Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace
Set a Deadline for server Transfers and make it available for every 3 months. Do not allow transfer’s to populated servers.
That only works well for the servers that have the number and would be terrible for any server that lacks in wvw. Wouldn’t be surprised to see a huge transfer off you server if you continue to have matches like this…can’t imagine it’s fun for everyone there. (maybe just for the chest thumpers)
We have this kinda of matches because of transfers. If transfer’s are stopped tiers will be evenly matched.
Yes being able to transfer servers weekly does hurt a lot of people. I allows people to jump ship to greener pastures.
I respected Kain and Ferg because they fought back the whole time. It didn’t matter if they were behind 100K points there were always some Fergs and Kain that were out there taking towers and trying to do something.
SF and HoD are just boring. The only points they have are from break out events, and even in those cases they lose the towers 5 min later. Gasmic wasn’t kidding about our guild getting so bored we went around in a 12 man group with nothing on but our weapons and we were still beating the SF and HoD we ran into.
I am still waiting to see something I can compliment either of these servers on, but alas all I can give them props on is way to ride a break out event and leave.
Let’s be honest why would HoD be motivated? We are close to dropping to T8 if Kaineng can do a better. I cant say what is up with SF – they crushed us just 3 weeks ago so either they have had alot of WvW transfer off as they did loose both of the following weeks since or they are just choosing to not participate for whatever reason (also trying to get in T8?)
T6 should be better for you and I would expect T5 to be a real challenge – again sorry your were stuck in T8 for so long and grats on breaking out despite anets daft rating system
(edited by kreese.9461)
I am still waiting to see something I can compliment either of these servers on, but alas all I can give them props on is way to ride a break out event and leave.
There is literally nothing else for us to do this week. When you guys find yourself on the receiving end of a matchup like this, you’ll understand the situation. When your opponent has held everything long enough (about one night) to upgrade everything to max level and put waypoints everywhere, it is near impossible to make a comeback.
You have infinite supply, an untouchable map presence, and you’ve crushed the morale of the casuals who make up a majority of the servers. The only thing for us to do is run supply camps, and if we don’t do that in a very sporadic fashion your response team will typically catch up to us after about 30 minutes.
I had a video of me soloing 3 Envy mesmers AND 6 NoQQ at the same time to prove my egaming leet pro skilz, but my wife deleted it.
Riggggghhhhttt (rolls eyes). At least it was good for a laugh ;-p
Stylii Elementalist (Staff)
(NoQQ) LeaderCan’t wait for the AoE nerfs since we ALL know Staff Elms are so powerful
i dunno styl, last week me and my guardian buddy 2v12ish a group of 50/50 noqq/larp, and all the noqq died before the larp d/d eles managed to drop us. you guys don’t do as well when your on the other side of the ambush.
Interesting since all of LARP has been on Ehmry Bay with Me for we’ll over a week. Nice try and good attempt at a Troll. CYA.
sorry for the late response worked 38 hours in the last 2 days but to address your response. Notice i used the words last week, the fight in question was sunday before DR moved up when FC and KAIN were pushing hard on the weekend after the reset. Your always trying to give advice to other after you beat them, im just returning the favor. If you wanna say it didn’t happen fine, but Im 100% honest when i talk about fights. Look on page one of this week(i posted vids of DR losses, and withheld vids of hod/sf zergs droping to 1-3 DR players) if you want proof that im honest.
i did see HoD make a push last night in their borderlands. our counter push did encounter some fierce resistance to the point we had to rally 2 times before we could take the garrison back
I’m shocked that the LARP elems managed to drop you in a 2v12. I guess they got lucky.
I am still waiting to see something I can compliment either of these servers on, but alas all I can give them props on is way to ride a break out event and leave.
There is literally nothing else for us to do this week. When you guys find yourself on the receiving end of a matchup like this, you’ll understand the situation. When your opponent has held everything long enough (about one night) to upgrade everything to max level and put waypoints everywhere, it is near impossible to make a comeback.
You have infinite supply, an untouchable map presence, and you’ve crushed the morale of the casuals who make up a majority of the servers. The only thing for us to do is run supply camps, and if we don’t do that in a very sporadic fashion your response team will typically catch up to us after about 30 minutes.
You speak as if we didn’t get pounded quite a bit before we were able to rise up. Get some Cajones.. pull some people together and push .. just think of how good of a morale boost it would be to take something that has steel walls… even if we do take it right back.
if anything you guys should be out running trains to power level!
I am still waiting to see something I can compliment either of these servers on, but alas all I can give them props on is way to ride a break out event and leave.
There is literally nothing else for us to do this week. When you guys find yourself on the receiving end of a matchup like this, you’ll understand the situation. When your opponent has held everything long enough (about one night) to upgrade everything to max level and put waypoints everywhere, it is near impossible to make a comeback.
