Stealth stomping,is it fair?

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: socialdisorder.9684


You want it fair?
Remove all downstates from wvw, dead is dead imho.

More Badges ~ Engineer²
‘Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.’

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


I would say no, it isn’t fair because there is no defense against it, unless somehow you can use a stealth trap in a downed state which I’m not aware of.

However, much like socialdisorder said, it’s just better to remove downed state completely. So many problems would be solved by doing this, mainly zergball problem.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Shemsu.8721


Why are you complaining about a Stomp than can be interrupted compared to Mist Form and Distortion stomps? Doesn’t matter what you do, you’re not gonna stop of Mist Form or Distortion Stomp. I am not certain, but Stability Stomps can be stopped with Blind.

Stealth Stomps seem more unfair to the downed player b/c you can’t trigger your interrupt on something you can’t see, but you can see Eles and Mesmers. So unless you have a teleport ‘interrupt’ it won’t matter.

If your teammates see a thief stealth near a downed player, chances are they are stomping and you should use an interrupt. Mesmers with GS#5, Focus#4, possibly Staff#5 if you are lucky, Necro’s Staff#5, Elementalist Staff #3, etc… Thieves could argue that they don’t their ‘invinci-stomps’ are weak because the lack of easy stability or invulnerable skills.

Nothing will stop Mist Form and Distortion stomps if timed properly. Stealth stomps on the other hand are easily interrupted if your teammates are paying attention.

Small problem there mist form and distortion stomps have a long cooldown and most likely they will be used once in a fight.
Stability can be stripped or turned into fear.
A thief on the other hand will go around trololololstealthstomping,giving an unfair advantage to his side out of the ammount of rallies .
I fought a thief on equal footing and i saw how stealth really works,its flipping the odds too much on the thieves favor.
This multiplies tenfold when you hit the ground and you have only a targeted fear,and a long recharge aoe that is also targetted.
And to add insult to injury,when you cant do anything while the thief is stealthed you get quickstomped.
Explain to me now in extreme detail so i can understand your thought pattern,how does this looks fair and fun to you.
And while you are at it also explain to me why they removed Deathshroud stomping and left thieves rampant to abuse theyr class mechanic to stomp others while all the other classes cant combo theyr mechanic with stomping.
Because for me this looks like class favoritism.

Mist form/distortion/invuln/stability etc have cooldowns because they are much much more powerful stomping methods, hence stealth, the weaker form of stomping, is more available. however it should it be pointed out stealth utilities DO have cooldowns. so your point is twice invalid, initiative is a global weapon cooldown mechanic, all utilities have normal cds.

I missed the update where all classes could strip stability and corrupt boons, mind sharing a link to those abilities for each class, especially each classes down states

You finish up asking why thieves can use their class mechanic to stomp. Steal is a thief class mechanic not stealth. Mesmers can stealth stomp as can Engi’s. In addition mesmers can use their class mechanic for a distortion stomp which is way way stronger than a stealth stomp. Not to mention guardians using virtues for aegis stomp, a warrior who doesnt need to stomp and could just burst kill you instantly.

As a final note, I love the part where you fought a thief once and somehow transcended space/time to gain a perfect understanding of another classes mechanics without playing as one. Some talent you have.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Inverted.7439


ele’s have stability? ele’s have mistform? ele’s can teleport stomp? Yes it is indeed annoying getting stomped and being able to do nothing about it, but it’s a part of the game and you cannot remove prime factors like these. Thieves are a stealth class, get in, kill someone and get out. That cannot be done while you spend 4 seconds stomping someone in the middle of the fight.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Hexxen.7216


However, i’d have to point out how utterly unbalanced downed states are. Most professions can be finished with a simple Blind, because their interupt will then Miss. While some other professions (thief/ele/mesmer) dont care about anything and have a pretty much guarenteed “get out of jail free”-card.

