are in combat and try to escape it by logging out, you WILL be instantly killed when you come back in. So do not try to cheat your opponent by closing down your computer. Can be frustrating when you do not realize you are in combat or your computer crashes. So just teleport back to an uncontested waypoint and logout if you are worried.
1.5 – Killing an opponent
a) Bad Form – So you killed an opponent? Good job. Do not dance for joy on their corpse or laugh or cheer. Even worse is sitting on their corpse. It is bad form. Just not good karma in my opinion. But that is entirely up to you.
b) Good Form – Salute or bow is a good way to say, good job in the battle and I enjoyed the fight.
c) No Communication – I love how you cannot communicate with your opponent in WvWvW. It avoids the arguments a LOT better. So you can only use gestures to indicate a good time.
d) Mutual Respect – Waving, saluting, and bowing are all ways to say I do not want to engage right now. Many people are trying to do the same thing you are or are just trying to map complete.
1.6 – Avoiding PvP
a) Blue Icon – That is a commander and he/she will have a few players around him and will typically be where the action is. Your choice if you want to engage in WvWvW, but that is where it is.
b) Orange Crossing Swords – A fight is DEFINITELY there, avoid it if you do not want to fight them
c) Crossed Out Location – A Camp, Tower, Keep, or Castle that has its icon with white crosses behind it is under attack by something. It could be a few monsters (see below) or it could be players. Its up to you if you want to go there.
(edited by Talmor.9048)
1.7 – Thieves
a) Special Category – Yes, you get your own special category. They will kill you and they are invisible! Two or three shots is all they need! Fun, isn’t it?
b) Griefing – You may think it is griefing if they are near where you spawn, but they have a job to do and they do it well. They are preventing you from coming in to the Battle Land.
1.8 – Exits to the WvWvW
a) Three – There are always Three exits from your spawn point. So if you are being camped, just go out somewhere else!
b) Battle Lands Exits
b.1) North Central – If this is your battleland, you can leave from the North, West or East. If it the entire map is an enemy’s color you may find it hard leaving the central spot to do the PvE content, but you can try.
b.2) South West – There are three different ways to exit, one will lead straight towards your color’s tower and is where most enemies spawn camp if they try. The other two ways are in through a cave to your left and towards the small island to your left. Both are hard to leave from to get to the PvE content.
b.3) South East – Easier to leave and like SW, there are three exits. One will again lead towards your color’s tower. To the left will lead you to the same island, but to the right, you can actually run right past the camp and underneath the keep over there which makes it easy to go where ever you may want undetected.
b.4) Uncontested Keeps – You may find a keep has been upgraded to include a waypoint. May make it easier to leave to go there.
c) Eternal Battlegrounds – Go right towards the center and enjoy. There are three exits from your spawn point, left, right and center. You can always go around. Thanks Shini, I forgot about them!
(edited by Talmor.9048)
2.0 PVE
2.1 – Two Battle Axes
a) Battle Axes – Check your Map, you may see some of these. These are PVE locations that will help your World!
b) Grey Battle Axes – These are uncontested. They are good places to go if you want to help your fellow WvWvW. They will thank you for being there. See below for the different types of win conditions.
c) Your Color – Assuming you are green, if it is green, then it has been done by another player. Nothing can be done here. Move along.
d) Another Color – Assuming you are green, if it is red or blue, then it has been taken by another world. Time to hit it!
2.2 – Battlelands (BL)
a) Your Battleground – For your first time, go to the Battle Ground that is most filled with your color. It generally means that there are more of your own players there and less of them.
b) Outmanned Buff – For advanced players, go to one that is heavily contested. Why? You get the outmanned buff (20% Magic find, 33% karma, 33% exp). Useful.
2.2.1 – Quaggan water combat
a) Water Combat – Water combat is your friend. Most people ignore this aspect of PvP and as a result it is more of an even playing field. You will survive more against an opponent and can run a lot more.
b) Battle Axes in the water – In the battle land near the southern half of the map, you may see three different battle axes in the water and one on the island. If it is grey or not your worlds color, go for it!
c) Grey Battle Axes – If it is grey, then you have some work to do. Go towards it. It will show your server’s affinity. If it is starting to be filled up, then that means another player is working on it as well. There are three ways to help them.