You have infinite supply, an untouchable map presence, and you’ve crushed the morale of the casuals who make up a majority of the servers. The only thing for us to do is run supply camps, and if we don’t do that in a very sporadic fashion your response team will typically catch up to us after about 30 minutes.
You speak as if we didn’t get pounded quite a bit before we were able to rise up. Get some Cajones.. pull some people together and push .. just think of how good of a morale boost it would be to take something that has steel walls… even if we do take it right back.
That sounds like it would give the opposite of a morale boost…
There is literally nothing else for us to do this week. When you guys find yourself on the receiving end of a matchup like this, you’ll understand the situation. When your opponent has held everything long enough (about one night) to upgrade everything to max level and put waypoints everywhere, it is near impossible to make a comeback.
You have infinite supply, an untouchable map presence, and you’ve crushed the morale of the casuals who make up a majority of the servers. The only thing for us to do is run supply camps, and if we don’t do that in a very sporadic fashion your response team will typically catch up to us after about 30 minutes.
I’m kind of wondering what it does to your server morale to have so many people just give up. The first night after the reset was pretty competitive in EB as I recall … if you had kept that up we wouldn’t be having this discussion. SF could have maybe joined up with HoD to keep DR out of EB and we’d all have a very different game on our hands. Numbers will indeed beat you to a pulp if all you can think of doing is going head to head.
in the early days, DR hade a few supply camp teams that would constantly annoy our enemies who greatly out performed us at the time. They never gave up, and those people are what made DR what it is now.
Amen to this, being the bottom rung is what made me better. Stick with it all who have despair, it will turn around. Old DR is living proof. GJ all, lets smash tier 6 DR.
Brunn Gasm Devona’s Rest
The White Kitty
There is literally nothing else for us to do this week. When you guys find yourself on the receiving end of a matchup like this, you’ll understand the situation. When your opponent has held everything long enough (about one night) to upgrade everything to max level and put waypoints everywhere, it is near impossible to make a comeback.
You have infinite supply, an untouchable map presence, and you’ve crushed the morale of the casuals who make up a majority of the servers. The only thing for us to do is run supply camps, and if we don’t do that in a very sporadic fashion your response team will typically catch up to us after about 30 minutes.
I’m kind of wondering what it does to your server morale to have so many people just give up. The first night after the reset was pretty competitive in EB as I recall … if you had kept that up we wouldn’t be having this discussion. SF could have maybe joined up with HoD to keep DR out of EB and we’d all have a very different game on our hands. Numbers will indeed beat you to a pulp if all you can think of doing is going head to head.
We mostly lost it to wintersday, things will pick up as more and more people get bored of it.
You speak as if we didn’t get pounded quite a bit before we were able to rise up. Get some Cajones.. pull some people together and push .. just think of how good of a morale boost it would be to take something that has steel walls… even if we do take it right back.
You DR people need stop comparing henge to your server. Your first sentence illustrates the reason very clearly. You were at the bottom and went up. We were at the top and came down. Your road to the prestigious tier of 7 was filled with morale boosting rallies and victories. Henge had to lose week after week against bigger and better servers than DR. Our situations couldn’t be more different. Drop from first tier before you act like DR is more tenacious than us.
The only people left doing WvW with any regularity are the people who have lost many times before. Don’t act like your server broke Henge’s morale. Anyone who gets discouraged easily is either not very interested in WvW or left the server already. As if we’re still on the server after all the previous defeats, but DR’s amazing tactics and insurmountable numbers are just crushing our spirits. The number of people you’re seeing has been the norm for a long time. Accounting for Wintersday and real world holidays, the lack of a large Henge presence has nothing to do with anything DR has done.
You speak as if we didn’t get pounded quite a bit before we were able to rise up. Get some Cajones.. pull some people together and push .. just think of how good of a morale boost it would be to take something that has steel walls… even if we do take it right back.
You DR people need stop comparing henge to your server. Your first sentence illustrates the reason very clearly. You were at the bottom and went up. We were at the top and came down. Your road to the prestigious tier of 7 was filled with morale boosting rallies and victories. Henge had to lose week after week against bigger and better servers than DR. Our situations couldn’t be more different. Drop from first tier before you act like DR is more tenacious than us.
The only people left doing WvW with any regularity are the people who have lost many times before. Don’t act like your server broke Henge’s morale. Anyone who gets discouraged easily is either not very interested in WvW or left the server already. As if we’re still on the server after all the previous defeats, but DR’s amazing tactics and insurmountable numbers are just crushing our spirits. The number of people you’re seeing has been the norm for a long time. Accounting for Wintersday and real world holidays, the lack of a large Henge presence has nothing to do with anything DR has done.