Actually, for Mesmer since we can’t pick where it teleports us to the move actually doesn’t always work. It will sometimes teleport us even closer to the enemy or just beside him and because we are still close the stomp will still land. ALSO, the game feels it is important to put a giant red triangle above the real Mesmer so that doesn’t confuse anyone unless they are nooby.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


However, i’d have to point out how utterly unbalanced downed states are. Most professions can be finished with a simple Blind, because their interupt will then Miss. While some other professions (thief/ele/mesmer) dont care about anything and have a pretty much guarenteed “get out of jail free”-card.

Actually, for Mesmer since we can’t pick where it teleports us to the move actually doesn’t always work. It will sometimes teleport us even closer to the enemy or just beside him and because we are still close the stomp will still land. ALSO, the game feels it is important to put a giant red triangle above the real Mesmer so that doesn’t confuse anyone unless they are nooby.

Actually, l2p and watch for blindness and use your #1 attack to get rid of blindness then use your interrupt. ALSO, mesmers need a target to use their #2 ability, so if a thief stealths and there’s no target around they are boned.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Hexxen.7216


It isn’t a learn to play issue. We still teleport even if we are blinded. The clone just doesn’t spawn. The teleport function is messed up.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


It isn’t a learn to play issue. We still teleport even if we are blinded. The clone just doesn’t spawn. The teleport function is messed up.

you need a target, i’m guessing you have autotargeting on

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Hexxen.7216


No I hate auto-target. Yes, if someone stealths then I can’t use my number 2. But being blinded only stops the clone spawning not the teleport. I think we have started arguing about different things lol.

Either way I don’t find stealth stomping OP.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


No I hate auto-target. Yes, if someone stealths then I can’t use my number 2. But being blinded only stops the clone spawning not the teleport. I think we have started arguing about different things lol.

Either way I don’t find stealth stomping OP.

Ha yeah, wasn’t arguing, we were kind of agreeing on the same thing. I said l2p because of blind (not that it will mess up a mesmer) and stealth does mess up a mesmer because they need a target.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


It would make sense that spiking would give you the revealed debuff….

Whether ANet sees that sense or not is another story.

I can agree this should happen.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Thief’s perspective here:
IMO it’s justified to stealth stomp in this meta game, and for one good reason. I suggest everyone tries to make a thief and finish off a player without stealth. You will realize half the time a player can actually down you if you have +-5k hp left after a fight, not to forget if he has a friend and you DON’T stealthstomp him, you are dead, simple as that.

Take this any way you like, whether stealth is OP or not, without it thieves would be like a turtle without a shell. There would need to be a complete class haul over for it to even work, peace

Thieves are a medium armor class sharing the same health pool as eles and guardians.

Eles, in light armor, are forced to spike people without the aid of stealth. Why do thieves get a break when their armor value is better?

Don’t run glass, and you have nothing to worry about.

Because Ele’s can bunker, have all the heals, access to aoe burning and bleeds, ect. Why even stomp when you can dps the opponent down just as fast while keeping your guard up? Also, even in Knight’s Armour Thieves are still squishy, and Soldier’s Thieves have trouble just plain killing.

You do realize that bunker eles really don’t deal that much damage, right? They win by wearing the enemy down over time.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


It would make sense that spiking would give you the revealed debuff….

Whether ANet sees that sense or not is another story.

I can agree this should happen.

you guys must be getting killed by 1 person and are upset about it. There is nothing wrong with stealth spiking. You can still aoe pull, knock back, stun, 100 blades, or anything to stop them.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


It would make sense that spiking would give you the revealed debuff….

Whether ANet sees that sense or not is another story.

I can agree this should happen.

you guys must be getting killed by 1 person and are upset about it. There is nothing wrong with stealth spiking. You can still aoe pull, knock back, stun, 100 blades, or anything to stop them.

No. You are wrong about me being upset.

You need to re-read my posts about thieves and stealth and come back. I will defend them and their stealth because I don’t have any problems with dealing with them. I learned how to play.

I don’t have a problem with stealth spiking. I even stated it is fair in this thread.

I do agree that it should put a revealed on you for the spike. They are causing damage, it may be a one shot but it is still damage none the less. You do have a health bar when you are downed. A spike is an attack from stealth and that should put the revealed debuff on them.

