Simma Down Meow-Ranger
Looking to leave T3 since its a lopsided zergfest. looking for good skirmish fights, not 50v4 constantly. any ideas on a T8 server?
Isn’t t8 also lopsided? If you are looking to go there hit up FC or ET, because they currently don’t seem to be able to stand up to SF and need the help.
T8 seems pretty lopsided. If you’re just looking for a evenly matched and stable tier, T6 is the place to be. T7 is a good choice too for the most part, especially in small groups. NSP fields a lot of 5 mans to fight against, and I can personally recommend GoM as a honorable and deserving home for any moving to that tier. There’s nothing wrong with T8. I just don’t want you to get your hopes up and then get blindsided. I’m not trying to poach from them either. By all means, pick the server you think will fit you. Just know that there are 5 tiers you are skipping that all have varying levels of zerg/small group play and jumping from one extreme to the other might not be the best move. However, T8 def needs help like Bradderz said.
go T6…. much more balanced match up.. i believe less zergy as well
It depends on when you’re active time is with t8, if you play during American “prime time” it’s generally lop sided to SFs favour, which I’m guessing is when you play most often, outside of prime it’s not so lop sided with some pretty decent skirmishes.
You could come to RoS and EU server, you would be the night team and there wouldn’t be much zerging going on, especially not from our side since we don’t have a night team.
A lot of intense fights and more.
WARNING: Only for the brave hearted! If you give up quickly, don’t bother coming!
T6 and T7 are the most balance tiers right now (and T7 is problably already decided). Joining T8 will just be a good idea if you want to either face the overwhelming odds against SF, or if you want to curb stomp the same servers for months without ever leaving T8.
FC and ET are both great servers and could use the help. Come to T8 and help swing the fight! SF has the numbers on them, but SF is very unorganized, so if you can help them get the numbers close, they could swing the fight by simple organization and coordination.
go T6…. much more balanced match up.. i believe less zergy as well
T6 is pretty balanced yes, but it is actually very zergy.
I don’t think FC or ET realize just how many more numbers they’ll need to compete.
They like to pretend that the only reason they are losing is because of numbers, as if they are consistently winning when its close numbers which is rarely the case.
I’m not talking about primetime hours either because I work during those hours.
Maybe they do perform like that when I’m not on, but when I am on I see those equal number fights usually turning out in our favor.
If you’re transfering just to get out of a lopsided match, I don’t think you’re going to find any tier particularly safe.
Yeah, some might be balanced right now, but there’s no guarantee whatsoever they will still be balanced in two weeks.
Tier 3 has a chance to stabilize in the coming weeks thanks to SoS, I would at least stick it out until SoS settles somewhere, because if/when they fall out of tier 2 we’re not going to be stuck fighting FA or TC every week getting walked over.
Maybe they do perform like that when I’m not on, but when I am on I see those equal number fights usually turning out in our favor.
Please show a equal fight video with SF winning because i just see SF winning when they outnumber the opposing force (Which is almost always constant, for ET at least, because we usually have outmanned buff on 3/4 borderlands almost all times).
Come to SF, help us get out of this Tier and be prepared when we move up! Get to know all the camps/towers/keeps/castle intimately and you can still find small group fights, I do it all the time. I think my secret goal is to keep the repair vendor in business. LOL, :P
Jeknar I’m not taking the time out of my day for that, just look in your own BL and you’ll see. Pretending you only lose due to numbers every time isn’t going to make anyone better.
SF is winning by such a large margin because of numbers, but that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t win with a smaller margin if we lost some numbers.
Yeah I mad. It’s annoying when people try and discount everything we do because we have a larger server.
SF is winning by such a large margin because of numbers, but that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t win with a smaller margin if we lost some numbers.
Unfortunelly, that, we’ll never know…
In response to the poster’s question, T8 is a lot of 50vs4 style fights also. SF vastly outnumbers ET and FC currently. I’m not sure if you would enjoy the battles any more or less down in this tier because of that.
