Thank you Devon Carver
“Soon.. Upcoming changes.. In progress..”
Hmmz, I’d make one hell of a Devon Carver..
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe
Think I’m going to wait for Anet to actually do something good for the game before I start thanking people for promising future changes.
Think I’m going to wait for Anet to actually do something good for the game before I start thanking people for promising future changes.
Do not want to seems like a kitten, but as long as there is a pile of “soon” (repeated since launch) and 0 willing to hear community plea’s (wxp is getting faster gain rate + liquid jugs – anything BUT making acc bound that would makes those 2 things unnecessary…WHY?), i’ll hold off my thanks.
I’ll be first in line when things, you know, will actually happen.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
Think I’m going to wait for Anet to actually do something good for the game before I start thanking people for promising future changes.
+1. Given that Devon posted that WvW intentionally gets the shaft to force us to fill PvE maps, I am not overly optimistic on future changes.
Are you serious OP? Thank you for what?? All the ’’soons’’ ? That guy is paid man don’t forget that.
I call troll.
(edited by Troop.1369)
I wonder what the water bubbler convo’s are like at anet for WvW….I also laughed and thought of Devon when I saw this article:,news-17390.html
I also refuse to thank someone for vague promises and no results. That’s not how the world works…
I usually do give developers benefit of the doubt, the job is hard and you can never please everyone, but until the community starts actually seeing updates that make a significant impact…there will still be a lot of hate…
Point and case…I LIKE the idea of making changes to the map and replacing the krait and quaggans etc….then they go and bakitten over the head with some sort of orb buff…that IMO will ultimately benefit the stronger team….it’s like everytime they take a few steps forward in the right direction, they look down and shoot themselves in the feet….so..i’ll wait…
Underwater Operations – [WET]
I think Devon deserves a kitten medal for his slew of responses in WvW topics.
Even if WvW is in a terrible place right now, and maybe it will be for several months into the future, he’s at least acknowledging there are issues and trying to offer the changes he wants to implement.
I just wanted to say thanks. Especially after seeing so few responses from Devs in other places where responses are desperately needed. (COUGH Ele forum..)
Let’s continue to repair the broken WvW climate.
So let’s say you bought a light truck last year. You really liked the basic design and many of its features, but after driving it a while you discovered that it didn’t handle very well, stalled out in heavy traffic, had some rattles, and somehow forced you to drive the same streets over and over again. You complained to the dealer, who pretty much ignored you but after several months finally put you in contact with somebody in the service department named Habbib. Habbib was a nice guy who occasionally explained some of the problems you had, but mostly told you to keep your chin up because better days were coming in spite of the fact that the service department was so understaffed.
Eventually Habbib stopped answering your calls and in his place popped up some cosmetic retrofits that you really didn’t ask for, some of which didn’t even match the style and fit of the truck you thought you had bought. As best you could tell, the phone line in the service department got disconnected and the list you made documenting the defects got lost.
After a couple more months, a new guy named Devon starts answering the phone again. He’s also a nice guy and tries to reassure you as best he can that “improvements are in the works”, but very few of the “improvements” you can discern by reading between the lines sound like anything you had on your list and the best you get in terms of projected timing is “soon.” You ask Devon why changes are being made that he wants to change instead of the ones that you want to see fixed, and the answer you get is that “it’s complicated.”
Meanwhile, the dealership starts advertising that it has four complete service teams handling a car that they also sell.
And you think the solution is to join hands with other truck owners in a circle around Devon and sing Kumbaya.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
agree with OP
not sure what is with all the hate
do people prefer being ignored martyrs rather than having a point of contact? lol
I think Devon deserves a kitten medal for his slew of responses in WvW topics.
Even if WvW is in a terrible place right now, and maybe it will be for several months into the future, he’s at least acknowledging there are issues and trying to offer the changes he wants to implement.
I just wanted to say thanks. Especially after seeing so few responses from Devs in other places where responses are desperately needed. (COUGH Ele forum..)
Let’s continue to repair the broken WvW climate.
