Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: xouk.3854


When I first started playing this game I got it for one purpose.. sPvP. After doing a bit of WvW however I fell in love. It reminded me a lot of the old school Runescape clan wars. I then had a vision to make a guild and run it like WoW raids.

I’ve been running a hardcore (7 days a week) WvW guild since a little after launch and have started to realize that people have really started to lose interest. Almost all of the ‘Hardcore’ ranked players in my guild are asking to be demoted to ‘Casual’. The only thing our guild/server was aiming for was getting Sea of Sorrows to become #1 server. We have achieved our goal. What now?

I myself have also started to lose interest. Not half as much as others but I would run our guilds official runs (4 hours a day – 7 days a week), jump on at 2am to do ‘Night watch" until 7-8am and even level alts in WvW. I now only jump on for our official daily runs and when I don’t have the numbers attending like we used to have only a few weeks ago I feel demoralized. I honestly don’t know how much longer I can keep this up.

From getting 50 people a night with absolutely no problem we have dropped to 20-30 people a night and at times struggle to get these numbers. What our guild is trying to achieve is a World of Warcraft style raid community. We had achieved that for a short time there. People were really trying to get higher ranks in the guild whilst attending 5-6 days a week.

The reason people stay so very active in WoW even after years of play is because a raid style community is really fun. Working with a large group of people to achieve a goal and being rewarded for it through titles and gear is really appealing. GW2 really lacks intensive and A-Net’s approach to WvW is very bad. Before buying the game I heard A-Net go on and on about how WvW is just for fun and shouldn’t be balanced. I honestly got turned off WvW because A-Net didn’t really sell it…

Sorry guys but you’ve built something amazing, you cannot ignore it anymore. WvW is a HUGE part of if not the only part of the game a large majority of the players play GW2 for. If you do not actively update WvW, the WvW community will quit the game resulting in a loss of revenue and leaving a very sour part of the game. Even if you were to fix WvW in a year or two it will be too late, people would have moved onto other games. WvW even in tier 1 will end up empty with about 20 people doing PvDoor at any given time.

Serious Suggestions to improve WvW:


WvW lacks fresh air. Making seasons can really allow players to feel like the content even if it’s technically the same feel new. Every 3-4 months a new season should start, Servers should be shuffled around a little and ratings should reset. For example Tier 1 and 2 servers all shuffle around, Tier 3 and 4 etc (not Tier 1 servers playing against Tier 7 servers). Each season there should be new….


Each Season new Ascended (or better) gear with unique looks which are easily identifiable should be released. 3 pieces of Ascended gear should be released per season so in order to get the full set you must wait for 2 seasons to pass. When I say that this gear should be easily identifiable I mean it. I should be able to look at a player and instantly say "Oh, This player has full “X” gear, no wonder he’s good at WvW". Or while recruiting say "Recruiting WvW players who have at least 3 pieces of “X” gear. Once you get all the pieces for those 2 seasons you should get a….


These Titles should be new each and every 2 seasons. They should possible come with a unique finisher or something along those lines. Titles should be achieved through….

WvW Ranks

Much like sPvP ranks every time you get a kill, escort a dolyak, cap a node, defend a node etc your WvW rank bar should get higher. Scrap Badges, looting should only be for items. As you obtain ranks you should also gain something similar to Glory which you can use to buy the Ascended gear per season (call this badges if you want). Every 10-20 ranks should have a Title of it’s own and once you reach a very high rank you can obtain a Legendary item which is only obtainable through WvW and only has special affects in WvW (much like the weapons that glow only at night). Ranks should also have a /rank command with unique animals/effects to WvW.


Seriously guys, There’s so many, it’s been a while since launch and many of the bugs that were around then are still around. Fix them already.

- Pure
King – Pure White [pW]

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Eiken.8072


I 100% agree with all of the suggestions/ideas proposed here. Numbers obviously being subject to change, I can’t see any rational argument as to why this is a bad idea, or anything less than a positive change to the state of WvW.

PvE, sPvP and tPvP all have incentives to continue to do it. WvW is it’s own bracket, it’s own game in side GW2. It should also have incentives to keep it popular.

Pure White [pW]

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Eiken.8072


Posted in Suggestion Forum too – keep it bumped, give it attention if you agree with any of this!