If you want to join T8, SF has the most numbers while ET and FC both need people. I’d welcome you at FC, but I’d be just as happy to see some bodies at ET.
SF is winning by such a large margin because of numbers, but that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t win with a smaller margin if we lost some numbers.
Unfortunelly, that, we’ll never know…
Well, it happens all the time and you know it. I am not going to say SF is better in even level matches, really depends on how the players match up. We win some, we lost some. But sitting here and pretending it never happens is lame.
Well, it happens all the time and you know it. I am not going to say SF is better in even level matches, really depends on how the players match up. We win some, we lost some. But sitting here and pretending it never happens is lame.
But what he’s saying is “SF is better no matter if it’s even or not”, which just as you stated, isn’t totally true (since SF do lose fights). And we know most of fights in T8 aren’t even…
Just as he’s tired of hearing ET/FC blamming the numbers. I don’t think bragging as if they do not exist is good either.
Jeknar pipe down on the drama, I never said any of that. I clearly took issue with everyone blaming everything on numbers and that we might still win with significantly less. I never once said SF would win no matter what, stop trying to start drama.
Well, it happens all the time and you know it. I am not going to say SF is better in even level matches, really depends on how the players match up. We win some, we lost some. But sitting here and pretending it never happens is lame.
But what he’s saying is “SF is better no matter if it’s even or not”, which just as you stated, isn’t totally true (since SF do lose fights). And we know most of fights in T8 aren’t even…
Just as he’s tired of hearing ET/FC blamming the numbers. I don’t think bragging as if they do not exist is good either.
While I don’t think he stated that we are better if it’s even or not, I see where you got that impression. I know you have only been on ET for a week or two but you can clearly see all the frustration on all sides with this continuing matchup of the same three servers.
I look at it like this. I have two older brothers and I love them to death. But you stick us in the same house for 2 months straight and I would be ready to rifle butt them off a cliff! I know it can’t happen because in the end we are only human, but people need to learn not to take things so seriously.
Why love T8?
1. Rarely ever Q’s for BL’s.
2. Less issues with culling and lag.
3. You get to know your brothers in arms, for better or worse. My experience is its 99% better.
4. No fair weather fans, we can take a beating and get up and dust ourselves and bring the fight, week in and week out. The pansies have already moved onto “winning” servers.
5. Small forces can have a significant impact on the larger scale.
6. We will pay you gold to move. Just kidding, that trend is absolute garbage. Homie don’t play that.
Lol. T3 definitely is a t3 zergfest XD.
DB will miss you.
If you’re transfering just to get out of a lopsided match, I don’t think you’re going to find any tier particularly safe.
Yeah, some might be balanced right now, but there’s no guarantee whatsoever they will still be balanced in two weeks.
Tier 3 has a chance to stabilize in the coming weeks thanks to SoS, I would at least stick it out until SoS settles somewhere, because if/when they fall out of tier 2 we’re not going to be stuck fighting FA or TC every week getting walked over.
I would say T6 will be balanced for quite sometime, the only time it becomes unbalanced is when one of the 3 actively give up. Which has happened but for the most part, I think its safe to say that AR or BP are going to be here for awhile, it looks as if DH plans on staying around as well.
I don’t see our tier changing anytime soon provided one of the servers does not try to lose in order to drop a tier.
Chuckled at the air of inflated self worth in the thread title.