So let’s say you bought a light truck last year. You really liked the basic design and many of its features, but after driving it a while you discovered that it didn’t handle very well, stalled out in heavy traffic, had some rattles, and somehow forced you to drive the same streets over and over again. You complained to the dealer, who pretty much ignored you but after several months finally put you in contact with somebody in the service department named Habbib. Habbib was a nice guy who occasionally explained some of the problems you had, but mostly told you to keep your chin up because better days were coming in spite of the fact that the service department was so understaffed.
Eventually Habbib stopped answering your calls and in his place popped up some cosmetic retrofits that you really didn’t ask for, some of which didn’t even match the style and fit of the truck you thought you had bought. As best you could tell, the phone line in the service department got disconnected and the list you made documenting the defects got lost.
After a couple more months, a new guy named Devon starts answering the phone again. He’s also a nice guy and tries to reassure you as best he can that “improvements are in the works”, but very few of the “improvements” you can discern by reading between the lines sound like anything you had on your list and the best you get in terms of projected timing is “soon.” You ask Devon why changes are being made that he wants to change instead of the ones that you want to see fixed, and the answer you get is that “it’s complicated.”
Meanwhile, the dealership starts advertising that it has four complete service teams handling a car that they also sell.
And you think the solution is to join hands with other truck owners in a circle around Devon and sing Kumbaya.
LOL Pretty much… Maybe the people that don’t understand are either new…or simply have low expectations for the potential of the game…
Underwater Operations – [WET]
It’s nice story Cactus, but flawed analogy. Since we are (often) not asking to fix what doesn’t work according to specs. It is more like “pimp my ride for free dude!”
I think the OP’s point here is that at least someone is answering. Not with the answers the majority of the WvW community is looking for, nonetheless at least a decent attitude from a Dev. I do not think Mr. Devon Carter has absolute power in deciding the future of WvW (and we all know there is a LOT to be done there…), so I believe he does his best to calm us down. Not always successfully, I admit that, however, he is good in keeping his presence in the forums felt.
(edited by Manuelito.6081)
I think the OP"s point here is that at least someone is answering. Not with the answers the majority of the WvW community is looking for, nonetheless at least a decent attitude from a Dev. I do not think Mr. Devon Carter has absolute power in deciding the future of WvW (and we all know there is a LOT to be done there…), so I believe he does his best to calm us down. Not always successfully, I admit that, however, he is good in keeping his presence in the forums felt.
He has stated that he IS the one in charge of the WvW team.
I guess it depends on what his job entails….
sure…it’s nice to get vague updates so we know they are doing something… I guess… you’re certainly right…it is better than nothing…but nothing is not my level of expectation…so….he’s right above nothing…lol
If his job is to keep us apprised of what they are working on and where they want to take WvW in the future…..frankly …he sucks at his job and i’m not going to thank him for it…
but if he is really just a developer and just posts on here when he feels like it…then yeah i’m sorry, you don’t suck at your job….but Anet has put you in a crappy position instead of putting someone in there that can actually keep us up to date..
Underwater Operations – [WET]
Come on guys, you know what he replied to me right?! If not look it up..
He still has 5 months left :P
I used to trust him, but he lost me when he told that the orb buff is coming back.
It’s nice story Cactus, but flawed analogy. Since we are (often) not asking to fix what doesn’t work according to specs. It is more like “pimp my ride for free dude!”
Or stop doing the “free” stuff we already got…Dude seriously, don’t act like the stuff they are doing is free…seriously.
Thank you, Cactus, for expressing exactly how I feel… This game is so far off from the manifest (“we don`t make grindy games…”), hype and beta videos (where wvw was always very present as an important semi-standalone mode) which made me buy the game.
I used to really appreciate Devon`s responsiveness (and still do, I guess), but the “Trebuchet mastery” introduced just know is so …. disappointing, I almost feel insulted.
Best regards
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
It’s nice story Cactus, but flawed analogy. Since we are (often) not asking to fix what doesn’t work according to specs. It is more like “pimp my ride for free dude!”
