Teamspeak server for WvW use

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Loosmaster.8263


Is this a cry out to the pugs?

Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Rangerdeity.5847


good servers have one devonast rest has a serverwide TS without it not only would we lose every week like we do but with our level of coverage we would be dead last

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Reverence.6915


Oh definitely. It’s also one of the best tools to grow your server’s WvW community.

I think BG’s teamspeak peaked at around 950 people in season 1 and around 600 in season 2. Even at the lowest points of activity, we still have over 100 people online, if only just to chat with each other and have fun, even if they’re not in-game

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Future MMOs will have this feature built in… some already do. Shame GW2 didn’t go down this route. They should have licensed the technology from a vendor and plugged it straight into the game.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


It’s needed, period

if your server dont have a WvW ts… make one

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Future MMOs will have this feature built in… some already do. Shame GW2 didn’t go down this route. They should have licensed the technology from a vendor and plugged it straight into the game.

That’s all we need. A buggy voice comms system that can’t be separated from the game. Having a separate prog is the best for all games.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


That’s all we need. A buggy voice comms system that can’t be separated from the game. Having a separate prog is the best for all games.

What makes you think it would be buggy if the licensed the technology from say Teamspeak, Mumble, etc? It would be using the same engine players are using now only easily accessible, secured (as in much more difficult for competing servers to listen in) and as I stated previously something that will be baked into next gen MMOs (and already in some current gen MMOs without being buggy).

MMOs are meant to be a social experience and having to run 3rd party programs to make them more social in todays connected world is pretty stupid.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

(edited by Straegen.2938)

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: rhayan.9580


i think the problem is that a lot of people on teamspeak are unable to control themselves and are frequently cursing others and uses offensive words, this might change gw2 ESRB rating from Teen to Mature/Adult

Henge of Denravi

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Silvercyclone.1462


Problem with TS is it costs money and not everyone has access to their parents credit cards to buy a server. I can see where a voice chat server would be handy in EotM cause I dont know of any server that would allow someone from a different server to enter their TS room.

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


i think the problem is that a lot of people on teamspeak are unable to control themselves and are frequently cursing others and uses offensive words, this might change gw2 ESRB rating from Teen to Mature/Adult

This actually holds some water. Policing voice chat is insanely more difficult than map chat, but consoles do it without much issue and numerous PC games have as well.

Problem with TS is it costs money and not everyone has access to their parents credit cards to buy a server. I can see where a voice chat server would be handy in EotM cause I dont know of any server that would allow someone from a different server to enter their TS room.

As a side note, Razer voice comms are currently hosted, free and pretty good. I still prefer Mumble but free is hard to beat.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: NonToxic.9185


Time to put on my target.

I hate teamspeak, I hate that people think I am useless without it. I have been playing since long before teamspeak became a hot topic, I will continue to play without it.

First, connecting to teamspeak on my connection is a no-go if I want to stay connected to GW2. I can’t be on Skype or mumble or MSN gosh darn messenger while connected to GW2 or I lag out over and over. So it is a technical impossibility. Go ahead and try to make an argument for how I am so much more useful when I am not on the map.

Second, even if I could stay connected, even if there was no lag introduced, and when teamspeak was literally the only way to get info (on a shall-not-be-named server I was on in the past, nobody would use the mapchat, anyone who tried to talk in it was spammed out to try and force everyone into TS), there was nothing shared on teamspeak that was impossible to get through mapchat. Though it is true that it would be nice to have a chat channel across the borderlands and EB, having somebody hop maps to say ‘our garrison is getting creamed’ isn’t a great struggle. More than that, I KNOW garrison is getting creamed because I watch the map, a feature predating teamspeak.

When I played the ‘get on teamspeak and lag out of GW2 constantly’ game, all that was ever going on in TS was ‘MAN <server> ARE SUCH FIGS’ and ‘OMG YOU NOOBS DIED TO A CANNON?’. No thanks, I’m gonna keep listening to music. If I want to hear a player raging, I will buy an xbox.

The only reason TS is so useful is because a huge chunk of the players have come to use it as a crutch. ‘I can’t type out these messages fast enough!’ horse hooey, you don’t try. Hell, designate a scribe, somebody who isn’t the comm but can relay all their messages through chat if you’re truly a 2 WPM typer. If we had learned to use the chat in the appropriate way, TS wouldn’t be needed. Instead, you all refuse to use chat so you can chat about kittens on the microphone.

