T3 NA completely broken

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.2769


I have been on many different servers and map capacity is the same. Please stop the absurd belief that a T1 server has bigger population capacity.
On to the topic T3 is definitely a prime example of WvW population inequality. I really do hope the Devs actually do something about it. I am a bit cynical but I feel like they continue to keep it this way to force active WvWers to pay for transfers to higher tiers for fights.

Commander X Swagalicious X
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdom.8250


Why is it always people from upper tier servers that suggest closing down lower tier servers? Please kitten off and stop trying to ruin the game for us.

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: timmyf.1490


Hey Moscow! NSP has been super friendly, very welcoming, and a nice change of pace for us. We’re not exactly thrilled with the T3 meatgrinder, but I’m very satisfied with the move and our new community.

Luckily, we got to move with a bunch of friends, it’s made it a lot easier.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


We asked them before, they wouldn’t answer the population cap issue for us..

We know the exact cap of each map. It has in fact been confirmed by Anet, more specifically Devon Carver. You are making uninformed claims of false information.

This was the first thing I was told when I came to Tier 1, I asked why I was 33 in que and it took under 2 min to get in and they told me it was because they allow more people on the map in Tier 1. You do not need to do a headcount on Tier 1 to see the sheer number of people.

If you believe everything any random rube tells you, I have a bridge for sale, you may be interested in. It is in Arizona. PM me, I will offer you a large discount due to your displayed intellectual prowess.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

And, let’s face it, there will be a race to tank to T3 from all T2 servers just to ensure they don’t have to face anyone from T1. Mag tried to do this last tourney but wasn’t able to before they locked the leagues. Now that people know how it works, the race to tank as soon as the tourney is announced is likely going to be vicious.

This is the most uninformed thing I have ever heard. I don’t know what your talking about, but as of now, the T2 servers, as far as I hear from being on one, feel they can handle T1 just fine. Having transferred from a T1 server (JQ) to a T2 server in recent months, based on what I have seen, I am inclined to agree.

The most uninformed thing you have ever heard? Like, ever? In your entire life?

Lol. It’s actually entirely informed by what happened prior to the fall tourney. When it was announced, T2 raced to see who could tank out into Silver to ensure they would win every matchup. This is a thing that really happened. As soon as the tourney was over, the race to PPT into T2 resumed. It’s not uncommon knowledge.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


Yeah, sure, we can go with “most”. I admit, I always enjoy when some random, claims to speak for 4 entirely different servers. Do you have 5 accounts? As your signature says HoD, I find it interesting you claim to speak for the entire population of SoS, FA, YB, and DB. I suspect you will produce much more wind, then you will produce evidence to support that claim.

Proof off all 4 servers intentionally racing to the bottom please?

Further more, proof that all of the guilds that transferred from T1 in the last few months would go for this? Or are you simply flinging accusations at those folks as well?

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

(edited by coglin.1867)

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Why is it always people from upper tier servers that suggest closing down lower tier servers? Please kitten off and stop trying to ruin the game for us.

Because it’s always great to suggest solutions that don’t affect you, but of course everyone else must “adapt” so one can spew their “greater good” solution.

In any case, people might come back to wvw if was actually a better gameplay experience, but alas, this is Guild Wars 2, where logging in is good enough for them.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

I am simply explaining to you what happened when the fall tourney was announced. It’s a fact. If you have a problem with facts about what happened in the past, take it up with someone that owns a time machine. Please do not throw personal insults me anymore. I am only talking about what happened in the past, and it’s not like I’m the only person who knows about it. Perhaps you should be informed yourself.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: Aitadis.8269


Funny how last season both DB and YB tanked on purpose to stay in silver for easy matchups while CD tried pushing gold to take mags spot, but now they are both in T2 and their are 4 T2 servers.

Illusionary Mesmer
[oof] Crystal Desert

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


I am simply explaining to you what happened when the fall tourney was announced. It’s a fact. If you have a problem with facts about what happened in the past, take it up with someone that owns a time machine. Please do not throw personal insults me anymore. I am only talking about what happened in the past, and it’s not like I’m the only person who knows about it. Perhaps you should be informed yourself.

Do you have evidence of those facts or links to them?

What specifically are you claiming is a personal insult? I hardly describe calling someone out on flinging accusations, while failing to support those accusation with no evidence, as personal attacks.