Pure White [pW]

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: bman.1683


I agree with most of it, but I reckon that the gear should only be aesthetic. So I player x has said gear, you can tell which season he played in. Different looking gear for each season would get more people playing. Although I’m not to sure about shuffling server around and resetting rankings. People would start QQing when their server gets bumped from T1 to T4 just cos the ranking reset.

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Eiken.8072


The gear COULD be aesthetic only, however giving the slight upgrades – which would be like getting Ascended gear out of PvE – would be just that extra bit of incentive. The requirements for obtaining the gear wouldn’t be easy, since it’s not easy to get Ascended gear in PvE. Perhaps more easily obtained exotics, with (same looking) ascended version as well? Similar to how there’s rares and exotics currently.

The reset and shuffle is more about resetting the playing field. Giving other servers in lower tiers an opportunity to rise up! Basically, there’s nothing more rewarding (currently) than moving up a tier in WvW. This would make that happen more than just once!

Pure White [pW]

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.8946


Hey OP. I normally try to be polite and considerate when I use this forum but this time It’s not worth it.

Loads of people are loving GW2 WvW.

If you’re not one of them and you prefer WoW go back to WoW, don’t try and ruin this game.

There’s like 15 MMO’s out there with gear treadmills already, some of us are staying on this game because it doesn’t have the gear treadmill you can find everywhere else in MMO’s

It’s the same old “reward the veterans, kitten the new guys” mentality that SW:ToR has and we know how that is going.

(edited by Gwalchgwn.8946)

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


Hey OP. I normally try to be polite and considerate when I use this forum but this time It’s not worth it.

Loads of people are loving GW2 WvW.

If you’re not one of them and you prefer WoW go back to WoW, don’t try and ruin this game.

There’s like 15 MMO’s out there with gear treadmills already, some of us are staying on this game because it doesn’t have the gear treadmill you can find everywhere else in MMO’s

That’s fairly uncalled for, he is suggesting progression which many people have been asking for. It’s not like he wants it to become WoW, did you even read the post? The “gear treadmill” mentioned is just an aesthetic incentive to show off participation. I love WvW as much as the next guy, but few will disagree that the mode could use an injection of fresh air. There’s only so much interest in virtual warfare with literally no reward nor recognition other than forum wars.

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Eiken.8072


Hey OP. I normally try to be polite and considerate when I use this forum but this time It’s not worth it.

Loads of people are loving GW2 WvW.

If you’re not one of them and you prefer WoW go back to WoW, don’t try and ruin this game.

There’s like 15 MMO’s out there with gear treadmills already, some of us are staying on this game because it doesn’t have the gear treadmill you can find everywhere else in MMO’s

It’s the same old “reward the veterans, kitten the new guys” mentality that SW:ToR has and we know how that is going.

We are a part of those “loads” loving WvW. But we also recognise that it has a LOT of room for improvement. The gear rewards are not to give people an advantage. As it stands now, someone who ONLY does WvW is going to be at a disadvantage to someone who does PvE, so how does that create imbalance biased towards those who do more WvW?

For an example, at the time of this post the only Ascended gear you can obtain is the back and rings. So if, for example, we were in the season system, the season’s rewards would be Ascended back and rings (perhaps the back being the aesthetic piece, to show ‘this guy participated in season X’.

Pure White [pW]

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: ShadowSoljer.6524


I agree 99% with adding more gear specifically from WvW. However keep them as aesthetics. (since you mentioned better than ascended)

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.8946


Hey OP. I normally try to be polite and considerate when I use this forum but this time It’s not worth it.

Loads of people are loving GW2 WvW.

If you’re not one of them and you prefer WoW go back to WoW, don’t try and ruin this game.

There’s like 15 MMO’s out there with gear treadmills already, some of us are staying on this game because it doesn’t have the gear treadmill you can find everywhere else in MMO’s

That’s fairly uncalled for, he is suggesting progression which many people have been asking for. It’s not like he wants it to become WoW, did you even read the post? The “gear treadmill” mentioned is just an aesthetic incentive to show off participation. I love WvW as much as the next guy, but few will disagree that the mode could use an injection of fresh air. There’s only so much interest in virtual warfare with literally no reward nor recognition other than forum wars.

He said new gear should be added each season and it should be better than acended.


