Tanky classes / builds
Guardian = heal/boon bot
faceroll keyboard, become the best tank
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
Now I wanted to play another class and play a bit more tanky. Is it even possible to rez at heave AoE fire? Or is this not possbile with any classes?
Depends on how you define “heavy AoE fire”. No class can take a prolonged pounding from 20+ focusing on his position. Guardian/Warrior doing invoulnerability and stability at the same time would be the strongest in that position, but then again whoever you res will be dead far faster than you can res them.
Any class can have a very tanky build and gear. Necros for example make some of the best tanks, despite only having light armor.
If I don’t want to buff others and heal others(only want to rez – other stuff is boring) then it would be better to play Warrior?
Or can Guardian also be played to do a bit damage like running into the zerg doing damage and then running a bit away to heal. (But there probably also the Warrior is better?)
Cause staying in the middle of the zerg fight all the time and taking damage a lot of time seems a bit hard to me and the blocking stuff of guardian does not seem to help that much and it seems easier with a class with higher hp that just has higher hp and can’t block.
Guardian has a couple of skills that improve ressing other characters, not to mention the AoE healing you slap down around you at the same time. And a tanky Guardian can do quite a bit of damage.
Yes you do have less HP than a Warrior, but ask any Guardian and you’ll find that’s not really an issue. Get 2000+ toughness and even a Thief will be tanky.
Thing is, a Warrior is very fun and can be incredibly tough with sheild/mace for example BUT you have little in the ways of assisting allies with stuff like ressing or healing. Shout healing is weak compared to what a Guardian can pump out while still being usefull in many other ways.