Seems sPvP would be more your thing,.
ok. to be perfectly honest, tier 8 is lopsided also.
during prime playtime SF can field a zerg of easily 40+ people (and if anyone wants to challenge me on that, i can provide screenshots), while still having enough left over to guard camps and towers AND cause distractions on other BL, while ET usually can barely scrape together enough people to pop orange swords on the map. i think Ferg is in a similar situation in terms of numbers.
that being said, i can tell you from experience, ET has a lot of fighting spirit currently, even for being at the bottom of the barrel for quite a while. i’ve been having fun lately
ok. to be perfectly honest, tier 8 is lopsided also.
during prime playtime SF can field a zerg of easily 40+ people (and if anyone wants to challenge me on that, i can provide screenshots), while still having enough left over to guard camps and towers AND cause distractions on other BL, while ET usually can barely scrape together enough people to pop orange swords on the map. i think Ferg is in a similar situation in terms of numbers.
that being said, i can tell you from experience, ET has a lot of fighting spirit currently, even for being at the bottom of the barrel for quite a while. i’ve been having fun lately
I believe SF can field that many people. But stop the we can “barely scrape together enough people” junk. There are plenty of times you have enough people for a deent zerg and defenders. Take yesterday for example. You had plenty of people to defend your garrison from multiple break-ins and still enough of a zerg to take stuff on EB.
Oh, and another note: I was in our BL yesterday and a bunch of ET were taking Bluebriar and Bluevale (over and over). Guess what? We had the outmanned buff going for us. But that can’t happen can it? SF ALWAYS out numbers both of your servers put together (as so you think from reading these forums).
(edited by Cantur Soulfyre.5409)
ok. to be perfectly honest, tier 8 is lopsided also.
during prime playtime SF can field a zerg of easily 40+ people (and if anyone wants to challenge me on that, i can provide screenshots), while still having enough left over to guard camps and towers AND cause distractions on other BL, while ET usually can barely scrape together enough people to pop orange swords on the map. i think Ferg is in a similar situation in terms of numbers.
that being said, i can tell you from experience, ET has a lot of fighting spirit currently, even for being at the bottom of the barrel for quite a while. i’ve been having fun lately
SF can field those numbers during a specified range on the clock. The rest of the time its quite lean or fluctuating wildly. In the same vein, ET fields 15-25 from 6am EST to say 9am EST and rolls the maps without any resistance. FC can field a sizable crew when the planets align and burnout/boredom hasn’t affected everyone. In any event, there is disparity weighted to different servers depending on the time of day with SF being in ascension for a greater percentage of the day.
Anyway, the disparity that everyone points the finger at is not 24×7 and the new ET morning crew runs unopposed. This new crew will basically ensure that SF never gets out of T8. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy rofl. No matter how much SF wins by the math will keep them in T8 unless there is some miracle in T7.
No matter how much SF wins by the math will keep them in T8 unless there is some miracle in T7.
That’s what it is looking like. We lost 53 rating last match (even though we were still winning by a landslide) and at this point, are projected to loose another 12 this week (even though we’re, again, still winning by a landslide). Totally demoralizing to win by a wide margin and be rewarded by a complete backslide because Glicko placed an unrealistic expectations on our server.
This is the reason why my boyfriend has dubbed T8 the “Glicko Ghetto” (and I’m totally picking it up and running with it). Please don’t get the wrong impression, that nickname is NOT meant to imply that the folks we’re playing are ghetto-tastic or anything! It just means the math is just so incredibly stacked against anyone who ends up here that no matter how well you do, escape from T8 is pretty much impossible.
I’m from BP (T6) and I have to say right it is an extremely interesting fight. I think since reset, all three servers have been leading in points at some points. Will be a very interesting match! (Come to BP)
IMO tier 4/5/6 is your best bet.
We tried tier 8 looking for small man action. The RvR population at T8 was so low, we found little action small man action (unless zergin solos is your thing).
Most “randoms” just banded together in zergish groups (not fun to be outnumbered 3:1 or 4:1 especially with current broken RvR mechanics) or we have same realm nuthuggers following us around (blah). This was a 10-12 weeks back, maybe things have changed.
We are on DR and after 10 days, I would say where happy most of the time. There are zergs (20|+), but these are often manageable because they are composed of random guilds or/and poorly lead.
go T6…. much more balanced match up.. i believe less zergy as well
T6 is pretty balanced yes, but it is actually very zergy.
