Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

Remove all Mining / Wood / Plants
Remove Jumping Puzzle
Remove 100% Map Completion
Remove anything that hasnt a PvP objective

Night capping – Let guilds buy a immunity buff that makes keeps / Towers immune for capping for a set amount of time that can only be activated from set hours.

This will prevent Player versus Gate guilds ruining the whole atmosphere inside Borderlands.
Its horrible to wake up and see all your work demolished in a few hours of sleep.

Not only that, but by the time you wake up you fight an uphill battle versus keeps / Towers that are Tier 3 upgraded and have 40 arrows charts / Catapults / Balista’s not to mention the walls inside every Borderlands (except Eternal) are forts on their own.

Suply camps can be captured 24/7 offcourse.

As of now i have no interest to play WvW anymore and it seems many people who bought GW2 for the sole reason to WvW are already done with it.

Waking up and seeing the pie 100% sliced for 1 faction has totaly ruined any sence of progresion.
Not to mention you cannot make the gap smaller as each night the night hero’s make a 40/50k lead in points if not more.

Iam willing to pay 10 gold for that immunity buff btw, a guild who claims a keep need to invest in it.
All members of the guild should donate if they like WvW.

In the meantime /Planetside 2 beta

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


Cool, so basically I’m not allowed to take keeps after work?

I’m EST and am part of the “nightcapping” crew.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

If you work on daytime and can only play at night hours join USA servers ? this aint WoW where your forced to play on EU or vice versa for that matter.
+ woulnt it be more fun when you have actual resistance when playing WvW ?
Or you dont want resistance and just easy karma farming ?

I dont understand whats fun about it……its gate hitting time after time after time without any resistance….
You take an unfair advantage in any way posible….
Its get 1 sided as many people just dont bother anymore and just give up as they know in about a few hours all will be gone again and again and again.

Ashame you guys dont see how you hurt WvW balance with this sort of gameplay…

Maybe Anet needs to put 24/7 server versus 24/7 servers to resolve this, thing is we are stuck at #2 and will not drop a place to fight another bracket of servers…..

These posts gets more vocal by the day…..untill this stuff is resolved in a proper way where all sides win.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


So I have to play on eu prime time, then switch to US server with so much lag and continue to fight without friend or guild. And this every day.

Will you pay my gem transfer ? What is the good hour to switch and stop to play on eu server ? What time do you go to bed ?

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


We don’t even have queue times during offpeak so we have room for more players. The other servers are just demoralized so do not do WvW at night. Friday night when it first started we got everything against us capped with unmanned buff, so when we do it Saturday night we are the bad guys?

Besides I just defend supply camps and have lots of small scale 2v6 1v5(with guards) type stuff, don’t bother with the keeps if they can be done without me.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

(edited by Igolbug.7295)

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

So I have to play on eu prime time, then switch to US server with so much lag and continue to fight without friend or guild. And this every day.

Will you pay my gem transfer ? What is the good hour to switch and stop to play on eu server ? What time do you go to bed ?

Like WvW has 30 ping now ? you dont have 8 seconds delay with 300 people duking it out on screen ? your point is moot at best 8 seconds or 8.3 seconds doesnt matter a bit do it ?

You can still cap all suply camps and make sure your server as 100% capped suply’s in all towers / keeps / even Stonemist and other major keeps <——-Massive advantage other server could only dream of.

You dont have to switch of you dont want to brother….but capping 100% of the map is just lame and makes your oponents stop making an effort…
Its a 100% uphill battle for all your opponents already when they wake up and need to siege towers / Blockade walls / Keeps with 100% full suply’s.

Not to mention all the siege’s you can buil din the meantime to repel attacks from small roaming gangs in the morning.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


So we should stop playing at night because you can’t play.

I will never happen. The game is designed to be a 24/7 war for 1 week atm and soon for 2 so deal with it or let your WvWvW slot to someone who really want play the game. But stop QQ.

They will never close the warfronts on nightime because you whine as loud as you can. Even if they reduce or erase the scoring system, it still will be possible to cap and upgrade everything everywhere and you will come back to QQ again because it would be untakable on daytime.