WvW lacks fresh air. Making seasons can really allow players to feel like the content even if it’s technically the same feel new. Every 3-4 months a new season should start, Servers should be shuffled around a little and ratings should reset. For example Tier 1 and 2 servers all shuffle around, Tier 3 and 4 etc (not Tier 1 servers playing against Tier 7 servers). Each season there should be new….
Each Season new Ascended (or better) gear with unique looks which are easily identifiable should be released. 3 pieces of Ascended gear should be released per season so in order to get the full set you must wait for 2 seasons to pass. When I say that this gear should be easily identifiable I mean it. I should be able to look at a player and instantly say “Oh, This player has full “X” gear, no wonder he’s good at WvW”. Or while recruiting say “Recruiting WvW players who have at least 3 pieces of “X” gear. Once you get all the pieces for those 2 seasons you should get a….”

He even used WoW as the example of how this game should be.

Listen WoW is WoW, this is GW2.
I never enjoyed WoW or SW:ToR or any of the other games that have done exactly what this person is asking for. I love GW2, if you WoW players want WoW go back there, don’t stink up this game.

The old/bad ideas you guys are promoting here exist in lots of old failed titles none of this stuff you are asking for saved WAR or SW:TOR.

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Eiken.8072


Each Season new Ascended (or better) gear with unique looks which are easily identifiable should be released.

OR BETTER, being the keyword.

Actually, he used what the most successful MMO in history has done to keep it’s players active and involved for 7+ years as an example for something that could be done to keep parts of GW2 just as appealing. However done in a way that it is keeping true to GW2’s level playing field, the gear could be for aesthetics only – keeping up with the latest Ascended releases.

Pure White [pW]

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Beefcake.9032


“Oh, This player has full “X” gear, no wonder he’s good at WvW”

Haha, this is exactly what all the WoW hardcore Raiders have in common:

“zomg i haz full T27 + epic Monkey pet + super-1337 hors and you haz only T26 + semi-epic Parrot pet + pony. I no invite you to me exclusive VIP Party”

Current PA Comic about WoW ^^

All the stuff you suggest is just to make yourself feel superior to the other players on your server. Nobody gives a kitty.

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
Du spielst auf Kodasch? Besuche doch mal die Kodasch Community Webseite! :)

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


The amount of slippery slope being thrown around here is hilarious.

Suddenly aesthetic progression and a sense of achievement for people who dedicate themselves to WvW becomes “WoW gear treadmill”. So it’s ok to farm Plinx for a month straight to get Twilight and strut it around, but WvWers can’t have something cool to show for their time? Sure. See how long interest lasts in a format with NO progression whatsoever.

Haters gotta hate.

Edit: I don’t like the idea of people judging WvW skill based on this type of progression however. It will be a sad day when guilds recruit based on how much bling you have from grinding hours in WvW. There does need to be a balance there, but to reject any and all progression on the basis that the game will turn to WoW is inane.

(edited by ykyk.2740)

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Eiken.8072


It isn’t about that at all, Beefcake. It’s about incentives and rewards for playing the part of the game you enjoy doing most… In sPvP there’s something to work towards. In tPvP there’s something to work towards. In PvE there’s something to work towards. There isn’t anything substantial to work towards in WvW.

Pure White [pW]

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


I’ve been playing WvW since release and still haven’t gotten a title. If they reset on me, I’d be really discouraged. It’s like “use 100000 supply” or so for one of them. Unless you’re wasting supply, that’s going to take a dedicated player half a year to achieve.

The ranks in sPVP can go up to 80 or so. I got up to 10 and am already bored of sPVP, let alone the ranking system.

Re-shuffling WvW rankings won’t help matters at all. It’ll just be zerg population face-rolling back to the top again. With a non-sub fees game, it’s better you stick with earning your way up the ladder, than to keep making it easier.

Titles need to be farmed. Geared needs to be farmed for the best stuff. Titles don’t matter. Gear, skill, fun, bugs, and population drops do matter. Farming tokens in PVE for gear, for a WvW player, is out of the question, but we get massive amounts of karma for similar gear. Getting exotic weapons and accessories take the longest to attain. Crafting is incredibly time consuming. Trading Post is only making the elitists rich. Ascended gear is forcing pvp players to pve to keep up. Fractals isn’t so bad, though. I just wish my game didn’t crash on one of the boards every single time. I will never be able to farm ascended because of that bug.