I have no problem with people using stealth spiking. I don’t really care if it gets changed or not. I just feel that it should put the revealed debuff on when they spike in stealth. It is an attack from stealth, just make it follow the rules for attacks from stealth.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

(edited by CreativeAnarchy.6324)

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


However, i’d have to point out how utterly unbalanced downed states are. Most professions can be finished with a simple Blind, because their interupt will then Miss. While some other professions (thief/ele/mesmer) dont care about anything and have a pretty much guarenteed “get out of jail free”-card.

Actually, for Mesmer since we can’t pick where it teleports us to the move actually doesn’t always work. It will sometimes teleport us even closer to the enemy or just beside him and because we are still close the stomp will still land. ALSO, the game feels it is important to put a giant red triangle above the real Mesmer so that doesn’t confuse anyone unless they are nooby.

It always works if you know how to use it. In addition to teleporting you to a random location it also briefly cloaks you, which will prevent stomps from finishing you even if you are right next to them. The mesmers who are getting defeated by the first stomp due to the random port location are the ones who spam their skill the second they are downed rather than waiting till right before the stomp lands, but mostly mesmers don’t do that unless they are nooby. Also, it doesn’t matter that it’s easy to tell which mesmer is the real one because the skill still allows you to prevent the first stomp from landing, which is as much as any other class gets.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: dzeRnumbrd.6129


The real question is why is there a downed mechanic at all? I killed you, you’re dead. Go respawn already and stop hiding behind your friends.

… but you didn’t kill him. You only downed him. You have killed him when you finished him.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Dual.8953


Thief’s perspective here:
IMO it’s justified to stealth stomp in this meta game, and for one good reason. I suggest everyone tries to make a thief and finish off a player without stealth. You will realize half the time a player can actually down you if you have +-5k hp left after a fight, not to forget if he has a friend and you DON’T stealthstomp him, you are dead, simple as that.

Take this any way you like, whether stealth is OP or not, without it thieves would be like a turtle without a shell. There would need to be a complete class haul over for it to even work, peace

Thieves are a medium armor class sharing the same health pool as eles and guardians.

Eles, in light armor, are forced to spike people without the aid of stealth. Why do thieves get a break when their armor value is better?

Don’t run glass, and you have nothing to worry about.

Because Ele’s can bunker, have all the heals, access to aoe burning and bleeds, ect. Why even stomp when you can dps the opponent down just as fast while keeping your guard up? Also, even in Knight’s Armour Thieves are still squishy, and Soldier’s Thieves have trouble just plain killing.

You do realize that bunker eles really don’t deal that much damage, right? They win by wearing the enemy down over time.

Burning still is strong against downed foes. And if the strongest Zergs run Soldier’s, does damage really matter in large battles?

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Hexxen.7216


Yeah I knew someone would say this but it simply isn’t true. I have been stomped by even after using the teleport. Not spaming it either. I mean sometimes I do go down while trying to hit 2 on sword and use it right away on accident but that is just that an accident. They do in fact get the stomp off sometimes EVEN if you wait for them to start their stomp before porting. No I can’t give you a video I don’t know how to make one but I am not just some noob spamming it. It glitches sometimes plain and simple. You can say l2p as much as you want it doesn’t matter.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: bladie.5084


Thief’s perspective here:
IMO it’s justified to stealth stomp in this meta game, and for one good reason. I suggest everyone tries to make a thief and finish off a player without stealth. You will realize half the time a player can actually down you if you have +-5k hp left after a fight, not to forget if he has a friend and you DON’T stealthstomp him, you are dead, simple as that.

Take this any way you like, whether stealth is OP or not, without it thieves would be like a turtle without a shell. There would need to be a complete class haul over for it to even work, peace

Thieves are a medium armor class sharing the same health pool as eles and guardians.

Eles, in light armor, are forced to spike people without the aid of stealth. Why do thieves get a break when their armor value is better?

Don’t run glass, and you have nothing to worry about.