Really? How’s it compare to tier 7?
go T6…. much more balanced match up.. i believe less zergy as well
T6 is pretty balanced yes, but it is actually very zergy.
Really? How’s it compare to tier 7?
Depends what time you play, generally BP has 1 commander on in EB most of the time, and a commander here and there in the borderlands. AR is quite zergy and so used to be NSP when they were on. However I know there are also smaller guilds running around.
Oh, and another note: I was in our BL yesterday and a bunch of ET were taking Bluebriar and Bluevale (over and over). Guess what? We had the outmanned buff going for us. But that can’t happen can it? SF ALWAYS out numbers both of your servers put together (as so you think from reading these forums).
Sometimes i log alone on your borderland too and I don’t get outmanned even tho everything is green… Problably because no one’s in home…
LOL, ya, that is true. Tend to ignore the BL until things start turning other colors. :P
Wow, a lot of activity on this thread while I was at work lol. Sorry if the title sounded pompous, I’ve seen some “come join T8 server X!” posts, thats what it came from. We are actually in a bit of a tossup when it comes to where we are going. Darkhaven looks like a good spot to bounce between the T6-T7 area or we will go to FC or ET. like someone else posted, most of the fairweather players probably already dipped so those that stayed are more than likely the gritty, rough, prideful type I like fighting beside. I don’t want to constantly faceroll the other servers, I just enjoy fair fights.
I’ll miss ya Eva. You’re a great commander
P.S. if Miss Terribad was active again, DB would surely be STOMPING faces right now
go T6…. much more balanced match up.. i believe less zergy as well
T6 is pretty balanced yes, but it is actually very zergy.
Really? How’s it compare to tier 7?
I hope thats sarcasm Styx, it wouldn’t be your first AR/BP rodeo, and you have had the pleasure of DH.
Compared to T7, just as fun but the potential for either of the 3 to win. In all Honesty I think many AR and BP would love to see GoM with somewhat equal numbers so we could all go back to the glory days.
PS: Bend NSP over and don’t use lube.
First off, no need to bring in tier 8 chest thumping into this thread; completely off topic. We have around 17 other tier 8 threads going.
Don’t go to tier 8 if you want even fights or non zerg fights. That is just how it is. For even fights go to tier 6. If you really want tier 8 and don’t just want to stomp roll people FC is the place you want to go. They seem to have the lowest number of WvW players right now. If you want a bit more leeway ET is the place to go, plus we have exp trains. CHOO CHOO!!!!!!
First off, no need to bring in tier 8 chest thumping into this thread; completely off topic. We have around 17 other tier 8 threads going.
Don’t go to tier 8 if you want even fights or non zerg fights. That is just how it is. For even fights go to tier 6. If you really want tier 8 and don’t just want to stomp roll people FC is the place you want to go. They seem to have the lowest number of WvW players right now. If you want a bit more leeway ET is the place to go, plus we have exp trains. CHOO CHOO!!!!!!
^^ this
… wait, what? exp trains?? is that the “easy on the eyes” term for a zergball there in ET land?
But basically if this answer does not help you make your mind up, nothing will.
In addition: T8 has good players and bad players, same as any other tier. T8 has moments of any server running a zerg. T8 has good battles and lop sided battles. It has all of WvW just in a smaller scale I suppose. No queues! SF has greater numbers, but not all the time. They can take an entire map and hold it, but sooner or later FC and ET numbers show up and the real fight begins. So from a points perspective it’s all about coverage times and SF has the advantage there.
1st tip if joining FC or ET – if you see “the” KING mesmer, run. Don’t fight. You’ll loose.
I don’t think you are getting the consequences of your actions.
You want to leave a red/blue server that is getting beaten by a green server. With few exceptions, most of the recent WvW matches have been dominated by the green server.
