Team Speak 3 Server for WvW
Great idea! I hope this catches on! Need to promote in WvW too.
Jadequarry already has its own official public JQ TS server and is solely for JQ and hosts over 400 players during peak
The official JQ website is
Yea, that’s just asking for it to be honest.
Can we make a list please of all the official TS public servers. So far we have 2. Please add to the list.
EU servers
US servers
Jade quarry
SoR has TS3, however it is for SoR members only. (I’m also not posting it because it’s up to the community as to post here or not.)
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
Sadly I to have to concur with others on this posting even though the sentiment of the idea is very admirable I can see this being abused very rapidly by unscrupulous people.
But saying that I have played games that they themselves had a Voice system that was integrated within each of it’s servers.
Might be a very good idea for ArenaNet to also look into some how installing a server only voice system for WvWvW and sPvP only, that is as best as can be secured to only those who are on their own respective servers could use.
Eno Live (Ele)
We have had issues with spies and trolls on JQ teamspeak. I find them entertaining especially the soundboard trolls or the random ones who do some funny stuff. That being said no point trying to hide teamspeak info because quite frankly its easy to find out any server’s TS wouldn’t take much. It’s one of the reasons most server TS are not passworded anyhow it would be more painful to password something that some could still get on.
Yes, please Anet or Topic creator. Delete this topic before it gets out of hand. Spys will be in every teamspeak(more than they already are, conspiracy or not). And please do not post your ts address. If you know whats good for you, keep this kinda stuff in wvw/guilds etc.
Incoming Spys
Sadly I to have to concur with others on this posting even though the sentiment of the idea is very admirable I can see this being abused very rapidly by unscrupulous people.
We have had issues with spies and trolls on JQ teamspeak
See what people are failing to realize here is how to manage and maintain there team speak properly in these instances. I have long been running my own private server which is the one posted here for gandara and never had an issue with people spying or trolling just by properly setting up every single permission system that would be needed to manage and maintain a healthy environment for everyone. If guilds wanted to have there own channel and admin/monitor or even lock it from everyone and have all the permissions to do with it as they please within the ts but not outside of those specific channels it would take only a few minutes to setup the permissions needed to do so.
Trolls really do not bother me in the least bit, they just add to the fun and give me entertainment as none have ever been able to troll as hard as I can.
The offer, regardless of people worrying about spying or not, still stands.. It is open to everyone of all servers and all guilds and anything anybody would like setup for there guild where they can manage/maintain/edit and do as they please within the TS is completely doable on any scale and you have the most non-newb admin’s ( myself – jinster & emma ) who have ran and maintained private team speaks since team speak was created.
The server itself is run 24/7 dedicated on a 160down/90up connection ( FiOS ) and even if the hosting url goes down, the ip will always be there working.
And this would save alot of money for people that aimlessly spend on hosting for no reason and get a measely 30-40 slots that you have hardly any support on most of the time.
- Gandara
For all those who have joind our TS and the fun in wvw lets get more people to join. Gandara come and join us we got room for you all. Bring your friends and guild.
JQ TS has it’s share of challenges. The threats come from without and from within. To be honest, I believe we have as many (if not more) haters that are legitimate residents of JQ than we have from other servers.
Internal threats are FAR more toxic to the atmosphere and culture of a server than external threats — drama can be more corrosive to organization and effectiveness than any intelligence or counter-intelligence.
- Commanders insulting and hating on players is more disruptive than any infiltrator.
- Drunks and stoners in channel is more disruptive than any infiltrator.
- People try to sex it up or discuss the latest music trends in channel is more disruptive…
You get the point.
Identifying non-residents is fairly quick and easy. It is virtually impossible for a non-resident to troll in Teamspeak — it’s not that it doesn’t happen…it’s simply not pragmatic. Scout reports from unverified members are naturally received with skepticism. And when a community understands and practices communications discipline kitten crap just doesn’t get traction.
I have been offered (but refused) the voip addresses for SBI, SoS, BG, SoR, IoJ… Additionally, (I understand) the private guild voip system addresses are also well shared (with regular password updates).
The only concessions:
- Passwords keep honest people honest
- Small, intimate communities tend to know each other
That’s it. The virtues of smaller, closed communities.
For larger communities, where identities can shift and bend with the wind (and everyone can’t know everyone), the pseudo-protection afforded by “membership” is illusory at best. All the arguments to the contrary are simply hogwash.
Clearly, there are different schools of thought. I (and others) simply believe that the fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) that surrounds OPEN voip systems is just nonsense.
The only way to defeat the “Finger Puzzle” is to push into the problem and confront challenge head on… Security through obscurity is no security at all.
Bad Behaviors™ will always try to gain traction. There are any number of ways to commit acts of that are, in fact, treacherous and/or illegal; however, when we begin to cross from common sense into behaviors driven by fear, uncertainty, and doubt… the Bad Behaviors™ win.
Bad Behaviors™ cannot ever be given an inch of win… ever!