GW2 is apparently not for your kind of player. Fortunatelly for you, the carebears are coming out very soon.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Raf.3840


Remove all Mining / Wood / Plants
Remove Jumping Puzzle
Remove 100% Map Completion
Remove anything that hasnt a PvP objective

Night capping – Let guilds buy a immunity buff that makes keeps / Towers immune for capping for a set amount of time that can only be activated from set hours.

This will prevent Player versus Gate guilds ruining the whole atmosphere inside Borderlands.
Its horrible to wake up and see all your work demolished in a few hours of sleep.

Not only that, but by the time you wake up you fight an uphill battle versus keeps / Towers that are Tier 3 upgraded and have 40 arrows charts / Catapults / Balista’s not to mention the walls inside every Borderlands (except Eternal) are forts on their own.

Suply camps can be captured 24/7 offcourse.

As of now i have no interest to play WvW anymore and it seems many people who bought GW2 for the sole reason to WvW are already done with it.

Waking up and seeing the pie 100% sliced for 1 faction has totaly ruined any sence of progresion.
Not to mention you cannot make the gap smaller as each night the night hero’s make a 40/50k lead in points if not more.

Iam willing to pay 10 gold for that immunity buff btw, a guild who claims a keep need to invest in it.
All members of the guild should donate if they like WvW.

In the meantime /Planetside 2 beta

We have a couple hundred thousand if not million Oceanic Players this is a 24hr game. There is no Night capping!!!!

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Spartian.3970


I agree, remove night capping. I’m sick of you Americans taking back all the objective I have worked so hard to cap while I sleep in Australia.

Spartian | TRF – Meatshield|
Titan Alliance

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

You can still cap Suply camps and make sure you side have 100% filled keeps / towers you just cannot cap Upgraded keeps from guilds who payed a fee to protect their keep when they are asleep for a few hours.
offcourse this cannot be used on daytime.

If Arenanet wants WvW balanced something has to be done.
If you play on a diffrent time zone then move to the USA / Europe who match your time zone ?

If this is going to continue then Server number 2 and server number 3 are doomed to always play versus servers number 1 who can never ever be defeated due to scoring so many points when their oponent are sleeping.

You can this balance ? or you do not want balance ? there is a diffrence, servers should not be doomed to play versus servers for all time if they havent got people on them to night cap a map 100%.
Maybe put those servers versus USA servers who also play 24/7 ? thats balance.

And what i dont understand is why cant you have fun doing something else ingame instead of hitting 300 gate’s in the night ? cant you do something more beneficial with your ingame time then that ?
GW2 doesnt provide more fun then hitting gate’s each night ?

Come on people… creates an unfair balance and you know it.

-At Raf i asume you play on USA server with Australian people ?
Then in time you will play versus servers who also have 24/7 wvw going ?

In Europe there is only 1 server doing that as far as i know, and thats a french server named Vizunah Sqaure.
They are ranked 1 while we are ranked 2…….we dont get matched versus other servers.
And even if we lose on purpose and get matched versus #4 – #5 then it would be a clear devestation on our advantage and would create another imbalance for them.

Whats wrong with only capping Suply camps and building sieges on your forts when you have zero oposition ? you still make your server better in WvW, you just dont create inbalance…

There is plenty to do in GW2…even if that doesnt mean hitting 400 gates in the night you can do plenty of other stuff to make sure your server can kick butt.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

I’d also remove jumping puzzle from WvW zone . Makes zero sense for me , just keeps spots from people that would like to join WvW to help .

And ofc Phara i agree almost on everything .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: AXLORD.2045


I think The Sims or Wii Sports should fit you better. Why should people stop playing when you go to bed ?

Plus it’s not like there is anything big to win in WvW, being 1st/2nd/3rd doesn’t bring anything except small PvE boost, which are nearly useless for the WvW player who invest time in WvW objectives. And even with your suggestions, the servers currently winning will buy the immunity, and if you’re not able to take back objectives during day-time now you won’t be able to de it after, nothing will change.

