Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: Jitters.9401


Seriously anet? Odds are if so many people hate on stealth thieves there is an issue. I cannot fathom how you do not understand this.

My non stealth build is weaker now while stealth thieves are just stupidly op still. Why did you change my steal cooldown to 27 seconds from 21? I don’t stealth so why penalize me and reward the most op class in the game?

Blind whenever they stealth?
Heal whenever they stealth?
Remove conditions on stealth?
Blind on stealth?

2 evades whenever they de-stealth? Did anyone even test how a 4 second reveal and 2 evades works out in combat? Did you even think of testing a blind with the evades?

So what… you can get 1 attack on a thief before he re-stealths? Explaaaaaiiiinnn how this is fair? Please… humor me and explain?

Currently I am deciding if I should leave the game or play my old stupidly op thief build. since “wow…. this is just stupid”.

What is really disgusting, is if I go back to my old thief build, I can beat some classes with my eyes closed just because of auto targeting and just listening. Pretty fair huh?

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


The blind imo is a broken mechanic.No one should be able to spamm blind non stop,then able to port,evade spamm,or stealth away on top of it..Have fun trying to land a hit in between there,speaking as a double melee class ( non condi user ) ,there’s little to do against if you meet a thief that doesn’t waste his stuff away.

(edited by Caedmon.6798)

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: pauer.4809


You have no clue what you are talking about, the direct-dmg-thief was nerfed like hell. Try it yourself! I would like to see videos of you beating condibunkers with closed eyes, pls show us…

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: Pwent.2639


You have no clue what you are talking about, the direct-dmg-thief was nerfed like hell. Try it yourself! I would like to see videos of you beating condibunkers with closed eyes, pls show us…

As a non thief i agree with this :/. That being said sb still hardcounters mesmer.


Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: zano.5387


Seriously that unlimited vanishing while fighting is OP. Cooldowns should be raised.

$3.271.809 MMORPG:

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: Fade.7658


6/10. Would not read again.

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I’ve come to peace with thieves hitting for 7k-20k, but with perma-stealth, unacceptable

Guild Wars 2 is the only game..mmo in the market having no/zero counter to stealth and having Op class philosophy defining class balance.

My hope for guild wars 2 to survive will not be enough to save it.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

I’ve come to peace with thieves hitting for 7k-20k, but with perma-stealth, unacceptable

We missed you Burnfall

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: tim.5639


I’ve come to peace with thieves hitting for 7k-20k, but with perma-stealth: unacceptable

Guild Wars 2 is the only game..mmo in the market having no/zero counter to stealth and with Op class balance philosophy.

My hope for guild wars 2 to survive will not be enough to save it.

Sigh, I am embarrassed for you when I read anything you post. There is almost no way that a thief can hit anywhere near 20k on a BS without might on signet activation trait on a naked up-level.

And to people QQing about blind fields, you can you know… use range OR just stand outside the kitten blind field.

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: MarauderShields.6830


“dem OP Theifs nerf pl0x”
here’s the deal: backstabs do less dps than autoattacks now

Former running-really-fast-man. Now proud member of Revenant clan.

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: Sylli.3891


ye now u do 9 k dmg and not 11 k to a full tank on 3500-4000 armor ye still see a problem

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: Killface.1896


ye now u do 9 k dmg and not 11 k to a full tank on 3500-4000 armor ye still see a problem

That not the problem at all its the perma blind/stealth that class have;)

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: Sylli.3891


ye it is im a tank and can get down in 3-4 hits still a bad way BS works then u got that high armor u take alot of the dmg out of the class and u suffer from dmg and u can still get down from op BS

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: T raw.4658

T raw.4658

“dem OP Theifs nerf pl0x”
here’s the deal: backstabs do less dps than autoattacks now

Thats sad if true….though with how ferocity panned out I’d bet it’s actually the case

Anyone test this yet?

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


“dem OP Theifs nerf pl0x”
here’s the deal: backstabs do less dps than autoattacks now

Thats sad if true….though with how ferocity panned out I’d bet it’s actually the case

Anyone test this yet?

I think everyone has seen their crit dmg decrease, as expected. But i’m pretty lazy and i haven’t switched over from zerker to conditions yet. I’ve still been wvwing in my zerker gear and i’m still dropping fools like before the patch.

as for backstab being less dps than auto-attack…i dunno about that. Even with the nerf my backstabs are still hitting for 8k-10k.

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


“dem OP Theifs nerf pl0x”
here’s the deal: backstabs do less dps than autoattacks now

Thats sad if true….though with how ferocity panned out I’d bet it’s actually the case

Anyone test this yet?

I think everyone has seen their crit dmg decrease, as expected. But i’m pretty lazy and i haven’t switched over from zerker to conditions yet. I’ve still been wvwing in my zerker gear and i’m still dropping fools like before the patch.

as for backstab being less dps than auto-attack…i dunno about that. Even with the nerf my backstabs are still hitting for 8k-10k.

It is reason like this i always quote the word “nerf” when given to thief class,

All day yesterday, i was getting hit with 7k-11k + damage by none other than thieves.


It’s true!

What’s New??

Oh wow!

“This class always gets “NERFED”

As the saying goes, “words are nothingness without action”

Since day 1,

till this day,

Thief Nerf,

Nothingness !

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: Assassin X.8573

Assassin X.8573

Reminds me of the shadowform debacle of gw1

Darkhaven Gold Tiger Assassin X [JPGN][Sold][VII]
Videos on Youtube

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: SoulSin.5682


This is actually hilarious to read after the backstab damage got nerfed by around 30% this patch.

Please, continue playing the exact way you are still playing.
Thiefs are in need of more free kills now than ever.

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: Assassin X.8573

Assassin X.8573

This is actually hilarious to read after the backstab damage got nerfed by around 30% this patch.

Please, continue playing the exact way you are still playing.
Thiefs are in need of more free kills now than ever.

Taking 10k from something i can see and possibly react to is fine. If i actually get hit by it thats my fault. If i cant see a 10k backstab coming (because good thieves wont be seen at all before the attack) thats not ok.

Darkhaven Gold Tiger Assassin X [JPGN][Sold][VII]
Videos on Youtube

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


why wouldnt u post this in the PROFESSION BALANCE part of the forum, which actually gets read?

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


“dem OP Theifs nerf pl0x”
here’s the deal: backstabs do less dps than autoattacks now

Thats sad if true….though with how ferocity panned out I’d bet it’s actually the case

Anyone test this yet?

I think everyone has seen their crit dmg decrease, as expected. But i’m pretty lazy and i haven’t switched over from zerker to conditions yet. I’ve still been wvwing in my zerker gear and i’m still dropping fools like before the patch.

as for backstab being less dps than auto-attack…i dunno about that. Even with the nerf my backstabs are still hitting for 8k-10k.

It is reason like this i always quote the word “nerf” when given to thief class,

All day yesterday, i was getting hit with 7k-11k + damage by none other than thieves.


It’s true!

What’s New??

Oh wow!

“This class always gets “NERFED”

As the saying goes, “words are nothingness without action”

Since day 1,

till this day,

Thief Nerf,

Nothingness !

Burnfall, i admire your passionate hatred for thieves. I wish i could be that passionate about anything. keep up the good work.

Thank Goodness Stealth Thieves Still Far OP

in WvW

Posted by: T raw.4658

T raw.4658

8 -10k backstabs against non full glass ain’t happening.

Be interested to see someone test this in OS