c.1) Pearls – On the ocean floor there are pearls. If you use the reveal tool (defaulted to control), you will see yellow highlighted pearls. Collect as many as you can and have at least 15 on you at all times. Go to one of the villagers that is near the giant pearl at the bottom of the ocean and in the middle of the orange circle on your mini map. Give them 15 pearls and you have succeeded. Note: he will still ask you for more pearls. Do not waste them, it does nothing else after you have succeeded the event.
c.2) Pearl Locations – In the south and north portion of the water area are the most heavily concentrated, but they are also in the west and east. Explore and you will find them. I like to collect them for fun at times and get a good stockpile.
c.3) Killing Krait – Killing krait in the area can also raise the bar. You need to kill 15, just like the pearls. If you want to do this quick, find that roving squad of krait, they go in packs and hit them. Be prepared because you get new roaming krait every 10-15 seconds if you stay in that area. This is difficult to do on your first time, so just try to hit the ones on the edges.
c.4) Rezzing Villagers – Rezzing 8 villagers fills the bar. Fastest way to do it. The only way they will be dead however, is if a player killed them or a krait did. If you have a friend, if you raise the same one, you actually both get credit and will fill that bar up twice as fast!!!
c.5) Death and Pearls – Even during a downed state, you can still give pearls to a quaggan. This has saved my bacon a couple of times because a player was attacking me and all of a sudden I finished filling the bar by contributing pearls. Also have done this when a zerg hit me just to get a parting shot at them. It at least meant that my repair costs were covered and a little extra in the kitty.
c.6) Quaggans to the rescue – Finishing a grey battle axe will turn it your color and will release a veteran shaman and a few general quaggans. Very helpful if you are being attacked by another player and want to get him off your back.
c.7) WvWvW Benifit, Destroys siege – The Quaggans go to the nearest keep and summons a storm. That storm actually hurts the siege in that keep. Plus it prevents players from using that waypoint for a bit. This is where you are helpful to the war effort! Great job PVE!
c.8) Rewards – Just shy of 2 silver and a handful of XP and Karma
d) Your Color Battle Axes – Move along, it has already been done.
e) Opponent’s Color Battle Axes – If it is near one of your color’s keep, you need to stop that shaman! Your World will thank you! Very easy, run up and start attacking the “Power Node.” It is the giant pearl. If you hit from right above it, you do not have to worry about enemies. There are quaggans that may attack you, but they are very easy.
(edited by Talmor.9048)
2.2.2 – Temple of Storms
a) Center Island – In the middle of the water is an island. It will only every be grey. It resets every 5-10 minutes.
b) Solo Beware – It can be hard for players to solo, but it is entirely possible. Expect a LOT of krait there, and a couple of veterans. Great place to farm some armored scales. You do get a couple of quaggans that will rush the island to help.
c) Occupying the Island – Occupy the island by removing all of the Krait. They may spawn a couple of times while you are there so it may take a few minutes.
d) WvWvW Benifit, Camp assistance – The three camps in the south (looks like camps) will be given some aid in a couple of minutes. About 8 Quaggans will be sent there to backup the camps (if it is your color) or attack it (if it is not). They will not be enough to take a camp, but can help if timed right. They take a minute to get there. Do not worry if they die on the way there, they will spawn up to the eight eventually when they get there. Can be helpful keeping a camp, however.
e) Reset – This will reset on its own every 10 minutes (approximately), so you can farm this one.
2.2.3 – Veteran Guards
a) Flags – If you are feeling bold, venture out of the water and hit those guards near you. There should be four. Becareful, this is when you run the risk of getting hit by PvP. They look like flags on your map.
b) Veteran Guards – Easily soloable, just kill and then stand in the circle for a few moments.
c) Locations – The easiest is NW of the water because it is quick to hit and run back to water. The other three to the NE, SW, and SE are harder, but can be done if you are bold. The one to the South is even harder because you are going between two spawn points for enemies.