If others do the same bandwagoning, the green server will become a red server in the next highest tier, only to get stomped. By moving, you’ll eventually end up in the same situation you want to leave now.
ok. to be perfectly honest, tier 8 is lopsided also.
during prime playtime SF can field a zerg of easily 40+ people (and if anyone wants to challenge me on that, i can provide screenshots), while still having enough left over to guard camps and towers AND cause distractions on other BL, while ET usually can barely scrape together enough people to pop orange swords on the map. i think Ferg is in a similar situation in terms of numbers.
that being said, i can tell you from experience, ET has a lot of fighting spirit currently, even for being at the bottom of the barrel for quite a while. i’ve been having fun lately
I believe SF can field that many people. But stop the we can “barely scrape together enough people” junk. There are plenty of times you have enough people for a deent zerg and defenders. Take yesterday for example. You had plenty of people to defend your garrison from multiple break-ins and still enough of a zerg to take stuff on EB.
Oh, and another note: I was in our BL yesterday and a bunch of ET were taking Bluebriar and Bluevale (over and over). Guess what? We had the outmanned buff going for us. But that can’t happen can it? SF ALWAYS out numbers both of your servers put together (as so you think from reading these forums).
to be fair, i can only report on things i personally observe. and i know the numbers flip-flop both ways. i’ve seen nights where we’ve fielded a zerg of 30-40 and i can see the chatter indicating we have defenders on the home front, but this usually only happens prime EST playtime on, or shortly after, reset night. and while we’re fielding 30, i’m taking screenshots of what looks like way more than that of you guys. during the week, our numbers drop. even at the “after work/school for America” window of time, we’re outnumbered.
the rest of the time, when we get “alot” (for us) of people together, its not enough to generate orange swords, which means we have less than 25 rolling. and we don’t always have people back home to defend.
even the “morning shift” doesn’t usually have enough people to pop orange swords (we’re close sometimes, tho. lol) but that IS the most likely time when we run into lesser numbers of SF. (or, for the past few days, we’ve run into approximately equal numbers… now THOSE fights were fun!!! MOAR PLZ!)
now with all that said and done, i didn’t get a chance to play this morning i had to work early. but i did run in real quick just to grab the score.
I don’t think you are getting the consequences of your actions.
You want to leave a red/blue server that is getting beaten by a green server. With few exceptions, most of the recent WvW matches have been dominated by the green server.
If others do the same bandwagoning, the green server will become a red server in the next highest tier, only to get stomped. By moving, you’ll eventually end up in the same situation you want to leave now.
Not entirely true down here…
No one knows if SF can handle T7 because SF actually never left T8 after it became bigger. Also, no one know if HoD/GoM are really bigger than SF in order to loopside T8 if they ever drop.
NSP used to hold itself very well in T6, until a suposedly 2v1 in order to drop’em (or so legend says). Also, Darkhaven (Ex-green T7), is handling very well at T6 (as new red).
The problems the high tiers are facing right now just go as far as T5… If IoJ/DR ever drop down, things might change, but for now, that’s it.
to be fair, i can only report on things i personally observe. and i know the numbers flip-flop both ways. i’ve seen nights where we’ve fielded a zerg of 30-40 and i can see the chatter indicating we have defenders on the home front, but this usually only happens prime EST playtime on, or shortly after, reset night. and while we’re fielding 30, i’m taking screenshots of what looks like way more than that of you guys. during the week, our numbers drop. even at the “after work/school for America” window of time, we’re outnumbered.
the rest of the time, when we get “alot” (for us) of people together, its not enough to generate orange swords, which means we have less than 25 rolling. and we don’t always have people back home to defend.
even the “morning shift” doesn’t usually have enough people to pop orange swords (we’re close sometimes, tho. lol) but that IS the most likely time when we run into lesser numbers of SF. (or, for the past few days, we’ve run into approximately equal numbers… now THOSE fights were fun!!! MOAR PLZ!)
now with all that said and done, i didn’t get a chance to play this morning
i had to work early. but i did run in real quick just to grab the score.
Wow, how long was that after the screenshot where all of EB was blue? The score looks about the same (I think).