Because Ele’s can bunker, have all the heals, access to aoe burning and bleeds, ect. Why even stomp when you can dps the opponent down just as fast while keeping your guard up? Also, even in Knight’s Armour Thieves are still squishy, and Soldier’s Thieves have trouble just plain killing.

You do realize that bunker eles really don’t deal that much damage, right? They win by wearing the enemy down over time.

And how does an ele wear the enemy down over time? Being rewarded with rotation of attunement and speccing into the ultimate tanking/healing/condition removing ele with a bundance of boons. And don’t forget their graceful up to par, in combat mobility as well.

Your 2nd post defeats your 1st post.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Thief’s perspective here:
IMO it’s justified to stealth stomp in this meta game, and for one good reason. I suggest everyone tries to make a thief and finish off a player without stealth. You will realize half the time a player can actually down you if you have +-5k hp left after a fight, not to forget if he has a friend and you DON’T stealthstomp him, you are dead, simple as that.

Take this any way you like, whether stealth is OP or not, without it thieves would be like a turtle without a shell. There would need to be a complete class haul over for it to even work, peace

Thieves are a medium armor class sharing the same health pool as eles and guardians.

Eles, in light armor, are forced to spike people without the aid of stealth. Why do thieves get a break when their armor value is better?

Don’t run glass, and you have nothing to worry about.

Because Ele’s can bunker, have all the heals, access to aoe burning and bleeds, ect. Why even stomp when you can dps the opponent down just as fast while keeping your guard up? Also, even in Knight’s Armour Thieves are still squishy, and Soldier’s Thieves have trouble just plain killing.

You do realize that bunker eles really don’t deal that much damage, right? They win by wearing the enemy down over time.

And how does an ele wear the enemy down over time? Being rewarded with rotation of attunement and speccing into the ultimate tanking/healing/condition removing ele with a bundance of boons. And don’t forget their graceful up to par, in combat mobility as well.

Your 2nd post defeats your 1st post.

No, my second proves my first. Eles have to do this crap with cloth armor. They wear appropriately specced armor to the fight. Thieves should have to do the same, except ANet gave them a cheat tactic.

What’s really hilarious is that thieves can stealth…then ANet will ban non-thieves for stealth-hacking to accomplish the exact same stuff thieves use it for.

Yup…makes perfect sense. “Cheating.”

(edited by Hickeroar.9734)

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Thief’s perspective here:
IMO it’s justified to stealth stomp in this meta game, and for one good reason. I suggest everyone tries to make a thief and finish off a player without stealth. You will realize half the time a player can actually down you if you have +-5k hp left after a fight, not to forget if he has a friend and you DON’T stealthstomp him, you are dead, simple as that.

Take this any way you like, whether stealth is OP or not, without it thieves would be like a turtle without a shell. There would need to be a complete class haul over for it to even work, peace

Thieves are a medium armor class sharing the same health pool as eles and guardians.

Eles, in light armor, are forced to spike people without the aid of stealth. Why do thieves get a break when their armor value is better?

Don’t run glass, and you have nothing to worry about.

Because Ele’s can bunker, have all the heals, access to aoe burning and bleeds, ect. Why even stomp when you can dps the opponent down just as fast while keeping your guard up? Also, even in Knight’s Armour Thieves are still squishy, and Soldier’s Thieves have trouble just plain killing.

You do realize that bunker eles really don’t deal that much damage, right? They win by wearing the enemy down over time.

Burning still is strong against downed foes. And if the strongest Zergs run Soldier’s, does damage really matter in large battles?

D/D eles aren’t traited and specced for burning.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


All you did is demonstrate why some of the downed skills are arguably more effective. It still doesn’t mean they’re “guaranteed get out of jail free cards” by any means. (Mistform can be if you’re near some sort of escape like a keep door, granted.)

Ha. “arguebly”.

Sure, because being able to guarentee the avoidance of a stomp from a million players at once no matter what is only “argueably” better then being able to interupt only a single guy aslong as he doesnt have stability, stealth, someone bodyblocking or has you blinded.