A 24/7 war is not a daily-5-hours-long-battleground, it’s time for people to understand that. Whining all day long only makes your server look bad.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow.3475


Jumping Puzzle underground they should have somewere else, or at least have so when they enter it is a other map so someone else can enter Eternal map.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow.3475


It is good that the server that lead get advantages like better xp and so but more HP is not a advantage you should get, that should go to the server that is last so they have 1 advantage when they try to take back land.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


We took Stonemist and fully upgraded it during primetime, we don’t need to do that at night.

The part you are not understanding is, at least on Crystal Desert, we have NO queue times at night for the borderlands. The other servers have the same amount of people as us they just choose not to WvW because our night time guilds are very organized. So instead they pve or play other games so they can claim we win because of night capping.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: stealthmonkey.1563


Whats wrong with only capping Suply camps and building sieges on your forts when you have zero oposition ? you still make your server better in WvW, you just dont create inbalance…

Because it’s asking players to play half a game so that you feel like you’re contributing more than you are. If your server isn’t able to field a sizeable opposition 24/7 you are not a competitive world. Changing the game to make you a competitive world is meaningless, you might as well ask for your specific world to get a triple damage bonus on constantly because you can’t beat servers better than you.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

I think The Sims or Wii Sports should fit you better. Why should people stop playing when you go to bed ?

Plus it’s not like there is anything big to win in WvW, being 1st/2nd/3rd doesn’t bring anything except small PvE boost, which are nearly useless for the WvW player who invest time in WvW objectives. And even with your suggestions, the servers currently winning will buy the immunity, and if you’re not able to take back objectives during day-time now you won’t be able to de it after, nothing will change.

A 24/7 war is not a daily-5-hours-long-battleground, it’s time for people to understand that. Whining all day long only makes your server look bad.

I guess understanding what people says is not in your priorities.
Who cares about winning ?
We’d just like to play a balanced WvW .
Is this gonna happen ? Probably not .
Do we have to agree with you that night capping is cool and skillfull ? Just no .
And don’t fool yourself talking about the sims or wii because i come from games like starcraft and dota where is , almost , all about skill .
I already have people in my guild talking about quitting the game to play planetside 2 , people that played DaoC for years and was looking for a good RvR game since then .
Just try to realize that we are demanding a balance , is it such a bad thing at your eyes ?
Grow up please.

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

I think The Sims or Wii Sports should fit you better. Why should people stop playing when you go to bed ?

Plus it’s not like there is anything big to win in WvW, being 1st/2nd/3rd doesn’t bring anything except small PvE boost, which are nearly useless for the WvW player who invest time in WvW objectives. And even with your suggestions, the servers currently winning will buy the immunity, and if you’re not able to take back objectives during day-time now you won’t be able to de it after, nothing will change.

A 24/7 war is not a daily-5-hours-long-battleground, it’s time for people to understand that. Whining all day long only makes your server look bad.

Then put 24/7 servers versus 24/7 servers ?

USA / Europe / Australia / Asia put all those servers who have 24/7 WvW going on against each other ?

I bet if there is 1 gaming studio who can pull this off then its Arenanet, this mmo has a massive potantial to become #1 mmo for many many years.
On all fronts this game has made wicked impressions not only on revieuw site’s but also its playerbase.

The developers and forum moderators are involved, they communitcate with their playerbase on even level.
I have not seen this in any mmo at this level.

I think in the end we all wanne fight servers with perfect balance and resistance do we not ?
Maybe scrap immune buffs and put 24/7 servers in 1 pool ?
Bring solutions to this thread not flaming / trolling / rage and hate.

Think what we can improve on WvW and PvP Anet listens and iam sure they see this is becomming an unfair problem for some servers.

it is no fun to wake up and see a 60k lead on the other server and then joining WvW to get spawn camped for 2 hours long untill you have enough people inside WvW to fight an uphill battle to regain your towers and keeps.

Bring your toughts here in this thread instead of flaming guys.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: stealthmonkey.1563


USA / Europe / Australia / Asia put all those servers who have 24/7 WvW going on against each other ?

This system is already in place. Once the www starts cycling, higher ranked servers will be fighting higher ranked servers. I’m unsure what you’re suggesting happens that isn’t already starting to happen?

