Tarnished Desert!

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Altie.4571


See? It’s comments like these that make me want to whomp Altie over the head, stuff him into a canvas sack and abscond with him over to TC. Then feed him cookies and tickle his tummy.


^ I rolled off the couch while being tickled and hit my eye on the table.

You should feel bad now.

Aw. I do!

Come on over here on TCBL and let me mend that poor eye. *wink

ooook ….


Funny just last week you guys were saying you have no respect for people on IOJ that went to fa….. Trolls will be trolls

I tell you, I get no respect!

Would it be possible that
A) The people posting in this thread are not those shameful CD players that bailed.
B) The people posting in this thread are still ON CD.
C) You might be trying to find fault with players on a server that are no longer there.

When scientists discover the center of the universe,
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


See? It’s comments like these that make me want to whomp Altie over the head, stuff him into a canvas sack and abscond with him over to TC. Then feed him cookies and tickle his tummy.


^ I rolled off the couch while being tickled and hit my eye on the table.

You should feel bad now.

Aw. I do!

Come on over here on TCBL and let me mend that poor eye. *wink

ooook ….


You’re leaving a trail of cookie crumbs dear…..

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Deneroth.2854


I actually wish you guys good luck just think it’s funny as its exact same thing IOJ and fa did and there is 13 pages or more of cd people complaining about it saying they have no respect ….

See thats the thing – People still miss the point of “why” the IoJ guilds left and moved to FA. It was not because we wanted to bandwagon It was not because we were “losing” or “shedding the Tiers” it was simply because the PVE community was 80% of the server and we were horribly outmanned even in our Oceanic Timeslot which was supposed to be our Prime time. The fact we stayed so high up in the tiers for that long with the low WvW population still amazes me. To the guys staying on CD – you have a solid crew and the numbers to maintain. The game is supposed to be fun, not a job.

Edit – I still hate the fact that we had to leave


Vandarra D

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


CD can still make a comeback. All we have to do is create a recruitment thread and attach nothing but pictures of babes in bikinis. No text or anything. We’ll be tier 1 in no time.

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: sinthetix.8765


CD can still make a comeback. All we have to do is create a recruitment thread and attach nothing but pictures of babes in bikinis. No text or anything. We’ll be tier 1 in no time.

I’ll get to work on finding pickles in bikinis!

Nocturne of Thix, Lime Overlord and Community Leader of Tonic: www.obeythelime.com

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Chaosx.2471


Me too, me too. I will go down with my ship. Thing is though, I don’t think we’re going anywhere.

Also, somehow two guilds going to Tarnished Coast makes it Tarnished Desert? KH/Doly and… some guild that didn’t even participate in our WvW community?

I mean you no disrespect, but your problem was with LaZy and they, with GoF, went to Blackgate. I don’t know where [RISE] and [TG] went, but whatever.

More guilds are staying than are leaving. All of our Oceanic/SEA guilds are staying. Guilds are coming into Crystal Desert.

Anyone who wants to go to TC… hop on that bandwagon. If we drop a tier, we drop a tier. But Crystal Desert isn’t going anywhere.

Sorry you fell into the panic. Should have nerd pickled.


You can spam your little pickle site and troll my thread as much as you want to sinthetix, but it wont change facts. You have no idea what you are talking about, assuming to know why we left CD, or 10 other guids did (yes 10, if you would like, I can make you a pickle site and list them all

Unlike your guild, CYN was on CD since BWE, and we were very active in the WvWvW community, until your dictatorship Alliance took over, and we stopped coming on the CD TS, as we would rather play they game then listen to people argue. Just because we didn’t come on the TS or come to your Borderland map, doesn’t mean we weren’t fighthing in CD, and your offensive comments dont change that.

You are a prime example of why we left CD, since yesterday you were sending me nice in game emails, and today you are trolling your heart out on the forums lol. I wished nothing but the best to CD, and decided to reach out to other guilds who decided to come to TC. The fact that you feel the need to troll me and try to insult me is just a little pathetic, and just goes to illustrate what people can expect by staying on CD or joining your guild.