You claim it as “common knowledge” in the same fashion that scholars claimed the misconception that the earth was flat as “common knowledge” for centuries. It appears even more malicious, given that you offer no evidence that you were part of those communities, or their discussion, and apparently on an entirely different server.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

(edited by coglin.1867)

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


I am simply explaining to you what happened when the fall tourney was announced. It’s a fact. If you have a problem with facts about what happened in the past, take it up with someone that owns a time machine. Please do not throw personal insults me anymore. I am only talking about what happened in the past, and it’s not like I’m the only person who knows about it. Perhaps you should be informed yourself.

Do you have evidence of those facts or links to them?

What specifically are you claiming is a personal insult? I hardly describe calling someone out on flinging accusations, while failing to support those accusation with no evidence, as personal attacks.

You claim it as “common knowledge” in the same fashion that scholars claimed the misconception that the earth was flat as “common knowledge” for centuries. It appears even more malicious, given that you offer no evidence that you were part of those communities, or their discussion, and apparently on an entirely different server.

There’s plenty of history of servers that manipulate their glicko around the time of the tournaments. Servers have tanked in order to avoid gold league, and after a disastrous season 1, NSP tanked into bronze league to avoid the steamrolling by ALL of silver league for season 2. Just because you haven’t done any of your own homework, doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. I may not agree with Ark alot of the time, but he knows of what he speaks in this instance.

the Devs have even discussed how tanking is a viable strategy some weeks during tournaments in order to secure an easier first place victory the following week.

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: Dethl.2875


I am simply explaining to you what happened when the fall tourney was announced. It’s a fact. If you have a problem with facts about what happened in the past, take it up with someone that owns a time machine. Please do not throw personal insults me anymore. I am only talking about what happened in the past, and it’s not like I’m the only person who knows about it. Perhaps you should be informed yourself.

Do you have evidence of those facts or links to them?

What specifically are you claiming is a personal insult? I hardly describe calling someone out on flinging accusations, while failing to support those accusation with no evidence, as personal attacks.

You claim it as “common knowledge” in the same fashion that scholars claimed the misconception that the earth was flat as “common knowledge” for centuries. It appears even more malicious, given that you offer no evidence that you were part of those communities, or their discussion, and apparently on an entirely different server.

There’s plenty of history of servers that manipulate their glicko around the time of the tournaments. Servers have tanked in order to avoid gold league, and after a disastrous season 1, NSP tanked into bronze league to avoid the steamrolling by ALL of silver league for season 2. Just because you haven’t done any of your own homework, doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. I may not agree with Ark alot of the time, but he knows of what he speaks in this instance.

the Devs have even discussed how tanking is a viable strategy some weeks during tournaments in order to secure an easier first place victory the following week.

wow nsp must have just rekt bronze league to end up getting 4th in silver in season 2.

some server who knows
Foolsworn (M) | Dehtl (M) | Iofo (G) | Foolburt (W) | Fooloop (T)
Fools Foolentine (EN) | Fooliqi (EL) | Fooniols (N) | Foylshen (R )

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


snip –
wow nsp must have just rekt bronze league to end up getting 4th in silver in season 2.

im about to get shrekt for not doing my own homework.

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

Wow Im surprised this post is still up and hasnt been locked yet. My advice, if your stuck in a deadend situation and you cant do anything about it, find somewhere else to get a fresh start, yea it sucks but if you cant do anything about it and you cant have any fun your not doing youself any favors. Put aside the stupid server and guild politics and remember that having fun is the important thing.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


Last weekend was a great chance at 9.99 to feel out other servers before spending even more only to find your new home not to your liking. The other advantage with an alt account is to have fun if the main account is stuck in a bad matchup for weeks / months…..

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: Sungtaro.6493


I am simply explaining to you what happened when the fall tourney was announced. It’s a fact. If you have a problem with facts about what happened in the past, take it up with someone that owns a time machine. Please do not throw personal insults me anymore. I am only talking about what happened in the past, and it’s not like I’m the only person who knows about it. Perhaps you should be informed yourself.

Do you have evidence of those facts or links to them?

What specifically are you claiming is a personal insult? I hardly describe calling someone out on flinging accusations, while failing to support those accusation with no evidence, as personal attacks.

