State of Ring Of Fire

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Dukotje.4382


Please hear me out on this, and apologies for my english:

Revising world linking isn’t a bad idea. looking into population and activity in wvw and then combine a server to fit the world its linked to.

Except when you are playing on Ring of Fire or Whiteside Ridge. WSR is a great server, with many great players. A medium populated server overal. WvW activity is during prime and not so much off prime time.
RoF is a great server. Very high populated BUT looking into the wvw population of the server its always been dramatic… With a medium wvw population, stored on a very high populated server, i am wondering why in gods name would you “revise” world linking if you’re not gonna do anything about it?

At the moment the match up RoF & WSR are is extremely outnumbered.
RoF + WSR vs AM + MS vs GH + UW and rof + wsr is already 100k POINTS behinkitten ot including the fact that the groups we face are 4 times our size.

This new revised linking is sure “great” for rof’s population in wvw.

What i also don’t understand is that Vizunah, Fort ranik AND Arborstone are linked together. i can’t believe their coverage, population and activity in WvW is worse then ours… and yet, you still link them together…

please revise your revision and make sure that the servers are equally balanced in both activity and population of the WVW side of this game, rather then look at the overal population? the constant effort from a lot of core wvw players in RoF have been undone within 72 hours of revised world linking.

(edited by Dukotje.4382)

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Hushy.9530


I made a post on another thread but maybe adding it to this one will be more constructive.

“How can Anet justify merging 2 servers like MS and Abaddons in the bottom tier? Seriously i have nothing against either server but MS alone have pretty high population and Abaddons is very high population.

Both GH/UW and RoF/WSR are either high or medium population.

AM/MS have 50+ men groups on EB all night and day its ridiculous to have them in this tier.

You can sit there and say “Its only for one week” blah blah but this happens all the time to the lowest servers. There is always one server that has much higher population than the rest.

MS could have quite easily been merged with Dzagnour, Riverside or Drakkar lake to make those tiers more competitive.

I guarantee by the time the next relink happens DL will have fallen to bottom tier again and be linked with MS. And the ktrain in bottom tiers will happen all over again.

You can see from the screenshots before at 5.30pm AM had 60+ people in our corner on EB and we only had maybe 15 people following our commander. Im sure the same could be said for GH.

The last few weeks the MU had been fairly balanced with then all of a sudden AM get linked with another server giving them population that will rival most higher tier servers. Its stupid.

Consider the effect on the lower servers when you make these links otherwise you are just creating a karma train tier.

Guild Leader – Eternal Riot [ER]

(edited by Hushy.9530)

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Peppel.9736


Heya you 2

I am of WSR, we were always in T 8/9. In the last few months before the linking comes, we were T 7. Great success for us!

RoF and WSR are a very good team, but together we are too weak and we are again back at the last Tier and place. RoF is the lowest populated host server, WSR is the highest populated guest server, I guess. Maybe this will be the reason that we were long linking.

I dont unsterstand that:
- Deso or gandara has a guest server … nice .. – They stay always in a higher Tier.
- France are 3 server links .. nice .. – With 2 servers they was stronger than RoF + WSR together.
- New linking AM + Millers the bottom tier .. nice for them, but not for the rest in T6

We need one weak server our side. Without we never get out from the last Tier or last place.

I’m not whining, it’s just frustrating.

one other Thing – Anet changed the glicko:
We have reset glicko volatility and deviation for all worlds to the same value, but have left their rating unchanged (this includes worlds that were previously guest worlds but are now host worlds). Just to reiterate, resetting glicko volatility and deviation will result in greater rating shifts in the first few matches. This will give worlds the opportunity to move into their ideal matchup tier much faster.

Tinka – Whiteside Ridge WSR - It’s a game, have fun and be kind to others

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Hushy.9530


Yeah it just seems like anet is trying to hard to populate the higher tier servers at the expense of some lower tier. For example FSP, gandara etc getting linked when they are already comfortable in the tier they are in.

