[Suggestion] Siege Damage Adjustment

[Suggestion] Siege Damage Adjustment

in WvW

Posted by: ComeAndGetThem.3152



ever since you have doubled the health on siege (which makes sense cause now you can crit hit one), i ve noticed that defensive siege has dropped effectiveness. Since defensive siege does not crit hit, it basically needs twice the hits to destroy an enemy siege.

It is quite frustrating on the defenders side cause you can no longer get enemy siege down before they breach the wall/gate. Even in t3 objectives, 6 sups rams on the gate is enough to breach it, even if you got a defender behind it shooting with a treb from the first minute (i personally lost a t3 tower earlier with this exact way). I have noticed the same problem with ballistas and cannons (for example inner cannon on garrison watergate).

The way i see it, you can fix this by either increasing the damage done by defensive siege against other siege or by dicreasing the damage done by offensive siege.

Ofc i know you will give it some thought and find the best solution possible. It certainly requires some looking into though cause i am positive that other ppl feel the same discomfort with the matter.

Thank you.