Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


People really need to understand GW2 is global and not region limited. The division between Europe and NA server list is just administrative shenanigans and also for people to know where they connect and if they might experience slightly higher ping.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: hyttemaier.7950



I see your point communication could be better, but it wouldent change much for us, we still would have around 10 people during nighttime, many people say “recruit some americans” but we all know that’s not even possible since FS is full, i guess im just abit disapointed that, nomatter the effort we put into it there is nothing we can do to change it, i was hoping for epic & competitive battles in this game, dont get me wrong we do have some realy good battles, but its far from competitive when the system awards quantity above quality, wouldent it also be more fun for the Vizunah people to allways have around the same numbers, i at least couldent imagine knocking on empty keeps would do it for me in the long run, cant we solve this somehow? there must be a way wouldent it feel more like a victory if it was on even terms.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: go to sleep.6187

go to sleep.6187

HAHAHAHAH shiver peaks is like number 9 now are you kidding me. definitely no 1st nor 2nd place server. once ta left you guys fell into your own kitten hole. ta was your night cappers and you you’re sol deal with it.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: hyttemaier.7950


@go to sleep

I actualy wish that was somehow true! care to explain your logic behind that? since we came in 2nd everytime since start, and allways get matched with Vizunah which by your logic would be ranked 8 then?

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Dschingis.4517


its incredible…

riverside and far shiverpeaks are about equal in forces. and we have both the problem called vs who are maybe as strong as we are, but have lots of forces in other daytimes.
and instead of crushing them together during daytime you ppl decided to flame on each other… srsly?


Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


i know you are teh very very stronkest best pvp guys around the whole mmog scene.
but i have to laught out when you want to proof how RS doing nightcapping, posting screenshots from 10:00am (its dark night out at this time in germany) or just screens without timestemps at all.
awesome proof! gj!

Timestamp in the game shows your current local time, you dummy. Screens were made in GMT +3 timezone and then converted to GMT +0, so even the geniuses like you can do simpler math and not overheat their brains (it didnt worked in the end, I overestimated german education).
You have lost 6k points between 14:00 and 23:00 GMT Friday in the primetime.
Screens that I have posted next (NB: the ones with dates) were made on mornings from Monday till Friday, when majority of FS players not playing yet. And they clearly show that nightcapers spirit is strong with Riverside. Too bad they are so unskillful to save their advantage and progress during prime time.

(edited by sarmatiko.2843)

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Scryar.2954



We lost the 6k points because most of the people on Riverside were tired from playing against your two mesmer portal exploiting guilds. We had no queue time on both enemy borderlands for the first time since release on wednesday, thursday and friday.

I really lol’ed at this thread. Without your guild (GF) and Nug permanently exploiting( and other exploits from Far Shiverpeaks players, like attacking our bay altar from under the floor or flying across the map) you wouldn’t even be in the top 10. You are crying because of Vizuna’s nightcapping, but at least they play fair.
No, you are not the strongest force in europe. Not even close.
And you call us “unskillful” and managed to beat us by only 6k points with heavily exploiting the server issues. That tells a lot about the strenght of your server.

WvsW smallscale & tpvp
Champion- Magus, Shadow, Illusionist, Hunter

(edited by Scryar.2954)

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


We lost the 6k points because most of the people on Riverside were tired from playing against your two mesmer portal exploiting guilds. We had no queue time on both enemy borderlands for the first time since release on wednesday, thursday and friday.

How fast you forgot how Riverside have lost all previous matches versus VS and FS and always was kicked back to D2, when “mesmer porlal” wasn’t common part of current wvwvw meta-gaming. You died back there just as easily as you dying now. Now you have improved and dying with tears and bricks.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Kolly.9872


EU player playing on NA server: no lag at all
The nightcapping is still here btw, it is everywhere I guess

Thief might not be as strong as last year
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Tellerion.8102


I’ll counter your arguments and moaning regarding night capping by mentioning that the server your talking about got a higher population than most of the EU servers, which makes it possible to have max amount of players represented on most hours of the day, despite night times.

How is that fair towards the other servers who aren’t able to fill all the borderlands at daily times?


(edited by Tellerion.8102)

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: tjeb.6503


How do we have more players at day by your logic? Its canadians playing at night as far as i understood and french europeans at day. At best, we are as many players as they are, we do not have more players than them at any time.