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Loosmaster.8263


The only time I feel TS is a must is if your buffs are needed. Players not on comm will drop fields not called for which as you know the buff will fail. If you don’t want to be on TS, stay away from the main group/ commander.

Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Reverence.6915



If you’re in an 80 man blob, teamspeak is essentially useless. The less numbers you have, the more important each person’s skills are as well as combo fields and buff timing. That’s why the best guilds and best commanders all run on teamspeak. I can give you an example.

Thursday night on BGBL, BG lacked a commander in teamspeak and OPED (TC guild, they’re pretty good) sat outside of garrison farming pugs while SG (JQ guild) was on the other side pressuring NE tower and N/S east Garrison. When a commander in teamspeak tagged up and rallied people to the tag, both guilds were pushed off after about an hour of fighting. It was only possible due to people who joined the teamspeak channel or else the farming would’ve continued, as a commander without followers is ultimately useless.

Examples like this are plentiful and shows the importance of teamspeak and voice comms. The fact that it disconnects you is a pity, as teamspeak barely uses any bandwidth at all (about 1/10th the bandwidth GW2 uses).

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


If there is a commander tagged up with a decent following, TS or mumble will hurt you more than it’ll help. If your running small groups or tagless, then I can see it being needed.

The problem with large zergs sitting on TS means they all travel together in a nice little ball (usually). This makes them cannon fodder for a group of AoE back casters.

Sometimes the best way to fight is confuse your enemy, not be completely predictable and fight in a “welled up” group.

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


TeamSpeak and other voice coms are just a tool. Its effectiveness varies based on its utilization.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


I don’t think VOIP is a bad thing…

But the “Be on VOIP or GTFO of WvW” attitude we see from some commanders is ridiculous…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: VOLTCIEAGE.3029


I don’t think VOIP is a bad thing…

But the “Be on VOIP or GTFO of WvW” attitude we see from some commanders is ridiculous…

I am one of these cmds . Do you have any idea how difficult is leading without ts ? When you have to keep talking to give orders where do dodge , where place offensive/defensive water . I think voice chat should be implemented inside the game .

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


All fine, but how do you get people on it with a minimum of fuss and hoops for them to jump through? A form of ‘authentication’ based on home-server would be nice. Or, perhaps more doable, a Message-of-the-day where commanders can communicate TS details, similar to your guild announcement page.

Or the option for them to add text that is is shown when you hover the mouse over their blue diamond.

(edited by frans.8092)

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Ansau.7326


I don’t think VOIP is a bad thing…

But the “Be on VOIP or GTFO of WvW” attitude we see from some commanders is ridiculous…

What is ridiculous is to expect the commander to command as you like.

Ansau – Sylvari Mesmer – Exiled Warriors [wE] – Gandara

i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


JQ has their own server wide TS with many guild channels on it as well.

Donations from the public keep it afloat

To get the info, contact your local JQ Guild officer today.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


I don’t think VOIP is a bad thing…

But the “Be on VOIP or GTFO of WvW” attitude we see from some commanders is ridiculous…

I am one of these cmds . Do you have any idea how difficult is leading without ts ? When you have to keep talking to give orders where do dodge , where place offensive/defensive water . I think voice chat should be implemented inside the game .

No, I have no idea of how difficult it is… I do it many times and I have no problem… And really, the commander have to say when people should dodge in your tier?

What is ridiculous is to expect the commander to command as you like.

And why he can expect everyone to play like he want everyone to play? Your argument is empty…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Sekai.2987


these " ts is useless" ppl should try making a guild and fight vs a guild that is using TS, a nice GVG of 25 vs 25 or so… would like to see the video of that …

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Reverence.6915


No, I have no idea of how difficult it is… I do it many times and I have no problem… And really, the commander have to say when people should dodge in your tier?

Sure. If the commander wants to hold the position and soak some damage before dodging, then yes, he’ll tell you to hold your dodges and wait for his call. If everyone was dodging left and right, your zerg will get melted pretty quick.

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


these " ts is useless" ppl should try making a guild and fight vs a guild that is using TS, a nice GVG of 25 vs 25 or so… would like to see the video of that …

Hmmm, the only person that posted against TS was NonToxic… But your post might be directed at me since I said I don’t use it, so I’ll give my response.