2.2.4 – Dolyaks
a) Slow Moving Yaks – Your world will love you for hitting those. They are moving like ants on your map. A freight train delivering supply. What is supply? See below.
b) Kill them but be careful – Killing them helps your world, BUT it comes at a cost, you may find that they are being guarded by two veterans, a guard and a scout. Makes it a bit harder, but killing the dolyak makes the guard/scout disappear. Also, it may be “escorted” by another player. Boring duty since there is no benifit, but you may find yourself blocked.
c) Locations – Anywhere you see a road. They usually cross right in front of a guard, so you can often do a two for one (or even three or more for one if you time it right)
(edited by Talmor.9048)
2.2.5 – Skritt/Centaur Threat
a) NE/NE – In the North East/West corners you will find some true PVE content. Most in WvWvW avoid these areas since it provides no strategic advantage to be there. You are not helping the war effort from what I surmise (I could be wrong).
b) 30 enemies – Killing 30 enemies finishes the quest
c) Veteran Spwans – After that, a veteran will spawn with guards. Go fight them. The 30 enemies resets a few minutes later. I find the Centaurs easier and can be good since they drop a LOT of bags.
2.2.6 – Jumping Puzzle
a) Location – There is an intricate jumping puzzle between the skritt and the western supply depot. You have to jump off a cliff into a waterfall to get there. Check out youtube under “Battleland Jumping Puzzle.” You can get nice rewards for your effort.
b) Ettiquette – If you are in another worlds battlelands, you may find that there are several “defenders” and “Invaders” there. It is your choice to attack or not attack them. I usually do not, but there are those that like to camp in there and fight anyone that goes in. It is there right to do so. If a player kills you for being in there, do not be upset. It is STILL a PvP zone. Just avoid that puzzle till later and move on.
c) Clothing – A tip to avoid repair costs is to take off all your clothing in the jumping puzzle. That way if you DO get killed, there is no disadvantage. It is over a lot of water so you should not die from falling.
d) Additional Tip – If you sit down when someone is attacking, that can sometimes tell them that you are not trying to PvP. It also helps if you have no clothes on. It is a submissive stance, but it has worked in the past.
2.2.7 – 100% Map Completion – Yes, each battle land has its own completion, so you need to visit them all to get your Gifts of Exploration. It can be hard when you have to visit a keep that is occupied by an enemy.
(edited by Talmor.9048)
2.3 – Eternal Battlegrounds (EB) – You WILL Find PvP here. This is when you want a good challenge.
2.3.1 – Dredge (West)
a) Location – In the west, there are brown mountains on your map. This where the dredge are.
b) Grey Battle Axes – Neutral just like the quaggans.
b.1) Kill Monsters – Fills the meter just like the quaggans. You will need to kill around 15 enemies.
b.2) Raise Dredge – Raising the dredge fills it up twice as fast. Two raising the same dredge will both help the completion bar.
b.3) WvWvW Contribution – Releasing the dredge will send them to the nearest Supply (Speldan and Rogues Quarry) and a couple of turrets near the mines. Can help fortify a camp from attack or help others attacking a camp.
b.4) Opponent Filling Bar – If you notice the bar rising from another color, it means they are hitting that area too. If it is going up fast, get out of there, a huge group is coming to you. For that matter, go to the map chat and tell your side that the Dredge are being taken by X color. They WILL thank you for it! It means that they will be hitting a supply camp/tower soon. That extra minute of warning can help defenses. Teleport away unless you are close to filling that bar. If you think you can do it, fill it up. It will slow them down a bit and may even push them out all together! Yeah! Solo for the win!!!
c) Your Color Battle Axes – Nothing to do here, move along.
d) Another Color Battle Axes – Kill around 15-20 Dredge to stop them from going to the camps (they despawn immediately). It takes about 5 minutes to reset. Makes taking camps easier and stops them from attacking yours.
2.3.2 – Ogres (East)
a) Location – In the east and a bit north, there are brown hills on your map. This where the ogres are.
b) Grey Battle Axes – Neutral just like the quaggans.
b.1) Kill Monsters – Fills the meter just like the quaggans. You will need to kill around 15 enemies. Most of the enemies are further up the hill to the south when you enter in. There is a Champion up there. Beware. Killing here will fill that bar significantly, but you need help!
b.2) Raise Ogre – Raising the ogre fills it up twice as fast. Two raising the same ogre will both help the completion bar.
b.3) Harpy Nest – Harpy Nests do not fight back and fill that bar twice as fast. Go for it!
b.4) WvWvW Contribution – Releasing the ogres will send them to the nearest Supply (Pangloss and Umberglade). Can help fortify a camp from attack or help others attacking a camp.
b.5) Opponent Filling Bar – If you notice the bar rising from another color, it means they are hitting that area too. If it is going up fast, get out of there, a huge group is coming to you. For that matter, go to the map chat and tell your side that the Ogres are being taken by X color. They WILL thank you for it! It means that they will be hitting a supply camp/tower soon. That extra minute of warning can help defenses. Teleport away unless you are close to filling that bar. If you think you can do it, fill it up. It will slow them down a bit and may even push them out all together! Yeah! Solo for the win!!!
c) Your Color Battle Axes – Nothing to do here, move along.
d) Another Color Battle Axes – Kill around 15-20 Ogres to stop them from going to the camps (they despawn immediately). It takes about 5 minutes to reset. Makes taking camps easier and stops them from attacking yours.
