State of the game - WvW Highlights

State of the game - WvW Highlights

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Worst patch ever. Massive, unnecessary guardian nerfs and they even had the cheek to say, “we’re happy with where the guardian is”. kittenters.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

State of the game - WvW Highlights

in WvW

Posted by: Centrix.4065


I’m losing interest in the game… And not just because of this update. It’s been building up for a while.

Losing interest overtime + crazy “updates” every month getting crazier and crazier = the game just seems like a total mess to me now. It has lost it’s initial appeal (which drew me to the game in the first place) a while back already, but I kept playing anyways.

Now, whenever I think about the game the first thing that comes up to me is: ….

It seems like what they want for the game is something completely different than (what seems to be) 90% of the playerbase wants. Some changes are ok, but most of them are just not. Kinda gives me the impression they want to please the few casual players that don’t fully understand the bigger picture in WvW and complain about silly things they don’t understand.

And I can’t believe the ppl on the livestream weren’t more outspoken about some of these changes. They were just yawning and saying yes all the time. You have the opportunity to talk to them directly and start good discussions, but you don’t? It’s like having the opportunity to talk to the president, and then your only question is “what did you eat this morning?”

Oh well

Not a ragepost, just my 2 copper

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion |

(edited by Centrix.4065)

State of the game - WvW Highlights

in WvW

Posted by: gvaughn.4163


Yeah that SOTG was pretty useless. I didn’t hear anything I couldn’t just read in some bullet points on the forum. Huge changes to wvw and they presenters were just like “ok”.


State of the game - WvW Highlights

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Maybe its because that SOTG focuses on sPvP play – exactly as advertised.

The presenters are SPvP players, don’t expect them to question WvW changes that were mentioned in passing.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

State of the game - WvW Highlights

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


On that note I wonder if we can organize a monthly wvw state of the game twitch session with Devon and crew.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

State of the game - WvW Highlights

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


And I can’t believe the ppl on the livestream weren’t more outspoken about some of these changes. They were just yawning and saying yes all the time. You have the opportunity to talk to them directly and start good discussions, but you don’t? It’s like having the opportunity to talk to the president, and then your only question is “what did you eat this morning?”

Oh well

I agree with this, the people on the stream were pretty terrible. At least in the patch before there was someone bold enough to ask, “Isn’t that a bit strong?”.

Huge changes to wvw and they presenters were just like “ok”.

I think the WvW community should have a representative on the panel.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

State of the game - WvW Highlights

in WvW

Posted by: Arkanfel.8403


On that note I wonder if we can organize a monthly wvw state of the game twitch session with Devon and crew.

oh my god, please make this happen

on a saturday >.>

Sarabi “the Roaring Fury” Aminata

State of the game - WvW Highlights

in WvW

Posted by: globe.7238


And I can’t believe the ppl on the livestream weren’t more outspoken about some of these changes. They were just yawning and saying yes all the time. You have the opportunity to talk to them directly and start good discussions, but you don’t? It’s like having the opportunity to talk to the president, and then your only question is “what did you eat this morning?”

Oh well

I agree with this, the people on the stream were pretty terrible. At least in the patch before there was someone bold enough to ask, “Isn’t that a bit strong?”.

Huge changes to wvw and they presenters were just like “ok”.

I think the WvW community should have a representative on the panel.

I’d love for that happen, and you’re correct, you have people who refuse to ask difficult questions to the devs every time they do this. I mean after the devs left you heard them chime in a bit more about the changes. They should have done that while the devs were on.

Imminent Demise » [iD] « Blackgate

State of the game - WvW Highlights

in WvW

Posted by: Jeda.5209


I had watch the whole thing and I know they mention Guardians wont be able to block projectiles, but didn’t hear anything about elementalist not being able to block them anymore. Must have miss that part.

Do know elementalist and mesmers seem to be getting the biggest nerfs for wvw.
Guardians are pretty much staying where they are, didn’t really hear any nerfs to them other than not being able to block projectile.

Look forward to seeing some of the changes go into effect as well as necro getting a new condition would be interesting.

Sea of Sorrows

(Bronze Soldier)

State of the game - WvW Highlights

in WvW

Posted by: Jewel.1457


On that note I wonder if we can organize a monthly wvw state of the game twitch session with Devon and crew.

there was a youtube discussion specifically about WvW by a group called the Opposition that was decent, at the moment it seems like a lot of camelot unchained info news. Problem was it has less then 100 views so I’m guessing it won’t be that regular.
it’s right here if you wondering —-—> The Opposition

I would love to see a WvW specific state of the game talk but think lets keep it apart from these guys, their focus in on spvp not wvw. new people that are big in the WvW field and forums… new format too as it would also be fun to talk about the regular forum drama and guild happenings as well as changes and balance

Gamey Blog: Healing the Masses - with the soul of thine enemy
Eriena of JQ-warrior forever

State of the game - WvW Highlights

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


I had watch the whole thing and I know they mention Guardians wont be able to block projectiles, but didn’t hear anything about elementalist not being able to block them anymore. Must have miss that part.

Do know elementalist and mesmers seem to be getting the biggest nerfs for wvw.
Guardians are pretty much staying where they are, didn’t really hear any nerfs to them other than not being able to block projectile.

Look forward to seeing some of the changes go into effect as well as necro getting a new condition would be interesting.

It was an answer to a question, basically it was asked if the guardian change applied to swirling wins and the dev said yes.