It’s embarrassing that a Guild Leader feels the need to sink to such depths, but I guess you must be pretty desperate to try to keep people on board by covering up the truth and flaming those who leave

Anyways, one bad apple doesn’t reflect a server, so again, good luck CD! Hopefully your server will rise above the example of sinthetix

Sinner – GM & Commander
[CYN] Cynical – http://cynicalgw2.com
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: MrKnieves.4162


I always found server hopping to be funny, even more so now. Is not like you get anything for “winning”. Seems like these past week has been full of drama on Crystal Desert, good thing I decided to farm Arah tokens! But Ill be back to WvW next week and I’m sure all will be fine, just as always.

Zheenn [Warrior] [Commander]| Alondra Del Mar [Thief] | Lorean Alisk [Elemental]
Rough Trade [RTGC]
Crystal Desert

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Elite Slasher.3561

Elite Slasher.3561

Sorry to hear that CD lost so many big WvW guilds. You guys were tough opponents for a while and I always had fun fighting you guys winning or loosing. Good Luck to everyone who is staying I hope you guys can rebound from this. As to KH I am glad you guys went to TC. TC had more forum trolls than any other server we ever fought and now you guys would fit right in there. I really hope we are faced in battle again soon.

Fort Aspenwood
Commander Elite Slasher [PRO]

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Altie.4571


@ Chaos,

That’s quite a bit of an attack there.

But lets be honest here, Sinthetix didn’t ‘run’ anything or was the main party in forming any alliances. She participated and tried to be a contributing member.

Your misguided post against a person that is trying to do her best to keep the guilds that are staying here is petty and it makes you come off as kitten.

Just an FYI, the guilds that created all the drama are all gone. All that is left is a bunch of people who like to play on CD and like to WvW

When scientists discover the center of the universe,
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Zoel.9154


Dolyak war…. dolyak war never changes

Zoel – GM of [coVn]

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


I like CD a little more just because of “nerd pickles”.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Chaosx.2471


@ Chaos,

That’s quite a bit of an attack there.

But lets be honest here, Sinthetix didn’t ‘run’ anything or was the main party in forming any alliances. She participated and tried to be a contributing member.

Your misguided post against a person that is trying to do her best to keep the guilds that are staying here is petty and it makes you come off as kitten.

Just an FYI, the guilds that created all the drama are all gone. All that is left is a bunch of people who like to play on CD and like to WvW

Of course you are completely unbiased, being her officer and all

Your Guild Leader is the one who decided to initiate hostilites by flaming my post and insulting myself and my guild. I think someone trying to rally together to keep guilds on CD is a great idea, but I think making derogatory comments about others and flaming guilds that left isn’t the way to go about doing it

Also, I think there is one more “drama” guild still left on CD hint hint

Sinner – GM & Commander
[CYN] Cynical – http://cynicalgw2.com
[TC] Tarnished Coast

(edited by Chaosx.2471)

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Blrrgh.6908


I have to say, in regards to “nerd pickles”……

I don’t think i can ever look at a pickle again without getting the creep shivers.

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Altie.4571


@ Chaos,

That’s quite a bit of an attack there.

But lets be honest here, Sinthetix didn’t ‘run’ anything or was the main party in forming any alliances. She participated and tried to be a contributing member.

Your misguided post against a person that is trying to do her best to keep the guilds that are staying here is petty and it makes you come off as kitten.

Just an FYI, the guilds that created all the drama are all gone. All that is left is a bunch of people who like to play on CD and like to WvW

Of course you are completely unbiased, being her officer and all

Your Guild Leader is the one who decided to initiate hostilites by flaming my post and insulting myself and my guild. I think someone trying to rally together to keep guilds on CD is a great idea, but I think making derogatory comments about others and flaming guilds that left isn’t the way to go about doing it

Do you not see anything wrong with you posting a thread encouraging more people to abandon your old server?

That is the only question you need to answer there.

The CD posters here are to defend what we have so that we can preserve our WvW population. You on the other hand attacked it outright with your first post. You can’t ask people to bail and in the same sentence expect no one to defend the server.

