the original dab daddy
Soulbound proofs of heroics
the original dab daddy
According to a developer comment it was a bug that it was “Account Bound”. Here is the post :
The chest, containing Proofs, being account bound is a bug. Earning specializations (skills and traits) is intended to be character progression. Ex: If you want to fully train up your warrior, you actually need to play your warrior for some amount of time. I say some amount of time since Tomes of Knowledge have allowed players to bypass a lot of existing character progression.
So i guess they simply corrected the “bug”.
Yeah I just discovered this “Fix” today. What happened to the good Anet developers? I Honestly can’t even understand these new ones. They aren’t even gamers any more, they are just trying to funnel people into the cash shop, and replace content with grind.
I understand wanting us to “progress” our characters to get our specs, but I’m never going to play my engie in WvW, ever. Probably not even after I eventually get scrapper. My guild needs my warrior, or my guard, or my elementalist etc, so I wont be crippling our comp just to “progress” my engie.
I feel like Anet doesn’t understand the amount of time that WvW guilds spend actually in WvW. We have points to maintain, we have scheduled raids etc, so if I can put the time I spend running around in WvW on my warrior to use on a character I can’t take the time on, that’s extremely helpful.
Really though, I can get over the soulbound factor, I think what bugs me the most is that they just take up another dang slot in my inventory instead of being a normal currency. A character wallet for soulbound currency like this would be nice.
so why was a new “currency” created in a way to use to buy siege equipment that you can already by with honor badges. if you had a lot of badges the constant stack of proofs of heroics are useless. make them not account bound. or, an actual currency
I know it’s been said and I feel the need to spread this message everywhere. Everything in WvW is shared why not this? Even scrolls of knowledge we get from keep take dailies are shared. I just don’t get why.
It’s a completely disappointing and irrational decision they made to make proofs soul bound.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Makes perfect sense. If you want to progress alts, you go to HoT zones to get your hero points faster, which makes HoT zones more populated, which makes anet feel good about the xpac. Nobody cares about wvw, so why make playing there rewarding in the slightest bit.
Can you not just go into EoTM with the Alt and just k-train there to get the proofs? I’d think that’d be considerably faster than going back into HoT maps. Considering now it seems a tad difficult to find a populated map to get all the HP’s.
It’s just easier to go into an EoTM map because you know it’ll be populated and the levels will come quickly, especially if you pop a booster
Huge logic fail on Anet’s part. How is it that a programmer can fail at logic? Isn’t programming a logic thing? Look at PvP- that’s all account wide. Why can’t WvW proofs be account bound? I read the Anet response- it fails the logic test.
It’s especially jarring when account bound has been the way this game has been advancing. Masteries, WvW abilities, Account bound wallet, Ascended/legendary gear.
And sure, while someone could argue that you can’t get a hero point for another character in pve , that would ignore the fact that notaries give you an arbitrary hero point in a map that you might not have even reached, meaning that in no way is it a valid analogue. The exploration aspect is a part of pve character progression, and also comes with its own reward system per character.Hero points mean a lot more in pve than just getting a single point but it also is a part of map completion. Thus, It makes no sense to attach such a concept to an account bound means of acquisition such as wvw rank. It makes little sense if one plays 80% of a level on a characater but the notaries can’t be passed over because it coincidentally finished on another character.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
Huge logic fail on Anet’s part. How is it that a programmer can fail at logic? Isn’t programming a logic thing? Look at PvP- that’s all account wide. Why can’t WvW proofs be account bound? I read the Anet response- it fails the logic test.
Its not logical and its not a programmer thing. This is a decision made at the design level that ignores the way WvW progression works.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Definitely something they should revert. In WvW Class and build are vital to party composition, and this promotes selfish game play rather than playing as a team.
This is just promoting more grind rather than allowing players to just play the game the way they enjoy.
One of the things that made GW1 so great was the lack of grind, that cannot be said for GW2. GW1 , you could log in to a max level character and play PVP without having to grind at all from the start. Anet failed to allow that ability in GW2 for both small scale and large scale PVP modes. Small scale pvp is not all that exists in this game, it would be nice if they actually treated WvW like the large scale PvP game mode it is supposed to be. Adding more grind and obstacles to playing a s a team , it is just promoting more players leave WvW than actually be able to play the mode.
My necro that used 23 maguuma scrolls (only starter zone HPs + WvW hero pts) thumbs its nose at PvE. Wells necro is a viable regular spec.
My revenant is being unloved because it has 3% map complete and waiting to be Heralded in WvW. Regular rev is incredibly slow to keep up with front liners and midline. Meanwhile I have unused proofs stacked up on mesmer I play 90% of the time in WvW because portals, veil, alacrity are indispensable. I want to try to play it but don’t want to bother gimping my team with PvP style dwarf/mallyx/shiro/ventari builds , even with it as broken as CoR is
I currently have zero mastery and chrono, reaper, tempest, DH fully unlocked.
In your backline: Elementalist+Mesmer+Necromancer
(edited by Infusion.7149)
Players buy xpac if they see everybody play the new maps. They made the math. After a few month they will do something little to regain runaway wvw players. But wvw maps are free, no money if everybody play on it
Just the WvW
- Make (PvE-)masteries character-based.