(edited by Talmor.9048)
2.3.3 – Hylek’s (South) – Reminds me of the Quaggans, but apparently they are very much different. Same enemies though (thanks proven)
a) Location – In the south just north of Darkrait Inlet. This where the Hyleks are.
b) Grey Battle Axes – Neutral just like the quaggans in your battlelands.
b.1) Kill Monsters – Fills the meter just like the quaggans in your battlelands. You will need to kill around 15 enemies. Most of the enemies will come from the south where there is a gate. They are Krait again
b.2) Raise Hyleks – Raising the hyleks fills it up twice as fast. Two raising the same hyleks will both help the completion bar.
b.3) WvWvW Contribution – Releasing the hyleks will send them to the nearest Supply (Golanta and Danelon). Can help fortify a camp from attack or help others attacking a camp.
b.4) Opponent Filling Bar – If you notice the bar rising from another color, it means they are hitting that area too. If it is going up fast, get out of there, a huge group is coming to you. For that matter, go to the map chat and tell your side that the Hyleks are being taken by X color. They WILL thank you for it! It means that they will be hitting a supply camp/tower soon. That extra minute of warning can help defenses. Teleport away unless you are close to filling that bar. If you think you can do it, fill it up. It will slow them down a bit and may even push them out all together! Yeah! Solo for the win!!!
c) Your Color Battle Axes – Nothing to do here, move along.
d) Another Color Battle Axes – Kill around 15-20 Hyleks to stop them from going to the camps (they despawn immediately). It takes about 5 minutes to reset. Makes taking camps easier and stops them from attacking yours.
2.3.4 – Jumping Puzzle
a) Location – There is an intricate jumping puzzle located inside your “Keep.” (Southwest for Green, South East for Blue, and North for Red). You have to go through a glowing door. Check out youtube under “Eternal Battleground Jumping Puzzle.” You can get nice rewards for your effort.
b) Ettiquette -You WILL find other people here from other lands. It is your choice to attack or not attack them. I usually do not, but there are those that like to camp in there and fight anyone that goes in. It is there right to do so. If a player kills you for being in there, do not be upset. It is STILL a PvP zone. Just avoid that puzzle till later and move on.
c) Clothing – A tip to avoid repair costs is to take off all your clothing in the jumping puzzle. That way if you DO get killed, there is no disadvantage. It is over a lot of water so you should not die from falling.
d) Additional Tip – If you sit down when someone is attacking, that can sometimes tell them that you are not trying to PvP. It also helps if you have no clothes on. It is a submissive stance, but it has worked in the past.
e) Traps – If you want to mess with players, you can actually find a few traps a long the way and activate them as they go through the puzzle. Beware other people may be activating them to slow you down. It is their right to do it, so do not be upset if they kill you.
2.3.5 – Veteran Guards
a) Flags – If you are feeling bold, go hit those guards. There should are four in your area and four in each of the enemy’s areas. Becareful, this is when you run the risk of getting hit by PvP. They look like flags on your map.
b) Veteran Guards – Easily soloable, just kill and then stand in the circle for a few moments.
c) Locations – All over the place and often in enemy territory in EB. Hard to get without getting killed.
2.3.6 – Dolyaks
a) Slow Moving Yaks – Your world will love you for hitting those. They are moving like ants on your map. A freight train delivering supply. What is supply? See below.
b) Kill them but be careful – Killing them helps your world, BUT it comes at a cost, you may find that they are being guarded by two veterans, a guard and a scout. Makes it a bit harder, but killing the dolyak makes the guard/scout disappear. Also, it may be “escorted” by another player. Boring duty since there is no benifit, but you may find yourself blocked.
c) Locations – Anywhere you see a road. They usually cross right in front of a guard, so you can often do a two for one (or even three or more for one if you time it right). Hard to kill since they are most definitely in enemy territory!!!