I agree but I don’t think they mean anything ill by it – they are really just now starting to glimpse what can happen to a server in WvW given anets daft rankings and transfer policy and it really scares them – they take a look and realize there is NOTHING stopping large guilds from transferring to their server artificially raising their ranking and leaving them to drop with losses
Thing is given they have an established WvW player base so i doubt that base will transfer off easily and they should be able to stop any downward spiral around T5/6
We and ET on the other hand had the largest amount of transfer off a server(s) ever recorded in a single week (no link to back this up but i doubt anyone would say otherwise) happen the same time as one week matches started – the timing could not of been worse – so the WvW core on HoD and ET is far smaller and far more ticked off than those on other servers
(edited by kreese.9461)
You speak as if we didn’t get pounded quite a bit before we were able to rise up. Get some Cajones.. pull some people together and push .. just think of how good of a morale boost it would be to take something that has steel walls… even if we do take it right back.
You DR people need stop comparing henge to your server. Your first sentence illustrates the reason very clearly. You were at the bottom and went up. We were at the top and came down. Your road to the prestigious tier of 7 was filled with morale boosting rallies and victories. Henge had to lose week after week against bigger and better servers than DR. Our situations couldn’t be more different. Drop from first tier before you act like DR is more tenacious than us.
The only people left doing WvW with any regularity are the people who have lost many times before. Don’t act like your server broke Henge’s morale. Anyone who gets discouraged easily is either not very interested in WvW or left the server already. As if we’re still on the server after all the previous defeats, but DR’s amazing tactics and insurmountable numbers are just crushing our spirits. The number of people you’re seeing has been the norm for a long time. Accounting for Wintersday and real world holidays, the lack of a large Henge presence has nothing to do with anything DR has done.
You forget that we were once subject to the endless hordes of Borlis Pass and the once mighty Ferguson’s Crossing. I remember waiting for weeks before we took the towers I needed to get world completion. These were not “morale boosting rallies and victories.” And you know what, we still fought back. We got beat up by BP and FC, but we didn’t give up. We still went out to WvW and did what we could.
Saying “look at our misfortune, there’s no hope for us!” isn’t going to get you anything but losses. I don’t care if it was DR or tier 1 that “broke your spirits.” On reset day, you guys brought an army to EB that stood toe to toe with DR and SF. Where is that army now?
that’s what Tei is trying to tell you – this is how it is normally on HoD – this is our normal turn out minus a few holiday exceptions – the people you are trying to talk to (the ones from the first day of the matchup) don’t likely read this forum got their monthlies or whatever done logged and we wont see them again until next matchup – I don’t fault them it is not their job to WvW they joined to pve and those large numbers of people who did join the server to WvW transfered off 10+ weeks ago – we know who we are and what we are and came to terms with it weeks ago please don’t worry we will rebuild we may not be many but we still have fight
we know who we are and what we are and came to terms with it weeks ago please don’t worry we will rebuild we may not be many but we still have fight
I look forward to our future match with anticipation.
You speak as if we didn’t get pounded quite a bit before we were able to rise up.
You haven’t had a complete shut-out matchup in the past two months. In fact, you’ve won almost every single one of them. So don’t even pretend.
Get some Cajones.. pull some people together and push .. just think of how good of a morale boost it would be to take something that has steel walls… even if we do take it right back.
We do. We do every night. Every night we’ve retaken at least 100 points worth of real-estate. But apparently that ain’t enough to keep you guys from talking junk all week.
I’m kind of wondering what it does to your server morale to have so many people just give up.
It’s a snowball effect, but the giving up doesn’t come before the morale loss. People don’t give up when there’s high morale. People give up when they see things as being hopeless. Which, quite frankly, if you’re a casual, participating in WvW is hopeless when you get in a situation like this.
(edited by robocafaz.9017)
Wow this thread has it all. We got old friends (Fergs and Kains) stopping in to remind us we still have numbers against them. We’ve got new friends (HoD and SF) reminding us that we have numbers against them. And then we have some cheeky Blackgate fellow who has decided to muck around in the mire of the bottom tier threads to remind us no matter what our numbers are the higher tiers are still better than us in DR.
I for one hope HoD and SF show up and start giving me an opportunity to get into my comfortable zerg ball and hump me some karma trains. Really you are disappointing ole Khans and severely interrupting his ability to casually play the game. I have actually STAYED in SM and farmed Gifts (those toys hurt I just grab the presents and run). I can honestly say I’ve had one excitable fight this entire matchup and of course it got ruined by a zerg ball. I miss the amazians of Kain and the sweet candy loot bags those Envy guys always dropped.
