TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: RonnyRaygun.5692


for those guilds thinking of transferring servers. i Recommend NSP. they have a night crew and and just need more help on other times from what i gather from fighting them. So Come join us on NSP. Gunna also build an Official Alliance and i really look foward to working thos who have been on NSP from the beginning

Commander Ronny Raygun
[TCMM] The Culpeper Minute Men Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Uhh, lol ok. when did this happen ?

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Our night crew pretty much completely bailed to kaineng…

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: B Rad.5416

B Rad.5416

Ronny kitten quitting on AR, dam. Oh well, you were one of the commanders that was causing me to leave the server because of your ineptitude that you showed while being a commander.

Best of luck on NSP

B Rad 80 Thief | Scrúbs 80 Guardian | Aquaholic 80 Elementalist |
Keyser Soze 80 Warrior | Muted 80 Mesmer | Crim De La Crim 80 Necro |
Server: Jade Quarry

(edited by B Rad.5416)

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Bearded.6485


So you caused a bunch of drama, then got your feelings hurt when people actually started treating you the way that you treat everyone else. Ironic isnt it!

You left GOM because there was too much drama and noone would listen to you, and now you are leaving AR because there is too much drama and noone would listen too you. At what point do you look at yourself and relize its not everyone else………IT’S YOU.

You left long time friends on AR, people who stayed because the way you are acting is absurd. The sad part is there wasnt a single person involved that didnt want to work this out with you, NOT ONE PERSON! The unforuntate thing is you wouldnt back down, and admit you were in the wrong. The more you pushed the more other people will push back. Like I told you before I left TCMM. “You are you’re own worst enemy.”

Good Luck Ronny, I hope you will seek the help you need to fix your personal problems, and get you life in order so stuff like this doesnt happen again!

The Guys that left you will be missed. TCMM was a great bunch of guys. To the Guys that havent left . Sahira has stayed on AR, the Alliance is still intact, and the TS server is still avaible and will be for the forseeable future. As long as your not in NSP or another server you are welcome to join any time. If you dont want to go or are not sure what to do. There is a home for you on AR. The majority of the people that made TCMM great stayed on AR.

(edited by Bearded.6485)

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: RonnyRaygun.5692


no reply for a former discruntled employee. GOT JOB?

Commander Ronny Raygun
[TCMM] The Culpeper Minute Men Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Catisa.6507


wow ronny jumped to yet another server? how unsurprising. Enjoy the drunk “leadership” and 21 golem failures.


(edited by Catisa.6507)

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: lBANKAll.2183




Commander IBANKAI Lord of Quaggans
[ALS] Anvil’s Last Stand Guild Leader

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Noroz.9527


Okay, an FYI to everyone interested in transferring to NSP. This is not how NSP works. If you are interested in transferring, please disregard comments regarding Ronny. It is not how we work.

If what Bearded said is accurate, I will, not co-operate, along with my guild and most likely my allies.

Commander Noroz Vi Britannia
Northern Shiverpeaks
[AS] Artificial Strife

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


Wait…you mean there were others that didn’t like Ronny but yet continued to defend him on a daily basis? Nice of you yellowards to come out now that he’s off the server….where were you weeks ago when he was being called out by several people not in your precious alliance on AR?

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Baen.7591


Wait…you mean there were others that didn’t like Ronny but yet continued to defend him on a daily basis? Nice of you yellowards to come out now that he’s off the server….where were you weeks ago when he was being called out by several people not in your precious alliance on AR?

I have no words to disagree with you, its true. It has been a downwards spiral when he “retired” as alliance leader.

[ALS] Anvils Last Stand – Baenius (80 Warrior)
Anvil Rock

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

Xandria: Meh. You’re just as bad a personality. Glad you’re gone.



Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


Xandria: Meh. You’re just as bad a personality. Glad you’re gone.


Yes, that’s why so many of you people are asking for me to come back to AR right? Cause I was such a bad influence on “your” population.

I’m glad I’m gone too. I don’t have to deal with the drama that comes with being people that are so far up someone elses a** that we couldn’t tell who was who.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

Whomever asked you to come back: LOL

Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


It’s been several in “your” alliance, actually. And, many more asking several of EOH members what server they moved to because they’d liked several of our guildmates’ company when out doing things.

So, if everyone is glad that we’re gone….quit asking us where we went, as if it isn’t obvious by the Sig where we are. We don’t have any problems here and we’re accepted as we are. We wouldn’t come back to AR anyways, even if it had something to offer….which is doesn’t.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

Uh huh. I’m impressed, and truly bothered!


Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


This guy has a secret love affair with me…tell no one.

PS: I built a Flame Ram in DR and EB Citadel in honor of you.

