TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Ruufio.1496


We held Overlook from your first wave of daily zergs which lasted about 4 hours. 2 walls and 2 gates ended up remaining 50% after it was over. We didn’t have enough supply to finish our upgrade or to repair them in time for your night-time daily zerg, so you beat us by going through watergate and the east inner wall.

I believe this is the first time Ehmry Bay has held it this long. Of course, it’s impossible to hold it against your endless waves of zerg comming from 5 ft away from overlook where your spawn point is.

So thank you for letting us farm you for so long with our siege weapons.
~Your friendly neighbourhood, white-eyed Necromancer whom you’ve most likely been killed by.

TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Samarkand.9748


Well thank you for letting 3 of us ram down your paper water gate unmolested and allowing another 10 to smash down your back wall in silence while you where having fun camping our spawn.

Also thanks for trebbing us from SM as per usual:)

Strange how we took OL, repaired the wall , placed siege and even got the walls upgraded while we had the out manned buff and under constant fire. Apparently that annoyed you, so you sent in one of your zergs with cata’s to finish off the wall that your treb had been hitting just fine.

It was our pleasure to wipe them:)

Belascuza. The Beastly Besties (BB) Devona’s Rest
“Get off my Lawn.”

TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: crawlerxp.1536


The heck is the point of this thread?

TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Samarkand.9748


Just Ebay and Devona’s BFF-ing.
Despite the score we’ve had a rather civil match up with them and IOJ:)
It’s been crushing, brutal, and incredibly fun.

Belascuza. The Beastly Besties (BB) Devona’s Rest
“Get off my Lawn.”

TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Just Ebay and Devona’s BFF-ing.
Despite the score we’ve had a rather civil match up with them and IOJ:)
It’s been crushing, brutal, and incredibly fun.

I’ll miss you sooooooo! -Glomp-sobs- D’X

After nearly two weeks, you guys are practically family… Sure, a rather stabby and disfunctional lot, BUT STILL!

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)

TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Fingahz.6038


I hope you showed them my picture.

TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Elm.8169


The booty-hurt is strong in this one.

TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


Oh I don’t know why you’re thanking me, I wasn’t there. See, I was in your Cliff tower at the time in your borderlands…

And there was only three of us there, you know. Me, and a pair of uplevels that needed me to spend a whole thirty minutes what WvW was, and how they got here, and how they were a long way away from Queensdale.

And outside of the tower, well, you say you had to deal with the DR zerg? We had to deal with the EBay zerg. Which involves more than five people. As in, the culling was so bad, I could only see a brief screen of red names appear before the display just gave up, and offered me soothing placeholders of bunnies manning siege engines instead.

And oh they had siege engines. We were surrounded by trebuchets, showering us with cows because the gates and walls were long destroyed. And this was no ordinary EBay zerg, no, we fought that off hours ago. These were battle hardened mercenaries brought in from the Tier 2 servers, every single one of them abusing portal bombs, gears, and expensive dyes to give them the edge they thought would be enough to drive us from the sea of EBay green on their map. The single solitary dot of defiant DR red.

I couldn’t start my own thread thanking your server for a certain finite amount of karma, because even the ANet employees asking me if I was hacking didn’t know what my final tally was after my karma count suddenly started getting into the really weird ASCII characters, though I can tell you it sort of looked like a smiley face smoking a cigarette and cursing in french. And by this point I didn’t even bother picking up the bags off the fallen, the tower looked like it was carpeted by vampires with all that sparkle.

Of course, once we lost our lone arrowcart thanks to their third attempt of a golem rush, things were looking grim. I will admit, I figured it was hopeless, even with my two uplevels valiantly sacrificing themselves, ensuring that every single thief on the EBay server felt obligated to get on their corpse and /laugh, keeping them entertained for at least a few minutes. It’s impossible to hold off against your endless zerg of quickened Omega Golems…

Or was it?

For you see, the staff wasn’t my main weapon. As the ravenous hordes closed in on me and the tower lord, I switched to my hammer, and wouldn’t you know, I managed to knock their entire bubble zerg off with a single press of the number 4.

Oh, and then I saved the IoJ princess.

Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Samarkand.9748


I hope you showed them my picture.

Meeps ma peeps!

They have seen it many, many times
You get them next week, you know what to do

Belascuza. The Beastly Besties (BB) Devona’s Rest
“Get off my Lawn.”

TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


imagine the clutter mess this sub forum would be if everyone from ever server felt need to give rest of the player population blow by blow of fighting like this thread does. What should be done is like make a new thread each week match up that people could talk about that matchup..What a novel concept.

TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


The heck is the point of this thread?

Trying to boost his own ego while acting like a kitten and think he’s the only one that killed them all,and without him the server is lost.What else ?

TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Ruufio.1496


The heck is the point of this thread?

Trying to boost his own ego while acting like a kitten and think he’s the only one that killed them all,and without him the server is lost.What else ?

Said the angry Devonian.

TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


Wait, getting Karma is something to brag about? I am confused. Can someone clarify please?

TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Dream In A Dream.7213

Dream In A Dream.7213

Dr zerg? at Dr spawn?
Eb fighting off a Dr zerg?

Dr zerg?

Are you sure it wasn’t FC or ET zerg too?

On a serious note, this should be in ebvsdrvsioj thread and not here.
Mods please merge the threads.

TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


The heck is the point of this thread?

Trying to boost his own ego while acting like a kitten and think he’s the only one that killed them all,and without him the server is lost.What else ?

Said the angry Devonian.

Not exactly..merely pointing out the obvious.Btw,im from FS…

TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Fingahz.6038


I hope you showed them my picture.

Meeps ma peeps!

They have seen it many, many times
You get them next week, you know what to do

Printed up a whole box of Bela pictures just for them!

TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Oh I don’t know why you’re thanking me, I wasn’t there. See, I was in your Cliff tower at the time in your borderlands…

And there was only three of us there, you know. Me, and a pair of uplevels that needed me to spend a whole thirty minutes what WvW was, and how they got here, and how they were a long way away from Queensdale.

And outside of the tower, well, you say you had to deal with the DR zerg? We had to deal with the EBay zerg. Which involves more than five people. As in, the culling was so bad, I could only see a brief screen of red names appear before the display just gave up, and offered me soothing placeholders of bunnies manning siege engines instead.

And oh they had siege engines. We were surrounded by trebuchets, showering us with cows because the gates and walls were long destroyed. And this was no ordinary EBay zerg, no, we fought that off hours ago. These were battle hardened mercenaries brought in from the Tier 2 servers, every single one of them abusing portal bombs, gears, and expensive dyes to give them the edge they thought would be enough to drive us from the sea of EBay green on their map. The single solitary dot of defiant DR red.

I couldn’t start my own thread thanking your server for a certain finite amount of karma, because even the ANet employees asking me if I was hacking didn’t know what my final tally was after my karma count suddenly started getting into the really weird ASCII characters, though I can tell you it sort of looked like a smiley face smoking a cigarette and cursing in french. And by this point I didn’t even bother picking up the bags off the fallen, the tower looked like it was carpeted by vampires with all that sparkle.

Of course, once we lost our lone arrowcart thanks to their third attempt of a golem rush, things were looking grim. I will admit, I figured it was hopeless, even with my two uplevels valiantly sacrificing themselves, ensuring that every single thief on the EBay server felt obligated to get on their corpse and /laugh, keeping them entertained for at least a few minutes. It’s impossible to hold off against your endless zerg of quickened Omega Golems…

Or was it?

For you see, the staff wasn’t my main weapon. As the ravenous hordes closed in on me and the tower lord, I switched to my hammer, and wouldn’t you know, I managed to knock their entire bubble zerg off with a single press of the number 4.

Oh, and then I saved the IoJ princess.

Aya, yeeeeah. We do apologize for the excessive trebbing and golem-zerg action. We’re taking the opportunity to get some of our folks trained up in their use and application on the field.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

TY For 35k Karma, Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


Dr zerg? at Dr spawn?
Eb fighting off a Dr zerg?

Dr zerg?

Are you sure it wasn’t FC or ET zerg too?

On a serious note, this should be in ebvsdrvsioj thread and not here.
Mods please merge the threads.

greatest comment ever

The Black Tides
Èl Cid