Switching server - The Solution
Please – stop! Are you losing? Do NOT switch server! Figure out WHY – and then figure out how to change it. HELP your server overcome their problems instead of adding to it.
Players switching servers are creating alot of problems, and tbh, does not help anything.
In the end, you will want to be in an organized guild; probably in an alliance that coordinates WvWvW.So start being part of the solution, not the problem: Join an organized guild, and start work on solving the problems your server face, instead of jumping ship.
Askil, leader of The Asgards [Asg]
Yep, server jumping only exacerbates the problems you left for. It throws the brackets off, keeping up the perpetual cycle of lopsided slaughters. Earn your win, don’t be a pansy.
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer
So all the blame is on single people and not groupings of them like say guilds and or alliances who move in large amounts to other servers thus effecting the scores in large ways. Yes, single player bandwagoners are the problem! Not 2k member guilds moving enmass to a new place. No, that has no effect at all!
Anyways, I think the majority of players just want to fight and do well. Not get crushed totally with absolutely no chance to even fight back. So you face a choice on a kitten server that no one wants to come to with players leaving in droves; not play WvWvW for weeks on end (the only end game in GW2, I might add) OR move to another server that is better. Tough call. Tough call!
The blame is on Anet for not stopping server transfers………..
They could stop it right now, or right now, or right now…………orrrrrr right now.
Ask Anet why they’re trying to kill the end game?
Big guilds switching to lower populated servers can actually help. Loads of single players, not in an organized guild, switching to higher populated servers cannot.
From your reply, I take you’re one of the people who don’t want to actually earn a victory, but prefer to transfer to a victory?
(edited by Askil.8301)
Moved from server that was killed by transfers to one that is now third in this weeks match so far. Yep, transfering for the win. Wait…
Difference is this server is fighting back and actually has other players. They have not lost all hope and I am having a blast despite not being first.
That’s all I really wanted: fun fights all around with no total shutouts. It’s like a dream come true. I am sure others might agree with me on this.
@fixit: I am certain many will; but then again, you could also decide to try to help fix the problem, instead of making it worse. I.e. join an organized guild. Figure out what your server lacks to be able to compete, and try to fix that; and convince others to do the same.
Your solution is the easy way out, and while I realize the majority will choose that as long as it is free – hopefully it wont stay free forever. So sooner or later, you might have to do as I am suggesting anyway. Why not start now?
Lol, there is no organized guilds left on HoD so I finally threw in the towel. I stuck it out for 2 weeks hoping it would get better, truley I did but…it got worse, far far worse. You can’t convince others when there is no one to convince.
Seriously, there is more bots on HoD than actual players. If you don’t believe me, how about you go check it out yourself.
And if you are so high and mighty on that horse looking down on the peons like me: perhaps you should take your guild to one of these dead duck servers and make a name for yourself. Prove to me how uber you really are. Until then, you are just as bad as I am.
@fixit: I am on Whiteside Ridge, ranked 4th from the bottom. You’re welcome to join us, if you want to try to make a difference.
an interesting solution to this just came to mind….it’s a bit extreme but seems like interesting for the roleplay aspect.
the option to make your character soulbound to the server. Once soulbound, in order to go wvw in another server, you’d have to delete any soulbound characters first and start over.
if you make a character and play in wvw, it’s soulbound in loyalty to that server. otherwise your character goes last in the que and gets least priority to go into wvw.
not all servers have an organized guild, or a community building friendly environment… I think many left those to go to something “better”, and if you are looking for more organization or a stronger community you tend to be attracted to something T2/T1 IMO as a lower risk factor of wasting time jumping from server to server.
I really feel T1 is starting to balance because of xfers. It’s not just who is winning people are flocking too, it’s who is offering an environment they want to play in. Some want to not listen to the same terd yell at everyone and claim he basically soloed the map, some want to just be in a close match, some just want to have a connection with their commanders/active guilds …
I know it’s not popular but I’m hopeful time will balance that the servers with high end wvw desires will be in top 2 tiers consistently and as you progress down the tiers you get more casual server environments…
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.
From “down” where we are, the higher ranked servers seem alot more equal, in just the fact they all got a night time presence, compared to us.
While we can compete on fairly even terms during primetime, we get steamrolled during the rest of the day usually.
Our solution to this, is to try to get more people to play during that time period. It is by no means easy or a quick fix though. So I understand why some people prefer to just switch server.
Earn your win, don’t be a pansy.
Of course! Stay up till 6am, have no life, night cap for victory as nothing else matters!
(Sense the sarcasm?)
From “down” where we are, the higher ranked servers seem alot more equal, in just the fact they all got a night time presence, compared to us.
While we can compete on fairly even terms during primetime, we get steamrolled during the rest of the day usually.
Our solution to this, is to try to get more people to play during that time period. It is by no means easy or a quick fix though. So I understand why some people prefer to just switch server.
Apologies if my response seemed arrogant it was not meant to be derogatory nor arrogant, only mathematical… I didn’t mean “down” to be this way, sincere apologies if it came off this way.
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.
@Arani: No apologies needed. And no, I didn’t see it as arrogant or anything like that. I just want people, as individuals, to start taking on responsibility for how their server is doing, instead of just switching, whenever they seem to be loosing.
Joining an organized guild, and putting
in just a little work, can actually do wonders. Especially if enough people does it.
ESPECIALLY: People not in a guild, who wants to WvW, should look for a guild to do that with, and then work towards getting the server more coordinated. Instead of just jumping server, whenever you lose… Just my humble opinion.
(edited by Askil.8301)
But I am a winner and I never lose. People arent taught to lose these days they always get a cookie and expect to win even for 7th place.
The temptation is there and so people use it. Anet is enabling this and wont do anything to stop it or help those servers that are undermanned by changing buffs.
@Narkosys: I get your point. I just hope enough of us aren’t like that yet.
I think it’s really over simplifying it to blame it on transfers.
Fer instance – Yaks Bend got pummeled last week. Blame server transfers for why they couldn’t get more than a dozen players on the field. Yet clock ticks, new week and now this same transfer-plagued server is pwning face fielding a good full team.
It’s not cuz of a sudden influx, but rather the way NA players in particular view the field and the scores. We don’t see just a tower or keep to take, we see the whole score system. Winning a keep, if you’re gonna lose anyway, doesn’t seem to hold value. And of course there’s the real double punch in the face of having no supply facing reinforced gates and a 3-orb buff.
Fought for 6 hours last night with outmanned buff. Despite this, we held the line and even took stuff over with coordinated, multi target attacks to confuse their zerg. It did get dicey and we almost lost it all but we persevered until we got reinfoircements from people waking up. Truely a breath of fresh air and I enjoyed every bit of it.
Anyways, I was in a guild but most quit playing, went back to pandacraft, or moved to other servers. Have been in that guild for over 7 years, actually, so implying that I don’t do guilds is entirely wrong on that assumption.
Now have to find a new guild that I can call home…sigh. Not easy to finding the right fit.
For guilds who are tired of waiting in queues as long as you held out with that lovely little (useless) outmanned buff, I can totally see the desire to find a new, less-populated server. If anyone actually is leaving because of a loss, I think that’s silly.
Guilds that don’t have the numbers to compete against a 30- to 40- man “zerg” (by the way, if there’s only one or two guild tags, it’s almost definitely not a zerg, but rather a coordinated strike), can easily just circumnavigate them, and pick up supply camps behind them to help starve them out of their keeps.