I’m not saying you do, I’m saying you might. Do you have numbers? I’m on an english-speaking servers and there sure aren’t any americans on during the night.

Last night, while we were being wiped of the entire map, a fellow worlder was convinced that the two other worlds were playing together. A quick look at the map showed that this wasn’t the case; unless surrendering both EB and their own home garrisson was part of the deal :p The 2nd world was just beating us as well because we were easy pickings. He was still convinced they were working together, because he had read somewhere that it happened.

This has nothing to do with potential night-capping problems (apart from being outnumbered, but that isn’t just at night for us), but it does show that some people complain about things without even knowing the numbers. And since we (or at least I) don’t know the numbers in your case, I’m saying you might be outnumbering them during the day.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: ExeQ.1067


you are not dominating at all. I could show some screenshot to “prove it”. Anyway, day time battles were pleasant. And if you were so dominating, it would not be that pleasant. So…keep crying, but stay in battlegrounds, where the good players are.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Sjeufke.9346


EU don’t have primetime ratings,

Vizunah Square is the best, but with what tactic? their tactic is lame, backstabbing and unfair. But it is a tactic that works. Equal forces ratings will never excist because the different tactics don’t allow equal battles. Wars are never fair.

The only thing what lame is, is the puzzle camping, most given reason: “We won’t get the enemy to the chest because they get siege plans” if we want siege plans badly, we buy it with silver. Argument invalid!

I’m from FS, and if i got 500 badges and explorer, then my Player vs NPC vs Gate time is over. Most people trying to get those so they never have to enter again.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Thorvald.5432


Again FS players boasting about loosing. You guys make me laugh.

Invaders [Inv] – Vizunah Square

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: neoxide.7320


I’ve seen the same problem on the US worlds. Many people defend nightcapping because either theyre taking advantage of it or theyre kissing ANet’s kitten . If what you say is true, your world is definitely better than the French world abusing nightcapping.

There needs to be some sort of equalization of team size. The problem is the less skilled, less hard-working worlds have more people at night (or whenever depending on the worlds in question). Balancing the teams to some degree would solve the issue and make WvW a game of strategy, skill and effort.

For example, when one world has 100 players on the map the other world can never exceed 120% of players on the map. This will make WvW fair at all times.

To those saying “well just get people to play during night hours” that’s not a feasible solution. You can’t put the burden of a server lacking timezone defenders on the players of that world. You can’t tell this guy it’s his fault that his world has no night population.

It’s ANet’s job to balance the worlds. It’s ANet’s job to promote healthy competition (which this is not). Instead of telling the players to “get” night owls on their world, implement a team balancing system and tell the players in long queues to fix a problem they can actually solve; “transfer to a world with no queue in that timezone”.

I will elaborate once more. Players should not be at fault for the timezone makeup of their worlds. Players cannot be expected to change the population of their world. The only solution is to balance teams and transfer worlds if you have a queue due to night time overpopulation.

(edited by neoxide.7320)

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: hunTShoo.1247


you can keep arguing like that but it doesnt become true by calling it out more often.

nice how you ignored my screenshot 9am (gmt+2) should be 7am at gmt+4, shouldnt it?
you are ways ahead infront of RS and you whine fore RS night activity? 7am is primetime on FS isnt it?

but im sick of arguing vs ingame exploiters and forum trolls.
you cant loose with honor nor win with honor. thats what FS does.

im dissappointed that 2 poor, heavy exploiting guild ruins the name of the whole server. indeed in the 24h circle FS did good fights, even without exploiting and it might sound suprising to you, that RS didnt care tactics at all.
if you have some sort of self respect you’d noticed that RS gave you great fight. think of yourself how many ppl you fought using the exploits you used, and then keep trolling them in forums.

we had lots of good engagements with vizunah, and no one by riverside call out vizunah for nightcapping cause its an issue the ppl we fought during prime time cant change at all.
what they can change is how they fight, and when it comes to this FS guilds GF and NUG are the one biggest scumbag guilds i ever met in like 10years of compatative mmog-pvp.
however i say congratulations to you. you ruined the name of your server in just 7days. you could use the next 7 days to clean this. but i guess you will google for more exploits to use. and next saturday you will just blame vizunah for night activity again.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


we had lots of good engagements with vizunah, and no one by riverside call out vizunah for nightcapping cause its an issue the ppl we fought during prime time cant change at all.
what they can change is how they fight, and when it comes to this FS guilds GF and NUG are the one biggest scumbag guilds i ever met in like 10years of compatative mmog-pvp.
however i say congratulations to you. you ruined the name of your server in just 7days. you could use the next 7 days to clean this. but i guess you will google for more exploits to use. and next saturday you will just blame vizunah for night activity again.