When scientists discover the center of the universe,
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Chaosx.2471


I didn’t ask people to bail on anything, nor did I “attack” your WvWvW population. I simply offered other guilds that were already leaving a destination. The fact that you feel so threatened by this, and feel the need to overdramatize a simple post is comical, and somewhat sad. But you keep on “defending what you have” lol. Strike me down as the heretic poster I am !!

Sinner – GM & Commander
[CYN] Cynical – http://cynicalgw2.com
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: sinthetix.8765


I like CD a little more just because of “nerd pickles”.

Awwa, thanks!

And @Chaos, sorry that I reached out to you guys. My apologies! I, before this drama happened, noticed you guys weren’t in the TeamSpeak. I saw your recruitment post and tried to be nice. My mistake.

And I’m not trying to troll you because you left, I’m not trying to troll you at all. But your thread contributed to the chaos that is left in our server. And I care about our server, so I don’t take kindly to that.

You saw people leaving and you left. You can throw your “unlike you guys, we were here from BWE” all you want… but what good is it if you left? Lime has been here since pre-release, and is staying. But this isn’t a battle of the guilds, I don’t need to prove to anyone anything about our guild—we do this naturally as I hope your guild does as well. It is, however, a discussion of loyalty.

No, I don’t know the whole story. The story is so large, I don’t think anyone knows the story. It’s just a cluster of chaos that has been blown so far out of proportion it doesn’t make sense.

I made Nerd Pickles to counter the chaos and rally the guilds together. Nothing more, nothing less. When I saw the TeamSpeak, the map chat, and then your in game mail, I knew something had to be done. Any effort is better than none.

Nerd Pickles is just supposed to be a funny joke. I had the domain just chilling for a food blog I never made. I had the theme from my old photography site. It took 5 minutes.

And Altie is actually pretty non-biased. He has no qualms about calling me out on my flaws. He’s not my lapdog. He is my officer because he is the most skilled in the guild with WvW, not because he sucked up to me the hardest.

Truth is, most of the guilds that left CD either didn’t participate anyway and we won’t notice or caused a lot of drama anyway. A few people just left because they were scared. It’s whatever, we’ll do like a phoenix and rise from the ashes.

Peace, Love, and CRYSTAL DESERT

Nocturne of Thix, Lime Overlord and Community Leader of Tonic: www.obeythelime.com

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Kman.7358


Well CD also lost Rise(to Kaineng) any word if LW is staying?

LW is not staying. We’re making our decision tonight on where to go, but sadly, it won’t be staying on CD.

Appeased -Team Riot [RIOT] – Blackgate

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Cosmos The Cat.2954

Cosmos The Cat.2954

The coast man.

TC Thief

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Chaosx.2471


No, I don’t know the whole story. The story is so large, I don’t think anyone knows the story. It’s just a cluster of chaos that has been blown so far out of proportion it doesn’t make sense.

Truth is, most of the guilds that left CD either didn’t participate anyway and we won’t notice or caused a lot of drama anyway. A few people just left because they were scared. It’s whatever, we’ll do like a phoenix and rise from the ashes.

Peace, Love, and CRYSTAL DESERT

LOL if you think LW, RISE, KH, TG, GOF and Lazy “didn’t participate anyways” or won’t be notices, you are just deluding yourself. Those guilds were the glue of WvWvW holding everything together, and having fought beside all of them, I can truly say they all made a huge difference in WvWvW…but I guess you were too busy making pickle sites to notice that.

And if your cause was truly so noble, you wouldn’t have to resort to flaming the guilds that left by saying they were “scared”. As an adult, you can simply acknowledge the fact they had their reasons for leaving and let them be

Sinner – GM & Commander
[CYN] Cynical – http://cynicalgw2.com
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: sinthetix.8765


Actually, some guilds have admitted that they left because their prime interest is in WvW and they didn’t want to take chances.

Yes, it’s a huge hit to our server, I’m not denying that. I said “the guilds that left CD either didn’t participate anyway and we won’t notice or caused a lot of drama anyway” — Read before you rage.

We all have our flaws and, yes, calling out the leavers as scared and bandwagoners might not be the nicest thing but it has nothing to do with Nerd Pickles and how much I care about Crystal Desert. It’s my opinion, like you have yours.