(edited by Talmor.9048)
3.0 – Badges
3.1 – PvP – You can get PvP badges by killing enemies, killing NPCs in supply depots, towers, keeps, and castles. The drops are very infrequent. I get 0-2 with each kill. Why do you need them? They are an ingredient in crafting your legendary weapon. Plus they can be used to purchase PvP items.
3.2 – Jumping Puzzle – Jumping puzzles give you a handful each day. (Thanks Hengis and Noble for the correction, guess I will be doing them daily now!) They chests that have the two halves of the keys and the chests that have the good loot reset every 24 hours. This is different than your dailies which reset at 4PM PST daily.
4.0 – WvWvW and the Zerg
4.1 – Zerg – So you want to engage in some WvWvW and see what is all about. First expect to die and be confused the first few times. I would recommend your own Battleground first. It will be the most heavily populated and easiest to run with. This is called a zerg.
4.2 – Supply – See that number at the top of your screen to the right of the timer? Is it zero? Then you are worthless until it reads at least 10. Get supply! You can carry 10. 15 if a guild has activated a certain buff on a claimed spot.
4.3 – Supply Location – It is located in a camp, tower, keep, or castle under a brown canopy with a barrel icon over it and a bunch of boxes on a flat. The bigger the pile, the more that is available.
4.4 – CAMPS ONLY – Grab supply from camps only. The biggest way to upset people is to grab supply from an upgrading tower, keep, or castle.
4.5 – Towers, Keeps, and Castles – You MAY grab supply from one of these places if you see that it is at maximum capacity or near to it. You can find out that it is maximum by looking at the top corner of your screen under Defend X location. It will tell you how much supply is there.
4.6 – Supply Uses – Build and Repair
4.6.1 – Build – If someone throws down a box that looks like a cube of wood scaffolding that is bigger than you, walk up and press F. You will be building. You will see your supply go down by twos as you build.
4.6.2 – Repair Walls/Doors – You can repair the walls/doors if you like. Just walk up and press F. You will find that most locations have several walls/doors that can be repaired. It is free XP and especially when it is not being attacked, they will thank you. Beware, you may be hurting the efforts if you just waste it when there is no reason to repair. If someone tells you to stop repairing, stop. It means that you are just wasting supply that can be used for other reasons.
4.7 – Ask questions – Ask questions if you are unsure where to grab supply or what to repair/build.
4.8 – Commander Icon – If you see a Blue Icon that looks like two chevrons (V), that is a commander. They spent 100 gold for it! Most are competent, but not all. Typically they will have a few people to a large amount with them. Join them to find that zerg
(edited by Talmor.9048)
Pretty complete summary, well done!
I logged in just to say well done. I hope that your post encourages more players to fight for their server in WvW (yes, I’m lazy).
A very nice post that not only PVEr’s should read! There is a lot of info here that is also useful to people new to WvW PvP!
One slight mistake – The jumping puzzles reset every day not every week. This means you could do all three borderlands and the EB each day if you so wish. This actually means you could obtain as many as 25 badges a day just from the jumping puzzles. Also top and bottom key halves obtained in one borderland also work in other borderlands, so you could for example obtain the top half in the red borderland and the bottom half in the blue borderland and then open the green borderland vault.
Hopefully some of the people who have a look found WvW might find that they like it.
I actually only initially went in to WvW to get map completion and then found myself addicted to it and have hardly been back to PvE since!
A LOT of work went into this, and it shows in a good way.
Much respect, well done..!
Thanks, I have been looking for all of the solo content for a while. Mainly for my friends who dislike PvP. I have been taking them around showing them all of this stuff and I realized I actually had something to say that could help out others. Thanks for the update Hengis btw.
“c) Eternal Battlegrounds – Go right towards the center and enjoy. Hard when you are being spawn camped because there is only one exit.”
EB got 3 exits as well.
Nice work. I would just like to add that many of the good commanders like having ’eyes’ everywhere. Back when I first started in WvW I would PvE mobs sitting around supply camps and call out on /team or in the voice chat when I saw a group of enemies either attacking the camp or passing by.
Once a commander gave me half a gold for doing it for a few hours as a thanks. While that certainly isn’t the norm, just calling out enemy group locations on team when you spot them can help your server significantly, even if you aren’t interested in engaging. Even a single minute’s advance warning is a huge difference.
Something you should add: Go to a low tier server and do the jumping puzzle/PvE there, then if you decide to stick to WvW help that server to win the weekly matches!
