Supplies hypothetical change

Supplies hypothetical change

in WvW

Posted by: Phoenix.3416


I have been thinking about how supplies are carried and used for upgrades and am curious about something like this and how it would change wvw. This threads just a bit of a joke so dont take it to seriously.

1.Make upgrades on defenses completable by players:
Players would be able to speed up upgrades manually by transporting supplies from camps to front line towers to speed up making wooden defenses t3.
This means that it doesn’t take as long to upgrade a tower if a zerg is working to build it, this helps to prevent the amount of flipping the enemy servers can do as it gives defenders and attackers a way to create a foothold at the cost of time and effort.

2. Supplies come in the form of a carried box that if the player has they cant attack with without dropping.
Bare with me on this! think about the strategic value of supply if its something that you have to carry and protect to get to the front line.
If you want to weaken the enemies attack you attack the supply carriers forcing the enemy commander to choose between having more supplies on the front line or more players defending the supply carriers.

Say a box carries 25 supplies you cant simply go to a camp and drain it then move on i seconds as a zerg as you have to actually defend that supplies as you take it to the next objective.

small groups now get a huge buff as to slow an enemy zerg down they can focus the box carrying players which helps to reduce the effectiveness of overpopulated servers against smaller.

Strategically it means that parties are much more useful than before as you can intercept the enemy players trying to move supplies to rush an upgrade and cut off the supply routes as well as more players acting as support for the zerg, which means extended sieges

3. Golems become more useful but possibly run out of juice if you keep them away from supplies to long.
Golems are practically now much easier than other methods of siege so require a drawback such as only getting 15-20minutes of steam before needing to be refuel, this stops servers massing 50 golems and steamrolling everything due to there size as they need the fuel to maintain the army.

4. Rams would be buffed, since you actually have to move supply boxes to the rams now, remember the scene with the fire lighter on helms deep running at the bomb? that, defenders could focus aoe at the players trying to carry supplies to the ram building zone, oil would make it impossible to use the supplies without

5. WvW slows down, if you have to move 500 supplies from your frontline deep into the enemies you are actually required to sneak and use skills, if the enemy can see 20 players carrying supplies thats 20 less players able to defend against an attack, much like when a golem is spotted the enemy will assemble to defend unless you are sneakier.
This makes it harder to simply run around flipping towers and extended sieges will last longer if the defenders can cut off the attackers supplies and vice versa for repairs.

This thread is just a bit of fun and I know that realistically anet will never change any of this but its an interesting thought about how wvw would be significantly different with such small changes to how supplies work.

Supplies hypothetical change

in WvW

Posted by: Jocksy.3415


Love your idea!
I’d just add that people carrying supplies should be able to lay the bundle down for a bit (somewhat 20-30 seconds? before it disappears) – with anyone (friends or foes) being able to pick it up (like plans)

Supplies hypothetical change

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


My general thought has been, what if when you zoned into WvW or switched maps, your supply went to zero. Would make for an interesting reset, and no longer would you be supplying a zerg by using seigerazor on other maps. Camps would be a much more strategic target to upgrade and defend.

Supplies hypothetical change

in WvW

Posted by: Phoenix.3416


These are actually good points ha I didn’t consider them when i thought this up, nice work!

to be honest i think an issue is the small map size, they need to be bigger to make supply routes and waypoints more important, if an entire zerg can supply in 5minutes running around a few camps then there is not much point in needing to upgrade a camp for long.

Supplies are to easy to get and camps to easy to flip.

Supplies hypothetical change

in WvW

Posted by: Phoenix.3416


Now I think about it this would make people mass golems instead of rams :/

Supplies hypothetical change

in WvW

Posted by: BigAlien.3128


I really like some of the ideas here, especially the carrying supplies one.

Not the face!

Supplies hypothetical change

in WvW

Posted by: DanyK.3842


My general thought has been, what if when you zoned into WvW or switched maps, your supply went to zero. Would make for an interesting reset, and no longer would you be supplying a zerg by using seigerazor on other maps. Camps would be a much more strategic target to upgrade and defend.

Move alt account on enemy server. → Keep zoning in and out after taking supply. → Waste enemy server’s supply very effectively. I know there are people who’d try this.

Sir Dany | Twitch
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |

Supplies hypothetical change

in WvW

Posted by: Heimlich.3065


My general thought has been, what if when you zoned into WvW or switched maps, your supply went to zero. Would make for an interesting reset, and no longer would you be supplying a zerg by using seigerazor on other maps. Camps would be a much more strategic target to upgrade and defend.

Move alt account on enemy server. -> Keep zoning in and out after taking supply. -> Waste enemy server’s supply very effectively. I know there are people who’d try this.

Buy a stack of ballistae and you can grief supply (and cap enemy siege) already. This is an existing problem.

Supplies hypothetical change

in WvW

Posted by: Cassocaster.4576


Move alt account on enemy server. -> Keep zoning in and out after taking supply. -> Waste enemy server’s supply very effectively. I know there are people who’d try this.

This type of thing is what’s helping to undermine server trust. With season 1 there was so much distrust in fellow players that it led to some very interesting posts and conversations.

There should be a period of time between registration on a server and the ability to join WvW, especially during the season.

As for supply, I really like these ideas, especially running supply to help stock a tower or keep. I have run enough siege in an hour to build all the oil burning and cannon sites in SM. People really should be taking the role of mule more seriously.