Sure these servers will move up but it will take 3-4 weeks for everything to settle down with ratings. Then we get reset a few weeks later and it happens all over again.

Its really demotivating to be ktrained week in week out.

If this is how its going to be then i would rather anet just merged the servers or scrapped them completely in favour of a new WvW server list.

Guild Leader – Eternal Riot [ER]

(edited by Hushy.9530)

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Radymski.4987


I concur, change the matchup or add new smaller server to the mix like suggested about. RoF has NEVER had the numbers with the majority of these stupid matchups you put us in….

Please remember there are still a lot of players in the lower tier servers that enjoy this game, don’t alienate them and lose further players and $$….

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Zok.4956


The last few weeks the MU had been fairly balanced with then all of a sudden AM get linked with another server giving them population that will rival most higher tier servers. Its stupid.

I think calling the last two months “balanced” for AM is wrong. Because it was not balanced. AM had “outnumbered” buff nearly the whole time on most maps and dropped fast since the start of the server linking two months ago to the lowest rank (18 in EU) and stayed there without any chance to compete with the other servers (that includes RoF) and was beaten and on the 3rd place in every match for weeks/months.

So it was clear that AM has to be linked with another server to have a chance.

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Radymski.4987


AM perhaps linked with a server that had too many for a “linked small sever” or what ever it’s called.

and TBH Am only really had a blob after we went to bed, so perhaps you have players just not at the main prime time for european server?

I saw maybe AM blobs to be honest, they all went down very easily maybe that was the problem? Now with the other server AM seems a little stronger with more numbers also.

Perhaps Millers was too big a server as I said

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Camdal.6197


According to your examples, Dukotje, what’s screwing ROF over is the fact that the language servers are paired with each other.

That’s the reason for the tripple server.

That’s the reason AM is ‘overpowered’ now. They might have been too weak by themselves, but together with even the ‘lowest’ of the guest servers, they will be very strong.

Mostly because before the pairings occured, the lowest servers were ALL English speaking servers, the language servers did better, over all.

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

Eh? We faced rof/wsr 3 times since the first link happened and we (GH) was getting dominated by them, now that we got linked up with a different server to make the numbers even, rof/wsr seem to of given up.

We use face you guys with much bigger numbers then us, a lot of the time GH had the outnumbered buff when yu came to our bl.

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Hushy.9530


We havent given up Cabbage, this is what we have lol Our border is constantly camped by 50+ AM most of the day so we cant affort to fight anywhere else as we simply dont have the numbers.

Guild Leader – Eternal Riot [ER]

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Dukotje.4382


Rof never gives up, but what hushy says: we are facing +50 AM on our border from morning till late prime… there is nothing upgraded anywhere and all that we cap back (if we are even able to) will get flipped the moment RI wears off…

Rof + Wsr won’t be able to do anything against 50 AM on our border… and on top of that after 1 weekend we are already 100k points behind AM. there seems to be much focus towards keeping our ppt down, but thats just how wvw works?

the glicko score has reset, but what we’ve been working for since the first world linking, is all gone within 1 weekend… loosing 100k pointrating because anet decided to reset it.. again….

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


not quite sure why you want more glicko when you are the weakest server pair atm RoF needs to work on their blobbing skills … i see TONS of invaders and scouts who have no plan of what to do and need training. i really ENVY you for the amount of new people coming to your server and trying out wvw. But you really need to offer them some victories, not just capping back your border when the enemy moved to next target. So build and bring that blob, there is no better enemy then AM to train your pugs – their fighting skills are just as bad as yours and they still dont have the real map blobs like they used to, just 50ish now – pretty sure you can match them – to me it seems rather a case of RoF burning themselves out last week against GH with pointless PPT. Pretty sure AM wouldnt do kitten on your BL if you ran like last week.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Hushy.9530


Honestly our “blobs” are never more than 20ish people, Unless maybe its a day off for guilds and they join then sure we can get 40ish on the open commander.