Your posts remind me about this guy:
Please relax and play the game without crying

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Thaark.8064


Arenanet already stated that WvW was meant to be a 24/7 fight.
That’s because WvW is not meant to show off skill anyway, you have Spvp for that you put out a 5 man team in fair fights that happens at the time that is the more convenient for you.
The only thing that could be proven by a good WvW score is the capacity of one server to organize itself anytime using one objective, and the number of people on that server dedicated to that.
The score are only meant to keep the servers fighting other servers that are as near as possible strength and population wise.
If in FS they don’t feel they have fun fights in WvW, why do they do it at all ? If they have fun fights what are they complaing about ?
Guild wars 2 is trying to allow players to have an outlet for a lot of different game tastes PvE/SPvP/RvR.
The only thing missing in fact is guild scale fights.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Mjk.5146


I’m pwning so hard FS players in 1vs2-3-4. You are bad, and I’m better.

Level up maybe you’ll be the strongest force in europe.

Someone as dumb as you.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: LaronX.8079


Dude. A guy on your server said it is totaly ok to use exploits like use the mesmer portal to force the server slow/not loading models and then one of you complains about night capping? This either must be a very bad joke or I miss something.

Also pretty much every server has a decent night activ player base ( mixed servers even more) you ppl just don’t want to play at night. You can’t blam the face for playing when they have time.


Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Bobbi.6801


God kitten damnkitten! Nobody cares about any server pride! If you wanna be taken seriously with this serious issue, don’t talk about our server being best!!. We don’t know that. I’v been in WvW everyday this week, and Riverside was god kitten good! (i’m FS)
All that talk about being #1 just ruins the thread completely cus it will attract TROLLING FRENCH and ANGRY GERMANS witch feel out server are equal. which we are, Vs DE server ofc. The French sucks, they only play vs our gates.

On topic: I’m quitting the game. I play for WvW. But its no reason to play WvW now is it?. i think it was Wednesday last week i spent 5 gold in keep upgrades and trebutches and kittens and fight as good as we could. we had been doing all day. Well guess what, It doesn’t matter how much we spend or how well we are doing, or how well we fight.. we dont have nightcappers.
And right now Nightcappers is the only thing that decides wich server wins. NOTHING else.

How Anet comes out and say that this is intended and awesome is really, really beyond me, and ALOT of people on this forum. Its not sportsmanship. VS wins because of canadians. Thats the only thing they need to do. nothing.. And everyone know we can’t just “recruit” a whoooole bunch of american players to help our server. wtf people. Stop it already with those comments.

And all the people from other servers who posts here saying its not a issue, you can just go away until you have experienced 1 month of loosing to purely nightcappers, no matter how good you are doing compared to that server.. Go on, you would be even more kitten than we are.

Edit: Kittens. Kittens everywhere

AMD FX-8350 @5Ghz |Radeon HD 7970GHZedition|16gb 1600mhz DDR3 ram|OCZ agility 3 120gb|Gigabyte UD3

(edited by Bobbi.6801)

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: nellkee.6754


nice how you ignored my screenshot 9am (gmt+2) should be 7am at gmt+4, shouldnt it?


Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


nice how you ignored my screenshot 9am (gmt+2) should be 7am at gmt+4, shouldnt it?

It seems math and geographic education of german youth these days is really poor.
9 am gmt +2 = 11am gmt +4, you silly. Sun is rising in the East, not in the West.

On your screen it’s Saturday late morning and it’s nowhere near “nightcapping time window”.

(edited by sarmatiko.2843)

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Reese.4183


Honestly i’ve lost most of my hopes of seeing this nightcapping issue solved after MF’s last post. So it seems you have the following choices :

- Accept your frustration and continue playing on your server.
- Transfer while it’s still possible.
- Just quit playing.

Discussing it and posting again and again about it is pointless.