Stop with ascended stuff

Stop with ascended stuff

in WvW

Posted by: MandJ.8965


Hey guys.
Many of you (some not) but I think the most are against the ascended weapons, gear and so on. Here you can give your sign, who know, maybe anet will stop with this itemspiral.

Momekas Namu

Stop with ascended stuff

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Yeah, anet will just abandon plans they’ve had for months because you made a thread on the forums. Brilliant plan

Stop with ascended stuff

in WvW

Posted by: MandJ.8965


Yeah, anet will just abandon plans they’ve had for months because you made a thread on the forums. Brilliant plan

No not because I made a thread. Because many Players will leave the game with this itemspiral. And what is a game wihout Players?

Momekas Namu

Stop with ascended stuff

in WvW

Posted by: kingcragus.6810


I welcome this change.

Stop with ascended stuff

in WvW

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


I am fine with gear progression. I’ve always liked it in small doses, which is what Anet gives. The only issue I have with Anet gear progression is the amount of time they want people to put into getting the gear.

Stop with ascended stuff

in WvW

Posted by: oZii.2864


I welcome this change.

Same I don’t have a problem with it at all. You can get all the materials to craft from WvW and the one that you get the least of is the bricks from champ mobs since there arent alot of champ mobs in WvW.

It’s time-gated anyway so people don’t have it on day 1. If you don’t like crafting then I am not really sure what to tell you tbh. They come out with the blogs etc telling you what is coming people don’t look at them I suppose and then are upset like Anet surprised them.

I am fine with gear progression. I’ve always liked it in small doses, which is what Anet gives. The only issue I have with Anet gear progression is the amount of time they want people to put into getting the gear.

OP doesn’t like the itemspire (is this a new buzzword? I thought the buzzword was power creep)

I don’t mind it and I would prefer if I could buy it day one. Person I quoted doesn’t mind it but doesn’t like the time restriction on it. Who is right? Who is wrong? How do you please all 3 types of us? You can’t have to find middle ground as best as they can = not everyone will be happy.

I understand why the time-gate is there because I would just buy what I need and make it with in 3 minutes of the patch going live. If I was allowed to do that then someone will make a thread and say “omg what about us that don’t have alot of money?” :GW2 is pay to win" it’s a never ending cycle.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

(edited by oZii.2864)

Stop with ascended stuff

in WvW

Posted by: Handin.4032


I’ve looked at the way they’re introducing ascended weapons, and it seems like they’re doing it in the RIGHT way. There is really no grind or gate, and people from any playstyle can get them. They said it takes ~2 weeks to make, and with champion bags, etc, people from PvE or WvW can get them. They even made it so we get the mats from taking camps, towers or keeps!

So, you can really take your time to make it, without grinding. Dulfy’s site has a great post about the crafting mats, and its not like you need 250 of a bunch of random crafting supplies. You should be able to get all the mats you want by just playing the game normally. The only “grind” is getting your crafting to 500.

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

Stop with ascended stuff

in WvW

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


I’m trying to wrap my head around as to why anyone.. and I mean anyone, would be opposed to them adding stronger gear options. Seriously, 5-10 years from now, is anyone still going to be happy to see the exact same exotic gear we have now?? Get real.. You should want to have new/stronger gear.

If your worried that someone people are going to have some weird major advantage because they’re in ascended gear and your not; don’t worry. If the ascended weapons and armor follow the same difference in stats that the current trinkets do, the numbers are going to be negligible. It’s the main reason why I never bothered with ascended trinkets because the minor raise in stats just aren’t worth it. On the off chance the new ascended weapons and armor require laurels, i’d rather spend them for cosmetic purposes rather than an extra 100 power.

What they do need to do is the materials needed for this new ascended gear needs to be as readily available in WvW as it will be in PvE.

Stop with ascended stuff

in WvW

Posted by: Xom.9264


I guess 1 year gear progression is ok just really dont want to see another gear bump past ascended. I would be fine with legendary gear that you can change stats around armor and all.

No more gear stat boosts.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Stop with ascended stuff

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


I shall happily equip my character with ascended gear and not give a care about those that do not wish to wear such stats.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Stop with ascended stuff

in WvW

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


I welcome this change.

Same I don’t have a problem with it at all. You can get all the materials to craft from WvW and the one that you get the least of is the bricks from champ mobs since there arent alot of champ mobs in WvW.

It’s time-gated anyway so people don’t have it on day 1. If you don’t like crafting then I am not really sure what to tell you tbh. They come out with the blogs etc telling you what is coming people don’t look at them I suppose and then are upset like Anet surprised them.

I am fine with gear progression. I’ve always liked it in small doses, which is what Anet gives. The only issue I have with Anet gear progression is the amount of time they want people to put into getting the gear.

OP doesn’t like the itemspire (is this a new buzzword? I thought the buzzword was power creep)

I don’t mind it and I would prefer if I could buy it day one. Person I quoted doesn’t mind it but doesn’t like the time restriction on it. Who is right? Who is wrong? How do you please all 3 types of us? You can’t have to find middle ground as best as they can = not everyone will be happy.

I understand why the time-gate is there because I would just buy what I need and make it with in 3 minutes of the patch going live. If I was allowed to do that then someone will make a thread and say “omg what about us that don’t have alot of money?” :GW2 is pay to win" it’s a never ending cycle.

The mats will be available on the TP, even the time-gated ones, so yeh you can just buy it and make it.

Also, yeh, thanks for misstating what I said. Time-gating is inactive and lazy. Getting these ascended items should be involve active steps, not 99% waiting.

