Suggestions for changes to condition application.
First option.
Simply make it that players need to crit for condi to stick.
Will hugely reduce amount of condi applied. Will require condi builds to invest in more than one stat to be effective.
Variations on theme could be base duration only 0.5 seconds if no crit but full duration on crit.
Second option.
Change nature of Resistance so that it has no effect on conditions already on player but prevents new condi application.
Being a boon there will be counterplay with rip/steal/corrupt as opposed to the old diamond skin trait.
Variation could have time remaining on boon reduced for each condi prevention either as a flat time decrease per skill that applies condi or per individual condi prevented. Eg Signet of spite could reduce by 0.1 sec or 0.6 sec.
Theoretically anything that reduces condi calculations should improve server performance but the different computations involved may mean a negligible improvement.
Discussion welcome and any other ideas for condi control also welcome as I fully suspect that some people will think my ideas complete rubbish. However I do have hopes that discussion may reveal a solution that the devs may take notice of.