Also, accusing people of flaming because they legitimately disagree with your point serves no purpose.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Sinoby.8945


Locking objectives from capturing is a bad idea. I would gladly see some PvE removed from Wv3 though – no bosses, no jumping puzzles in any borderland and no 100% map requirement.
As for night capping – I would like to either see score system revised to lower the impact of night capping or (this will never happen) make Eternal battlegrounds available 24/7, while server-specific battlegrounds available only during prime zone time. Ofc servers of the same zone should be matched against each other. But yeah, as I said before – this will never happen

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: AXLORD.2045


Just try to realize that we are demanding a balance , is it such a bad thing at your eyes ?
Grow up please.

A balance is something fair for everyone, here you’re only penalizing night-time players (be it because they’re from space, they’re not working/going to school, or because that’s the only moment when they can play). It’s not ANet/the winning server fault if your night-time players don’t do WvW.

You’re exactly the same type of people back in the WoW days who were complaining about the advantage that HC players had over the casual ones about gear accessibility, this resulting in a flawed and flavorless PvE system with little difference between someone who dedicate every evening to raiding and someone who play less than 5 hours during the whole week.

Stop being selfish please.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Vukanigia.5496


Just make strong NPCs that you can hire during the night to guard your keep/tower. They can have passive buff to walls and gate and also strong range aoe dmg. Make them last for 6h

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Sinoby.8945


Night players != HC players.
They play completely different game, comparing to every1 playing during zone prime-time. PvD is not the same as PvP. But there impact on the overall match results is significantly higher of those, that play while the zone is sleeping. You do realize that this is not fair for majority of players?

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

Just try to realize that we are demanding a balance , is it such a bad thing at your eyes ?
Grow up please.

A balance is something fair for everyone, here you’re only penalizing night-time players (be it because they’re from space, they’re not working/going to school, or because that’s the only moment when they can play). It’s not ANet/the winning server fault if your night-time players don’t do WvW.

You’re exactly the same type of people back in the WoW days who were complaining about the advantage that HC players had over the casual ones about gear accessibility, this resulting in a flawed and flavorless PvE system with little difference between someone who dedicate every evening to raiding and someone who play less than 5 hours during the whole week.

Stop being selfish please.

I do not want to stop people from playing at night .
I want to balance night capping to not give this HUGE advantage to people having zero opponents in a supposed to be RvR zone .
Back in the WoW days …. i never play’d that game , i alwayd tried to avoid games rewarding the amount of time you play instead of your personal skill but for post-WoW generation this is hard to understand.
Anyway i’d like a balanced system allowing you to play at night and every other server to not get a huge disavantage , not whining , having zero interest on winning , just pretending to have things balanced to let everyone enjoy the game .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: The Bacon Bard.3586

The Bacon Bard.3586

I recall in a video where developers talk about WvW, they said WvW is meant to be unbalanced.

So many alts…

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Jakula.1072


I want to play when I want to play, not when you dicate when I can play. As a Oceanic player who works shift work I would not have purchased this game if one of it’s key features was unavailble to me or crippled because you think it’s unfair I play while you sleep.

Jakula – 80 Ranger [Phaxx]
Isles of Janthir

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

USA / Europe / Australia / Asia put all those servers who have 24/7 WvW going on against each other ?

This system is already in place. Once the www starts cycling, higher ranked servers will be fighting higher ranked servers. I’m unsure what you’re suggesting happens that isn’t already starting to happen?

Also, accusing people of flaming because they legitimately disagree with your point serves no purpose.

Europe server list in WvW top 3 atm is Vizunah Sqaure <—#1 Far Shiverpeaks <—#2 Desolation <—#3
Time 11:06 – 18-9-2012
Points Vizunah 153k —- Far Shiverpeaks 95k – Desolation 65k
15-16-10-1 <—Vizunah Sqaure 7-4-1 <—Far Shiverpeaks 2-4-1<— Desolation
We are currently ranked 1 – 2 – 3 in Europe and are doomed to keep playing versus them untill we lose on purpose or some intervantion is taken we will remain #2 for god knows how long

Last weekend we had a 10k points lead it all was gone on monday and you see the score its tuesday and many days to extend this imbalance….
End score doesnt represent the real score if you look at how we did in the weekend when people dont have to go to work.

it was balanced and we had EPIC fights its nothing compared how Wvw was going on monday….people dint even try anymore and just stood at the jumping puzzle whining about this and hoping something is done to create more balance or top put Viznuah Sqaure verus other 24/7 servers.

No1 wants 1 sided matches right ?
I think we all agree that battles should be fought and duked out in skills not off time hours, or servers who has 24/7 guilds night capping and taking a 50k lead in 1 night!

I understand there has to be a winner and a loser…but it is the way you win what makes you stand out of the other servers.
And pls dont come here with war aint fair and crap like that its a video game, it should resemble a little more balance then real life wars

It seems the only solution is to put 24/7 servers against 24/7 servers. as right now they are in their own league with not 1 server posing a threat.

(edited by Phara Miu.2816)

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


What can be done is during hours when there is a huge population disparity, give the lower population’s players and keeps some buffs, like a defiant buff.
Just to slow down the inevitable. A huge pop server at night will take everything if they have enough time to do it. But if slowed down, it can help the fewer numbers on the other side keep some stuff.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


No, what can be done is to be patient and the worldwide ranking will do the rest.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


He as a point, not playing anymore until this is fixed, right now there is no point playing this wvwvw cause its broken… im not playing anymore gw2 until this thing of waking up and see 100% domination after u spend all day puting your server in front of some guys who only win cause of taking all borderlands in nightime in a 1 to 10 players and they lose on weekends and daytime cause we are just better when its balanced in numbers

(edited by kefro.9312)

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Good for you bro. I wish a lot of people do the same on VS so I can enter this kitten WvWvW more often!

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

No, what can be done is to be patient and the worldwide ranking will do the rest.

They have already on Europe side top bracket Vizunah Aqaure – Far Shiverpeaks – Desolation – Riverside those 4 servers are the top 4 in rankings.
Its not going to change anytime soon.

Desolation switch with riverside i think this saturday after the 1 week battle ?
Far Shiverpeaks will remain second this week and the week after and the week after that while Vizunah Sqaure will remain #1 this week the next week and the week after that…

Its the main problem of being the top #2 server
Even if they boot us down to the 2nd bracket we will be right back in the 1st and it solves nothing.

Maybe for other brackets more balance will come in the next few weeks, but not for the top bracket in Europe.

Thats why i made this posts, if we would change into another bracket it would be diffrent for 1 or 2 weeks, but we all know how the other servers are going to end versus #2 in EU…that aint going to be fun for them either.

Reading all posts in this thread it seems the only solution is putting the 24/7 server against the same 24/7 servers.
Or beg for USA / Australian servers to join a Dutch/ Scandinavian community on Far Shiverpeaks, but that is not what we should be doing…
What about #3 who would go up against us….see the problem :P ?

I would realy like to see what Arenanet is thinking about servers on USA / Europe who play 24/7 in the top bracket

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


That’s what I’m talking about. It is expected to make worldwide matches in the long term. When? I don’t know. We should let the ranking system be done with 1-weeks matches already and then see what decides for 2-weeks matches.

But, if you check the other EU matches, you can see some with night players too, so let’s see what happens after this week and after the 1-week matches cycle.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

Lets hope your right Kingface

My thread isnt made becuase we are losing and #2 but to create a fun WvW expirience for any participating server with as much balance as posible to provide epic battles on any time of the day.

I never said to lock out Austrialian players or Asia players or whatever time zone we are from.

Last weekend was so epic in WvW….yesterday and today is totaly diffrent.
The only thing that i hope is gone this weekend is all PvE objectives inside the WvW maps.
They have no place inside that envirement, 30 people standing at a jumping puzzle is 30 less people to defend or attack positions.
And not to mention those players dont even like WvW and are taking up slots for people who are already standing on hours long queues.

GW2 community = 1000x better then any other community lets keep it that way

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


You just said it right there, at night you guys don’t try you sit around at the jumping puzzle and whine.

If you were really the #2 server because of your skills then you could slow them down, but you are probably #2 server because of your numbers just like they are #1 because of their numbers.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

You just said it right there, at night you guys don’t try you sit around at the jumping puzzle and whine.

If you were really the #2 server because of your skills then you could slow them down, but you are probably #2 server because of your numbers just like they are #1 because of their numbers.