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

Stormy, you dream boat.

Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


Stormy, you dream boat.

Just so you know, I did consider your request to join AR. :p Sadly all my friends and the people I know are on Kaineng. Was going to at least visit you though…till the stupid paid Transfers popped up. -.- So the Flame Rams were my way of honoring you while having to decline the offer! I blame Chaster…Have you -seen- that man?! He’s irresistible!

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: lBANKAll.2183


Xandria: Meh. You’re just as bad a personality. Glad you’re gone.


Yes, that’s why so many of you people are asking for me to come back to AR right? Cause I was such a bad influence on “your” population.

I’m glad I’m gone too. I don’t have to deal with the drama that comes with being people that are so far up someone elses a** that we couldn’t tell who was who.

pweeez come back :/


Commander IBANKAI Lord of Quaggans
[ALS] Anvil’s Last Stand Guild Leader

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

Okay, NOW I has a sad. Q__Q

Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


Okay, NOW I has a sad. Q__Q

Look on the bright side…if she did come back, you have a great reason to come join me! Come to me my Anvil Pants! Join the Dark Side of the Transfer Server!

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Xandria: Meh. You’re just as bad a personality. Glad you’re gone.


Yes, that’s why so many of you people are asking for me to come back to AR right? Cause I was such a bad influence on “your” population.

I’m glad I’m gone too. I don’t have to deal with the drama that comes with being people that are so far up someone elses a** that we couldn’t tell who was who.

No one cares your gone, people that leave are sellouts, they can make excuses but the bottom line is the have zero pride and are lemmings.

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


Like others that have left the server, I wish nothing but the best for you and your guild. Good luck on your future endeavors. Not sure how well you guys will work with some of the other guilds there, I foresee some personality conflict. Hopefully the time was taken and the decision was what was best for the people who transferred, and not done due to some odd sense of pride from one person over a video game.

P.S. Dovgan gives no quarter, if I see you one of us will die.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: nekos.2584


I don’t know why there is all the hate for Ronny. In the short time i was on AR and invited to TCMM Ronny was great and nice enough to me. He was one of the few commanders who actually got people together, got them to follow and listen and actually accomplish something. Sadly i can not say the same for most of the other commanders i came across on AR. This is the main reason i left the server.

TCMM, I wish you guys the best of luck on NSP ! I didn’t really get to know many of you but you all seemed like a great group of people. Sorry i ended up jumping ship but i really wanted to move up in tiers / competition. Again, i wish you guys and gal’s the best of luck on NSP ! =)

One last thing … NSP people, Don’t let the bickering in this thread influence your impression of Ronny or TCMM. See for your self what Ronny and that guild is about.

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Bearded.6485


Okay, an FYI to everyone interested in transferring to NSP. This is not how NSP works. If you are interested in transferring, please disregard comments regarding Ronny. It is not how we work.

If what Bearded said is accurate, I will, not co-operate, along with my guild and most likely my allies.

If you knew exactly how much I have toned it down from exactly what happened and why you would be amazed. Also I ask several other people in the AR alliance if it was too much? All said it was spot on. The only problem any one had was that they thought I should have left out the part about getting help for his personal problem. I left it in because it wasn’t meant as a shot at Ronny. I do hope he decides to seek help. We have mutual friends, and I hate to see them drug threw this over and over!

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


I don’t hate ronny, am I dissapointed he left … ya sure I am. But AR has always had a proud base, we fight, even when Kain was stomping us, we fought and gave them a better matchup then T5. It is what it is and I wish Ronny the best but in the end, we will crush them.

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

@ nekos

Not hate. Strong, unresolvable disagreement.

For your part, start here:

I don’t know… In the short time i was on AR and invited to TCMM…

Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Noroz.9527


Okay, an FYI to everyone interested in transferring to NSP. This is not how NSP works. If you are interested in transferring, please disregard comments regarding Ronny. It is not how we work.

If what Bearded said is accurate, I will, not co-operate, along with my guild and most likely my allies.

If you knew exactly how much I have toned it down from exactly what happened and why you would be amazed. Also I ask several other people in the AR alliance if it was too much? All said it was spot on. The only problem any one had was that they thought I should have left out the part about getting help for his personal problem. I left it in because it wasn’t meant as a shot at Ronny. I do hope he decides to seek help. We have mutual friends, and I hate to see them drug threw this over and over!

I have already gotten a first impression of him, but I will keep it to myself. I will say, however, that his way of WvW’ing goes against quite a lot of my philosophy. Either way, if there is any drama created on NSP as a result, I, and my fellow Guild Leaders, will make sure to crush it before it gets out of hand.

