(edited by Halcyon.5340)
[Suggestion] Map Rewards Overhaul
Bumped for more visibility.
I also feel that the lack of players in WvW is not because players don’t want to play on the new Desert map. It’s because WvW guilds are still building their Guild Halls, and they NEED to farm in PvE for all the required materials. We also know that WvW is not the place to farm gold. It is so unrewarding; PvE players don’t even have an incentive to be there. Why not make it so completing events in WvW will rewards the players with loots from a Map Reward Track (unique to WvW)?
People today are feeling less inclined to defend, especially on the new map. People don’t know how to get there, they don’t know their way around, they don’t know good siege spots, there are barricades in the way, they fall to their death, the keeps auto-upgrade for free and fortify really fast… and this is in addition to the fact that defending was always less rewarding, not offering champ bags or badges.
So if anything needs to be more rewarding, it is the defensive side of things. Serious defending is really one of the big things that separates WvW from EotM. Would a Defense Reward Track cause people to sit around in WvW just waiting for stuff to be attacked, or form a reactionary strike-force blob to go respond to any possible threat? Would it lead to abuse? They said years ago that they didn’t really have a good way to define what defending participation was, and they don’t seem to have added anything to help with that.
People today are feeling less inclined to defend, especially on the new map. People don’t know how to get there, they don’t know their way around, they don’t know good siege spots, there are barricades in the way, they fall to their death, the keeps auto-upgrade for free and fortify really fast… and this is in addition to the fact that defending was always less rewarding, not offering champ bags or badges.
So if anything needs to be more rewarding, it is the defensive side of things. Serious defending is really one of the big things that separates WvW from EotM. Would a Defense Reward Track cause people to sit around in WvW just waiting for stuff to be attacked, or form a reactionary strike-force blob to go respond to any possible threat? Would it lead to abuse? They said years ago that they didn’t really have a good way to define what defending participation was, and they don’t seem to have added anything to help with that.
Auto-upgrade actually makes defending easier. Why defend a location if the unfortified gates/walls would just come apart in less than 5 minutes? Also, the towers and keeps will need the upgrades to deter small groups of players from night-capping when there’s no one around to defend. It favors the defenders, and I like that aspect of it. In theory, objectives that have been held for a long period of time should not go down easily.
With that said, the real issue here is still the rewards for defending an objective. It needs to be good enough to incent a few dedicated players to focus on defending. Increasing the Karma reward seems to be the obvious solution, but I don’t think that’s the right path. I think Repel the enemy attackers should have a shorter timer, and its completion should count toward the map’s reward track (for Badges of Honor, Loot bags, Memory of Battle tokens, and some unique rewards).
Focusing too much on the rewards from defending will lead to a stall and boring playing experience, I feel. Players need to be able to feel like they are all working toward a major goal. The meta-events that took place in the new HoT PvE maps did a very good job at that. How about we add a WvW-focused meta-event to the new Desert map? Wait! Not just one meta-event, but two! Home Borderlands will have a meta-event that is based on defensive acts, and the two Invading servers will each have their own Offensive Meta-event that is based on capturing and holding certain objectives for a period of time.
In the Defensive Meta-Event, each individual Repel the enemy attackers will count toward the meta’s completion once (NOT per player whom completed the event), filling up the meta-event’s bar by a very tiny amount. In addition, the meta-event’s bar should also fill up if an important objective(s) in the home bl is reclaimed. All of this seems to cry “PvE in WvW,” but I feel the majority of players below Tier 1 need real incentives (rewards, etc) to play competitively in WvW.
The Offensive Meta-Event is the most trickiest due to the amount of time and variables it’d take. In this meta, maybe have player kills count toward the meta-event’s completion (finisher rewards more points). And, capturing objectives should also count toward the meta-event. There is no focus on defensive objectives because invaders are supposed to be on the offensive, and player kills help to address that by filling up the meta-event’s bar.
As to the rewards for completing the meta-events… I’ll let the community discuss it.
With that said, the real issue here is still the rewards for defending an objective.
That is an issue, But I do not consider it the real issue.
The question is, why bother defending when no one lifted a finger to upgrade it? When autoupgrades just ticked through? The emotional question goes unanswered and that IMO is the real issue. There is no social aspect to this. You dont help build up every keep sure, but when you visit a T3 Garrison you are supposed to think someone built this, players on my server worked hard to get this to T3 and now I am here… I want to defend it. Because its ours.
Getting loot for defending is a boon, but it doesnt answer the why. The social and emotional reward – gj defending garri we worked so hard on! – is what fuels our passion for WvW.
(edited by Dawdler.8521)
Simple exemple this morning… I join my home, and we just lost palace…
Well ok, I start to check the map, the other keep.
First of all we have all T3, that’s interesting, at least no ennemy have attack for a long time. Not that I don’t think that the night crew did a job job, just that there is no ennemy…
I go to rampart, all gate are at 5%….. It’s the same for everything on the map… Except UC and 1 south tower where the gate are at 50%. Probably the upgrade was between the 2 laser event.