Coverage, coverage, coverage. Yes, SF does field more players than both FC/ET servers for a part of the day, and more players than either server for another part. Why we can’t field them in those early hours speaks to our work/school schedule (though as you have said, we seem to be fielding a bit more in those hours lately). I think some of our truly dedicated folks are losing some sleep to try and keep us from losing too many points in the ratings. We really want to move up and see how we fare against T7. I think that will show what SF is made of. We will either pull together and work our way up that Tier or we will lose a number of fair weather players when the numbers/fighting gets tough consistently and move back down to T8. (Please Anet, make a small change to ranking and make it so any server, except T1 of course, that wins 3 or 4 straight matches should move up whether their rating points say they should or not. That will at least keep things fresh for a week or two until they have to move back down again if they do not win.)
And I agree, while zerging places is great and all, I like the fights where strategy determines the winner. They can be long but well worth it! Wish I could have time in the morning to be in one of those fights. Maybe I will call in with a flat tire tomorrow.
This probably won’t be taken well, but if we could combine the three of our servers I think we would own W3. (or would it be 3W?)
I don’t think you are getting the consequences of your actions.
You want to leave a red/blue server that is getting beaten by a green server. With few exceptions, most of the recent WvW matches have been dominated by the green server.
If others do the same bandwagoning, the green server will become a red server in the next highest tier, only to get stomped. By moving, you’ll eventually end up in the same situation you want to leave now.
Not entirely true down here…
No one knows if SF can handle T7 because SF actually never left T8 after it became bigger. Also, no one know if HoD/GoM are really bigger than SF in order to loopside T8 if they ever drop.
NSP used to hold itself very well in T6, until a suposedly 2v1 in order to drop’em (or so legend says). Also, Darkhaven (Ex-green T7), is handling very well at T6 (as new red).The problems the high tiers are facing right now just go as far as T5… If IoJ/DR ever drop down, things might change, but for now, that’s it.
Wait how long have you been in T8 for….under a week and now there is a new expert on the field. I realize that there was a problem when SoS players moved to your old server, but to trash talk people that joined a winning server and had you guys move up to face the T1 competition is a little suspect to me. Now here on T8 SF get blasted for having to many people and some how vilified for even trying to recruit, like it’s some how our fault that ET and FC hasn’t even been able to compete with us. I just don’t understand why someone would transfer to the T8 quagmire and then start crying foul about everything in T8….you did make the decision to transfer here.
Honestly, while i would always enjoy more support on my server (Sorrow’s Furnace), if you want to stay on a Tier 8 server, I would say ET and FC are in more need of reinforcements to help make things balance out a bit.
Possibly FC more than ET from what i have seen on the field.
That said, if you are a late night player or Oceanic player, Sorrow’s Furnace could use some WvW reinforcements there.
I don’t think you are getting the consequences of your actions.
You want to leave a red/blue server that is getting beaten by a green server. With few exceptions, most of the recent WvW matches have been dominated by the green server.
If others do the same bandwagoning, the green server will become a red server in the next highest tier, only to get stomped. By moving, you’ll eventually end up in the same situation you want to leave now.
Not entirely true down here…
No one knows if SF can handle T7 because SF actually never left T8 after it became bigger. Also, no one know if HoD/GoM are really bigger than SF in order to loopside T8 if they ever drop.
NSP used to hold itself very well in T6, until a suposedly 2v1 in order to drop’em (or so legend says). Also, Darkhaven (Ex-green T7), is handling very well at T6 (as new red).The problems the high tiers are facing right now just go as far as T5… If IoJ/DR ever drop down, things might change, but for now, that’s it.