Most of our guilds raid a few days a week though.

For example if we do a drunken raid on a friday/sat we can muster up a blob but thats because all the guilds join it so in reality yes we get more people but we have less guilds running around because of it.

WSR and RoF dont have a lot of pugs. Most of our population is made up of just guilds.

And around 90% of our population comes on for primetime and thats it. thing about AM is that being a german server they start much earlier than then international servers. So before we even have people our full border and most of EB is already downgraded which means we cant defend kitten during primetime.

Guild Leader – Eternal Riot [ER]

(edited by Hushy.9530)

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Hushy.9530


And dont get me wrong im not saying that AM dont deserve to be linked with another server. Im simply saying that Anet should manage the linking/matchups better when they relink people.

If you are going to reset the glicko or raise the population of one server then consider the effect that will have on the upcoming matchups.

Personally i feel that if you are going to relink people every 2 months then perhaps you should be making changes to the match making to reflect the increase in population for certain servers.

Guild Leader – Eternal Riot [ER]

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Ikihiki.2316


But yet funny thing is, that when we can match our numbers with GH or AM, or even get to near their numbers, Rof + Wsr start to take over their territory and especially AM’s with a little of an effort.

But i have to admit that we have usually pug groups running around with less skilled roamers vs. Gunnars very skilled roamers and groups.

All and all, when we are not fighting with outnumbered, i like this match-up. I have had most awesome and epic fights with these enemies as well as many good duels with them.

Go big or go home

Im on fire in Ring of Fire

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Well, MS lost a bunch of wvw-players right before linking started. Funny fact: most of them moved to Drakkar ^^ There are not much wvw-players left on MS right now, esp. almost no bigger guilds. But we have some decent players with a lot of wvw-exp. playing for a looong time on MS.
MS became or more or less server of individuals over the years, and we don’t have many commanders – it’s hard to control any public on MS But in this MU, the 2 servers fit together quite well, because our prime times differ a bit, i.e. MS used to have a good morning shift but noone at night and vice versa. Drakkar isn’t doing that bad alone again, so you can imagine that the MS-part wasn’t that big the last weeks.

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Dukotje.4382


Whats frustrating to see is that Rof has had a terrible night/morning/day crew. many times in a match up it were the same ppl over and over again. they can’t keep it up for ever. they’ll worn themselves out over the endless ppt battle, especially when the blobs come…

so our coverage is equal to wsr. primetime is when rof gets active and then a group of 6 or 7 will make it very late… and during the day we’ll just have 3 or 4 roamers on the borders, and then no one else.. there is no way we can keep up with that, and its always been the same. before server linking we were doing ok because of the close battles we’ve had with wsr… but being linked together didn’t do much good for the state of rof.

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: bangr.3748


Just a little time ago Abaddons Mouth was the server with the lowest population (if you dont count the server linkings). It is now “Very High” because of the linking and Anet lowering the cap on the server.

MS lost many of their players to drakkar.

The last weeks was not balanced at all. We were always down like 70k points like you are now, so please do not speak like we are suddenly a new blob server.

Also: Gunnars Hold and Ring of Fire are basically a 4 server linking as you are only working together and pushing on the 3rd server (which mostly of the time was AM). The reset day before the linkings you even had GH + RoF players roaming together to kill AM players and cap their objectives.

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Gideon.6742


Eh? We faced rof/wsr 3 times since the first link happened and we (GH) was getting dominated by them, now that we got linked up with a different server to make the numbers even, rof/wsr seem to of given up.

We use face you guys with much bigger numbers then us, a lot of the time GH had the outnumbered buff when yu came to our bl.

RoF only finished ahead of GH once all linkups recheck your scores… just because it was the very last MU doesn’t excuse you for having such a short memory.

