This has probably been bought up many times before in various forms but I wanted to get this suggestion off my chest as I feel that on the whole it is a lot less demanding for the developers than some of the larger requests to fix WvWvW. I think if such a change is implemented it would be stage one of making WvWvW a more organized environment and to a certain extent less zergy if utilized properly.
When a commander decides to pop their tag they get three options; Public, Guild and Party.
A public commander tag would be typically utilized by the map commander, militia commander or mixed group commander. This tag is viewable by anyone on the map. Anyone who opens up their map, whether they be militia or players from other guilds can see this tag. There should be no color changes / image changes for the public commander tag. It should stay as the current default blue dorito icon. Diversity in this tag would lead to a lot of confusion for the masses.
A guild commander tag would be gold/brown in color and have the guild TAG over them. This icon can only be viewed by OTHER COMMANDERS as well as your fellow guildies on the map. This allows for the militia commander to easily keep track of friendly guild groups and coordinate with them easier. It also gives the option for the guild groups (that currently use ctrl+T) to run by themselves but still avoid attracting the masses.
There should be no color or image changes for this icon either but it should definitely have the tag on display to differentiate between the various guilds. Here is a quick sample of such an ICON.
If the tag being displayed above the icon could lead to making the map extra cluttered, I would recommend instead to display the guild when you hover over the icon. For .e.g currently it shows up as Commander Theongreyjoy but for the guild tag it would simply show up as [ZN]Theongreyjoy when another commander hovers over the icon.
Again people might ask why does a 5 man group need a commander tag. The primary benefit of this is not for the five map party but for the main commander on the map trying to delegate tasks among various parties. This especially applies very much so to home borderland maps where lot of tasks have to be done by various individuals and parties to keep a smoothly functioning map. Zerging is often detrimental in this map. Having party tags will improve the macro-managing skills of the main commander. He/She can keep track of any experienced havoc squads and experienced camp flipping parties simply by opening their map. Instead of the commander always having to ask “Whose that at Lake tower? Is that us or server Y?” he can simply pop his tag and see that a havoc group is behind enemy lines trying to ninja that tower.
The only restriction should be that the party commander option is only allowed if the party is full at five members. Otherwise there is the potential of many people running their tags aimlessly with just one or two other people in their party. This would also encourage people to party more and work together.
The party commander tag should have a little bit more variety since parties often consist of members from various guilds etc it wouldn’t make that much sense to treat them like guild commander tags. I would suggest to have a completely separate icon as compared to the guild and blue Dorito.
Providng the commanders and the guilds tools to delegate easier in the form of diverse commander tags should over time lead to less dependency on the single blue dorito and therefore less zerging and blobbing. I expect initially people to actually be inefficient if/when this feature is implemented like any video game community to go crazy trying out the various tags and actually not helping the main commander at all.
However, when the ‘newness’ of such a feature is done quite a few servers will start applying them properly; for better macro-organization, better inter guild coordination, better party delegation which should lead to less zerging/blobbing meta.