Something you should add: Go to a low tier server and do the jumping puzzle/PvE there, then if you decide to stick to WvW help that server to win the weekly matches!
I am not sure i would take this advice. If you join tier 8, two of the servers are basically being spawn camped and any indication that there is an enemy player around anywhere on the map, will bring a number of dominating server’s players running as there is nothing else going on. Same thing is true on any tier where the match up is unbalanced.
2.2.6 – Jumping Puzzle
b) Ettiquette -You WILL find other people here from other lands. It is your choice to attack or not attack them. I usually do not, but there are those that like to camp in there and fight anyone that goes in. It is there right to do so. If a player kills you for being in there, do not be upset. It is STILL a PvP zone. Just avoid that puzzle till later and move on.
e) Traps – If you want to mess with players, you can actually find a few traps a long the way and activate them as they go through the puzzle. Beware other people may be activating them to slow you down. It is their right to do it, so do not be upset if they kill you.
a good neutral opinion. especially from a pve-er [no offence]
Something you should add: Go to a low tier server and do the jumping puzzle/PvE there, then if you decide to stick to WvW help that server to win the weekly matches!
I am not sure i would take this advice. If you join tier 8, two of the servers are basically being spawn camped and any indication that there is an enemy player around anywhere on the map, will bring a number of dominating server’s players running as there is nothing else going on. Same thing is true on any tier where the match up is unbalanced.
Well, if you do the jumping puzzle on a populated server there will be so many enemies inside that you’ll probably not going to finish it.
Trust me, I’m from a T1 European server and we hate when PvE carebears show up to jump in that useless waste of space when there’s real fighters in queue.
EDIT: there’s also no ‘etiquette’ or ‘traps’. If you’re red, you’re dead.
(edited by Chiolas.1326)
Something you should add: Go to a low tier server and do the jumping puzzle/PvE there, then if you decide to stick to WvW help that server to win the weekly matches!
I am not sure i would take this advice. If you join tier 8, two of the servers are basically being spawn camped and any indication that there is an enemy player around anywhere on the map, will bring a number of dominating server’s players running as there is nothing else going on. Same thing is true on any tier where the match up is unbalanced.
Well, if you do the jumping puzzle on a populated server there will be so many enemies inside that you’ll probably not going to finish it.
Trust me, I’m from a T1 European server and we hate when PvE carebears show up to jump in that useless waste of space when there’s real fighters in queue.
EDIT: there’s also no ‘etiquette’ or ‘traps’. If you’re red, you’re dead.
Perfectly within your right to attack anyone you want. Even in the jumping puzzle. It is your job to stop invaders. Just figured I would give some etiquette options for those that would like to use them. Happy hunting!
You made a typo in the Eternal Battleground section. The southern camp of NPCs is not filled by Quaggan, but by Hylek (the frogs).
1.5 – Killing an opponent
a) Bad Form – So you killed an opponent? Good job. Do not dance for joy on their corpse or laugh or cheer. Even worse is sitting on their corpse. It is bad form. Just not good karma in my opinion. But that is entirely up to you.
First off, thank you for all of this, it’s well written and just may convince those afraid to WvW to dip a toe in.
As for the above … Lol while I agree laughing/crying is rude, we all fell asleep on an enemy player the other day who refused to hit the WP for quite a while. I can only imagine what he was thinking with about twenty of us sleeping on top of him.
Someone in the pile started laughing and said “so this is sleeping with the enemy.”
(edited by Jayne.9251)
1.7 – Thieves
Don’t worry about getting killed by thieves. It is the lowest skill class. The game would be entirely better without this class in the game.
Excellent post – this should be stickied….I got into WvW initially for map completion. This helps round out what I have been trying to figure out on my own. Thanks so much!
Updated and cleaned up some information on Jumping Puzzles. Thank you for the advice and edit. I look forward to the new maps that will make this guide partially obsolete. Should probably have left room for updates. When I figure out how a solo can play in the new maps, I will provide a link here.
Meanwhile, I figured out a few more things a solo person can do to help their servers:
1) Speed up workers in a keep. Yes, you can speed up their working by speeding up their walking speed. All classes have some form of speed buff they can apply to others. Most do not know this.
2) Speed up Dolyaks. See above, your server will love you for this!!!
3) The quaggans in the water and dredges/hyleks/ogres are great targets for a solo.
4) Refresh siege. Just press F next to them when you are running past or better yet, go around and refresh it all.
5) Shout out in Map chat any groups you see run past you.
Updated and cleaned up some information on Jumping Puzzles. Thank you for the advice and edit. I look forward to the new maps that will make this guide partially obsolete. Should probably have left room for updates. When I figure out how a solo can play in the new maps, I will provide a link here.
3) The quaggans in the water and dredges/hyleks/ogres are great targets for a solo.
Supply camps are also quick and easy to take down for solo’s
Find out if your server has a way of voice communication, i.e. a program like ventrilo, teamspeak, etc that allows people to talk with each other.
When you enter a WvW battle ground, just ask. Usually someone is helpful enough to tell you which program to use and what info you need to log in. Most people on vocom are nice enough, as only “your” people are on here. Plus, everyone loves it when first-timers make the effort to get into vocom. No one expects you to talk a lot, so don’t worry about being a “silent lurker”. Be prepared to get challenged when you first log in, in that people want to make sure you actually play on their server and are not a spy. This usually takes the form of "hey, <your voice chat program user name>, please put up a “Y” into in-game team chat". Just go into GW2 chat and type “/team Y”.
That being said – if you play on any of our opposing servers, ignore what I just said. Always take supply from keeps and towers first, attack the grub in EB, and build as many flame rams on walls as you can fit. Bonus points if you siege lock the place, or play dub-step at max volume into the voice chat.
Supply camps are also quick and easy to take down for solo’s
Do check if the supervisor has its buff on, though, or you will get wrecked.
Very nice one, here a few comments:
> 1.3.a): Remember you can fast travel between any lands by hitting the waypoint or going through the portals.
You can only see and use the WPs of a map after you were at least once on that map. So a short visit of every map at start is useful
> 1.5 – Leaving WvWvW
d) You can exit WvW (as any PvE map) also by teleporting to sPvP.
Open the sPvP dialog and press “go to .. mists”
>1.5 – Killing an opponent
1.5 is used twice
> 4.6.2 – Repair Walls/Doors
If you repair Walls/Doors while the siege event is active, repairing
(as well as killing attacker) qualifies you for event-success.
4.9 If your world has a WvW TS, you can ask for connect infos in the map chat.
You should not say much there, but listing may give you valuable informations about position of your and enemy people.
4.10 Don’t worry about strange ‘x’, ‘r’, ‘k’, …, numbers between 1-15 in the map-channel.
They are usually chat- replies to verbal-TS questions for volunteers or supply status.
1.5 – Killing an opponent
a) Bad Form – So you killed an opponent? Good job. Do not dance for joy on their corpse or laugh or cheer. Even worse is sitting on their corpse. It is bad form. Just not good karma in my opinion. But that is entirely up to you.
Unless it’s a thief who suddenly jumped you from stealth with no warning. If you kill them, humiliation is in order. I prefer to sit next to them while they bleed out.
I would say it’s “bad form” to try and surprise someone like that…but hey! Whatever works right? Just don’t mind the humiliation.
Unless it’s a thief who suddenly jumped you from stealth with no warning. If you kill them, humiliation is in order. I prefer to sit next to them while they bleed out.
I would say it’s “bad form” to try and surprise someone like that…but hey! Whatever works right? Just don’t mind the humiliation.
So, what about an ele who RtL rushes you, KDs you and then proceeds to barbeque your behind before you even get up? Or bunkers who’ll shrug off any blow you land while they laugh in your face? Mez Clone Wars?
Bad form is bad form.
Unless it’s a thief who suddenly jumped you from stealth with no warning. If you kill them, humiliation is in order. I prefer to sit next to them while they bleed out.
I would say it’s “bad form” to try and surprise someone like that…but hey! Whatever works right? Just don’t mind the humiliation.
So, what about an ele who RtL rushes you, KDs you and then proceeds to barbeque your behind before you even get up? Or bunkers who’ll shrug off any blow you land while they laugh in your face? Mez Clone Wars?
Bad form is bad form.
When you can see someone, you can devise a counter. I can evade RTL easily. Getting surprised by stealth is bad form and it deserves humiliation when you still win.
Did anyone notice that there is two Dolyak articles? I find that interesting :P
Interesting thread but I cant help but laugh that you’re trying to give new people some info and you continually refer to the Borderland maps as the Battleland.
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