I still chuckle when I see a higher tiered server actually take any kind of interest in us lowly tiers. Higher tiers =/= better players (unless your in T8 then of course we are better than you. I had a video of me soloing 3 Envy mesmers AND 6 NoQQ at the same time to prove my egaming leet pro skilz, but my wife deleted it.
Best. Post. Ever. And before he says anything, shut up Drednyte. He talked about my guild. MY GUILD! XP Kinda flattered you guys are still talking about us though.
Let me inject some sanity here.
Devona’s Rest as a server is not really special. We have at the moment, a lot of fair weather WvW’rs who are more than happy to hop into the fight or even to the server as we are winning.
Our server by and large is made up of people who are not very bright, very creative or particularly good at WvW in strategy. They are excellent at following the blue dot on the map though. They have poor reading skills and when they do read map chat, the chances of a troll being in the crowd is 90% and these trolls never travel alone. It is by and large the blue dot on the map which determines what Devona will be doing. We have very few good commanders. The remaining commanders are split between meaning well but not very strategic and cannot think beyond the one thing they know and repeat every time and the commanders who go to a map with their commander icon on just to take camps, sit in town or do the jumping puzzle. After all, they paid for the icon and they are damn well going to have it on all the time. The experienced voices without icons are mostly ignored until there are enough veterans on the map and THEN we get things done.
I was with Devona from the start. I will be here until the end. The middle has been a journey from holding our own in WvW, to not being able to hold a camp to holding the entire map. The journey is far from over and I think our hubris will become an issue as will our apathy.
There are periods in the day when no one on the map cares about the score, or holding a keep or has a clue what supply is for – nor do they care to do anything to help the team.
Apathy. Crushing the enemy is nearly as big a liability to the numbers we can field as being crushed is. I am doubtful we will move up to the next tier this week. I was doubtful at the beginning and until it happens I will remain so. Our score is slipping as fewer and fewer bother to come to WvW. I’m thinking we are here to stay for a bit Sorrow and Henge so we all might as well get comfortable with each other.
Let me inject some sanity here.
DR, you should listen to this guy. He knows what’s up.
Yes being able to transfer servers weekly does hurt a lot of people. I allows people to jump ship to greener pastures.
I respected Kain and Ferg because they fought back the whole time. It didn’t matter if they were behind 100K points there were always some Fergs and Kain that were out there taking towers and trying to do something.
SF and HoD are just boring. The only points they have are from break out events, and even in those cases they lose the towers 5 min later. Gasmic wasn’t kidding about our guild getting so bored we went around in a 12 man group with nothing on but our weapons and we were still beating the SF and HoD we ran into.
I am still waiting to see something I can compliment either of these servers on, but alas all I can give them props on is way to ride a break out event and leave.
Post like these are boring and old. If you’re good, you don’t need to tell people you’re good.
As far as compliments go: How about the group of 15 that killed your group of 20 + 5 golems last night? I don’t need to post anything else. We @ HoD are immune to your insults. Seen and heard them all before.
Whomever that asura guardian commander was that I pulled off the cliff of HoD garrison and killed, I apologize :p
Dear DR,
You just sent 10 golems in the last hour charging at our Garrison’s water gate only to be shredded by cannon fire from cannons you didn’t bother to destroy. Maybe one day you’ll take a fully upgraded (and defended) tower, which would provide a much needed morale boost.
K Thanks,
Henge of Denravi
(edited by Valenna Tiefling.5806)
Wow this thread has it all. We got old friends (Fergs and Kains) stopping in to remind us we still have numbers against them. We’ve got new friends (HoD and SF) reminding us that we have numbers against them. And then we have some cheeky Blackgate fellow who has decided to muck around in the mire of the bottom tier threads to remind us no matter what our numbers are the higher tiers are still better than us in DR.
I for one hope HoD and SF show up and start giving me an opportunity to get into my comfortable zerg ball and hump me some karma trains. Really you are disappointing ole Khans and severely interrupting his ability to casually play the game. I have actually STAYED in SM and farmed Gifts (those toys hurt I just grab the presents and run). I can honestly say I’ve had one excitable fight this entire matchup and of course it got ruined by a zerg ball. I miss the amazians of Kain and the sweet candy loot bags those Envy guys always dropped.
I still chuckle when I see a higher tiered server actually take any kind of interest in us lowly tiers. Higher tiers =/= better players (unless your in T8 then of course we are better than you. I had a video of me soloing 3 Envy mesmers AND 6 NoQQ at the same time to prove my egaming leet pro skilz, but my wife deleted it.
Best. Post. Ever. And before he says anything, shut up Drednyte. He talked about my guild. MY GUILD! XP Kinda flattered you guys are still talking about us though.