Like I said in my original post, I don’t think being on a VOIP is a bad thing. It’s actually good that you don’t need to worry to type your orders as you can simply “talk”… However, as a militia commander, I know I won’t be able to get everyone on TS for whatever reasons, but it doesn’t mean I should deny them instructions just because of that (like some people do) and thus, I end up using the chat. And I should say, I don’t have half of the problems everyone say they have when they are commanding the militia and people don’t want to get on TS.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: FearedbytheGods.8617



Time to put on my target.

Yes, because you created a wall of text showing that you are stubborn. The majority of people except a few are probably fine if you don’t get on TS. Your wall of text was about barriers, real or imagined, that prevent you from using it and according to you, people don’t need it anyways because people:


have come to use it as a crutch

Having to type out a bunch of commands is time consuming and inaccurate and places more pressure on commanders who already have a bunch of things to consider and ofc the non-commander commanders will make sure to point out their ineffectiveness.

You don’t always have to log on TS3 because sometimes people just want to get their dailies and log off. But for you to say TS3 is a waste of time just demonstrates your ignorance.

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


I don’t think VOIP is a bad thing…

But the “Be on VOIP or GTFO of WvW” attitude we see from some commanders is ridiculous…

It is not ridiculous. Most players not on TS are usually rallybots that are best left at home. That doesn’t apply to ALL players but it is a general sentiment that has been reinforced by experience. Knowing where a commander is turning, going, dodging, etc is not only useful but for out numbered zerg busting situations a decided advantage. A zerg without voice comms is at a tremendous disadvantage to one that has it and uses it.

I would point out that a player doesn’t have to engage in the voice chat, but listening is usually a very easy thing to do. I often mute everyone but the commander and simply listen mainly because I find chatter distracting.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Ansau.7326


What is ridiculous is to expect the commander to command as you like.

And why he can expect everyone to play like he want everyone to play? Your argument is empty…

Well, then spend 100g, buy the commander tag, put it and you’ll be free to play with zergs as you want.

But there’s no need to be a jerk while following someone else. This is not a job, so commanders command for enjoyment.

Ansau – Sylvari Mesmer – Exiled Warriors [wE] – Gandara

i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Well, then spend 100g, buy the commander tag, put it and you’ll be free to play with zergs as you want.

But there’s no need to be a jerk while following someone else. This is not a job, so commanders command for enjoyment.

Your post prove that you do not read all other posts before doing your statements…. If you actually read the posts on this thread, you’ll see that I am a commander, and that I have no problem dealing with the militia that doesn’t want to be on TS.

Also, I said that I find the “TS or nothing” attitude ridiculous, I never said I go around complaining that the commander isn’t speaking in the chat (or being a jerk as you say). And I don’t think that just because someone spent 100g on a commander tag that they can be a jerk to everyone else that don’t want to be on the VOIP. Again you made an empty argument…

Stop trying to put statements that do not exist in my posts, and actually read everything before posting again yes?

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Jong.5937


If there is a commander tagged up with a decent following, TS or mumble will hurt you more than it’ll help. If your running small groups or tagless, then I can see it being needed.

The problem with large zergs sitting on TS means they all travel together in a nice little ball (usually). This makes them cannon fodder for a group of AoE back casters.

Sometimes the best way to fight is confuse your enemy, not be completely predictable and fight in a “welled up” group.

Sorry, that is a load of rubbish! If a blob performs better without voice comms it is only because the commander is useless!

If it is better to move in something other than a “welled up group” that is still easier to organise verbally than tying to type and command at the same time. And it is far, far easier for scouts to report, and for commanders to hear and act, via voice comms. Trying to type whilst manning an ac, or spot reports in map chat while commanding a battle, can only ever be inferior to the simple spoken word.

Piken Square

(edited by Jong.5937)

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Niko Stark.8932

Niko Stark.8932

I can manage just fine running EOTM without VOIP but in EB/BL against other T1 or even T2 servers, knowing when and where to drop dps/water/res banner/veil/portal/dodge as a unit is very important. I’ve seen larger zergs melt like thin paper in rain because their cmd doesn’t know how to run the zerg or half their zerg doesn’t have VOIP so they go off doing their own thing in a zerg match.

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: grifflyman.8102


SBI has their own website and their own TS server. Getting people on is a problem though most of the time. :P

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


TS integrated with the game client, with single sign-on would be much more convenient than a third party client.

Having to start and log into teamspeak separately (and worse, log into the server forum to find out what the TS password is, and then log into TS) is a giant pain in the kitten.

