Speed Hack?

Speed Hack?

in WvW

Posted by: Buzzcrave.6197


Even on the range of 0-300, my shortbow(900 range) is still out of range?

It is not lag, the environment is all fine. It’s only him(Necromancer of Hanky Panky guild of Borlis Pass) that keeps on teleporting whenever someone is trying to hit him.

Speed Hack?

in WvW

Posted by: Buzzcrave.6197


I lagged and posted this thread twice. Please delete this one. Thx.

Speed Hack?

in WvW

Posted by: Buzzcrave.6197


Sorry for double posting. Seems like the other thread have been deleted. So ignore my post above.

Speed Hack?

in WvW

Posted by: SoPP.7034


I’ve seen it.

Initially in bots farming Queensdale who seemed to ‘disappear then reappear’ like
there was lag, which there wasn’t as other people moved around normally.

Ive since watch a couple vids like yours. Ive only seen it recently however, is this something new?

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Speed Hack?

in WvW

Posted by: Buzzcrave.6197



This is not new. Botters been using this to farm orich from nodes to nodes. Heck, they even use it while botting to level up.

But for someone to use it in WvW? Unacceptable. This guy need a perma ban, even better perma IP ban.

Speed Hack?

in WvW

Posted by: SoPP.7034



This is not new. Botters been using this to farm orich from nodes to nodes. Heck, they even use it while botting to level up.

But for someone to use it in WvW? Unacceptable. This guy need a perma ban, even better perma IP ban.

Ether way a perma ban is fine by me. It kills immersion PvE side of things too, takes your kills so u wait for respawn and inevitably will mess up the Trading Post.

In another thread someone was arguing that it all happens client side so Anet can’t catch and ban them. Only players quick enough to catch and report them will do the deed.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Speed Hack?

in WvW

Posted by: Mug.9403


Anet could catch and ban them, not that hard… your position on the “server” is not “client” only.

The problem is keeping performance high while doing these things.

Speed Hack?

in WvW

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

As a necromancer I personally know we have teleports available and had he put the flesh wurm behind the wall it would get him almost all the way to the wall as it did, however, I think even the entry teleport location leaves the dark cloud same as the exit and I didn’t see one. I haven’t personally tried the new version of spectral walk but can say with some certainty he would still be green if the tether was still active. Another thing is client-to-client lag, this has been an issues in so many mmo’s and it’s nothing new. I’m not saying 100% this wasn’t a hack, but it could be that lag. On another note it is possible to artificially produce that lag so he could be doing that, although I’m not gonna post how cause enough unsavory people out there already know how to do it. If you see this person doing it consistently with the same reproducable results, then yeah by all means report it.

~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Speed Hack?

in WvW

Posted by: Sals.9534


I could never understood the need to hack or cheat, what does it prove? That you suck and you have to cheat to feel good?

I guess if the game posses no challenge to them anymore we should be watching Utube for the rage quit soon?

Or are these people so miserable in there lives grieving makes the little psychopath feel good.

Colegate / Selos Song Kaineng-DE Guild

Speed Hack?

in WvW

Posted by: Buzzcrave.6197


@Nay of the Ether

It is not lag. Look at the pets movement. The pet move fluidly. Recognize the video is only 5 sec? Thats because I’ve been chasing him from the camp until the keep.

Speed Hack?

in WvW

Posted by: HoukaKetsueki.6924


Lol it certainly ain’t lag. Look at this video. 3 People doing it in the same place. When they’re dying they’ll just back pedal away and gone. 1 even passed my corpse and blinked to eternity, while the people in the background moved fluidly. My group also saw it.

Best solution in killing this people when you’re facing them is to pull them and immobilize them.

Koko Puffz / Kokoro Chan
Tarnished Coast Asian Roamer