This mean that this night we had 2 canon event against us, no one care to repair everything because I know what is to repair 1 fortified gate…. Now try to repair all fortified gate everywhere with a very small team, or maybe alone (I was alone on the map when we lost the first keep).
Then what have we do ? I have announce that in our community guild, and all agree with me. We just wait that the ennemy KT all our map, because no one want to repair all those gate. And once they have finish we just start to take back all our stuff…
Auto free upgrade will do the job…. With the few ennemy we see during the day those thing should be T3 in few hours again with full life gate…
Finally we had more wvw xp, and we made something more interesting that repairing every gate…
If people where needed to build those T3, then we probably make the choice to save what we can because we know that people on our server have work to have those T3. But all is automatic and free, then we just don’t care…
And really, this canon event must be removed !!!
I am slowly starting to lose my interest in this mode aswell most of my guildies. You can throw rares and exos over to us as reward but that wont change it at all. This map is a complete disaster and yeah you can tell me get used to it but all this automated bullcrap without human interaction is something i will never get used to. Unless im doing pve but thats supposed to be AI fighting all over.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
With that said, the real issue here is still the rewards for defending an objective.
The question is, why bother defending when no one lifted a finger to upgrade it? When autoupgrades just ticked through? The emotional question goes unanswered and that IMO is the real issue. There is no social aspect to this. You dont help build up every keep sure, but when you visit a T3 Garrison you are supposed to think someone built this, players on my server worked hard to get this to T3 and now I am here… I want to defend it. Because its ours.
There is another side to that question. Why bother upgrading when there is no one to defend? I do agree with you that the players whom upgraded the keep/tower/supply camp will naturally have an emotional tie to it. However, I feel the common mentality in WvW Players isn’t there yet. It’s actually more common for players not to upgrade an objective over upgrading it. Most players will rather keep to themselves (i.e. they are selfish), and there’s really nothing we can do to change that. If everyone has an emotional tie to all the objectives on the map, there would always be someone there to defend it from raiders.
They have no woman and child to defend! Why would they be there to defend?!
(Pun intended)
There is a REAL lack of morale in our defenders. They aren’t being fed enough! They are going back home – to PvE where there are lots of bread and rice! And REWARDS! And LOOTS!
(edited by Halcyon.5340)
Simple exemple this morning… I join my home, and we just lost palace…
Well ok, I start to check the map, the other keep.
First of all we have all T3, that’s interesting, at least no ennemy have attack for a long time. Not that I don’t think that the night crew did a job job, just that there is no ennemy…
I go to rampart, all gate are at 5%….. It’s the same for everything on the map… Except UC and 1 south tower where the gate are at 50%. Probably the upgrade was between the 2 laser event.This mean that this night we had 2 canon event against us, no one care to repair everything because I know what is to repair 1 fortified gate…. Now try to repair all fortified gate everywhere with a very small team, or maybe alone (I was alone on the map when we lost the first keep).
Then what have we do ? I have announce that in our community guild, and all agree with me. We just wait that the ennemy KT all our map, because no one want to repair all those gate. And once they have finish we just start to take back all our stuff…
Auto free upgrade will do the job…. With the few ennemy we see during the day those thing should be T3 in few hours again with full life gate…Finally we had more wvw xp, and we made something more interesting that repairing every gate…
If people where needed to build those T3, then we probably make the choice to save what we can because we know that people on our server have work to have those T3. But all is automatic and free, then we just don’t care…
And really, this canon event must be removed !!!
The Exalted cannon should only be available during official WvW Tournaments. As it is now, I would argue that it only promotes night-capping.
I run to swords on a keep, and find a small group working on inner. I manage to get on a cannon and destroy their siege. When they run for supply, I patch up the outer gate. When they return with supply, I blow up their new siege and they give up. I then spend more than half an hour by myself trying to repair a fortified keep, plus cannons and oils..
- Am I a stalwart WvW defender who single-handedly saved an upgraded structure?
- Am I a griefer who basically ruined the last 20 minutes of gameplay for the brave souls willing to actually come out and play on the new map?
- Am I a poor, poor man for choosing to do the dutiful things that aren’t worth actual champ bags?
- Am I a coward for not jumping out and taking them on 1v6?
My reward? If I remember correctly, something like ~200 WxP for 3 minutes of “defending” when it actually had swords… ~44 Wxp for each supply run to a wall, ~44 Wxp for each supply run to a cannon/oil, ~15 Wxp for each piece of enemy siege destroyed, and ~9 Wxp for each supply run to a gate. There were an awful lot of supply runs.
I like the idea of map wide rewards (like the new pve maps). I think it could be simple give participation for WXP that is already the measure of if players are ‘actively’ participating in WvW. Make the rewards based on the PPT of the map, more PPT better rewards, outmanned buff can also increase these rewards.
In general though, how is destroying siege still not considered participation for a defend event don’t know how many times I have driven off 5 players from an objective not because I killed them but forced them away by destroying siege and showing resistance.
Also I believe the nodes in the objectives was a partial reward defenders move (not the best, but it’s a start)
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]