Split up ticket acquisition

Split up ticket acquisition

in WvW

Posted by: cyanidecapsule.3926


Currently, you get all the Skirmish Claim Tickets from a division in the final reward chest. I think it would be better suited to split this tickets up into each reward chest.

For example:

Wood Division
Reward 1 of 4 – 2 Tickets
Reward 2 of 4 – 2 Tickets
Reward 3 of 4 – 2 Tickets
Reward 4 of 4 – 4 Tickets

This would help people who don’t have the time to finish a division; and would be most beneficial on the Mithril/Diamond chests that require 300 and 330 pips respectively.

Split up ticket acquisition

in WvW

Posted by: Elric Of Melnibone.4781

Elric Of Melnibone.4781

The pips per ticket ratio is pretty well maintained from wood to diamond, but each level takes longer and longer to get. Split is a good idea as starting on Mithril or Diamond is always questionable as your progress might get lost at reset time. If you could carry over that would solve it also.

Split up ticket acquisition

in WvW

Posted by: Sviel.7493


While I understand wanting to normalize ticket acquisition, I think the point was to incentivize pushing farther than you normally would. In addition to rewards for what we were doing already, they want to give us a reason to play even more WvW.

Though, if finishing the tier is not possible, the actual incentive might be to just give up.

Perhaps a compromise would be best—Half the tickets are spread over the first four chests and half are in the fifth chest?

Split up ticket acquisition

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


While I understand wanting to normalize ticket acquisition, I think the point was to incentivize pushing farther than you normally would. In addition to rewards for what we were doing already, they want to give us a reason to play even more WvW.

Though, if finishing the tier is not possible, the actual incentive might be to just give up.

Perhaps a compromise would be best—Half the tickets are spread over the first four chests and half are in the fifth chest?

I think a % would be a decent idea if done right, but they should keep the tickets at the end of each tier. And reward the % of the tier you didn’t finish based on that specific tiers reward on Friday reset.

Split up ticket acquisition

in WvW

Posted by: Malerian.8435


I think the system is just fine. Even if your a causal player like me, you can still make it to diamond without much issue.

Split up ticket acquisition

in WvW

Posted by: Sviel.7493


I think the system is just fine. Even if your a causal player like me, you can still make it to diamond without much issue.

Aren’t you like rank 3k+? If not much higher? I don’t think a casual player can be expected to spend 40+ hours in WvW each week, so if their pip gain is lower due to rank, there would be an issue with making it to diamond.

I am fine with that, of course, but I wouldn’t say your experience is universal.