And I miss you, like the deserts miss the rain
And I miss you, oh, like the deserts miss the rain
I’d provide a link but I’d have to listen to the whole song and I don’t feel my fragile heart could take it…….
Looks like Devona’s Rest is doing really well according to mos.millenium… is there any reason towards your recent huge rating increase?
They got out of T8.
In reality all the T8 servers last week have bigger populations than ET, HoD, and maybe SF, so when DR hopped into T7, which consisted of one almost completely decimated server (HoD) and SF, they outpopped both of them combined. It is likely that DR might jump into T6 where the population advantages wont be so severe.
Looks like Devona’s Rest is doing really well according to mos.millenium… is there any reason towards your recent huge rating increase?
Loyalty and being persistent is the reason we have numbers in WvW. We don’t give up. Many people wanna trash talk devona tring to find an excuse saying “oh its just numbers” . We have good players on pvp and bad players as every single server but there is a fact we have hard working people willing to win. To all those from SF and HoD talking kitten about Devona I am saying this not to hurt you or anything I am saying it because it’s a fact Kain and Fergusons had way better players then you guys and I honestly think they deserve to be in this tier.
I am sorry we have more dedicated players than you guys have and I am sorry about the broken match making system and free server transfers. Devona belongs to 3rd-5th tier bracket imo but due to the broken server ranking system we have to be in tier 6 and dominate at all times. We are tring to make it to tier 6 this week but seems like we gonna miss around 5k-10k rating at the end of the week unless GoM fails harder this week because devona is already doing max points.
I wish you guys good luck in next match up.
Looks like Devona’s Rest is doing really well according to mos.millenium… is there any reason towards your recent huge rating increase?
I think main problem about WvW is the transfers and people who are not loyal to their server. On those terms many players who get killed my large group of enemies again and again just gets frustrated and leave WvW so server starts to lose harder and then they leave the server for a winning server.
Most of our enemies believe Devona had great transfers from other servers and that’s why we win. Which is not the actual reason behind devona’s rising. It is because we worked hard, we train our people, we show them how to defend how to attack and explain in every situation what do they need to do. We are really serious about winning but we do not forget the main reason why we are playing, to have fun. We are tring to make the WvW fun for everybody so they will come back for more. We don’t let any negative attitude which will effect morale of our players in map chat. We have experienced commanders who are not just there to lead their guild or a small group they lead everybody in map. We have a really respectful player base who fight everyday and know each other. And major characteristic of Devona is we do not give up. We will go and die billion times but we will accomplish the mission. We fought with outnumbered buff several times and we had a bigger group when we faced enemy because we know when to group up when to split up. I have seen so many times Ferguson’s Kaineng and now SF and HoD they come with a big zerg they continue until they get wiped and then poof nobody comes back.
I already said too much I am not here to give our strategies and tactics but what we do is beyond knowing how to fight or how to place siege. We think about morale and how we can bring more people to field and we train them with right habbits.
Bad sides:
We are getting some more players due to the fact we are on a winning streak. We welcome everybody to Devona but some people are joining us just because it is a winning server and they will leave Devona when things get hard in upper Tiers. That’s why we ask every new guild the reason why they transfered to us. We respect everybody willing to only fight for Devona and stay here forever.We got used to winning and we have been getting ready for tier 7 for a long time and now we got a free pass to tier 6 which might cause us to drop the ball. We didn’t fought at EB almost at all because there is no threat which means we didn’t practice for next week.
Last words:
I just hope we will have the same ambition when we move up to 6th Tier because NSP looks like a worthy opponent for us.
Let me inject some sanity here.
Devona’s Rest as a server is not really special. We have at the moment, a lot of fair weather WvW’rs who are more than happy to hop into the fight or even to the server as we are winning.
Our server by and large is made up of people who are not very bright, very creative or particularly good at WvW in strategy. They are excellent at following the blue dot on the map though. They have poor reading skills and when they do read map chat, the chances of a troll being in the crowd is 90% and these trolls never travel alone. It is by and large the blue dot on the map which determines what Devona will be doing. We have very few good commanders. The remaining commanders are split between meaning well but not very strategic and cannot think beyond the one thing they know and repeat every time and the commanders who go to a map with their commander icon on just to take camps, sit in town or do the jumping puzzle. After all, they paid for the icon and they are kitten well going to have it on all the time. The experienced voices without icons are mostly ignored until there are enough veterans on the map and THEN we get things done.
I was with Devona from the start. I will be here until the end. The middle has been a journey from holding our own in WvW, to not being able to hold a camp to holding the entire map. The journey is far from over and I think our hubris will become an issue as will our apathy.
There are periods in the day when no one on the map cares about the score, or holding a keep or has a clue what supply is for – nor do they care to do anything to help the team.