Yah those two are very close together, i can see how there is totally room for argument left there. /sarcasm

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345



Is is fair?

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Dual.8953


Thief’s perspective here:
IMO it’s justified to stealth stomp in this meta game, and for one good reason. I suggest everyone tries to make a thief and finish off a player without stealth. You will realize half the time a player can actually down you if you have +-5k hp left after a fight, not to forget if he has a friend and you DON’T stealthstomp him, you are dead, simple as that.

Take this any way you like, whether stealth is OP or not, without it thieves would be like a turtle without a shell. There would need to be a complete class haul over for it to even work, peace

Thieves are a medium armor class sharing the same health pool as eles and guardians.

Eles, in light armor, are forced to spike people without the aid of stealth. Why do thieves get a break when their armor value is better?

Don’t run glass, and you have nothing to worry about.

Because Ele’s can bunker, have all the heals, access to aoe burning and bleeds, ect. Why even stomp when you can dps the opponent down just as fast while keeping your guard up? Also, even in Knight’s Armour Thieves are still squishy, and Soldier’s Thieves have trouble just plain killing.

You do realize that bunker eles really don’t deal that much damage, right? They win by wearing the enemy down over time.

And how does an ele wear the enemy down over time? Being rewarded with rotation of attunement and speccing into the ultimate tanking/healing/condition removing ele with a bundance of boons. And don’t forget their graceful up to par, in combat mobility as well.

Your 2nd post defeats your 1st post.

No, my second proves my first. Eles have to do this crap with cloth armor. They wear appropriately specced armor to the fight. Thieves should have to do the same, except ANet gave them a cheat tactic.

What’s really hilarious is that thieves can stealth…then ANet will ban non-thieves for stealth-hacking to accomplish the exact same stuff thieves use it for.

Yup…makes perfect sense. “Cheating.”

Hacking? That’s really the arguement you’re going with? Really?
Zerker thieves, save for the hotshots, generally avoid large fights. I know this may be hard to believe, but the zerker thief can’t take a lot of damage (especially from stray fire) and doesn’t have cantrips, or protection, or auras; and can’t go from 5 to full health at the touch of a button.
Also, Really?

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: bladie.5084


Thief’s perspective here:
IMO it’s justified to stealth stomp in this meta game, and for one good reason. I suggest everyone tries to make a thief and finish off a player without stealth. You will realize half the time a player can actually down you if you have +-5k hp left after a fight, not to forget if he has a friend and you DON’T stealthstomp him, you are dead, simple as that.

Take this any way you like, whether stealth is OP or not, without it thieves would be like a turtle without a shell. There would need to be a complete class haul over for it to even work, peace

Thieves are a medium armor class sharing the same health pool as eles and guardians.

Eles, in light armor, are forced to spike people without the aid of stealth. Why do thieves get a break when their armor value is better?

Don’t run glass, and you have nothing to worry about.

Because Ele’s can bunker, have all the heals, access to aoe burning and bleeds, ect. Why even stomp when you can dps the opponent down just as fast while keeping your guard up? Also, even in Knight’s Armour Thieves are still squishy, and Soldier’s Thieves have trouble just plain killing.

You do realize that bunker eles really don’t deal that much damage, right? They win by wearing the enemy down over time.

And how does an ele wear the enemy down over time? Being rewarded with rotation of attunement and speccing into the ultimate tanking/healing/condition removing ele with a bundance of boons. And don’t forget their graceful up to par, in combat mobility as well.

Your 2nd post defeats your 1st post.

No, my second proves my first. Eles have to do this crap with cloth armor. They wear appropriately specced armor to the fight. Thieves should have to do the same, except ANet gave them a cheat tactic.

What’s really hilarious is that thieves can stealth…then ANet will ban non-thieves for stealth-hacking to accomplish the exact same stuff thieves use it for.

Yup…makes perfect sense. “Cheating.”

If you didn’t get what I was implying, I was basically stating that even though thieves are medium armor, it doesn’t change the fact that they are squishy no matter what. Light or Medium makes no difference when you don’t have defensive boons to help you survive.

