If one have been following the community lately, these are 3 of the issues that have been concerning players
- The participation system is allowing players to earn rewards while not playing as much as other players earning the same rewards.
- Outnumbered is being exploited and causing problems.
- Skirmish reward track feels too slow and unrewarding for less veteran players.
I think that the following series of changes could work to solve or ease many of these issues well enough:
- Change the participation system to work more progressively and reward more gaining score for your world.
- Tiers are now numbered 0 to 5.
- Now each tier adds the same number of pips per tick as its own number indicates. So at tier 1 you earn +1 pip per tick, at tier 4 you earn 4 pips per tick.
- Tiers would now slowly decay to the previous one over time based on a decay rate that increases over time. The higher the decay rate, the faster your participation decays.
- The decay rate would be shown in the participation panel.
- Each point of war score earned for your world by any action in which you participate reduces the decay rate. WXP does not count for this.
- Being at a higher participation tier would increas the decay speed. So staying at higher tiers requires more aggressive and active gameplay, maintaining and defending higher scoring locations, thus earning more war score.
- Being inside contested objectives, and being in combat would slow down the decay. But being out of combat, and being outside objectives would speed it up.
- Being tagged to share participation by a squad would increase participation and decrease decay whenever anyone in the squad gains participation, but it won’t give you more than the highest player in the squad.
- Participation would not be lost or decrease when switching characters.
- Destroying or disabling fully built enemy siege would now count towards participation on defense events. Allowing someone defending a tower to gain participation even if the enemy runs away before damaging doors or walls.
- Change how outnumbered gives extra pips:
- Bonus pips from Outnumbered are no longer directly granted by each tick while having the Outnumbered effect itself, and instead come from a separate effect that is received while under Outnumbered as you earn warscore for your world:
- This effect would stack over time while Outnumbered, giving just +1 pip per stack up to 5, and increasing as you do things that give warscore to your world.
- The more warscore you get for your world, the faster the stacks get to 5. For example, you could earn 1 stack for every 2 points of warscore you earn. So you could go get 5 sentries or shrines, defeat 5 enemy players while under a stack of bloodlust, or take over a Tier 3 tower.
- So if you just jump between maps all the time hoping to get your tick to happen in an outnumbered map, you won’t ever get any bonuses at all.
- The stacks would go down one at a time over time like the stacks of the Hammer Corruption effect in Cliffside fractal. Whenever do something that earns warscore, all the stacks refresh for a duration based on the warscore earned. For example, 2 minutes for point of warscore up to a max of 30min. The duration from different objectives won’t stack, but if the duration of what you last did is shorter than what you already had, it won’t be decreased.
- So as long as you stay outnumbered and giving score to your world, you keep all the stacks. And if you only go around taking shrines and sentries, you’ll only get 4 mins extension every time, which may not be enough to keep them. But defend a Tower, and your stacks get 8 mins of duration, enough to get you going while defending the tower.
- When your map is no longer Outnumbered, the stacks are not lost instantly at the same time as the Outnumbered effect is lost. Instead, they still go down slowly one at a time naturally, so you can still benefit from your efforts until they are all lost. This way if a squad comes and leaves you don’t lose it all instantly.