Apathy. Crushing the enemy is nearly as big a liability to the numbers we can field as being crushed is. I am doubtful we will move up to the next tier this week. I was doubtful at the beginning and until it happens I will remain so. Our score is slipping as fewer and fewer bother to come to WvW. I’m thinking we are here to stay for a bit Sorrow and Henge so we all might as well get comfortable with each other.
See man our server is pretty much the complete opposite of you guys. The few Commanders we have left on the server, me included, have been here since the beginning. We don’t have a huge pop now because of the huge drop we have been taking and people don’t want to stay loyal when they aren’t winning. Us commanders all play multiple hours everyday and have for a long time. We have played so much on this server that we know almost everyone that we play with, also everyone that sees us on have also built up trust with us and they know that we know what we are doing whenever we are commanding people. That being said you can have the greatest commanders of all time on your server but if you are constantly outmanned by 50, 100, 150 or so on it makes it extremely hard for you to do anything. The towers we try to take are always fully upgraded. When we get camps we lose them again within a matter of minutes, and that makes it hard to run supply to take a tower or keep. On the off chance we do take a tower or keep you guys always have 2 massive zergs attack from multiple angles and we have no way to upgrade or build seige to defend against it. So in turn more and more people stop playing WvW and we have less and less each time. But the main core of us in WvW have been loyal to our server since day 1 and will continue to be loyal no matter how bad the beat down is each week XD Sorry we can’t put up much of a fight against you guys to make it interesting but we just don’t have the pop to do it.
See man our server is pretty much the complete opposite of you guys. The few Commanders we have left on the server, me included, have been here since the beginning. We don’t have a huge pop now because of the huge drop we have been taking and people don’t want to stay loyal when they aren’t winning. Us commanders all play multiple hours everyday and have for a long time. We have played so much on this server that we know almost everyone that we play with, also everyone that sees us on have also built up trust with us and they know that we know what we are doing whenever we are commanding people. That being said you can have the greatest commanders of all time on your server but if you are constantly outmanned by 50, 100, 150 or so on it makes it extremely hard for you to do anything. The towers we try to take are always fully upgraded. When we get camps we lose them again within a matter of minutes, and that makes it hard to run supply to take a tower or keep. On the off chance we do take a tower or keep you guys always have 2 massive zergs attack from multiple angles and we have no way to upgrade or build seige to defend against it. So in turn more and more people stop playing WvW and we have less and less each time. But the main core of us in WvW have been loyal to our server since day 1 and will continue to be loyal no matter how bad the beat down is each week XD Sorry we can’t put up much of a fight against you guys to make it interesting but we just don’t have the pop to do it.
First of all I have no idea who is SolarWind and he is wrong in so many points and things he said are bad for reputation of Devona.
Adult Magazine I know it is frustrating. we are tring as hard as we can to stop this nightmare this Friday but it doesn’t only depend on Devona. GoM has to fail at T6 for us to go up this friday. I know numbers are not even but there is nothing we can do about that. I respect you guys tring to do your best in current situation. I hope you guys have great fights against Kaineng or Ferguson’s but I believe Kaineng have more players than both SF and HoD so watch out and keep the spirit up. And I am glad to see commanders like you.
See man our server is pretty much the complete opposite of you guys. The few Commanders we have left on the server, me included, have been here since the beginning. We don’t have a huge pop now because of the huge drop we have been taking and people don’t want to stay loyal when they aren’t winning. Us commanders all play multiple hours everyday and have for a long time. We have played so much on this server that we know almost everyone that we play with, also everyone that sees us on have also built up trust with us and they know that we know what we are doing whenever we are commanding people. That being said you can have the greatest commanders of all time on your server but if you are constantly outmanned by 50, 100, 150 or so on it makes it extremely hard for you to do anything. The towers we try to take are always fully upgraded. When we get camps we lose them again within a matter of minutes, and that makes it hard to run supply to take a tower or keep. On the off chance we do take a tower or keep you guys always have 2 massive zergs attack from multiple angles and we have no way to upgrade or build seige to defend against it. So in turn more and more people stop playing WvW and we have less and less each time. But the main core of us in WvW have been loyal to our server since day 1 and will continue to be loyal no matter how bad the beat down is each week XD Sorry we can’t put up much of a fight against you guys to make it interesting but we just don’t have the pop to do it.
First of all I have no idea who is SolarWind and he is wrong in so many points and things he said are bad for reputation of Devona.
Adult Magazine I know it is frustrating. we are tring as hard as we can to stop this nightmare this Friday but it doesn’t only depend on Devona. GoM has to fail at T6 for us to go up this friday. I know numbers are not even but there is nothing we can do about that. I respect you guys tring to do your best in current situation. I hope you guys have great fights against Kaineng or Ferguson’s but I believe Kaineng have more players than both SF and HoD so watch out and keep the spirit up. And I am glad to see commanders like you.