You are wrong, Eles can burst for quite a lot while maintaining their bunker build. Just not as good as a thief, because that’s what we’re suppose to be good at? But that being said, an ele has so much more to offer. They can trait for the ultimate condition removing/boon rewards, while producing substainable DPS/condition and support to allies.

Stealth stomping is fair game. You obviously have a grudge against thieves and their stealthing. Don’t let Ignorance cloud your judgment

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: bobross.5034


not at all unfair, the thief is rooted in place and very vulnerable. Even stealthed an observant player will know what’s happening and can hurt/kill the thief. without stealth, thieves wouldnt be able to get stomps in (except for tp stomping). Then it only favors bunker builds, which thieves dont have much access to.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Huygens.4075


The fact that this thread continued for 3 pages saddens me.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

not at all unfair, the thief is rooted in place and very vulnerable. Even stealthed an observant player will know what’s happening and can hurt/kill the thief. without stealth, thieves wouldnt be able to get stomps in (except for tp stomping).

If you roaming alone and you get downed by the very common dual thief teams, tell me how you are gonna hurt and the kill thief doing that stealth stomp?

Many professions have downed skill #2, which can interrupt just one opponent, under optimal circumstances e.g. warrior and engineer. But that requires them to actually see that opponent to target it. Thus stealth stomp is a guaranteed easy stomp. I know stability would also guarantee a stomp in those cases, but stability is much more rare for a good reason.

And if I see an ally down in the battle field e.g. from enemy siege fire, attack, whatever reason, how am I gonna stop some enemy thief doing the stealth stomp on that ally? Fear is very rare and suggesting that thieves are so squishy that they die from just one AoE is mockery. I see stealth stomps all the time in pretty much every big fight.

And they are a problem as they are by far the most common form of a guaranteed stomp. They key issues here is stealth. Stealth is broken in this game.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: bhansen.7251


Is having to stand still for 3 seconds to kill someone you just killed again while friends are pounding on you fair? Stomping is a free 3 second stun for enemies.

Only OP stealth is dagger/pistol thief who can stay stealthed indefinatly. Rest is a matter of dodging/cc to avoid CnD.

(edited by bhansen.7251)

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Huygens.4075


not at all unfair, the thief is rooted in place and very vulnerable. Even stealthed an observant player will know what’s happening and can hurt/kill the thief. without stealth, thieves wouldnt be able to get stomps in (except for tp stomping).

If you roaming alone and you get downed by the very common dual thief teams, tell me how you are gonna hurt and the kill thief doing that stealth stomp?

Many professions have downed skill #2, which can interrupt just one opponent, under optimal circumstances e.g. warrior and engineer. But that requires them to actually see that opponent to target it. Thus stealth stomp is a guaranteed easy stomp. I know stability would also guarantee a stomp in those cases, but stability is much more rare for a good reason.

And if I see an ally down in the battle field e.g. from enemy siege fire, attack, whatever reason, how am I gonna stop some enemy thief doing the stealth stomp on that ally? Fear is very rare and suggesting that thieves are so squishy that they die from just one AoE is mockery. I see stealth stomps all the time in pretty much every big fight.

And they are a problem as they are by far the most common form of a guaranteed stomp. They key issues here is stealth. Stealth is broken in this game.

Do you really think that if you’re downed in a 2v1 against two thieves you’d be able to win if only they didn’t have stealth? What if you did get your stomp interrupt off? You’re still down and they’re still stomping you.

Stealth is nowhere near a “guaranteed stomp”. CC still works, and if the thief is low so does damage. I’ve even used stealth to prevent stomps dozens of times. There are ways to counter these tactics, but for most people, crying on the forums is easier.

Having played both ele and thief, I cannot think of a situation where I’d rather have stealth stomp over mist stomp, even with the cool down. Hell, black powder stomp is more reliable most of the time.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: MIrra.3604


not at all unfair, the thief is rooted in place and very vulnerable. Even stealthed an observant player will know what’s happening and can hurt/kill the thief. without stealth, thieves wouldnt be able to get stomps in (except for tp stomping).