And then some guilds have passwords, so you need to log into the guild forum… At which point I just give up.

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Darius.1430


I sometimes use TS, depending on the circumstance:

Roaming? No… the mindless chit chat gets old

Running with Guildies? Always… I chose this guild because of the people, and TS helps getting to know them better.

Zerging? Sometimes… if they are using a server wide TS channel, then I find it very helpful in staying in step with the Commander. If it is a Guild (not my guild) led group that decides to use their own TS channel vice a server channel, then I view it as not being an invitation to join them, in which case I may tune into the Home BL channel to keep an ear on what is going on in case they need help, or just listen to music.

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


I use TS when I am roaming with the WvW guild that I belong to…’s a lot of fun, and you get to know the other guildies better. Besides using it for battle situations, we also joke around on it and just have fun gabbing with each other. It is also really useful for helping out WvW noobs.

My wife and I also have a small TS channel for when we play together……much easier than trying to type or shout between computer rooms……we find TS to be an extremely useful tool……for lots of different games.

At the same time, some of the larger TS channels can become a real pita with all the rude and annoying chatter that can be encountered.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


TS integrated with the game client, with single sign-on would be much more convenient than a third party client.

Having to start and log into teamspeak separately (and worse, log into the server forum to find out what the TS password is, and then log into TS) is a giant pain in the kitten.

And then some guilds have passwords, so you need to log into the guild forum… At which point I just give up.

Do you realize that you can bookmark each different channel that you have signed into on TS, so that in the future, you just have to bring up TS, click on the bookmark pulldown and hit the bookmark, and TS does the rest on login, including the password. Makes it very simple when you belong to several different TS channels.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


TS integrated with the game client, with single sign-on would be much more convenient than a third party client.

Having to start and log into teamspeak separately (and worse, log into the server forum to find out what the TS password is, and then log into TS) is a giant pain in the kitten.

And then some guilds have passwords, so you need to log into the guild forum… At which point I just give up.

Do you realize that you can bookmark each different channel that you have signed into on TS, so that in the future, you just have to bring up TS, click on the bookmark pulldown and hit the bookmark, and TS does the rest on login, including the password. Makes it very simple when you belong to several different TS channels.

Until the password changes.

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


TS integrated with the game client, with single sign-on would be much more convenient than a third party client.

Having to start and log into teamspeak separately (and worse, log into the server forum to find out what the TS password is, and then log into TS) is a giant pain in the kitten.

And then some guilds have passwords, so you need to log into the guild forum… At which point I just give up.

Do you realize that you can bookmark each different channel that you have signed into on TS, so that in the future, you just have to bring up TS, click on the bookmark pulldown and hit the bookmark, and TS does the rest on login, including the password. Makes it very simple when you belong to several different TS channels.

Until the password changes.

True. On TS channels that change the pw regularly….not much you can do about that.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Forzani.2584


I don’t think VOIP is a bad thing…

But the “Be on VOIP or GTFO of WvW” attitude we see from some commanders is ridiculous…

It is not ridiculous. Most players not on TS are usually rallybots that are best left at home. That doesn’t apply to ALL players but it is a general sentiment that has been reinforced by experience. Knowing where a commander is turning, going, dodging, etc is not only useful but for out numbered zerg busting situations a decided advantage. A zerg without voice comms is at a tremendous disadvantage to one that has it and uses it.

I would point out that a player doesn’t have to engage in the voice chat, but listening is usually a very easy thing to do. I often mute everyone but the commander and simply listen mainly because I find chatter distracting.

I did not know this. Do you manually have to mute people one at a time?

That is one of the biggest reason I don’t enter TS. Too much useless distracting banter.

Commander: Inc in 10 seconds. Might up
User 1 : OMG you should see my cat. He’s attacking my toes! lol !
Commander: Push through …push push push
User 2 : too cute. I have 3 cats. I used to have 4 but one ran away
Commander: Waterfields on me !!
User 3: I hate cats. dogs rule

That or the commander that sounds like he just got out of middle school and his voice is still changing

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: DemonCow.5328


If you haven’t used voice comms on your server, you’re really missing out. Commanders can try to type as we go, but it’s not really going to be much use. I’m sure some commanders can do it, but for most of us, voice comms is the only way we’re going to relay in-fight commands.

If you can’t get on your server voice comms, that’s one thing, but if you just don’t want to that’s pretty lame tbh.

Get online, talk to people, we’re all human too (even though we might sound like robots once in a while if there are connection problems!). You can meet people, communicate so much more effectively, and really learn a lot… so unless you just absolutely can’t connect, there isn’t really a good reason not to hop online and at least listen to what’s going on.

[TI] Taking Initiative- Tarnished Coast
Guild Leader

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: hip.8435


That’s all we need. A buggy voice comms system that can’t be separated from the game. Having a separate prog is the best for all games.

What makes you think it would be buggy if the licensed the technology from say Teamspeak, Mumble, etc? It would be using the same engine players are using now only easily accessible, secured (as in much more difficult for competing servers to listen in) and as I stated previously something that will be baked into next gen MMOs (and already in some current gen MMOs without being buggy).

MMOs are meant to be a social experience and having to run 3rd party programs to make them more social in todays connected world is pretty stupid.


Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Reverence.6915


I don’t think VOIP is a bad thing…

But the “Be on VOIP or GTFO of WvW” attitude we see from some commanders is ridiculous…

It is not ridiculous. Most players not on TS are usually rallybots that are best left at home. That doesn’t apply to ALL players but it is a general sentiment that has been reinforced by experience. Knowing where a commander is turning, going, dodging, etc is not only useful but for out numbered zerg busting situations a decided advantage. A zerg without voice comms is at a tremendous disadvantage to one that has it and uses it.

I would point out that a player doesn’t have to engage in the voice chat, but listening is usually a very easy thing to do. I often mute everyone but the commander and simply listen mainly because I find chatter distracting.

I did not know this. Do you manually have to mute people one at a time?

That is one of the biggest reason I don’t enter TS. Too much useless distracting banter.

Commander: Inc in 10 seconds. Might up
User 1 : OMG you should see my cat. He’s attacking my toes! lol !
Commander: Push through …push push push
User 2 : too cute. I have 3 cats. I used to have 4 but one ran away
Commander: Waterfields on me !!
User 3: I hate cats. dogs rule

That or the commander that sounds like he just got out of middle school and his voice is still changing

You know what happens to those 3 users if I’m pugmanding? /kick :P

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: smithkt.8062


I don’t think VOIP is a bad thing…

But the “Be on VOIP or GTFO of WvW” attitude we see from some commanders is ridiculous…

It is not ridiculous. Most players not on TS are usually rallybots that are best left at home. That doesn’t apply to ALL players but it is a general sentiment that has been reinforced by experience. Knowing where a commander is turning, going, dodging, etc is not only useful but for out numbered zerg busting situations a decided advantage. A zerg without voice comms is at a tremendous disadvantage to one that has it and uses it.

I would point out that a player doesn’t have to engage in the voice chat, but listening is usually a very easy thing to do. I often mute everyone but the commander and simply listen mainly because I find chatter distracting.

I did not know this. Do you manually have to mute people one at a time?

That is one of the biggest reason I don’t enter TS. Too much useless distracting banter.

Commander: Inc in 10 seconds. Might up
User 1 : OMG you should see my cat. He’s attacking my toes! lol !
Commander: Push through …push push push
User 2 : too cute. I have 3 cats. I used to have 4 but one ran away
Commander: Waterfields on me !!
User 3: I hate cats. dogs rule

That or the commander that sounds like he just got out of middle school and his voice is still changing

There is a certain group thieves that frequently discuss builds, how they are pwning people, etc, while our commander is trying to lead. They also provide frequent status updates, so we can’t mute them. I believe TS3 has a whisper feature. I wish they would learn to use it. I hate having to talk over them to provide critical updates.

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


I did not know this. Do you manually have to mute people one at a time?

That or the commander that sounds like he just got out of middle school and his voice is still changing

I mute people as they annoy me and never un-mute them. 90% of the people on TS rarely make a useless peep so once you mute the rest TS is very usable. This is only good for listening in on channels since talking in one with muted users often leads to players unknowing talking over each other. I just use map chat for call outs in this scenario.

There is another way that a friend uses. You can set the playback of the sound device way down then on people you want to listen to right click and change their volume to a higher setting. This way most people are muffled and the ones you want to listen to are nice and clear. The other advantage to this system is you won’t be talking over people if you want to talk in the channel. You may not hear what they are saying clearly but you will know if they are talking.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: dodgycookies.4562


Game implemented voice coms for mmo are usually lacluster due to a lack of features and customization. Even if they buy TS and integrate it, the moderation of admin privileges within a map/server/community has to happen and that require a lot of man hours. So usually we are left with simple single map/team voice coms.