Hey man, even if you don’t move up this week, I will be looking forward to next week. We should hopefully have some more people back from the Wintersday event to put up a fight against you guys. I know Valenna and I would like to see what we could really do against you guys if we did have closer numbers to you guys, even if we are all just in 1 borderland XD I’ll try to get on soon to play I just had surgery so I can’t play for a few days, but I we do play you again next week you better be prepared :P
On reset day, you guys brought an army to EB that stood toe to toe with DR and SF. Where is that army now?
That’s the point I tried to make above as well. Last Friday at reset DR grabbed Stonemist first (we officially had control) but couldn’t hold it against the SF and HoD onslaught. The entire zone was intensely contested, and even though DR had a long queue for EB (meaning we had capped out the number of players we could throw in there) we lost control of Stonemist. Somewhere along the line, though, SF and HoD just kind of gave up and the tier became a cakewalk … at least for this week. So I have the same question … where the hell did all those enemies that were giving us fits go?
On reset day, you guys brought an army to EB that stood toe to toe with DR and SF. Where is that army now?
That’s the point I tried to make above as well. Last Friday at reset DR grabbed Stonemist first (we officially had control) but couldn’t hold it against the SF and HoD onslaught. The entire zone was intensely contested, and even though DR had a long queue for EB (meaning we had capped out the number of players we could throw in there) we lost control of Stonemist. Somewhere along the line, though, SF and HoD just kind of gave up and the tier became a cakewalk … at least for this week. So I have the same question … where the hell did all those enemies that were giving us fits go?
we normally get a really good turnout on reset, im pretty sure i may have posted this here already at some point. we have many more PvE players on our server than WvW. there is quite a bit of advertising done to get off to a good start in WvW and it works fairly effectively, untill at one moment everyone decides its bedtime. then the PvE players who occasionally stumble into WvW sees we lost most everything overnight and never enters WvW again that week.
Fact is im pretty sure HoD is a high pop server, just not in regards to loyal WvW players.
On reset day, you guys brought an army to EB that stood toe to toe with DR and SF. Where is that army now?
That’s the point I tried to make above as well. Last Friday at reset DR grabbed Stonemist first (we officially had control) but couldn’t hold it against the SF and HoD onslaught. The entire zone was intensely contested, and even though DR had a long queue for EB (meaning we had capped out the number of players we could throw in there) we lost control of Stonemist. Somewhere along the line, though, SF and HoD just kind of gave up and the tier became a cakewalk … at least for this week. So I have the same question … where the hell did all those enemies that were giving us fits go?
Well I was in my BL during that and you had us outmanned in there too, so instead of trying to keep anything in EB which is almost impossible to do when one server has a queue and we aren’t even close to one. So we just had everyone in our BL after that (still didn’t have a queue even with everyone in there btw) and you guys still had us outmanned by a lot. That is where the enemies went. I’m just speaking for HoD though, I don’t know what happened to all of the SF in there
First of all I have no idea who is SolarWind and he is wrong in so many points and things he said are bad for reputation of Devona.
Yes. You do know who I am or you should. Look at your friend’s list.
I’m not wrong on my points.
SolarWind has been on DR from the beginning. He was one of my first contacts on that server when we were getting steamrolled by release day servers after release day servers fighting over cliffside and dawns. :P
Today DR reached a new low. After the first few days of chest beating that they managed to finally, after a very very long time claw there way out of the bottom tier, they pull a childish stunt like this. Spawn camping us after owning the whole map, Seriously.. But wait there is more. It appears this was not good enough, they must be afraid we may attempt to take a camp or tower. They were so concerned that they placed the following siege around our spawn out area. The list as best that I can remember goes like this. 2 or 3 Ballista, 5 arrow carts, 3 catapults. I may have missed a few but you get the general idea. Other achievements to date. Losing 9 Golems to take over garrison. You must admit you were very entertaining during that time.
Finally as I stated before you managed to claw your way out of the bottom tier, but you are not tier tier 5 or 6 material. As you have been told you will lose due to a number of factors which is a detriment to your server. I will let you work on finding that out in the coming weeks as you soul search why your starting to slide again. If the roles were reversed do you think we would do these sorts of childish acts. Some my say lets give them a taste of what it feels like to be on the receiving end. Will you blame us if we do. I will ensure this will not happen as we are much bigger then to stoop down to your level.
This is something to think about, you have presented yourselves to us in this manner, will your attitude change in the coming weeks. as they say time will tell.
Good night everybody.