Just relax bro. It’ll all be okay.

Nocturne of Thix, Lime Overlord and Community Leader of Tonic: www.obeythelime.com

(edited by sinthetix.8765)

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


Tarnished Coast is a great server for sure, and we of course welcome anyone and everyone who wants to come, but we certainly didn’t make the good name we have taunting or making others feel bad. Lets just all agree to go our seperate ways, wherever that path leads and try to avoid too much more drama for this one thread, Thanks!

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Khalahd.4163


Chaosx, you seem to be misinformed, and you and all of the guilds that left were told blatant lies, which you never bothered to fact check. There was no alliance or dictatorship trying to ‘wrest control’ of CD. I’ve seen a lot of the lies that were told about it. Many of the guilds that are staying on CD are dedicated to the community of CD. We had been before, but then we were turned into the scapegoats and blamed for all of the ills CD suffered. Note your source of information. Most of this came from Araliun, who even I myself and my guild leader strongly supported because it was best for the community. But as soon as things started going badly, someone needed a scapegoat and an imaginary alliance was created as the boogeyman. I’m sorry you’re all leaving, and leaving because of one person lying to protect his position of power…even though his scapegoats were some of his staunchest supporters. But CD will rebuild and the community will be stronger, since those left behind just want to play WvW and have fun, and don’t want to deal with the petty squabbling that plagued many of the guilds that left.
Those that left because we are losing people…I am sorry you feel that way, but I respect your wish to keep winning.
Those that left because of lies about some mythical coup…I’m sorry you were so gullible.

Legion of Malice [LOM] – Crystal Desert
Astranielle – 80 Mesmer

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


To those of you who have left Crystal Desert just because of the losing, I say the following. Everybody loses every now and then, and eventually you’ll find yourself out of places to run to because EVERYBODY loses at some point or another. And when that time comes, I hope you look at yourselves and realize how foolish you are.

For those who have left because of the arguing and crap on Team and Map chat…everybody does that at some point or another. No matter what server you go to, it will eventually happen again and again. It’s an endless cycle, and you will eventually learn to stop running, face it, and help make the community better so you don’t have to deal with that.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: MrKnieves.4162


You guys worry too much about something that doesn’t matter. Everyone is replaceable, more guilds will step up and take your place/fill in the gaps. CD is a big server with plenty of people willing to contribute.

Zheenn [Warrior] [Commander]| Alondra Del Mar [Thief] | Lorean Alisk [Elemental]
Rough Trade [RTGC]
Crystal Desert

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Chaosx.2471


Tarnished Coast is a great server for sure, and we of course welcome anyone and everyone who wants to come, but we certainly didn’t make the good name we have taunting or making others feel bad. Lets just all agree to go our seperate ways, wherever that path leads and try to avoid too much more drama for this one thread, Thanks!

Here here!

Sinner – GM & Commander
[CYN] Cynical – http://cynicalgw2.com
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: sinthetix.8765


To Ryu & Knieves,

Thank you for your posts and your optimism about our server. It’s people like you who will make CD succeed in all of this.


Nocturne of Thix, Lime Overlord and Community Leader of Tonic: www.obeythelime.com

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Elite Slasher.3561

Elite Slasher.3561

I am sorry if I offended anyone with last post I was just trying to speak the truth. I still have great respect for CD and TC and wish them all the best. I was trying to get some humor into the thread but I guess most people didn’t really get it. I really hope CD can recover and wish to face TC soon again for some amazing battles to come.

Fort Aspenwood
Commander Elite Slasher [PRO]

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: rhyein.6172


As to KH I am glad you guys went to TC. TC had more forum trolls than any other server we ever fought and now you guys would fit right in there. I really hope we are faced in battle again soon.

This is hilarious. Do I need to link the old match-up threads? How many times did Derv troll the TC/FA/CD threads talking about how no one on the other servers had skill and it was all just numbers, and how GODS were the masters of the universe? How many pages of got filled up with complaints about being outnumbered? It’s like when FA said in their current match-up thread that the “dolyak event” was just a couple of random FA who decided in the spur of the moment to attack, and TC were the big bad bullies looking for an excuse to retaliate (as if any server needs an excuse to go out there and WvW) – completely ignoring the trolling forum posts from the two GUILDS responsible about how they did it on purpose and would do it again.