Also I’m going to repeat this again. This is sPvP’s state of the game, they aren’t going to put a wvw person on a panel when the panel’s topic IS sPvP, that’s just silly. What we should do is see if arenanet is up to doing a wvw sotg focusing on wvw changes and news.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

State of the game - WvW Highlights

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


And I can’t believe the ppl on the livestream weren’t more outspoken about some of these changes. They were just yawning and saying yes all the time. You have the opportunity to talk to them directly and start good discussions, but you don’t? It’s like having the opportunity to talk to the president, and then your only question is “what did you eat this morning?”

Oh well

I agree with this, the people on the stream were pretty terrible. At least in the patch before there was someone bold enough to ask, “Isn’t that a bit strong?”.

Huge changes to wvw and they presenters were just like “ok”.

I think the WvW community should have a representative on the panel.

I’d love for that happen, and you’re correct, you have people who refuse to ask difficult questions to the devs every time they do this. I mean after the devs left you heard them chime in a bit more about the changes. They should have done that while the devs were on.

The devs were over time as it was.

All that’s holdin the State of the Game back is volunteers, apparently

Edit: Really, I’m imaging a WvW State of the Game being three guys from tier 1 server hopping guilds complaining about zergs, skill lag, asking about queues, and what can be done to save the dead servers below tier 2.

Gate of Madness

(edited by styx.7294)

State of the game - WvW Highlights

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


And I can’t believe the ppl on the livestream weren’t more outspoken about some of these changes. They were just yawning and saying yes all the time. You have the opportunity to talk to them directly and start good discussions, but you don’t? It’s like having the opportunity to talk to the president, and then your only question is “what did you eat this morning?”

Oh well

I agree with this, the people on the stream were pretty terrible. At least in the patch before there was someone bold enough to ask, “Isn’t that a bit strong?”.

Huge changes to wvw and they presenters were just like “ok”.

I think the WvW community should have a representative on the panel.

yeah and representative from each class too.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

State of the game - WvW Highlights

in WvW

Posted by: Centrix.4065


And I can’t believe the ppl on the livestream weren’t more outspoken about some of these changes. They were just yawning and saying yes all the time. You have the opportunity to talk to them directly and start good discussions, but you don’t? It’s like having the opportunity to talk to the president, and then your only question is “what did you eat this morning?”

Oh well

I agree with this, the people on the stream were pretty terrible. At least in the patch before there was someone bold enough to ask, “Isn’t that a bit strong?”.

Huge changes to wvw and they presenters were just like “ok”.

I think the WvW community should have a representative on the panel.

yeah and representative from each class too.

Most people play more than 1 class. Having 3 different ppl playing different classes AND gamemodes + having different guests every show is enough to be diverse.

Besides, just because your main is let’s say warrior, doesn’t mean you don’t know anything about the other classes. And if that is the case with you then you would not be qualified to be on the show and talk about all the different classes. That simple.

But ok, apparently this sotg is mainly focussed on spvp? I didn’t know that, don’t really watch the show. There are hardly any discussions and it takes over an hour, while all they do is list some of the patchnotes I can read by myself in under 3 minutes if they just posted it instead.

And I guess there are no other similar shows out there?

Sounds like whining, but it’s not. I have done a similar show (but weekly) for a different game before, also where the employees were interviewed frequently and with other guests and whatnot. It’s a lot of work and all, I respect the sotg team and everything, don’t get me wrong. But the difference was that our host was purely focussing on talking and getting conversations out there, while I was focussed on the technical side of the show (100% behind the scenes). Not sure how the SOTG team does it, but it seems like the host is also focussed on the technical side (?) I think it would be a lot easier if he didn’t have to worry about all that. The director would just tell him when they are live and when he can start talking and everything else is being handled for him. He doesn’t have to worry about anything else other than think and talk. The director will then make sure they’re live on time, that what is shown on the stream is relevant to what is being talked about, adding in bumpers, intros, scene cuts, the guests all having the same volume, etc etc.

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion |

(edited by Centrix.4065)

State of the game - WvW Highlights

in WvW

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I don’t get it, retaliation is capped at ~400 damage (if you have a 3000 power guardian). Its only really effective against low damage/high frequency attacks. Thieves heartseeker, backstabs hit for 3000k+ for a trade of ~400 damage. Retaliation also only stack in duration NOT intensity.

not worth the nerf imo.

What they need to do is change the equation that it works off ‘damage received’ not a base damage calculated off power.

OMG just listening to that ‘State of the game’ – lets make thieves OP.

“we want thieves to have the highest burst”
“we want thieves to have the highest mobility”
“we are allowing thieves to steal complete stack buffs and durations off enemies and share to their group”

They seem to be worried that if a thief doesn’t burst down an enemy they become useless so they want to give them more things to do.

I’m not happy with this direction.

(edited by Thobek.1730)

State of the game - WvW Highlights

in WvW

Posted by: Grumpdogg.6910


I guess we’ll have to stock up on more treb blueprints.

“I swung a sword, I swung a sword again, oh look I swung a sword again!”
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2

State of the game - WvW Highlights

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


I don’t get it, retaliation is capped at ~400 damage (if you have a 3000 power guardian). Its only really effective against low damage/high frequency attacks. Thieves heartseeker, backstabs hit for 3000k+ for a trade of ~400 damage. Retaliation also only stack in duration NOT intensity.

not worth the nerf imo.

What they need to do is change the equation that it works off ‘damage received’ not a base damage calculated off power.

OMG just listening to that ‘State of the game’ – lets make thieves OP.

“we want thieves to have the highest burst”
“we want thieves to have the highest mobility”
“we are allowing thieves to steal complete stack buffs and durations off enemies and share to their group”

They seem to be worried that if a thief doesn’t burst down an enemy they become useless so they want to give them more things to do.

I’m not happy with this direction.

try throwing grenades at a zergball
i dare you

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions