I know we are going bac to alpine maps and that in general the desert boarderlands are seen as mostly a failure, but I think it would be interesting after having developed a third bl map to then try having a setup were each of the 3 boarderlands are one of the three, thus having them all out at the same time and seeing which get the most use, or even if it expands the experience of adjusting to the three types.
to this end, I would suggest the third map set would be…..
My reasons for how I think this would be a unique and challenging idea are:
1. there would be, as I see it, essentially three separate areas:
A) Ocean Floor: this could be a roamers delight. moving along the bottom, twisting through paths of coral channels and caverns to stealthily approach areas, set up ambush sites, and prepping for and engaging in fortification attaks, the objectives being built into the coral reefs, underwater cliffsides and even just underwater grottos.
Central Keep: In the center of the map would be a keep that needs to be broken into, possibly with several fighting areas, that require rising up through a tower that leads almost to the surface. The lords chamber would be at the very top and would have open glass all around so you can see everything in the map, though from a distance.
C) Open Seas: also known as Zerg-a-paloza. Schools of zergs circling around, keep an eye on the area below them, looking for roams to send off squads to take them out, sending out squads to look for vulnerable formations to take off…all they while needing to maintain enough numbers to keep the sharks from attacking them, the sharks of course being enemy zergs.
2. Water skills are probably the least used skills in the game, this map would allow a place where a characters water skills are now important as well as their land skills, since once breaking into the tower, keep, supply camp would then turn to dry land fights, and fleeing them would change back to water skills….this could be some amazing combat combos.
3. the three areas mentioned above, provide lots of opportunities for all the different activities that make wvw such a unique style. the half secluded ocean floor allows for a lot of sneaking around, hope to avoid the open water zergs, countering the use of a long trip with the stealthy approach, yet once under attack, response teams can be sent out quickly to respond, since they can just fly like a crow through the open ocean to defend their attacked asset.
So those are my thoughts….how about you? What do you think? Any other ideas of what you would like for a 3rd bl map? Who knows, the devs may actually be inspired by someone’s thoughts here.