Ofc mate at 4am i do not sleep because i have to go to work at 8am , i just sit into the jumping puzzle because i’m a pve carebear .
Kitten please.

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


You just said it right there, at night you guys don’t try you sit around at the jumping puzzle and whine.

If you were really the #2 server because of your skills then you could slow them down, but you are probably #2 server because of your numbers just like they are #1 because of their numbers.

Ofc mate at 4am i do not sleep because i have to go to work at 8am , i just sit into the jumping puzzle because i’m a pve carebear .
Kitten please.

Its 6am and I’m not going to bed for another hour since I work in the afternoon. I just did all the jumping puzzles an hour ago and there was enemies in every one of them while my server was night capping. an extra 6 people on siege equipment in a tower/keep can make a huge difference.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


As long as orbs favor the winning faction wvw is worthless playing after losing the orbs late night

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

You just said it right there, at night you guys don’t try you sit around at the jumping puzzle and whine.

If you were really the #2 server because of your skills then you could slow them down, but you are probably #2 server because of your numbers just like they are #1 because of their numbers.

Ofc mate at 4am i do not sleep because i have to go to work at 8am , i just sit into the jumping puzzle because i’m a pve carebear .
Kitten please.

Its 6am and I’m not going to bed for another hour since I work in the afternoon. I just did all the jumping puzzles an hour ago and there was enemies in every one of them while my server was night capping. an extra 6 people on siege equipment in a tower/keep can make a huge difference.

12:30 am here and working .
Can’t really see any point in your answer .
6am … where do you live ? France must be such a huge country !!

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

(edited by Mine Laces.7108)

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


There are more people from VS on the FS borderlands then from the other two servers combined.
Transfering to VS now and leveling up to 80 there in wvw.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


In response to the bullcrap argument, “WvW is a 24 hour game”: Yes, for some servers. For most, it’s not, and it never will be. As said before, there is no point even playing when the next time you wake up, your enemy controls 100% of all borderlands, and controls all orbs.

After that happens, there is no point to even fighting anymore and nobody will play WvW. Fix this garbage, ANet, otherwise you can expect to lose a large majority of your playerbase.

So that’s maybe your server is not at his real rank for a long-match ranking ladder as it’s expected to be at the end with 2-weeks matches. So keep playing and enjoy what you can or just leave and wait until your server meets others matching better with yours.

For everybody, remember that will be 2-weeks matches at the high end. I assume a lot of people forgot it.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


Yeah and it’s not decided by which server has the best players/guilds but who can bring in the most people at night times. Great concept.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Yeah and it’s not decided by which server has the best players/guilds but who can bring in the most people at night times. Great concept.

In sort of yes, in a first time. But in a near future, you will get servers which can afford to be in touch 24/7 against each others and servers playing during only on daytime together. It’s the goal of the current ranking system with 24h-matches cycle then 1-week matches cycle and to the end the 2-weeks matches cycle.

I agree it can be frustrating for sometimes but is it hard to understand?

(edited by Kingface.9781)

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: stealthmonkey.1563


Yeah and it’s not decided by which server has the best players/guilds but who can bring in the most people at night times. Great concept.

The world who can bring the most people at night and keep the objectives during the day DOES have the best players and guilds.

World vs world isn’t player vs player, it’s not guild vs guild, it’s not even zerg vs zerg. It’s server vs server. If your server isn’t strong enough to compete, you don’t deserve to win.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


It won’t work in the future. Why? Because of the players. At the moment a bunch of players leaving from servers to “winner” servers, so some servers will be really low populated without having any chances in wvw anymore. Some players addicted to wvw who actually play on the 2nd, 3rd or 4th ranking server will transfer or leave the game, new players on those server will use wvw for farmspots or ignore that kind of content > which will lead to lower player base.
So in the end you will have 1 or 2 full servers on every continent which are able to keep wvw going 24/7 for a while and a load of servers where borderlands will be a huge farmspot.
In the actual system (yeah, I know “24/7” is intended) most servers stop playing wvw because of being 100k points behind after a day.
And yes, it’s frustrating. You leave at 2 at night, have paid some keep upgrades, sieges on the walls, tons of equipment build up and 8 hours later everything is gone – without having a chance to fight for it. No, it’s even more frustrating, when you see that everything, even depots, is fully upgraded by your enemy in your borderlands and all that in 8 hours of gametime.
Nothing will fix that, it will break wvw, when it happens every night in a two week cycle, because it’s a pve gameplay, not a wvw or pvp.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

You just said it right there, at night you guys don’t try you sit around at the jumping puzzle and whine.