If you roaming alone and you get downed by the very common dual thief teams, tell me how you are gonna hurt and the kill thief doing that stealth stomp?

Many professions have downed skill #2, which can interrupt just one opponent, under optimal circumstances e.g. warrior and engineer. But that requires them to actually see that opponent to target it. Thus stealth stomp is a guaranteed easy stomp. I know stability would also guarantee a stomp in those cases, but stability is much more rare for a good reason.

And if I see an ally down in the battle field e.g. from enemy siege fire, attack, whatever reason, how am I gonna stop some enemy thief doing the stealth stomp on that ally? Fear is very rare and suggesting that thieves are so squishy that they die from just one AoE is mockery. I see stealth stomps all the time in pretty much every big fight.

And they are a problem as they are by far the most common form of a guaranteed stomp. They key issues here is stealth. Stealth is broken in this game.

As an (insert class), I can do the following to stop stealth stomp.

Updraft, Eeathquake, tornado

GS pull, Hammer bubble, Hammer knockback, shield knockback, Sanctuary

Pet’s fear, LB pushback

Focus pull, Mass stealth, daze


100HB, F1 from Hammer, Knockback from Hammer, Quake utility

Pull, pushback, elite

Shadow refuge, blinding power, TS daze

How and when to use it is a different story…

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


They key issues here is stealth. Stealth is broken in this game.

No, people are just whiny about any mechanic that an opponent can use to defeat them. If designers listened to the people that rush to the boards to cry about the latest PvP fight they lost, every MMO would just become Pong.

No, stealth IS broken. Ignoring down state, a person in stealth can attempt to hit you with something, the attack misses or gets blocked, and then retry their attack because they’re still in stealth. This is what makes it too powerful.

In every other MMO missing an attack or getting it blocked throws you out of stealth. All they need to do to fix stealth in this game is to make ANY attack, regardless of whether or not it succeeds, throw you out of stealth. There, no more “Thieves are OP” threads or complaints, Thieves can still spam stealth, and everybody wins.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


What people do not understand is that stealth does not mean invulnerability. You can use your same interrupt skills to stop the stomp.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Bovinity.8610


No, stealth IS broken. Ignoring down state, a person in stealth can attempt to hit you with something, the attack misses or gets blocked, and then retry their attack because they’re still in stealth. This is what makes it too powerful.

In every other MMO missing an attack or getting it blocked throws you out of stealth. All they need to do to fix stealth in this game is to make ANY attack, regardless of whether or not it succeeds, throw you out of stealth. There, no more “Thieves are OP” threads or complaints, Thieves can still spam stealth, and everybody wins.

All you did was illustrate differences between stealth in this game and stealth in other games. (Read: WoW, because that’s all you really referred to, other games are different too.) You also totally ignored how those mechanics relate to the mechanics unique to GW2.

Problem is, all you described were the things that you perceive as being differences that benefit the thief. You didn’t even bother going into all the differences that make stealth tougher to manage compared to other games.

Like I said, just the usual whining from people that lose a fight in an MMO and want <whatever killed me> to be removed from the game. Eventually you guys would just have every ability in the game removed if you had your way, simply because you would rather have them removed than get better at playing with them.

Any sufficiently advanced skill is indistinguishable from luck.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Daendur.2357


to OP:
yes, it is.

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: bobross.5034


not at all unfair, the thief is rooted in place and very vulnerable. Even stealthed an observant player will know what’s happening and can hurt/kill the thief. without stealth, thieves wouldnt be able to get stomps in (except for tp stomping). Then stomping during battles is only possible for bunker builds, which thieves dont really have much access to.

Also regarding tp stomps, mesmers can do them as well. they can also pop distortion for 4 seconds of invulnerability. Oh…they also have access to invisibility.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


Like I said, just the usual whining from people that lose a fight in an MMO and want <whatever killed me> to be removed from the game. Eventually you guys would just have every ability in the game removed if you had your way, simply because you would rather have them removed than get better at playing with them.