Wait how long have you been in T8 for….under a week and now there is a new expert on the field. I realize that there was a problem when SoS players moved to your old server, but to trash talk people that joined a winning server and had you guys move up to face the T1 competition is a little suspect to me. Now here on T8 SF get blasted for having to many people and some how vilified for even trying to recruit, like it’s some how our fault that ET and FC hasn’t even been able to compete with us. I just don’t understand why someone would transfer to the T8 quagmire and then start crying foul about everything in T8….you did make the decision to transfer here.
it doesnt take a week to look at scores and match histories
maybe an hour if you really want to figure out a few things about any given server
additionally… hes pretty much correct in his assessment
The thing I find most strange about this whole thing about trying to block SF recruits is all the threads about the broken math and everyone wanted SF out of T8 as soon as possible but for some reason now they want us to get 0 recruits but still have issues for us beating them by so much every week. I really though you guys would be happy for SF to move out…but then again maybe you have come to the realization that for whatever reasons your servers would match up against any other servers in the game so you are trying to drag us down with you.
I don’t think you are getting the consequences of your actions.
You want to leave a red/blue server that is getting beaten by a green server. With few exceptions, most of the recent WvW matches have been dominated by the green server.
If others do the same bandwagoning, the green server will become a red server in the next highest tier, only to get stomped. By moving, you’ll eventually end up in the same situation you want to leave now.
Not entirely true down here…
No one knows if SF can handle T7 because SF actually never left T8 after it became bigger. Also, no one know if HoD/GoM are really bigger than SF in order to loopside T8 if they ever drop.
NSP used to hold itself very well in T6, until a suposedly 2v1 in order to drop’em (or so legend says). Also, Darkhaven (Ex-green T7), is handling very well at T6 (as new red).The problems the high tiers are facing right now just go as far as T5… If IoJ/DR ever drop down, things might change, but for now, that’s it.
Wait how long have you been in T8 for….under a week and now there is a new expert on the field. I realize that there was a problem when SoS players moved to your old server, but to trash talk people that joined a winning server and had you guys move up to face the T1 competition is a little suspect to me. Now here on T8 SF get blasted for having to many people and some how vilified for even trying to recruit, like it’s some how our fault that ET and FC hasn’t even been able to compete with us. I just don’t understand why someone would transfer to the T8 quagmire and then start crying foul about everything in T8….you did make the decision to transfer here.
it doesnt take a week to look at scores and match histories
maybe an hour if you really want to figure out a few things about any given serveradditionally… hes pretty much correct in his assessment
Wait two weeks ago you guys said you would take any fight over SF and that we were a T5 maybe T6 server which people on SF tried to argue against. I can read scores an say since ET has only placed 2nd twice out of there last 18 matches(4.5 months) that it is more than likely that they will probably not make it out of T8 unless Anet does something drastic. And to add to the logic that SF might not be competitive in T7 what does that really say about ET and FC…only there is not a single server out there that they can compete with. ( and put a disclaimer for all your new recruits if this is your logic)
(edited by FilthyRat.4652)
I don’t think you are getting the consequences of your actions.
You want to leave a red/blue server that is getting beaten by a green server. With few exceptions, most of the recent WvW matches have been dominated by the green server.
If others do the same bandwagoning, the green server will become a red server in the next highest tier, only to get stomped. By moving, you’ll eventually end up in the same situation you want to leave now.
Not entirely true down here…
No one knows if SF can handle T7 because SF actually never left T8 after it became bigger. Also, no one know if HoD/GoM are really bigger than SF in order to loopside T8 if they ever drop.
NSP used to hold itself very well in T6, until a suposedly 2v1 in order to drop’em (or so legend says). Also, Darkhaven (Ex-green T7), is handling very well at T6 (as new red).The problems the high tiers are facing right now just go as far as T5… If IoJ/DR ever drop down, things might change, but for now, that’s it.
Wait how long have you been in T8 for….under a week and now there is a new expert on the field. I realize that there was a problem when SoS players moved to your old server, but to trash talk people that joined a winning server and had you guys move up to face the T1 competition is a little suspect to me. Now here on T8 SF get blasted for having to many people and some how vilified for even trying to recruit, like it’s some how our fault that ET and FC hasn’t even been able to compete with us. I just don’t understand why someone would transfer to the T8 quagmire and then start crying foul about everything in T8….you did make the decision to transfer here.
