(edited by Roxhemar.6039)
Stop matching Tarnished Coast with BG/Mag
Its a drag for sure, just like its a drag the other way when we drop to Tier 2 and curbstomp YB and SBI. The solution is obvious: If TC gets matched in Tier 1 it should go like this:
BG/Mag+lowest tier server/TC+Tier 2 server (YB or SBI). If that flips the scales too hard, change the server combo the next week (if still in Tier 1) to something like TC+FA. The same goes for Tier 2. When TC is in Tier 2, it should go: TC/SBI+FA/YB+BP. Adjust the server combos according to the past few months of data plus the latest outcomes. This would not be hard to do and it would absolutely change the dynamic of these matchups.
It’s beyond a drag, it’s not just killing guilds at this point. It’s killing the overall spirit of the server, as TC I never minded being the underdog, granted that the underdog stands a legitimate chance. Back in the earlier years, when [Hel] and [CERN] would roam together, it was fun getting into the server teamspeak and listening to Disco and Greenarrow discuss tactics and outsmart BG, back when they were top dog. Hell, wiping Black Gate when we know we’re outmanned and outgunned is a kitten good feeling, but those feelings come less and less now and we just get bottom-line trampled. WvW is straight up dying on Tarnished Coast.
This is painful to feel helpless.
Many can empathize with this because of similar experiences on other servers.
This needs to stop, we’re not even same level of playing field that we once were, before we had like 5+ guilds server hop. It’s effectively killing what is left of the WvW community on Tarnished Coast for most players because they know that they are just going to enter the largest bottom-reaming experience imaginable. We have gone at least 10+ hours without a single commander to even be mentioned. On off-peak hours, whereas Black Gate and Maguuma are all in. It’s really pitiful at this point and this matchup needs to be split. To even think we are on the same tier as Maguuma and Black Gate at this point is absurd.
If it wasn’t important when TC was stomping SoS and FA 2+ years ago it shouldn’t be important now.
It absolutely is important now, in fact it might be more important then it’s ever been. You know it’s a serious problem when the high-population servers are having issues in a dying gamemode. It was important 2+ years ago as well, but SoS and FA should have never been matched with TC to begin with. In it’s prime TC was a veritable force now it’s a shell of it’s former glory.
I have been chatting with friends that are on TC, and the impression that I get is that there seems to be a split between those that prefer to have stayed in tier 2, and those that want to push/stay in tier 1. Seeing as how TC opened back up yesterday, there might be a glicko adjustment coming, never know.
I enjoy fighting TC, and hope the server recovers and stays strong.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
It’s the same on my T2 and T4 account. JQ owns T2 and FA owns T4 right now and I hate seeing commanders tag down due to 50v10. You wanna support them and try, but numbers wins at some point.
It is fun though trying to pick off a player within their massive groups, when you do they’ll chase forever
And lord of the rings references are fun “so it begins” when FA hits our map and the outnumbered buff hits lol
It absolutely is important now, in fact it might be more important then it’s ever been. You know it’s a serious problem when the high-population servers are having issues in a dying gamemode. It was important 2+ years ago as well, but SoS and FA should have never been matched with TC to begin with. In it’s prime TC was a veritable force now it’s a shell of it’s former glory.
FA was a Full-Very High server in T2 back then too. I’m not saying I disagree with you nor can’t empathize. I’m saying should’ve seen it coming for TC too, I suppose, which is why other posters may have a difficult time sympathizing with you.
TC was one of those servers like BG and JQ that “benefited” from a somewhat broken population system where servers could get “over filled” just by being open during off-peak hours or organizing mass log-outs. Players can become acclimated to that “over filled” status IMHO and so when your server loses population to levels that are still comfortable in a lower tier the morale takes a big hit and people panic-transfer. When the population calculation changed, it became clear the old T1 sized-servers were no longer possible so that morale hit is definitely a thing people need to learn how to manage, especially with so-called fairweather players.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
(edited by Chaba.5410)
We are closing this thread as matchmaking threads are not allowed.