If you were really the #2 server because of your skills then you could slow them down, but you are probably #2 server because of your numbers just like they are #1 because of their numbers.

People sit at the jumping puzzle at day time now not at night… before posting
We dont have a midweek night shift like Vizunah Sqaure has…
We shoulnt be matched againt them next week, but we will.

24/7 server should be fighting 24/7 servers = evryone happy ?except the people who dont like a challenge and want a easy karma ride at night when there is zero oposition.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


Remove all Mining / Wood / Plants
Remove Jumping Puzzle
Remove 100% Map Completion
Remove anything that hasnt a PvP objective

Night capping – Let guilds buy a immunity buff that makes keeps / Towers immune for capping for a set amount of time that can only be activated from set hours.

This will prevent Player versus Gate guilds ruining the whole atmosphere inside Borderlands.
Its horrible to wake up and see all your work demolished in a few hours of sleep.

Not only that, but by the time you wake up you fight an uphill battle versus keeps / Towers that are Tier 3 upgraded and have 40 arrows charts / Catapults / Balista’s not to mention the walls inside every Borderlands (except Eternal) are forts on their own.

Suply camps can be captured 24/7 offcourse.

As of now i have no interest to play WvW anymore and it seems many people who bought GW2 for the sole reason to WvW are already done with it.

Waking up and seeing the pie 100% sliced for 1 faction has totaly ruined any sence of progresion.
Not to mention you cannot make the gap smaller as each night the night hero’s make a 40/50k lead in points if not more.

Iam willing to pay 10 gold for that immunity buff btw, a guild who claims a keep need to invest in it.
All members of the guild should donate if they like WvW.

In the meantime /Planetside 2 beta


The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


You just said it right there, at night you guys don’t try you sit around at the jumping puzzle and whine.

If you were really the #2 server because of your skills then you could slow them down, but you are probably #2 server because of your numbers just like they are #1 because of their numbers.

People sit at the jumping puzzle at day time now not at night… before posting
We dont have a midweek night shift like Vizunah Sqaure has…
We shoulnt be matched againt them next week, but we will.

24/7 server should be fighting 24/7 servers = evryone happy ?except the people who dont like a challenge and want a easy karma ride at night when there is zero oposition.

Well and those people won’t be a loss of any kind for us. Au contraire, it will leave some more spots for our alliance guildies to get in battlefiels.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Darkwulf.5913


It won’t work in the future. Why? Because of the players. At the moment a bunch of players leaving from servers to “winner” servers, so some servers will be really low populated without having any chances in wvw anymore. Some players addicted to wvw who actually play on the 2nd, 3rd or 4th ranking server will transfer or leave the game, new players on those server will use wvw for farmspots or ignore that kind of content > which will lead to lower player base.
So in the end you will have 1 or 2 full servers on every continent which are able to keep wvw going 24/7 for a while and a load of servers where borderlands will be a huge farmspot.
In the actual system (yeah, I know “24/7” is intended) most servers stop playing wvw because of being 100k points behind after a day.
And yes, it’s frustrating. You leave at 2 at night, have paid some keep upgrades, sieges on the walls, tons of equipment build up and 8 hours later everything is gone – without having a chance to fight for it. No, it’s even more frustrating, when you see that everything, even depots, is fully upgraded by your enemy in your borderlands and all that in 8 hours of gametime.
Nothing will fix that, it will break wvw, when it happens every night in a two week cycle, because it’s a pve gameplay, not a wvw or pvp.

Adapt or die,

At some point what will happen is a few dedicated groups will pick another server and transform WvW on it to make it a vicious fighting force. Eve alliances do this and there’s nothing to prevent a well co-ordinated force from doing it here (Spy’s optional)