TC has and always will have forum trolls but the large majority of every match-up thread was just responses to crying about losing. The funny part is that I went to the score site and looked up the old tier scores for fun earlier today and the first few weeks were incredibly close. FA defeated themselves convincing each other that they couldn’t win. Even your commanders were telling me how people just stopped showing up despite the close scores the first two weeks.

Either way, you guys are making a serious effort to rewrite history. I just wish you’d keep it to your own match-up threads.


I am sorry if I offended anyone with last post I was just trying to speak the truth.

Oh please.

(edited by rhyein.6172)

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


GODS are the masters of the universe.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


I just wish you’d keep it to your own match-up threads.

TC trying to convince guilds on CD to transfer is a match-up thread now? Times are a changing.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I think A-net missed the boat charging for server transfers when they really should harness the energy being wasted on most of these threads with the outrage and pointy finger exercises. I gave A-net a few megawatts this week myself.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Karuna.1357


The thread title is very tongue-in-cheek and people are just having some fun. A couple of CD guilds did transfer to TC and it is a happy reunion — we are excited about it. That being said, no one really believes in nor is pushing for a mass exodus from CD to the Coast. We hope to meet CD again at some point — you guys were always great opponents.

Everyone has to make up their own minds as to what is the best path for them to take at this point. The Coast is strong, and we are extremely welcoming to our new brothers and sisters and we wish the best for all other servers as well.

Guild Leader/Commander, the Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Karuna.1357)

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: sinthetix.8765


I think A-net missed the boat charging for server transfers when they really should harness the energy being wasted on most of these threads with the outrage and pointy finger exercises. I gave A-net a few megawatts this week myself.

Can we be friends? I think I love you.

Nocturne of Thix, Lime Overlord and Community Leader of Tonic: www.obeythelime.com

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I think A-net missed the boat charging for server transfers when they really should harness the energy being wasted on most of these threads with the outrage and pointy finger exercises. I gave A-net a few megawatts this week myself.

Can we be friends? I think I love you.

Only if you give me Altie.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: dirtyoldgoat.5496


Tarnished Coast (aka Tarnished Desert) is an excellent server and that is an incredibly vast understatement. We would welcome all from any server or new gamers and none of you would regret it. That being said i wouldnt wish what SOR did to SBI on my worst enemy and i have nothing but respect for CD.

So stay and regroup at home, or join us as we rank up, much respect either way.

Fallendruid, White Lighter, The Native Sun
PINK is the new Black
Tarnished Coast (via Tyranny)

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: rhyein.6172


I just wish you’d keep it to your own match-up threads.

TC trying to convince guilds on CD to transfer is a match-up thread now? Times are a changing.

That’s not exactly what the phrase implies, but okay.

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: sinthetix.8765


I think A-net missed the boat charging for server transfers when they really should harness the energy being wasted on most of these threads with the outrage and pointy finger exercises. I gave A-net a few megawatts this week myself.

Can we be friends? I think I love you.

Only if you give me Altie.

:< But I love my Altie!

Nocturne of Thix, Lime Overlord and Community Leader of Tonic: www.obeythelime.com

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I think A-net missed the boat charging for server transfers when they really should harness the energy being wasted on most of these threads with the outrage and pointy finger exercises. I gave A-net a few megawatts this week myself.

Can we be friends? I think I love you.

Only if you give me Altie.

:< But I love my Altie!

Ok. You can come too. I baked too many cookies anyhow and nobody loves a sluggish Altie.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Iohanna.4863


The addition of just 2-3 guilds from the Crystal Desert is a 33% increase in the Toast’s dedicated WvW force. Someone got excited and thought “Tarnished Desert”.

Apologies for any misunderstandings.

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: ryan.3915


1. Most of the guilds are staying (including EDMW). A few have left, true, but not the exodus that affected IoJ.

2. If anyone noticed, a large number of our WvWers are PvEing, perhaps to finally earn some money or good loot. We used the dragons for target practice.