You claim it as “common knowledge” in the same fashion that scholars claimed the misconception that the earth was flat as “common knowledge” for centuries. It appears even more malicious, given that you offer no evidence that you were part of those communities, or their discussion, and apparently on an entirely different server.

Eh, SOS and FA tanked to get out of gold league last fall?
1) Don’t see how that would have been possible.
2) Very certain that was not what was going on in FA and just as positive about SOS.

The only server in T2 that was trying to leave gold league in the fall was Maguuma, for very good reason since most of the guilds left or went to Archeage.

I find the assertion by Ark somewhat inaccurate in my opinion.

Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence.

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


I am simply explaining to you what happened when the fall tourney was announced. It’s a fact. If you have a problem with facts about what happened in the past, take it up with someone that owns a time machine. Please do not throw personal insults me anymore. I am only talking about what happened in the past, and it’s not like I’m the only person who knows about it. Perhaps you should be informed yourself.

Do you have evidence of those facts or links to them?

What specifically are you claiming is a personal insult? I hardly describe calling someone out on flinging accusations, while failing to support those accusation with no evidence, as personal attacks.

You claim it as “common knowledge” in the same fashion that scholars claimed the misconception that the earth was flat as “common knowledge” for centuries. It appears even more malicious, given that you offer no evidence that you were part of those communities, or their discussion, and apparently on an entirely different server.

Eh, SOS and FA tanked to get out of gold league last fall?
1) Don’t see how that would have been possible.
2) Very certain that was not what was going on in FA and just as positive about SOS.

The only server in T2 that was trying to leave gold league in the fall was Maguuma, for very good reason since most of the guilds left or went to Archeage.

I find the assertion by Ark somewhat inaccurate in my opinion.

The ‘race’ was for the top t3 servers not to advance to t2 should maguuma fall fast enough before the tourney (cd says they wanted gold, but it didn’t seem like they all did as they were invisible at times too).

There were 5 servers in t3 / t4 that were very close swapping wins until the tourney was announced… The tourney occured, people started moving for easy wins… Tourney ended, mags dropped down, people moved to YB – cluster**** started….

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

(edited by Liston.9708)

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: Sungtaro.6493


I am simply explaining to you what happened when the fall tourney was announced. It’s a fact. If you have a problem with facts about what happened in the past, take it up with someone that owns a time machine. Please do not throw personal insults me anymore. I am only talking about what happened in the past, and it’s not like I’m the only person who knows about it. Perhaps you should be informed yourself.

Do you have evidence of those facts or links to them?

What specifically are you claiming is a personal insult? I hardly describe calling someone out on flinging accusations, while failing to support those accusation with no evidence, as personal attacks.

You claim it as “common knowledge” in the same fashion that scholars claimed the misconception that the earth was flat as “common knowledge” for centuries. It appears even more malicious, given that you offer no evidence that you were part of those communities, or their discussion, and apparently on an entirely different server.

Eh, SOS and FA tanked to get out of gold league last fall?
1) Don’t see how that would have been possible.
2) Very certain that was not what was going on in FA and just as positive about SOS.

The only server in T2 that was trying to leave gold league in the fall was Maguuma, for very good reason since most of the guilds left or went to Archeage.

I find the assertion by Ark somewhat inaccurate in my opinion.

The ‘race’ was for the top t3 servers not to advance to t2 should maguuma fall fast enough before the tourney (cd says they wanted gold, but it didn’t seem like they all did as they were invisible at times too).

There were 5 servers in t3 / t4 that were very close swapping wins until the tourney was announced… The tourney occured, people started moving for easy wins… Tourney ended, mags dropped down, people moved to YB – cluster**** started….

Absolutely agree that was what happened. Well, if that is what he meant, ok, I agree. Not what was actually written in the post.

Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence.

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdom.8250


I am simply explaining to you what happened when the fall tourney was announced. It’s a fact. If you have a problem with facts about what happened in the past, take it up with someone that owns a time machine. Please do not throw personal insults me anymore. I am only talking about what happened in the past, and it’s not like I’m the only person who knows about it. Perhaps you should be informed yourself.

Do you have evidence of those facts or links to them?

What specifically are you claiming is a personal insult? I hardly describe calling someone out on flinging accusations, while failing to support those accusation with no evidence, as personal attacks.

