Solution for WvW population imbalance

Solution for WvW population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


Make it faction based.

We already have 3 factions in the game and 3 borderlands.. how convenient, lets use them. For the example: Priory, Whispers, and Vigil are used. Theoretically this should now be called FvF (Faction vs Faction)

What do we do before we start FvF: Decide whether or not you’d like to enter solo or as a group (guild). For the example, were going to use a guild of 20 that wants to enter together.

When your group logs onto FvF, your presented with a new screen with a set of tiers. Each tier will show each borderland (and EB) and how many players in each one currently. So basically people can see how many of each faction are in each map, so they can choose accordingly. Tiers aren’t based on skill, they are based on current participants playing.

For example, on Tier 1 Eternal Battlegrounds we see:

Vigil: 70/100 Priory: 80/100 Order: 95/100

On Tier 2 Eternal Battlegrounds we see:

Vigil: 40/100 Priory: 60/100 Order: 45/100

If our guild of 20 wants to play together as the Order on EB, they must select Tier 2. If they don’t care which faction they’re on, but only care more about evening out the numbers, they’ll join the Vigil on Tier 1. If they wan’t a little friendly competition with each other, perhaps they’ll split up into groups of 10 and go against each other. So on and so on.

If players choose to play outmanned, then it’s their choice. On the flip side, if you choose to join a side that’s blowing the other 2 out, then so be it. If whole guilds can somehow manage to field 300 people at once and want to fight it out amongst themselves, well they have that choice to by choosing an empty tier. Or perhaps if 3 separate guilds can field 100 players at a time, could battle it out as well.

Maybe even for players who are new to WvW or are intimidated about facing off against the more experienced, well perhaps have a designated Training Tier, where they can learn the ropes. Commanders or the more experienced could donate some of their time to show the newbies the ropes.

Remove the PPT all together as you can see there will be no point in having it in this type of match up. Gold, Karma, and Wxp are still awarded the same way for doing the same things as we do now. Badges are still earned and spent the same way.

For rewards: Have a new currency called “honor points” or something to the effect, which can be spent on buffs for either PvE or FvF. Things like magic find, gold find, crafting or “noding” bonuses. Or add bonuses to stats. Basically you purchase the upgrade and use it whenever you want. It acts like food except it can be stacked with food.

Anyways, with this system:

- No more ques
- No more population imbalances (unless you choose to play in that scenario)
- The map population constantly changes leaving people to face off against new players, guilds and strategies every time they log onto FvF
- You can pick and choose what rewards you want (and when to use them)
- Reduction in skill lag (join a less populated map if you don’t want skill lag)

I think this would go a long way in fixing the population imbalances.

Solution for WvW population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: Chiolas.1326


Yay let’s copy PS2…

Quit WvW and Gw2 in August 2013

Solution for WvW population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


Yay let’s copy PS2…

Do you have a better idea?

Solution for WvW population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: Aevic.9675


It kind of ruins the whole “server spirit” ANet is trying to get across. They want you to be proud of your server, not your faction.