If we fail at that… Well, it’s very easy to strip a commander of his power; block and inform.

Commander Noroz Vi Britannia
Northern Shiverpeaks
[AS] Artificial Strife

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: nekos.2584


@ nekos

Not hate. Strong, unresolvable disagreement.

For your part, start here:

I don’t know… In the short time i was on AR and invited to TCMM…

That’s a good place to start…

In my short time on AR i was invited, and declined, no less then 100 times to ALS. Also, in my short time on these forums i have seen the ALS higher up’s hijack a thread and take shots at another guild and it’s guild leader.

You don’t need to know some one for very long to know what kind of person they are. I mean i don’t know you but i know you’re a self centered child and your posts in this thread just back up that claim.

Anyway, you have a nice day.

(edited by nekos.2584)

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


As a forum troll, I call your bluff. I talk ALOT of kitten here and ALS is rarely involved in more then a flameram worship. As for ALS inviting you 100 times … who the kitten are you trying to kid ? No guild does that.

I have nothing against Ronny but aparently your love for him is a whole new level, were his balls salty ? If he asks you to drink the kool aid, will you be the first to poor a drink ?

Even Ronny should be creeped out by your love for him.

Besides don’t you have a new commander on JQ that need his lower region polished ?

(edited by Nuzt.7894)

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

He meant that ALS invited him 100 times, and he declined. I doubt that, but it seems to have turned out well for all.

Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: lBANKAll.2183


Nekos lay off the bath salts yo

Commander IBANKAI Lord of Quaggans
[ALS] Anvil’s Last Stand Guild Leader

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Hope this doesn’t unbalance the tier match up. Goin by the numbers, y’all seem to be havin fun.

Gate of Madness

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Oh man,

One of the reason I left the alliance.

Following a drunk commander who will just throw a zerg to their dead without any tactics.

At first Ronny seems like a cool guy, then he get crazy and do aweful thing.

I’m proud we lost the cheater (been a long thing since we had any hacks?&) and now we lose a self centered commander who randomly throw AR zerg everywhere.

Like I said, good luck to NSP, now that you are stuck with him. Don’t worry, he will create an alliance, lead it, then get mad, drunk, destroy a few golem and leave your server.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


I think you’ll find that we still have a night crew.
(will not release to secret documents to public)

And welcome to the Northern Shiverpeaks!

I don’t take drama on NSP and nor should you expect to receive any.
Not that I’m going to believe what I hear. Because I have had grief from AR myself. But all of the dudes who have caused drama in the past on NSP got, pew pew, shot down in flames.

I hope you enjoy your new environment as much as we do c:

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: nekos.2584


As a forum troll, I call your bluff. I talk ALOT of kitten here and ALS is rarely involved in more then a flameram worship. As for ALS inviting you 100 times … who the kitten are you trying to kid ? No guild does that.

I have nothing against Ronny but aparently your love for him is a whole new level, were his balls salty ? If he asks you to drink the kool aid, will you be the first to poor a drink ?

Even Ronny should be creeped out by your love for him.

Besides don’t you have a new commander on JQ that need his lower region polished ?

Was my comment directed towards you ? Oh BTW, you got a little brown on your nose.

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: B Rad.5416

B Rad.5416

We wouldn’t come back to AR anyways, even if it had something to offer….which is doesn’t.

Calling you out.

AR offers the best sPvP community of all the NA servers. Don’t believe me? Go to the sPvP forums.

B Rad 80 Thief | Scrúbs 80 Guardian | Aquaholic 80 Elementalist |
Keyser Soze 80 Warrior | Muted 80 Mesmer | Crim De La Crim 80 Necro |
Server: Jade Quarry

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


I would like to say, that despite previous indisgressions, I firmly believe in new beginnings.

NSP is a fun place to be.

Yes we are a little understaffed, and yes we are looking for more participating guilds.

We do not turn people away based on their former server drama.

We do, however, turn people away for current server drama. If Ronny decides to cause problems on NSP, this will not be a problem for us, we have taken care of much worse and are strong against opposing forces within our own server.

All the formalities aside, I enjoy cat pictures.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

(edited by Toble.2968)

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


We wouldn’t come back to AR anyways, even if it had something to offer….which is doesn’t.

Calling you out.

AR offers the best sPvP community of all the NA servers. Don’t believe me? Go to the sPvP forums.

And to correct your mistake, sPVP is available to all servers at once. Your answer should have been that it “seems” that Anvil Rock has the “most” sPVPers out of all the servers. But, that would even be incorrect, because I have been matched with some of Anvil Rock’s finest on many of my toons by chance and honestly I don’t see the stigma associated with your comment (I’ve killed many and been near top or top in pts most matches). Now my next conquest will be tPVP when I get dedicated people to form a team within our guild. Don’t believe me….ask Keyba about my days in sPVP.