I’m just stating facts… If you think that’s “QQing”, I won’t even bother arguing with you…
Wow, how long was that after the screenshot where all of EB was blue? The score looks about the same (I think).
Coverage, coverage, coverage. Yes, SF does field more players than both FC/ET servers for a part of the day, and more players than either server for another part. Why we can’t field them in those early hours speaks to our work/school schedule (though as you have said, we seem to be fielding a bit more in those hours lately).
this is the only real point that i have been trying to make. as has been said numerous times by BOTH sides… it doesn’t take much skill to massively overwhelm someone else and/or take undefended points. the first few screenshots i posted a few days ago showing a blue map was fighting against minimal resistance and required little in the way of tactics. when someone from SF started being present in the morning (you seem as baffled by your morning crew as i am by mine, XD ) we had to change our tactics and fight smart. it’s a much more satisfying and fun game to play against more equal numbers. i log on at night, and the whole map is green, and everywhere you turn is 30-40+ SF running in giant packs on every map. or so it SEEMS. i may be running into the same 30+ SF. i don’t really have a way of knowing unless i start recognising people (like my jump puzzle rat buddy. rofl).
(Please Anet, make a small change to ranking and make it so any server, except T1 of course, that wins 3 or 4 straight matches should move up whether their rating points say they should or not. That will at least keep things fresh for a week or two until they have to move back down again if they do not win.)
awesome idea. even with the inevitable stomping here and there, it would help make things less stagnant.
And I agree, while zerging places is great and all, I like the fights where strategy determines the winner. They can be long but well worth it! Wish I could have time in the morning to be in one of those fights. Maybe I will call in with a flat tire tomorrow.
indeed! i’ve been GREATLY enjoying the fighting these past few mornings! unfortunately today and the next 3 days, i work mornings, so i’m missing out
call in your flat on monday or tuesday ;-)
This probably won’t be taken well, but if we could combine the three of our servers I think we would own W3. (or would it be 3W?)
an interesting thought, to be sure… i wouldn’t look forward to the queue, tho. >shudder<
I don’t think you are getting the consequences of your actions.
You want to leave a red/blue server that is getting beaten by a green server. With few exceptions, most of the recent WvW matches have been dominated by the green server.
If others do the same bandwagoning, the green server will become a red server in the next highest tier, only to get stomped. By moving, you’ll eventually end up in the same situation you want to leave now.
Not entirely true down here…
No one knows if SF can handle T7 because SF actually never left T8 after it became bigger. Also, no one know if HoD/GoM are really bigger than SF in order to loopside T8 if they ever drop.
NSP used to hold itself very well in T6, until a suposedly 2v1 in order to drop’em (or so legend says). Also, Darkhaven (Ex-green T7), is handling very well at T6 (as new red).The problems the high tiers are facing right now just go as far as T5… If IoJ/DR ever drop down, things might change, but for now, that’s it.
Wait how long have you been in T8 for….under a week and now there is a new expert on the field. I realize that there was a problem when SoS players moved to your old server, but to trash talk people that joined a winning server and had you guys move up to face the T1 competition is a little suspect to me. Now here on T8 SF get blasted for having to many people and some how vilified for even trying to recruit, like it’s some how our fault that ET and FC hasn’t even been able to compete with us. I just don’t understand why someone would transfer to the T8 quagmire and then start crying foul about everything in T8….you did make the decision to transfer here.
I’m just stating facts… If you think that’s “QQing”, I won’t even bother arguing with you…
Never said that you were QQ’ing at all. What I was saying that you posted on threads and read them before you came here and now that you are here after knowing the problem, that it is wrong for people to transfer to SF cause we are in first in our tier. I just don’t understand why SF can’t try to recruit so we can be competitive in T7…and please I’m not trying to argue, just stating the facts as I see them.
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