TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Rashagal.5867


Since this thread is already….TOTALLY derailed…..I hope this doesn’t count as a hijack….

If any of you are still looking for a place to land though, come join us on Jade Quarry!

We take hardcore pride in being basically “drama free” and have been holding our own in T1 longer than any other server Hit me, or anyone from JQ for details or visit our official thread!

Best regards, hope to see you guys soon!

Really? Go back home, zergfest. We don’t need you slumming for numbers around here in the lower tiers. Leave the poaching to Kaineg. The last thing AR wants is to be picked over for the last few scraps of WvW we have left.

As for the alliance, I’m a pug on AR from a no name guild, but I try to keep informed. There’s no sense in beating a dead horse in this thread. [TCMM] left us like they left GOM at the first sign of drama. Get over it, talk to the people that stayed and get them set in a welcoming guild and refocus on having fun. The timing on this couldn’t be worse for us considering we were winning in the absolute closest match up we have ever had, but don’t let this ruin who we are as a server just before transfers stop. Those that left are NSP’s problem now. They have heard our piece and its up to them to heed our warning. At this point, talking trash about them will only paint us in a poor light, and persuade more to leave, giving BP even more of an advantage on the match up.

Lighten up, let Ronny have his little thread, and log back in to burn some traitors.

Anvil Rock Ambassador of [Sane];
[ARM] Anvil Rock Militia Commander;
The Loryak: I speak for these beasts.

TCMM Just Transferredo NSP from AR

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.6837



As this thread is not inviting to constructive and healthy discussion, it is now closed.

Thank you for your understanding.