Show exactly where I asked it to be removed from the game. I’m asking to change a specific function on how stealth works (something most MMO players can agree is rather OP), and it’s not like ANet didn’t already open the doors the second they changed how Quickness works.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Bovinity.8610


Show exactly where I asked it to be removed from the game. I’m asking to change a specific function on how stealth works (something most MMO players can agree is rather OP),

How exactly do you think that what you described makes stealth “OP”? It’s not even on the top 10 list of things that make stealth effective. I’d wager you’re the only person in the entire game that has even thought of this particular thing, to be honest.

Any sufficiently advanced skill is indistinguishable from luck.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Kallist.5917


Searched the forum and couldnt find a related thread,so care someone to enlighten under which parameters is stealth stomping along with quickness not overpowered?
If there is a related developer post please point me to it.
From my point of view paying repair bills with a necromancer for 9 months because of stealth stomping doesnt seem right when i cant do anything about it.

You couldnt do anything about it if it was a warrior using Endure pain. Or an Ele using Myst form, or a ranger who used invulnerability, or a necro in his alt form(forget what it is called).
My point is that out of all of these, the Thief can still be hit. You just dont see the hits.
People who dont play thieves are the ones who think they are OP and need Nerfs. The Thief is on its last leg as it is. =/

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


Show exactly where I asked it to be removed from the game. I’m asking to change a specific function on how stealth works (something most MMO players can agree is rather OP),

How exactly do you think that what you described makes stealth “OP”? It’s not even on the top 10 list of things that make stealth effective. I’d wager you’re the only person in the entire game that has even thought of this particular thing, to be honest.

I can waste the entirety of my dodging, my evasion moves, and my block moves and the thief is very likely to never exit stealth during this, despite having at least 3-4 of his attacks negated. How in the name of hell do you find this fair, where the thief class is REWARDED for failing attacks by staying in stealth, where as the other classes are PUNISHED for preventing that attack from connecting by lack of reveal on the thief?

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: balls.2678


killing one person is for pvp, stomping is for pvp, this thread is for pvp, anyone who understand thumbs up plz!

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Bovinity.8610


I can waste the entirety of my dodging, my evasion moves, and my block moves and the thief is very likely to never exit stealth during this, despite having at least 3-4 of his attacks negated. How in the name of hell do you find this fair, where the thief class is REWARDED for failing attacks by staying in stealth, where as the other classes are PUNISHED for preventing that attack from connecting by lack of reveal on the thief?

1) I’d love to see this magical thief that has 20 seconds of stealth running while swinging at the air at you for some reason.

2) I’d love to actually fight you and watch you blow every single defensive CD the first time I stealth.

3) Every class can swing auto attacks at air without penalty. This isn’t something unique to thieves, and actually is detrimental to them. I lost count of how many thieves I’ve killed while they’re stealthed just because I can keep spamming attacks into them without a target.

4) Yours is still the absolute silliest complaint about stealth that anyone has ever had.

Any sufficiently advanced skill is indistinguishable from luck.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Iluth.6875


I do it and it increases my chance of success by + lots, so I think it’s fair.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Skeletor.9360


Is armor fair? The stealth classes have to use a slot and have no armor…Now quite crying.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Skeletor.9360


I can waste the entirety of my dodging, my evasion moves, and my block moves and the thief is very likely to never exit stealth during this, despite having at least 3-4 of his attacks negated. How in the name of hell do you find this fair, where the thief class is REWARDED for failing attacks by staying in stealth, where as the other classes are PUNISHED for preventing that attack from connecting by lack of reveal on the thief?

1) I’d love to see this magical thief that has 20 seconds of stealth running while swinging at the air at you for some reason.

2) I’d love to actually fight you and watch you blow every single defensive CD the first time I stealth.

3) Every class can swing auto attacks at air without penalty. This isn’t something unique to thieves, and actually is detrimental to them. I lost count of how many thieves I’ve killed while they’re stealthed just because I can keep spamming attacks into them without a target.

4) Yours is still the absolute silliest complaint about stealth that anyone has ever had.