DR spawn camped Ferg and Kain quite a bit…
We didnt mind. It was just an oppertunity for us to lure the DR folk into champion guards over and over. Fighting is more fun when its just a short walk away
We actually have a rule to not to place any siege until enemy places one at spawn points.
We actually have a rule to not to place any siege until enemy places one at spawn points.
Well it seems you break your own rules. One has to also ask how many other rules have you broken currently and in the past.
Today DR reached a new low. After the first few days of chest beating that they managed to finally, after a very very long time claw there way out of the bottom tier, they pull a childish stunt like this. Spawn camping us after owning the whole map, Seriously.. But wait there is more. It appears this was not good enough, they must be afraid we may attempt to take a camp or tower. They were so concerned that they placed the following siege around our spawn out area. The list as best that I can remember goes like this. 2 or 3 Ballista, 5 arrow carts, 3 catapults. I may have missed a few but you get the general idea. Other achievements to date. Losing 9 Golems to take over garrison. You must admit you were very entertaining during that time.
Finally as I stated before you managed to claw your way out of the bottom tier, but you are not tier tier 5 or 6 material. As you have been told you will lose due to a number of factors which is a detriment to your server. I will let you work on finding that out in the coming weeks as you soul search why your starting to slide again. If the roles were reversed do you think we would do these sorts of childish acts. Some my say lets give them a taste of what it feels like to be on the receiving end. Will you blame us if we do. I will ensure this will not happen as we are much bigger then to stoop down to your level.
This is something to think about, you have presented yourselves to us in this manner, will your attitude change in the coming weeks. as they say time will tell.
Not a fan of spawn camping, but in this situation I’d probably order the same thing if I was a commander. It’s going to be a razor-thin outcome whether DR moves up this week or not.
In a way, they are trying to do you a favor by helping to ensure that we don’t have this extremely unbalanced matchup two weeks in a row.
Use the side exits if you are being spawn-camped.
First of all I have no idea who is SolarWind and he is wrong in so many points and things he said are bad for reputation of Devona.
Yes. You do know who I am or you should. Look at your friend’s list.
I’m not wrong on my points.
Wow he says you set a bad reputation as keeps posting screenshots of the score board and insulting players from our servers. Nothing wrong with winning by such a huge margin…but to keep posting screen shots of the score board. I can see the players that like to fight jump from your server if we still have this match up next week.
(edited by FilthyRat.4652)
Sorry i wasn’t there to help Raven and I understand but i don’t blame DR
It’s anet that needs to ensure wvw is fun for all – it is on them – they held DR, Kaineng in T8 while pummeling HoD and ET for weeks on end – it boggles the mind how they allowed it – they should have manually edited the ratings to enforce sanity
if i were to create the T8 and T7 matchups for next week, I would move DR up to T6, then create the following matchups to see how the servers fair against each other – would GoM dominate? would SF show up (they can)? or would Kaineng bring the T8 grit and win it all? Would ET and HoD be able to hold against FC or would FC run away it?
Gate of Madness
Sorrow’s Furnace
Ferguson’s Crossing
Henge of Denravi
Eredon Terrace
I don’t know about you but I prefer my matchups for next week about 1000% more than the daft ones anet is going to give us
(edited by kreese.9461)
We actually have a rule to not to place any siege until enemy places one at spawn points.
Well it seems you break your own rules. One has to also ask how many other rules have you broken currently and in the past.
Go back to PvE while we are you match up then.
Here is 2 vids from the past 2 nights with WvW action.
Don’t take this the wrong way, but SF, when you have a zerg with the same numbers as DR like you did today, don’t leave after you get wiped. We took Garrison 10min later when you all left and it became boring. I’m not being mean, just asking you guys to stick around more =/
Vid 1. ( mainly vs HoD )
Vid 2. ( all vs SF )
^ still being uploaded.
On reset day, you guys brought an army to EB that stood toe to toe with DR and SF. Where is that army now?
That’s the point I tried to make above as well. Last Friday at reset DR grabbed Stonemist first (we officially had control) but couldn’t hold it against the SF and HoD onslaught. The entire zone was intensely contested, and even though DR had a long queue for EB (meaning we had capped out the number of players we could throw in there) we lost control of Stonemist. Somewhere along the line, though, SF and HoD just kind of gave up and the tier became a cakewalk … at least for this week. So I have the same question … where the hell did all those enemies that were giving us fits go?
I can’t speak for HoD, but many of SF WvWers are also PvEers and we got distracted by the holiday event.
If there’s one thing that can keep me going in a matchup like this, it’s the fact that before DR takes one of our towers or keeps our outnumbered force pushes them back three or four times. If you guys were not nearly as persistent as you are this would be a very different fight. It’s been fun, but I’m more than ready for the reset tomorrow.
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