[Suggestion] WvW Armor

[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: Arietta The Broken.1875

Arietta The Broken.1875

The armor for badges in WvW is pretty useless. I’m sure everyone agrees with this due to the fact you can’t salvage runes off of it without a salvage extractor which is at least 3x as expensive as just buying another rune completely.

So suggestion;

Remove the gold price for the WvW Armor; add a “WvW maps only” requirement to it.

Add a trader for badges that supply a “WvW version” of EVERY rune, that can ONLY be brought with badges. – No gold.

You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse.

[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


I am okay with a gold price on WvW items. I simply do not fell it is discounted enough though. Halving it is reasonable to me. I agree though, we need a armor style that can only be purchased with badges though.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


There should be runes for badges or armors should be salvageable

Just the WvW

[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: Lazaar.9123


So that I can have even more armor sets cluttering up my inventory and bank?

[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


So when I leave WvW, my armor un-equips? or does it work like the old pvp set-up, u have a dedicated armor/trait set that you swap to in wvw? How will the wvw armor mix wit wardrobe system?

Karma armor can’t be salvaged, but I think that’s to protect economy so players can’t directly convert Karma to Gold.

The WvW armor is probably the same thing, Anet should either make WvW armor bought via ONLY badges and keep the armor unsalvageable. or keep it the same but make WvW armor salvageable.

[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Or introduce a Karma/Badges extractor that only works on WvW/Karma armor.

[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


So when I leave WvW, my armor un-equips? or does it work like the old pvp set-up, u have a dedicated armor/trait set that you swap to in wvw? How will the wvw armor mix wit wardrobe system?

Karma armor can’t be salvaged, but I think that’s to protect economy so players can’t directly convert Karma to Gold.

The WvW armor is probably the same thing, Anet should either make WvW armor bought via ONLY badges and keep the armor unsalvageable. or keep it the same but make WvW armor salvageable.

Make the runes and sigils account bound after you salvage karma/wvw gear. That wont effect the economy.

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[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


So that I can have even more armor sets cluttering up my inventory and bank?

If you have no bank space, and you buy more gear, regardless of the currency, that is your problem for making the bad decision. Why anyone would imply that we should not get rewards for badges simply because purchasing it, would clutter their bank, is beyond me.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


I would love a system similar to the PvP build system, where you could customize and swap things you had unlocked, so you could go in and change the runes with a simple click, instead of either buying new armor or new runes and ruin the old ones etc.

But I know it won’t happen, gold sink needs to exist.

Elrik Noj (Norn Guardian, Kaineng [SIN][Owls])
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”

[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: Lazaar.9123


So that I can have even more armor sets cluttering up my inventory and bank?

If you have no bank space, and you buy more gear, regardless of the currency, that is your problem for making the bad decision. Why anyone would imply that we should not get rewards for badges simply because purchasing it, would clutter their bank, is beyond me.

Because having WvW only armor is rather pointless. The current ones are okay as is, there just needs to be a better way of removing the runes and sigils.

[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: Arietta The Broken.1875

Arietta The Broken.1875

No the point of this armor, was that you could use it as a substitute to normal armor. However there is no real pull to buy it unless you really are that strapped for cash.

The point to this was that you could use it for “free” and get runes for “free” without it overly affecting the market. It perhaps should also be unskinnable.

This would mean that you could get whatever stats you liked, with whatever rune you like for WvW badges. However people would want ascended stuff or would rather skin their gear how they want.

The real purpose of this is for people with a lot of alts wanting to play them in WvW. This gear would be exotic 80 stats.

You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse.

[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


I don’t know about making WvW specific sets, that would make transitioning between different sets more of a headache for players who don’t stick to one game mode.

Account-bound runes wouldn’t be a bad idea though, and maybe some special food/oils? Those are the most expensive purchases for WvW players.

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[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

Or simply make WvW like sPvP where you can equip whatever runes and equipment you want. Level all gear and stats. Obviously you can only change armor/stats around in your home camp, but you can still change food/traits/weapons on the field.

Fair and even for all. No need to grind PvE to get a WvW set. Everyone happy?

One – Piken Square

[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


I would love that Tom, but plenty of others wouldn’t. It would remove a lot of the customization of stats etc, and remove things like ascended items from the equation, making them PvE only. I know quite a lot of people that would be kittened at that (but it certainly would save us a whole lot of gold!)

Elrik Noj (Norn Guardian, Kaineng [SIN][Owls])
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”

[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


I wouldnt like “wvw only” gear, i have a stupid amount of badges and am currently leveling a bunch of alts, and i gear them using the WvW armor once they hit 80.
I can get the stats i want, and can jsut apply skins on them since i also have something like 40 transmutation charges.

The rune thing is a minor inconvenience at most because of how long i’ll likely keep the armor (decking out every char in full ascended wont happen overnight :p)

[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


I don’t think it should be “WvW only” gear. I feel it should simply be gear you get from WvW with badges. Badges need value, and a reasonable list of items, runes, and sigils they can purchase.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: Jski.6180


Just add in a high cost (badges maybe some gold) for an rng exotic box much like krama for ore boxes. In these exotic boxes you could put runes sigils and means of crafting exotic level armor maybe even high level food. Or you could add in basic level 80 foods runes etc.. all at the cost of BoH. Wvw is GW2 open pvp with no gear locks and no buff (food) locks like you see in spvp (it use to be no usable items lock but that got a bit crazy with some of the items with no cd the stuns and endless stealth lol).

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Server : FA

[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


Ppl are so strange - they are trying to fix something that don’t need to be fixed.
Tons of badges, specific gear - not the major WvW problem, nor the minor - this isn’t a problem!
All I can suggest here:
add exotic accessory for badges - per 1k badges each
add superior runes and sigils for badges - per 1k badges each
add T6 materials for badges - 1k badges per 50 pieces

Also, they can freely remove non-exotic gear from vendors - not worth buying it.

Remove the gold price for the WvW Armor; add a "WvW maps only" requirement to it.

Not! While I can buy Zerk gear for x5 cheaper price than at TM -NOT!

Or introduce a Karma/Badges extractor that only works on WvW/Karma armor.

Check Gem store - it already exist

Or simply make WvW like sPvP where you can equip whatever runes and equipment you want. Level all gear and stats.
Everyone happy?

Don’t want to work for gearing up your char properly? Play sPVP then.
We all are pretty happy with the gear difference between old and new players, between rich and poor, etc.

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[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: MAGpie.7962


Or introduce a Karma/Badges extractor that only works on WvW/Karma armor.

This I would go for in a flash.