Stackgate vs T2,T3,T4
Considering map cap hell if 18 servers were pitted against them, they could probably give them a run for their money, but all of bg would have to be there. Especially if the 18 servers were split into sets of 9
Restart WvW:
Just adding a few of those servers together would cap out. The rest of the list would be irrelevant. If bg had to fight twice their numbers on every map 24/7 they would probably get crushed.
If there is ever a matchup where 3 sides are fighting relatively even non stop I want to be there though.
bg vs tc/db vs yb/jq ‘might’ be interesting…
Not kidding, could Blackgate and Erredon Terrace actually beat
Dragonbrand & Sanctum of Rall
Jade Quarry & Isle of Janthir
Fort Aspenwood & Borlis Pass
Maguuma & Devona’s Rest
Sea of Sorrows & G. of Madness
Stormbluff Isle & Crystal Desert
Henge of Denravi & Ehmry Bay
N. Shiverpeaks & Sorrow’s Furn.
Darkhaven & Ferguson’s Cross.Combined?
yeah nah
You guys overestimate the population of Blackgate.
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
The biggest limiter here is the map-limits/Queue’s. Not the server size. If you put 9 servers in a single Link against BG alone, BG might win that for the simple reason of 9 servers trying to get their entire guilds into a single map. Likely none of those servers is going to get a single organized guild into a single map.
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
I’d love to see FA and Mag versus Blackgate.
Old school fighters + pro gankers would be fun
Let the evil alliance happen.
I’d love to see FA and Mag versus Blackgate.
Old school fighters + pro gankers would be fun
Let the evil alliance happen.
BG would win the PPT war, but it would probably be one of the most fun match ups to be a part of. The 3 “Fights” servers that have generally always been more fights oriented.
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at
unless fa + mag roll around in map que blobs, won’t be much of a fight. if they do roll around in map que blobs – best auto attack wins – other skills often won’t work…..
Not sure why YB wouldn’t be on the list. They are one of the more dominant servers when paired with equal numbers.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
Because no one likes “running from everyone to hide behind siege” aka YB
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
Because no one likes “running from everyone to hide behind siege” aka YB
^ pretty much this.
People got tired of Yaks Bend and their ways. These days, Dragonbrand is the new Yaks Bend. They’ve adopted the siege wars approach that YB took to get to T1 and now they’re almost top of T2.
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at
Believe it or not, but BG “blobs” during prime time would only choose to blob if we are fighting blobs. Most guilds prefer to run on their own for the most part, and pugs will join if they like the commander. Even if it’s a private raid, people will follow the tag.
Our solo players still run solo a lot, but they can’t as often, especially during NA prime, because they get run over constantly. Same as any other server.
Not denying that we have pretty big blobs when they build up. But we give what we get.
BG has fought in T2 a few times relatively recently, and I always see those T2 servers posting in the cancer forums about how refreshing it is to fight us. And it’s the same for us. How nice it would be to be able to see the sun when we fight, instead of trying to outheal the 9 AC’s trained on us.
I know full well most on these forums will deny this as much as they can, but what can be done, people will always find something to complain about. If it’s not numbers overall, then it’s “You’re only winning fights because of ND” (the most common one I hear), or it’s our SEA, which was never our strongest time compared to certain other servers, or our EU (pretty sure no one has complained about BG having any EU yet though)
And lastly, yes, we have a huge population, a population that enjoys running WvW because our commanders and WvW guilds make it fun to do. Even when we’re losing, we can still get people to want to WvW with us.
Because no one likes “running from everyone to hide behind siege” aka YB
Every server that has fewer numbers on a map “hides behind siege”. The difference with YB was (is?) that it kept that siege refreshed, encouraged scouting and is comprised mostly of PUGs.
YB’s diligence compliments skilled fighting guilds very well and coupled with the right server has the best chance to beat BG IMO.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
Compiling everyone’s thoughts on their opponents:
- Every server’s opponents are blobbers that run in one huge zerg.
- Every server’s opponents hide behind siege and are afraid to fight.
- Every server’s opponents consists of zergs who get wiped by guild groups 1/3 the size.
The only true fact is that coverage is what determines 98% of matchups so everyone is wasting their time bragging about how skilled their server is.
I will give YB scouts props … seems like there’s a groundskeeper in every building just sitting there calling for a few more siege humpers when they see a possible 5-10 man attempt to take the tower. Burn them down a bit, jump the edge and clean up the mess.
I rarely see YB in the field anymore … I think i saw a group once over the weekend, but I see BG everywhere. The moment I log into wvw, start heading out that portal, within a few seconds I’ll run into a couple roamers, or if I get to a commander, he is generally engaged in a battle with the BG squad.
Maybe it’s just me, but I haven’t seen much squads from YB lately … only defenders/scouts, and really they only call in 3-4 players for support for the other siege to man/defend.
Unlike the distaste many are giving YB … I’m giving you props for working the best you can with the numbers you have on hand, no matter if they are limited or not.
BG will always be the elephant in the room, that everyone always pokes fun at now and then. Like man, your so big, its like super big … meanwhile the elephant looks down at their waste saying … no I’m not, I’m in far better shape than you.
Because no one likes “running from everyone to hide behind siege” aka YB
^ pretty much this.
People got tired of Yaks Bend and their ways. These days, Dragonbrand is the new Yaks Bend. They’ve adopted the siege wars approach that YB took to get to T1 and now they’re almost top of T2.
DB has always been that way in my experience. The only guilds that I can recall that actually fought and were worth fighting were [GFC] and [VP]. Otherwise the entire server would just camp towers with a heap of AC’s all day.
In fact I clearly remember one day where a group of them captured QL (we were blue at the time) and immediately after capturing it, I watched from the hill as they built about 8 AC’s on the walls and camped there for the next hour.
Doesn’t surprise me that they’ve only refined their siege humping routine since last I fought them.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
Not kidding, could Blackgate and Erredon Terrace actually beat
Dragonbrand & Sanctum of Rall
Jade Quarry & Isle of Janthir
Fort Aspenwood & Borlis Pass
Maguuma & Devona’s Rest
Sea of Sorrows & G. of Madness
Stormbluff Isle & Crystal Desert
Henge of Denravi & Ehmry Bay
N. Shiverpeaks & Sorrow’s Furn.
Darkhaven & Ferguson’s Cross.Combined?
JQ + Mag > BG,. no question about it.
Put JQ + DB + MAG = WvW implosion. May in fact warp space time and delete the universe as well.
Because no one likes “running from everyone to hide behind siege” aka YB
Every server that has fewer numbers on a map “hides behind siege”. The difference with YB was (is?) that it kept that siege refreshed, encouraged scouting and is comprised mostly of PUGs.
No YB does it even when they have superior numbers.
Because no one likes “running from everyone to hide behind siege” aka YB
Every server that has fewer numbers on a map “hides behind siege”. The difference with YB was (is?) that it kept that siege refreshed, encouraged scouting and is comprised mostly of PUGs.
No YB does it even when they have superior numbers.
out of curiosity – which 5 minutes out of the 24 hour day would that be?
Bg being stacked is true. But it also has one of the best wvw communities that make it fun. That’s probably the main reason people come and choose to stay.
As a roamer who helps with Zerg pushes now and then, I still regularly see people on bg a few years ago still active in wvw.