- Check the reactions.
- Copy the solution to WvW.
(You need masteries to get HPs, you need PoHs to get HPs, they’re the same~ )
Yeah that’s what I don’t get. Why masteries are account bound so you can just run around and get all the heroics, but you can’t do the same in wvw with poh?
Yet another useless currency once you get them on a toon you have elite spec on. Ok can buy siege with it, but you can get them on TP – for badges and even for a few silver too.
Sometimes i think they just do something without over thinking.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
add my name to the list of people who think this change was a stupid one.
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
I can see both sides of this. The old system took a while but allowed more flexibility. The new system allows for players to get their elite pretty quickly.
The new system requires roughly 35 levels per class which is around 10-15 hours of dedicated WvW play or about 100 or so hours to unlock everything. It took well over 200 hours previously. The big advantage of the old system was that B-Day gifts and other bonuses allowed power WvW leveling but that was still slower than the new way.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
They added it so people could level their elite specs on their characters through WvW…. and yet your complaining about classes that you won’t take through WvW…..
Why should you be able to get your elite spec for one class, by playing another class. I didn’t get to level my Daredevil Elite spec by PvEing with my elem…….
As far as forcing you into the HoT maps? No one is forcing you to make another character and leveling their elite spec.
(Masteries are NOT Elite specs, them being account bound does not relate to Elite Specs)
I kind of wonder that when this “Big Revamp” hits if they will make the proofs account bound. Would make sense to do so, and then make them the currency for any new items in WvW(hopefully ascended gear).
They added it so people could level their elite specs on their characters through WvW…. and yet your complaining about classes that you won’t take through WvW…..
Why should you be able to get your elite spec for one class, by playing another class. I didn’t get to level my Daredevil Elite spec by PvEing with my elem…….
As far as forcing you into the HoT maps? No one is forcing you to make another character and leveling their elite spec.(Masteries are NOT Elite specs, them being account bound does not relate to Elite Specs)
That is a valud point. But let me ask you this. Once you get your first round of hero points is your next round faster or slower? Faster. Because you know where they are and you have leveled the masteries needed to get them. Your third is faster yet. Each time they actually propably get a little faster if you try.
We are slower to start. And stay that way. If not actually slow down as the person pointed out we will be running alts outside our normal group comps, which slows down the xp. For example last night i started working on my third elite spec. After 3 hours had 35 hero points. There were people claiming that after the hero point nerf needed for elite specs you could get your entire elite spec unlocked in a couple hours if you knew where the hps were. Unless of course you wvw then after a couple hours you are ready to unlock the ability to use the weapon.
So while yes you have to do it on each character, we have to spend a much longer time doing it.
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-
I dont need another useless currency for my WvW characters, i already have 10 000+ badges, 6million karma, and every wvw mastery capped with a spare 500 points sitting around doing nothing.
I capped stuff i dont even use, cant recall the last time i bothered firing a mortar. Never used a shield generator, ever. The only useful things to buy that gave me a sense of char progression were removed.
If they are going to be another currency why do i not have a place in my wallet for them? Why are they sitting taking up space in my inventory?
[lion]~ riperonis
Is it really that big a deal HOW we grind HPs? People who have 80 alts pre hot know how to play those classes they just want their elite spec why did you have to make it AIDS souldbound? Is there some fear people in PVE will be all like "oh snap i can grind HPS faster in W3 than carebearing I’m out this magumma map? Like would that ruin PVE or something? Even if it did would it be so bad having casuals coming into W3 for that grind and god forbid enjoying the gamemode for whatever reason? The bank space alone is AIDS for people with alts now. Make it currency and account bound kitten it’s not like you’ll be ruining Grindwars we still have Grind halls to waste all our other mats on instead of theory crafting. It’s no wonder everyone is so casual now working a comp requires you to master the TP just to fund the experiment.
I know Anet want us to use our alts to level them, but in doing so what they’re ACTUALLY doing is discouraging us from playing how we want, and removing the fun aspect at the same time. I want to level my alts when I’m playing my elementalist, because I find elementalists fun. I do not enjoy having to spend time on my non-elementalist characters because of this soulbound proof of heroics change.
Furthermore, the way it is now, if I am playing on my main, which IS an elementalist, and he has ALL hero challenges completed, any proofs of heroics are literally wasted on him because the only other thing he can get with them is siege, and we all know it’s cheaper to just buy the siege off the trading post, or use our badges of honor – so what’s the incentive? Also, you all of a sudden become very aware that, if you’ve maxed all the hero challenges and any proofs of heroics will be pointless, you’ll have to constantly switch characters right before you hit that next chest of the mists at 5,000 WXP. This is just SO stupid.
Discouraging players in how they wish to play, and taking away their enjoyment is not good business. This is making me start to wonder if Anet are doing these things on purpose so WvW becomes a ghost town, then they can say ‘hey look, no one plays it, we told you it is dead content all along!’.
(edited by Zaoda.1653)