Plus, we’re not talking about sPVP here anyways….this was about WvW anyways.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Everend.8963


I play Tollam an 80th level elementalist. Until yesterday I was in TCMM and now I was kicked out. Why? What happened?

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

Plus, we’re not talking about sPVP here anyways….this was about WvW anyways.

Really? You’ve only been talking about the number of = in your 8====D

Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: B Rad.5416

B Rad.5416

We wouldn’t come back to AR anyways, even if it had something to offer….which is doesn’t.

Calling you out.

AR offers the best sPvP community of all the NA servers. Don’t believe me? Go to the sPvP forums.

And to correct your mistake, sPVP is available to all servers at once. Your answer should have been that it “seems” that Anvil Rock has the “most” sPVPers out of all the servers. But, that would even be incorrect, because I have been matched with some of Anvil Rock’s finest on many of my toons by chance and honestly I don’t see the stigma associated with your comment (I’ve killed many and been near top or top in pts most matches). Now my next conquest will be tPVP when I get dedicated people to form a team within our guild. Don’t believe me….ask Keyba about my days in sPVP.

Plus, we’re not talking about sPVP here anyways….this was about WvW anyways.

What I meant is best sPvP community, oh wait that is what I said. It does not ‘seem’ as though AR has the best community it is a fact that can be proven by going to the mists of all of the other servers.

The only type of sPvP you have played is hotjoin which is really easy to score high in, and most players you are playing are usually bad or trying out a new class. Also points scored does not equal skill. Just means you are around the action and have tagged a lot of people. Go to the AR mists and tell people you score high in hotjoin matches and therefore you are good, you will be made fun.

B Rad 80 Thief | Scrúbs 80 Guardian | Aquaholic 80 Elementalist |
Keyser Soze 80 Warrior | Muted 80 Mesmer | Crim De La Crim 80 Necro |
Server: Jade Quarry

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


Oh my….sPVP must be serious business on AR….to the point that AR is the bestest SERVER EVER. I wonder if you were SO EPIC to begin with that YOU totally skipped over sPVP to begin with….because that’s what we’re talking about right sPVP….

Or, I could have sworn that you’ve switched to the tPVP part of the topic which is not what YOU are discussing at this moment in time. But wait, that still goes without saying that as far as I’m concerned….AR still doesn’t hold anything worth “value” for me to ever consider returning.

Good luck to those left on AR tho, the ones that have to put up with the steaming piles of cow dung that still think the way that they do.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: RonnyRaygun.5692


If you are TCMM, make sure to transfer to NSP. rank and all will be reset and restructered 1 hr b4 reset. Then im cleaning house

Commander Ronny Raygun
[TCMM] The Culpeper Minute Men Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Vilkata.4725


I saw “Transferredo” in the title and thought it was short for “Transfer Tornado” referring to all the transfers happening right now.

Leader of The Quiddity [Quid]
Everything is a Nemesis plot.

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Kellnor.5428


Since this thread is already….TOTALLY derailed…..I hope this doesn’t count as a hijack….

If any of you are still looking for a place to land though, come join us on Jade Quarry!

We take hardcore pride in being basically “drama free” and have been holding our own in T1 longer than any other server Hit me, or anyone from JQ for details or visit our official thread!

Best regards, hope to see you guys soon!

Commander Kell Swiftfire, Jade Quarry
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]

(edited by Kellnor.5428)

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Fresh As I Is.6280

Fresh As I Is.6280

My guild will be transferring to NSP tomorrow. 14 Players strong! Fear the Womb

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Reido Kyuuten.4709

Reido Kyuuten.4709

FDP is also transferring from CD to NSP

PS: Why all the attention given to someone you hate leaving? AR seems like the crazy ex who tries to blame everything on you but is obsessed.

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: B Rad.5416

B Rad.5416

Oh dear Anvil….you were a nobody until you got your ICON, and then you were a puppet commander for quite some time. You were given your position and it was not earned. Please oh please don’t confuse opinion with fact….it will only hurt your leftover alliance in the long run. Maybe what’s left should do a proper vote on who should lead and see if your given position still remains.

@ ktith sPvP as in structured pvp, tournaments fall into the category of structured pvp. just stop being so salty about AR and admit you were wrong. Or is your ego to big?

B Rad 80 Thief | Scrúbs 80 Guardian | Aquaholic 80 Elementalist |
Keyser Soze 80 Warrior | Muted 80 Mesmer | Crim De La Crim 80 Necro |
Server: Jade Quarry