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

Excuse for a short memory? Ha! Almost as an excuse not to read correctly. I never said anything about winning or losing, I said rof/wsr dominated us which they did

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: apharma.3741


Excuse for a short memory? Ha! Almost as an excuse not to read correctly. I never said anything about winning or losing, I said rof/wsr dominated us which they did

Except we didn’t this shows RoF/WSR match up history, first time we fought during linking GH dominated us, second time it was closer mainly because we were both being pwnd by the omniblobs. Only time we “dominated” was last week of linking where you guys seemed to have given up that week.

Most people I know don’t want to WvW this match up because of your “roamers” especially Drgr. Interrupting duels, even stomping people healing in a WoF-AM duel, ganking and generally running 10 people to take on 3-4 random roamers has driven out our roamers.

TaG has been fun to fight with ONE, we usually only have 10-16 in squad which is a little more than you guys but you still fight. Sorry about the randoms though that turn up and add to our numbers, most of the time we’re the only tag on the map.

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Dukotje.4382


Just a little time ago Abaddons Mouth was the server with the lowest population (if you dont count the server linkings). It is now “Very High” because of the linking and Anet lowering the cap on the server.

MS lost many of their players to drakkar.

The last weeks was not balanced at all. We were always down like 70k points like you are now, so please do not speak like we are suddenly a new blob server.

I’m not saying AM is now the new blob server, it’s always been blobby, as many of you’re WvW players and guilds hold hands and run together. I’m saying that this new relinking is quite unfair, because WSR and ROF both doesn’t have a lot of coverage and population to compete with AM +MS and still we are both linked togehter and not revised at all.

Also: Gunnars Hold and Ring of Fire are basically a 4 server linking as you are only working together and pushing on the 3rd server (which mostly of the time was AM). The reset day before the linkings you even had GH + RoF players roaming together to kill AM players and cap their objectives.

Never have we worked together to gank the 3rd server in a matchup. ROF has always been and will always be the number 1 target of GH, as many of GH players once came from rof. Even worse, its always been rof that is ganked, double teamed and focussed, since everything and all is always kept wooden on our border, no blobs on other borders what so ever. so don’t start saying thing that aren’t true

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


tbh i dont think GH cares even half as much about RoF as the other way round. RoF lost a lot of people to GH.. GH got people from everywhere and lost a lot of people to everywhere.. we dont have any special grudge and the only RoF guys still around GH i’m aware of are TaG. that’s been like 2 years now.. lol.

on the matter of karma training your border: blobs go where the paper is! GH defending better this week as UW kicks kitten and some old folks came back. Btw you say we blob? You haven’t seen anything yet, our favourite blob leader is back since few days only – prepare your backsides :P

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Oslaf Beinir.5842

Oslaf Beinir.5842

tbh i dont think GH cares even half as much about RoF as the other way round. RoF lost a lot of people to GH.. GH got people from everywhere and lost a lot of people to everywhere.. we dont have any special grudge and the only RoF guys still around GH i’m aware of are TaG. that’s been like 2 years now.. lol.

on the matter of karma training your border: blobs go where the paper is! GH defending better this week as UW kicks kitten and some old folks came back. Btw you say we blob? You haven’t seen anything yet, our favourite blob leader is back since few days only – prepare your backsides :P

Wait…is Purr back on GH or is it another commi?

Get In The Van Yo[PR] -Play on Far Shiverpeaks/Gunner’s Hold/Vabbi

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: apharma.3741


tbh i dont think GH cares even half as much about RoF as the other way round. RoF lost a lot of people to GH.. GH got people from everywhere and lost a lot of people to everywhere.. we dont have any special grudge and the only RoF guys still around GH i’m aware of are TaG. that’s been like 2 years now.. lol.

on the matter of karma training your border: blobs go where the paper is! GH defending better this week as UW kicks kitten and some old folks came back. Btw you say we blob? You haven’t seen anything yet, our favourite blob leader is back since few days only – prepare your backsides :P

Wait…is Purr back on GH or is it another commi?

Yeah I heard Purr is back, not seen [JUGS] leading the GH omniblob myself but then I don’t go EB much.

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

“Squishy’s on the back!”

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge