Tactical WvW: Orb-like items

Tactical WvW: Orb-like items

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


WvW could use some variety, here’s my take:

  • Orb-like item that gives some local bonus instead of server-wide. When placed inside a tower/keep it would give bonus for that fort only.

This would mean there is a fallback-keep for outmanned servers, but it’s just one place on the map – nothing gamebreaking. Would be really nice to have one keep to defend during the night, when facing more numerous enemy zerg, and not seeing every tower/keep fall in a matter of minutes.

The bonus itself can come in various forms but it has to be useful to smaller outnumbered team. Stronger walls and gates, more resistant siege, actually useful NPCs..

There could also be orb-like items that are environmental weapons. They don’t have to be imbalanced, not even necessarily stronger. One per map, or few per map, or lasting temporarily and bought with badges. I’m not sure about this one, might be bad idea, but it would sure make things more fun.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.