Bugs last a massively long time in this game. That is the worst thing in the game. There have also been a ton of population drops in WvW. The more people who leave your server, will just cause even more people to leave it. This effects the fun for everyone. Your team comes in last every week, and gets less world bonuses. If you’re farming to the fullest potential, you’re practically encouraged to leave your server for a better one.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

(edited by katniss.6735)

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Drede.4701


This is just a thought from someone who enjoys GW2 and honestly never played WoW, but sPvP and tPvP and even PvE all have one thing in common, the P in their name. They are all about Player progression via rank or ascended armor or whatever. WvW doesn’t have a P in there because it is all about helping your World aka server be the best World. This game mode isn’t about promoting what an awesome player you are, it is about promoting what an awesome team your server is. You, being on SoS, should know this better than anyone. Congrats your server is #1 you have accomplished the pinnacle of WvW now you can either continue to defend your title, or go to sPvP or tPvP to earn praise for your individual efforts via rank.

The many different ways I can spell Regnilond xD
Guardians of the Creed [HATE]
Yak’s Bend

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: xouk.3854


I agree 99% with adding more gear specifically from WvW. However keep them as aesthetics. (since you mentioned better than ascended)

By better I meant that if or when gear with better stats than Ascended is released to PvE then WvW should get that gear too… At the same time, not after woulds.

- Pure
King – Pure White [pW]

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


I agree 99% with adding more gear specifically from WvW. However keep them as aesthetics. (since you mentioned better than ascended)

By better I meant that if or when gear with better stats than Ascended is released to PvE then WvW should get that gear too… At the same time, not after woulds.

Yeh it should. But they should start by letting WvW players get exotic gear too. At present you cant get anything bar “invaders” gear which is useless to most players.

Anyway, its a mistake to increase the stats on gear in WvW. I think gear normality should be in wvw just like spvp. I am bored of facerolling people being in full exotics. And when I level an alt I am bored of getting face rolled because I am level 50.

This situation is going to get worse and worse with the raising of all stats on gear over time (even exotics will get stronger according to the latest AMA). In short the gear grind is here. By itself maybe you dont mind that. But WvW can’t exist with this situation. New players are the lifeblood of any game and any part of any game. People who “no-life” WvW in the way OP has done are OBVIOUSLY GOING TO BURN OUT AND QUIT. Thats inevitable. Nobody cares. It doesnt matter. Its inevitable.

So WvW will need new players to fall in love with it and to rise up to be the guild leaders or commanders for the next few months. However, this replenishment of WvW players will become harder to achieve as stats on gear increase. As a new player coming in now you know its going to be hard to get full exotics but at least its maybe manageable. In future people will be in ascended gear or MAX ascended gear or SUPER ascended gear. Those the stat differential will get larger between new players and experienced players. And the time to catch up will get progressively larger.

As a result lots of new players will just think “screw it” and wont ever have the motivation to play enough to get the gear. Because their early experiences of WvW will be getting facerolled by people in ascended gear.

I think they should work on a better system whereby underleveled people are BUFFED MORE than they currently are. I play a level 80 pure support build and even I can 3 hit with auto attack to kill some up leveled players. This cant be fun for those players and it isnt fun for me.

I think this is the reason that WvW populations seem to of collapsed. Nobody plays but guilds nowadays it seems. And I think the reason is that its so uncasual friendly. I would like to see everyone bumped up to level80 with rare gear type power in WvW. Or just normalise gear and have some meaningful pvp.

Swtor PvP died because any fresh max level character had to use recruit gear which meant u got utterly facerolled until you could somehow grind enough to get better gear on. WvW suffers the same problem which will only get worse as max level gear gets more powerful and harder to obtain.

The only thing which would make me return to GW2 at this point is WvW. And the only thing that would make WvW worthwhile to me is simply some imporved system of power normalisation which could mitigate some of the crippling effects of gear and level differentials which currently exist in WvW. That and more strategic/bigger maps with tactical objectives. But I know that wont happen!

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Zemi.4137


Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Narkosys.5173


Raids/Guild Activities are incoming after christmas – think Feb or so. This will have what you are looking for along with the vertical progression gear wise as well.
Keep plugging away and keep making your voice heard you may get what you want and need. They implemented ascend gear for this reason.

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


And why are the WvW titles impossible to reach in this game? I can get titles doing an hour of PvE or Spvp but nothing for WvW. At my current rate of kills on my warrior it would take 2-3 years to get the Dominator title. A guildy has just hit 36k kills and its been 3 months. It would take a year and a half at least at his current rate to get the 250k kills title. That is stupid!

