Suggestion: Fun > Ladder, WvW Rotation

Suggestion: Fun > Ladder, WvW Rotation

in WvW

Posted by: ajc.4735


I get it, make the best ranked servers play each other so they have the best matchup. Problem is we (SBI) get to play the same people week after week and I don’t see that changing.

Please understand, I LOVE playing against HoD. I don’t care about getting second place because of oceanic population, I just love having epic fights/sieges against a good opponent. However, for the good of the long term of GW2 their needs to be a better rotation to keep things fresh.

My suggestion…

Use whatever ranking you are currently using, but add in the matchup code that no server can play each other 2 weeks in a row. This will continue to pair servers for good matchups, while giving us more variety in who we play. Yes, this does mean the number 6 or 7 server may have a better opponent this week, but next week he’ll have back the same old boring servers he always has.

Tonight the servers will reset and we will most likely be paired against HoD and JQQ for the 400th time. We’ll get second place and ET will come back up, and so on and so on. Maybe, just maybe we might get moved down for a week, and then right back up against our old pals.


  1. vs… the 2 highest ranked servers they didn’t play this week. In this case it may line up like this.
  1. vs #3 vs #5
  2. vs #6 vs #8
  3. vs #9 vs #10
    (and the flaw in the system, the bottom 3 might have one person they played last week)

Then the next week your back to the usual, and so on.

Give us more variety!

Suggestion: Fun > Ladder, WvW Rotation

in WvW

Posted by: Artaz.3819


Bad idea – then basically it’s a yo-yo dominate one week/get trounced the next like Eredon’s Terrace is going through by hopping 3rd/4th place every other week. This would simply rank #2-#4 servers to be in yo-yo instead.

Highly suggest transferring if you want variety in server world matchups.