Stop with ascended stuff

in WvW

Posted by: kingcragus.6810


I welcome this change.

lol I will elaborate also

From what I have read it seems like they will be fairly easy to make compared to legendary weapons. 400-500 crafting probably won’t take that long ( I am concerned about the gold cost of this but I waste a lot of gold). It sounds like we will have good access to t7 mats ( some of which are refined anyways (possibly)).

One major concern for me is that we will need to salvage exotics for a new account bound component. I really don’t see many exotic drops BUT give it a few weeks/months we will all have 300% capped magic find anyway.

300% capped magic – cannot wait

Stop with ascended stuff

in WvW

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


I’m trying to wrap my head around as to why anyone.. and I mean anyone, would be opposed to them adding stronger gear options. Seriously, 5-10 years from now, is anyone still going to be happy to see the exact same exotic gear we have now?? Get real.. You should want to have new/stronger gear.

If your worried that someone people are going to have some weird major advantage because they’re in ascended gear and your not; don’t worry. If the ascended weapons and armor follow the same difference in stats that the current trinkets do, the numbers are going to be negligible. It’s the main reason why I never bothered with ascended trinkets because the minor raise in stats just aren’t worth it. On the off chance the new ascended weapons and armor require laurels, i’d rather spend them for cosmetic purposes rather than an extra 100 power.

What they do need to do is the materials needed for this new ascended gear needs to be as readily available in WvW as it will be in PvE.

Guild Wars 1 and 2 are casual heavy games and the casuals are very entitled. So, someone that stops playing today and logs in 2 years from now expects that they should be just as strong as someone that actively plays the game for 2 years.

Stop with ascended stuff

in WvW

Posted by: oZii.2864


The mats will be available on the TP, even the time-gated ones, so yeh you can just buy it and make it.

Also, yeh, thanks for misstating what I said. Time-gating is inactive and lazy. Getting these ascended items should be involve active steps, not 99% waiting.

Huh? I didn’t know you where the OP=Original poster= Thread creator?

I was agreeing with you that I don’t have a problem with ascended gear and how it is implemented.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Stop with ascended stuff

in WvW

Posted by: Aethilmar.3951


It has been said elsewhere, but I’ll restate the problem with any vertical progression in a PvP game let alone time-gated vertical progression. It cuts off new blood from joining the game since it becomes increasingly difficult (if not impossible) to catch up to the original players.

There have only been a couple of long-lived PvP games of which I can recall that have succeeded with this kind of model. WoW can be treated as a one-off since no other game has replicated its popularity. EVE has time-gated vertical progression but the time sink is exponential in nature and it takes place in the background by using the actual passage of time.

Let’s put it this way. You go into WvW now with Rare gear and you can expect to have your butt handed to you by anybody with half a brain in Exotics which is about a 5% power difference. However, at least you can go get a set of exotics for 10-15g and go about your business. Small grind but not a big deal.

Now they add time-gated ascended gear. You are either constantly working on it or you are not. And if you are not, you will wake up one day and find out you are behind and there is no way to catch up except to start the time-based treadmill. Maybe that is a couple of weeks…maybe it is a month.

Then they add some more time gated gear. And that takes a couple of weeks. And then they add some more. Throw in they are constantly adding these “wonderful” new WXP abilities and where you could once enter WvW and be relatively competitive with a few hours of work now requires months of work.

And people will say “Eff it” and move on to the next game. I know I will b/c I learned my lesson from playing Warhammer Online how this will end. This is the path they are on and it is in direct opposition to what made GW1 a good enough game that they got a shot at GW2.

(edited by Aethilmar.3951)

Stop with ascended stuff

in WvW

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


I can’t imagine the difference in stats between a fully geared Exotic player and a fully geared Ascended player will be significant enough to put anyone at a major disadvantage.

It’s a shame we’re getting another tier of gear, but I imagine it will be pretty easy to ignore if all you want to do is WvW. If anything it will be even sweeter stomping all those Sunrise and Twilight wielders


Stop with ascended stuff

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Certain demographics of the playerbase are unhappy with the lack of grind in GW2. This will help alleviate that.

It is annoying though as, as always, the grinders with near unlimited time will be far ahead of the new par for the game.

Stop with ascended stuff

in WvW

Posted by: Aethilmar.3951


I can’t imagine the difference in stats between a fully geared Exotic player and a fully geared Ascended player will be significant enough to put anyone at a major disadvantage.

It’s a shame we’re getting another tier of gear, but I imagine it will be pretty easy to ignore if all you want to do is WvW. If anything it will be even sweeter stomping all those Sunrise and Twilight wielders

The difference between alive and downed in this game is 1 health point. If 5% more damage (for example) allows you to reduce the number of blows you need to deliver to win a fight by 1, you will win far more than 5% more of them.

For (highly simplified) example, two people enter combat with 15,000 health and do 500 damage per blow. It will take them 30 blows to knock each other down and, in the end, it will come down to timing as to who gets the last blow and wins.

Now, one of them does 525 damage and the other does 500 damage. It will still take the 500 damage person 30 blows to down the other guy. But it takes the 525 damage guy 28.57 (read 29) blows to win. He now eats through the other guy’s health one full blow before the other guy has a chance to take him down. In the simplified model he now wins 100% of the time instead of 50%. In reality it will be somewhere between there but more than you probably think.

I have won (and lost) a lot of battles in WvW based on getting in a good blow that takes them to zero before they can get a heal or blind or teleport off. 5% (or 1% or 2%) will have a non-linear affect in the number of wins and losses someone has in groups or in 1v1s.