You claim it as “common knowledge” in the same fashion that scholars claimed the misconception that the earth was flat as “common knowledge” for centuries. It appears even more malicious, given that you offer no evidence that you were part of those communities, or their discussion, and apparently on an entirely different server.

Eh, SOS and FA tanked to get out of gold league last fall?
1) Don’t see how that would have been possible.
2) Very certain that was not what was going on in FA and just as positive about SOS.

The only server in T2 that was trying to leave gold league in the fall was Maguuma, for very good reason since most of the guilds left or went to Archeage.

I find the assertion by Ark somewhat inaccurate in my opinion.

The ‘race’ was for the top t3 servers not to advance to t2 should maguuma fall fast enough before the tourney (cd says they wanted gold, but it didn’t seem like they all did as they were invisible at times too).

There were 5 servers in t3 / t4 that were very close swapping wins until the tourney was announced… The tourney occured, people started moving for easy wins… Tourney ended, mags dropped down, people moved to YB – cluster**** started….

We did want gold just we didn’t pull massive overtime to get it. Because getting into gold league right after burning everyone out to cover our huge coverage gaps is a horrible idea. CD was still gaining glicko until last week before seasons when YB stopped tanking and their EU +late NA/OCX PvDoor groups came out.

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

snip –
wow nsp must have just rekt bronze league to end up getting 4th in silver in season 2.

im about to get shrekt for not doing my own homework.

You had the right idea, just the wrong server. GoM bit it for at least a whole month at the bottom of Silver to get into Bronze. They made it just in time — and went undefeated.

I mean, we knew they were tanking, because they went from beating the crap out of us to losing every week by double-score numbers. Then suddenly the tourney starts, they’re in Bronze, and nobody can touch them.

And as for what happened in T3/T2, yeah, you’re right. It was a race from T3 servers not to get into T2, because everyone saw Mag losing glicko in double digits and jumping ahead a league right before a tourney is certainly not a good idea. I know CD wanted into Gold, but it’s probably best they never made it given what happened in the months that followed.

Unfortunately for Mag, by the time their glicko was low enough to fall, they had locked the leagues.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

(edited by Ark Bladesteele.2943)

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Wow Im surprised this post is still up and hasnt been locked yet. My advice, if your stuck in a deadend situation and you cant do anything about it, find somewhere else to get a fresh start, yea it sucks but if you cant do anything about it and you cant have any fun your not doing youself any favors. Put aside the stupid server and guild politics and remember that having fun is the important thing.

Its has been a good discussion overall without flaming,.

Besides any changes before Thorn expansion might be a bad decision(reckless).
Anet needs to wait and see what happens to WvW after the expansion pack and WvW changes only after that they can take any action to the servers.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: bloodletting wolf.2837

bloodletting wolf.2837

There is really no ’fix" for the lower tiers, and tbh, all the lower tier servers should be merged due to low population. If you want to actually have fun playing wvw transfer to T1.

JQ has an awesome community, people are genuinely nice, they don’t even usually spike so that everyone gets a chance, and commanders stop and rez people themselves. Less trolls and flaming here than any server I have been on thus far and are still highly competitive. People here come to play, are not afraid to take risks and have a fun while doing so. I thought it would just be all blobs before I came here, but it isn’t like that at all, even for roaming it is fun. I could still solo a T3 QL from BG the 2nd day I after I arrived, so T1 is still good for zerging and roaming, except here you have an actual team to play with that you don’t have in the lower tiers, and you don’t have whiny commanders yelling at people because they are not timing their skill calls instead of understanding what they have and how to utilize it properly.

They actually are creative with their commanding here, utilize all classes, and don’t complain about things that really do not matter.

Not everyone has the same concept of fun as you so you can stop it with the “make everything like T1” speeches. The positives of your server that you describe I already have on my T3 server. So like I said you can knock it off with all of the everyone should transfer up speeches.

Kaa Mchorror NSP grenadier [hayt]

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

Everything he describes exists on our T4 server. “Transfer up, all the lower tiers suck because your commanders don’t stop to revive people (WHAT?!) or whatever” and the stacks of other falsehoods he claims about lower tiers should be ignored for what they are: false.

Commanders who line up specific parties and rely on skill calls are guild commanders. It’s integral to running proper zerg-busting and knowing exactly where your (likely smaller than the zerg you run into) group is at. There is a ton going on here, including positioning, precise skill rotation, etc, that doesn’t exist in pugmanded zergs because it’s essentially impossible.