But lets say for some reason Anet did buy and implement TS tech. For wvw, you would want to have at least 4 seperate map overall channels, with multiple subchannels for different guild groups and a channel for the small ops/ Bloodlust team. Then you might have private temporary password locked channels for guild only raids. On top of all the channels you want to have commander whispers lists for your map, all wvw maps, and all guild officers/commanders on your server for requesting help/relief. You want to be able to designate priority speak for commanders and scouts. And this is only for WvW. Add onto that the complexities of private guild channels for social/pve/spvp use.

Not only would the devs have to implement this in an ingame ui, but who gets to admin such features? If it is just based on in game status like guild leaders/officers/commander tags, then anyone could start a guild/buy a tag and troll/mess with settings/channels. So to fix that devs would essentially have to create and implement a fair system of internal player community politics, and then moderate that which would require even more man hours. This seems like a lot of work to replace what is currently working with a possibly mediocre/unfair solution. And the final straw is that would such features really generate more revenue?

Honestly, for gw2 the best solution might be for Anet to team up with TS providers and sell gift able TS server/time vouchers for gems.

[ICoa] Blackgate

(edited by dodgycookies.4562)

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


If you can’t get on your server voice comms, that’s one thing, but if you just don’t want to that’s pretty lame tbh.

The OP was asking for in-game voice comms, which is a different issue.

Not wanting to be in voice comms is a red herring, because you can not be on an in-game channel as easily as not be in a TS channel.

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Grok.6714


Don’t know about NA , but on EU1 gold, if you’re not on TS while following commander, you’re basically a rallybot.

Even in PUG vs. PUG ( or militia ) fights, those not on TS are usually on the losing side.
I’ve seen militia zerg wars in NA, most of them consist of 2 large clusters shooting pew pew lasers at each other. Sure, you don’t need TS for that, the commander has all the time if the world to retype the Webster dictionary in /say

Running with TS in EU gold as a Militia is mandatory, since every engage half-decent commanders call out regroups, water fields, aggressive statics and focus bombs…not to mention dictate movement of the zerg constantly.

Promoting a healthy Team Speak culture not only helps your server win engagements but also brings community cohesion.

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

(edited by Grok.6714)

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Reverence.6915


Don’t know about NA , but on EU1 gold, if you’re not on TS while following commander, you’re basically a rallybot.

Even in PUG vs. PUG ( or militia ) fights, those not on TS are usually on the losing side.
I’ve seen militia zerg wars in NA, most of them consist of 2 large clusters shooting pew pew lasers at each other. Sure, you don’t need TS for that, the commander has all the time if the world to retype the Webster dictionary in /say

Running with TS in EU gold as a Militia is mandatory, since every engage half-decent commanders call out regroups, water fields, aggressive statics and focus bombs…not to mention dictate movement of the zerg constantly.

Promoting a healthy Team Speak culture not only helps your server win engagements but also brings community cohesion.

It’s same in NA T1. The difference between a group in TS and a group not in TS is huge. No matter how good a commander is, if s/he can’t match numbers against enemy players in teamspeak, s/he’ll lose every single engagement.

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Zepher.7803


nah the biggest problem would be who controls the TS who would get admin rights, who would be able to make channels etc….so I doubt it will ever happen.

Sincerly, Me.

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Silvercyclone.1462


JQ has their own server wide TS with many guild channels on it as well.

Donations from the public keep it afloat

To get the info, contact your local JQ Guild officer today.

My guild thinking of joining JQ ts but since we are a multi-server guild we were told that most of our members we not welcome in the ts im sure its like that on every server that has a voice chat. As far as I’m concerned server voice chat can go kitten themselves. What we need is 1 voice chat server for the whole game.

Teamspeak server for WvW use

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


My guild thinking of joining JQ ts but since we are a multi-server guild we were told that most of our members we not welcome in the ts im sure its like that on every server that has a voice chat. As far as I’m concerned server voice chat can go kitten themselves. What we need is 1 voice chat server for the whole game.

Well, on my server TS (Eredon Terrace), we have a tag called “Guest of ET” for players that belong to a certain guild but they aren’t from our server… These players cannot see or join the WvW channels (They are not from the server so it does not concern them), but they have normal access to the areas for PvE, sPvP, public guild missions (that some our guilds host) and their guild channel…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

(edited by Jeknar.6184)