3. CD wasn’t always #1, so losing once in a tier doesn’t hold much significance. I am tired of fighting the same opponent after so many rounds. Perhaps many feel the same too.

4. And it’s Garnished Dessert!!!!

Blaine Warbler, Thief
EDMW, Jade Quarry.
I still love Crystal Dessert tho.

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Doc Feel Good.6349

Doc Feel Good.6349

Good Luck Sinstra, your rant in WvWvW team chat will be missed. Your guild is very good at siege. You know where we will be. You and your guild are top in our book.


The Titanium Knights [Ti]
Commander/Guild Leader
Crystal Desert

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Chaosx.2471


Good Luck Sinstra, your rant in WvWvW team chat will be missed. Your guild is very good at siege. You know where we will be. You and your guild are top in our book.


Hahaha thanks Doc <3 Will miss you and Ti as well, you guys have a great team going there. Have your vent info so may pop in to say hello some time!

Good luck on CD!

Sinner – GM & Commander
[CYN] Cynical – http://cynicalgw2.com
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Atelier.8249


Although we are not famous, Hollow Ataraxia Malaysia [HAX] will stay in Crystal Desert

Good luck for those who are transferring to TC.

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: JPSnow.8296


I have to say the best part of this is cd and tc we’re the only two servers I didn’t like. Now they are together I only have to not like one server

JPSnow (main) – Necro, Sir Mezalot – Mesmer
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Diashame.6328


Lol, so glad we joined FA. Drama free gaming environment.

Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Toggles.1783 for President!

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Sylosis.7125


Actually, some guilds have admitted that they left because their prime interest is in WvW and they didn’t want to take chances.

Yes, it’s a huge hit to our server, I’m not denying that. I said “the guilds that left CD either didn’t participate anyway and we won’t notice or caused a lot of drama anyway” — Read before you rage.

We all have our flaws and, yes, calling out the leavers as scared and bandwagoners might not be the nicest thing but it has nothing to do with Nerd Pickles and how much I care about Crystal Desert. It’s my opinion, like you have yours.

Just relax bro. It’ll all be okay.

KH didn’t participate in WvW? (scratches head and decides not to take the bait seen as i’ve already been infracted twice this week)

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Altie.4571


I think A-net missed the boat charging for server transfers when they really should harness the energy being wasted on most of these threads with the outrage and pointy finger exercises. I gave A-net a few megawatts this week myself.

Can we be friends? I think I love you.

Only if you give me Altie.

:< But I love my Altie!

Ok. You can come too. I baked too many cookies anyhow and nobody loves a sluggish Altie.

Why do I feel like a cheap object? Could it be that I’m being bartered around without the parties knowing that I’m like a fine wine?
Exquisite and there’s only oh so much of me to go around.

KH didn’t participate in WvW? (scratches head and decides not to take the bait seen as i’ve already been infracted twice this week)

I think Thix’s post may be poorly worded. I believe she meant those that left are either: not large participants in wvw, or caused a lot of drama, or did not work with others.
And then she implied possibly that you fall into that category. I don’t agree with either assessment of KH but I do blame them for the other guilds transferring. Hope I cleared that up.

When scientists discover the center of the universe,
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I think A-net missed the boat charging for server transfers when they really should harness the energy being wasted on most of these threads with the outrage and pointy finger exercises. I gave A-net a few megawatts this week myself.

Can we be friends? I think I love you.

Only if you give me Altie.

:< But I love my Altie!

Ok. You can come too. I baked too many cookies anyhow and nobody loves a sluggish Altie.

Why do I feel like a cheap object? Could it be that I’m being bartered around without the parties knowing that I’m like a fine wine?
Exquisite and there’s only oh so much of me to go around.

Shh, lie still, we’re haggling over your body.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: MrKnieves.4162


Is it that hard to /ignore people and just keep doing your business? Seems fairly easy for me

Zheenn [Warrior] [Commander]| Alondra Del Mar [Thief] | Lorean Alisk [Elemental]
Rough Trade [RTGC]
Crystal Desert