This is an entirely different style of commanding that I feel mr. devils doesn’t understand.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: rashkin.9530


The notion of a race in T2 to tank pre S2 was absolutely absurd. The servers and people in T2 since before Oct 2013 all wanted to be in T2. They transferred to servers that were already in T2, and in the event any of the said servers moved they just jumped to the next T2 server. Agg post S1 is a prime example, among many many others, and it is still going on to this day.

There is no difference in opinion. There is no misunderstanding of occurrences. If you think at any time people and servers wanted to tank out of T2 then you are just plain wrong. Say what you want about CD, NSP, GoM, whoever the hell else I don’t care, you are wrong about T2.

Why is it always people from upper tier servers that suggest closing down lower tier servers? Please kitten off and stop trying to ruin the game for us.

Why is it always people from lower tier servers always carry on about tanking for seasons? Why is it always the lower tier servers always complaining about guilds transferring up to higher tiers? Why is it always the lower tier servers always complaining how big the coverage gap is even though match up never roll more than a few ranks apart?

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


I am simply explaining to you what happened when the fall tourney was announced. It’s a fact. If you have a problem with facts about what happened in the past, take it up with someone that owns a time machine. Please do not throw personal insults me anymore. I am only talking about what happened in the past, and it’s not like I’m the only person who knows about it. Perhaps you should be informed yourself.

Do you have evidence of those facts or links to them?

What specifically are you claiming is a personal insult? I hardly describe calling someone out on flinging accusations, while failing to support those accusation with no evidence, as personal attacks.

You claim it as “common knowledge” in the same fashion that scholars claimed the misconception that the earth was flat as “common knowledge” for centuries. It appears even more malicious, given that you offer no evidence that you were part of those communities, or their discussion, and apparently on an entirely different server.

Eh, SOS and FA tanked to get out of gold league last fall?
1) Don’t see how that would have been possible.
2) Very certain that was not what was going on in FA and just as positive about SOS.

The only server in T2 that was trying to leave gold league in the fall was Maguuma, for very good reason since most of the guilds left or went to Archeage.

I find the assertion by Ark somewhat inaccurate in my opinion.

The ‘race’ was for the top t3 servers not to advance to t2 should maguuma fall fast enough before the tourney (cd says they wanted gold, but it didn’t seem like they all did as they were invisible at times too).

There were 5 servers in t3 / t4 that were very close swapping wins until the tourney was announced… The tourney occured, people started moving for easy wins… Tourney ended, mags dropped down, people moved to YB – cluster**** started….

We did want gold just we didn’t pull massive overtime to get it. Because getting into gold league right after burning everyone out to cover our huge coverage gaps is a horrible idea. CD was still gaining glicko until last week before seasons when YB stopped tanking and their EU +late NA/OCX PvDoor groups came out.

Yea – I knew cd wanted gold, but it did seem some weeks they did (based on score) and some weeks they didn’t (based on score). Granted it could have been us (YB) or db playing differently and not you (cd). Not that it really matters. The main point was not t2 trying to go down, but most of t3 not trying to go up (for the same reason you state)

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


The notion of a race in T2 to tank pre S2 was absolutely absurd. The servers and people in T2 since before Oct 2013 all wanted to be in T2. They transferred to servers that were already in T2, and in the event any of the said servers moved they just jumped to the next T2 server. Agg post S1 is a prime example, among many many others, and it is still going on to this day.

There is no difference in opinion. There is no misunderstanding of occurrences. If you think at any time people and servers wanted to tank out of T2 then you are just plain wrong. Say what you want about CD, NSP, GoM, whoever the hell else I don’t care, you are wrong about T2.

Why is it always people from upper tier servers that suggest closing down lower tier servers? Please kitten off and stop trying to ruin the game for us.

Why is it always people from lower tier servers always carry on about tanking for seasons? Why is it always the lower tier servers always complaining about guilds transferring up to higher tiers? Why is it always the lower tier servers always complaining how big the coverage gap is even though match up never roll more than a few ranks apart?

Season 2 was just a bad rng roll for fa and db getting so much Glicko because of sor not falling fast enough right? I think the people above were talking about tourney 3, but alas I may be confused myself…
Tourney 3 was the race of t3 not to advance as maguuma was falling….

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB