Solution for EBG queue?
There are queue’s for EBG? I haven’t witnessed a queue for a long time on Piken Square.
Might be interesting. Not for queue relief though, no queues outside of reset.
But it may draw more people into WvW. EB is a more casual friendly map. Its easier to play, easier to get around, symmetrical.
And if it gets rid of Bloodlust that’s a bonus. Bloodlust is bad.
There’s no way Anet could reset the BL every 6 hours though. And they’ve stated they can’t just swap out different maps from week to week. I tell you, the technical limitations of Anet are really holding WvW back.
I haven’t seen a sizable Q in T2 since I got here a few months ago. I doubt any server Qs all the maps any more. Even if they do, EotM was ANets answer to that problem.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
I have generally not seen queues outside of reset and maybe prime time. Even prime time is getting really short.
I honestly think that they should get rid of the borderlands completely and remake EB have only one map that players fight over for a 7 day period.
I honestly think that having the number of the maps there are is splitting the player-base and is part of the problem. Smaller population servers have no chance to defend their borderlands and EB. This makes it so it is extremely hard to get the points you need to win.
Don’t stack like monkeys on banana tree.
Slowest klicker in Ktrain.
Proceed to forum
I hear not blobbing works wonders as there is 3 other maps not named EBG.
What server are you on???? Other than reset night, I rarely see a queue in EB. That’s on a T1 NA server.
More karma trains !!!!!! We really dont need more things like that , 3 borders and eb is enough ,many servers cant even fill them during prime time
30 minutes into last reset on a T1 server before we even had our first map queue and it wasn’t even EB.
There are queue’s for EBG? I haven’t witnessed a queue for a long time on Piken Square.
Then you aren’t paying attention. I’m also on PS and I regularly see queues for EBG, though they are generally short. Queues for borderlands only happen directly after the reset, though.
Move to a less populated server
U guys don’t know what a que is. I remember when tier 6 had an hr que on all maps
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
What server are you on???? Other than reset night, I rarely see a queue in EB. That’s on a T1 NA server.
And i have exactly the same opinion about EBG:
Don’t stack like monkeys on banana tree.
We often get 90+ queue to EBG while we have 0 to borderlands and losing stuff there.
As someone said above: EBG is more casual friendly.
Yeah, but… imo it’s not just casual friandly but, overall more friendly towards anyone. Spawn is closer, camps are closer, enemies are closer, actions are more frequent. Isn’t that good for hardcore guilds too?