Beast mode

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: chronometria.3708


WvW is playing a major part in keeping GW2 players active and enjoying the game. However, without proper rewards, it cant keep doing that much longer.

It needs the time and effort that is being thrown at dungeons and Spvp (often with less results).

If GW2 was to be known for one thing, it should be WvW.

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Ascii.9726


Small changes that might help boost the general play-style of WvW:

  • New, separate chat option & colour for Commanders.
  • More of a requirement to achieve Commanders.
  • Guild Upgrade requirement in “Art of War” (IV or V) to claim garrison rather then any guild being able to.
  • “Hacking” or “Suspected Hacking” right-click report option rather then having to printscreen and manually submit.
Rank 580+ Necromancer WvW Stream
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Eiken.8072


I really hope that the Christmas patch brings in something for WvW. I fear for the health of it if nothing is done.

Pure White [pW]

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: xouk.3854


The main problem here is that A-Net has completely ignored WvW. Every time PvE and sPvP get patched up WvW get’s absolutely nothing. Can WvW be the main focus for 1-2 patches?

- Pure
King – Pure White [pW]

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: KauZaH.9057


My only suggestion it’s to copy by dark age of camelot, with some differences.

Create seasons.
Close chartransfer. Allowed only 1 time every season.
Create alliance system, with a special chat, allowed only guild by guild with a new guild rank option.
Commander role must be setted by guilds and every one can’t take it, only guilds decide by an appropriate big politics buff (influence guild system). Around 100k influence.
Insert in the chat log “[NoE]Kauzah killed [Xaoc]warriorX” so people can see Who kill Who and ask information about numbers and other.
Change commander system, adding a raid when u join him. I mean that one commander must be able to look how many players following him, wich classes and how many health they have during the combat. Then, the color of commander icon must change color in base how many followers has.
Example : commander with 10- color will be like now blue
10-20 green, 20-30 yellow, 30+gold or purple (what u prefer).
Give guilds more things for the big keeps and castle. Is not possibile that one Little guild claim stomemist :/
And the last, but the most important …… Create an herald like daoc !!!

All ranks (daily,weekly,monthly,season)
Server by server, and global for all servers (it’s easy, is only a visible database.)

Alliance rank
Guild rank
Class rank
Player rank

Rank will be determined by kills, conquests, defences, escort dolyak and events inside WvWvW maps.

Then i think is better if u remove a lot of mobs inside borderlands, they are too many.

Kauzah – Elementalist
Kauzah X – Guardian
[NoE] No Entry @ Seafarer’s Rest

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: KauZaH.9057


Sorry for my “spaghetti” english

Kauzah – Elementalist
Kauzah X – Guardian
[NoE] No Entry @ Seafarer’s Rest

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Lobo.1423


I totally want this!

Actually we’ve encountered the same problem in our guild.
More and more people are leaving cause there’s nothing left to do.
WvW gets boring without progression. Doing the same all over again isn’t that much of a challenge.
kitten give us ….something!

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Move/copy this to suggestions where it might get some attention!

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: xouk.3854


Move/copy this to suggestions where it might get some attention!

Already did, got closed >_>

- Pure
King – Pure White [pW]

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

i would love a progress bar for something other than kills. it will make people less blood thirsty and they might actually (gasp) learn how to play wvw

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Eiken.8072


The “progress bar” should focus more on WvW specific events, such as capping camps/towers/keeps, escorting/killing dolyaks etc. Individual kills should be the lowest of rewards (to encourage bigger fights, as opposed to solo players)

Pure White [pW]

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Rednik.3809


WwW really could use some kind of reward and progression system. Currently, if you participate in the WvW battles, you get absolutely miserable rewards compared to those who are involved in PvE or make dungeon/fractal runs all day every day. Stay on watch duty to ensure map control, observation and fast calling your commanders for help, spending your money on upgrades, siege and repairs, when someone get easy money and exotics from PvE? So much equality. Heck, i even dont see in any foreseeable future at least title reward, although I are participating in the fighting since the start of the game and am a member of the guild, which took a solid part in bringing our server into first place of EU ladder.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: xouk.3854


After reading the ‘new updates’ here:

I can’t help but think that WvW will not fix any of it’s main issues…

- Pure
King – Pure White [pW]

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Revenant.5470


Agree to the titles /reward system for sure.

Influential [VoTF]