Or stop doing the “free” stuff we already got…Dude seriously, don’t act like the stuff they are doing is free…seriously.
What do you mean? For me personally all WvW stuff is free. Am I doing anything wrong?
It’s nice story Cactus, but flawed analogy. Since we are (often) not asking to fix what doesn’t work according to specs. It is more like “pimp my ride for free dude!”
Well seeing as the Camry gets pimped every 2 weeks for free while the truck gets a new bumper sticker at the same time and maybe an oil change (bug fixes) the analogy fits perfectly.
I think Devon deserves a kitten medal for his slew of responses in WvW topics.
Even if WvW is in a terrible place right now, and maybe it will be for several months into the future, he’s at least acknowledging there are issues and trying to offer the changes he wants to implement.
I just wanted to say thanks. Especially after seeing so few responses from Devs in other places where responses are desperately needed. (COUGH Ele forum..)
Let’s continue to repair the broken WvW climate.
I agree. Devon’s doing a great job under difficult circumstances. His responses on a forum that is notoriously (and perhaps rightly) critical are always welcome.
Thanks Devon.
I will acknowledge that he has become more active on the forums, but until I see what has been promised, I will not pass judgement.
All of Devon’s replies came on two days out of the last 1+ month. He is not here consistently working with the community on solutions to the issues we have, he spends a day here and there telling people they WANT to do something about things and that is all. To me that says they are doing the bare minimum to keep WvWers from leaving the game. You can thank him for the work they have done on the rest of the game, but the work done on WvW is bad at best.
Get angry.
If Devon can point to an entire forum that is upset over WvW changes then he can at least say “Hey, people are upset, I need more people working on my team.” to his bosses.
Guess why the last round of answers finally happened? Yeah, squeaky wheel gets the grease and WvW needs a lot of grease.
Get angry, be constructive. Demand something happens or nothing will happen. I think that has pretty much been proven by now.
Until anet figures out that WvW truely is the bread and butter of this game, it will continue to die
Another game tried the whole “our story is awesome” approach….not too long ago
Too much competition in this industry to make such critical errors in resource management
Makes me wonder if their entire business strategy wasn’t to just cash out on the 6 month window of fame to begin with…. Depositing the cash, and maintaining the game off the bank interest
(edited by Efface.8460)
To be honest guys, Just leave this game.
WvW is dead since Habibbro left and said WvW was a mini game.
NN to be rude with Devonbro, he barely has 2 interns with him and 100$ budget for WvW.
(edited by playandchill.3908)
Until anet figures out that WvW truely is the bread and butter of this game, it will continue to die
Another game tried the whole “our story is awesome” approach….not too long ago
Too much competition in this industry to make such critical errors in resource management
Makes me wonder if their entire business strategy wasn’t to just cash out on the 6 month window of fame to begin with
It is. Nexon is the largest shareholder of NCsoft stock.
Also GW2 was responsible for 20%-40% of NCsofts earnings. [Source below] The same earnings being used to fund Wildstar development and other projects in the the pipeline. The majority of your gem store purchases do not help Anet, they fund future project which will receive the same “smash and grab” treatment GW2 has received. Why? Because like it or not Nexon is at the helm.
The manifesto didn’t lie. Anet was literally sold out and they had to change their goals for GW2 post launch (ascended gear, time gated grinds etc).
Don’t believe me? Check out the earnings report:
Basically, I feel real bad for Anet, but not bad enough to stop complaining, and complaining loudly.
also lol at this jumping puzzle name.
(edited by Urrid.4593)
Nope.. No troll here guys. I haven’t been playing less time than most of you. I started when Mac Beta came out. I just realize that things don’t happen in the blink of an eye, and I’m thanking him for keeping in touch with the community.
I also hope you guys who relentlessly bash him realize that you catch more flies with honey than tar. I wish all devs would communicate as well as him. I’m thanking him for that and not much more. His brief tenure has brought OK changes, and I believe he can do good for WvW as a whole.
Even if he can’t, may as well make a good situation out of it.
We’ve been asking for a real commander and squad system for more than a year. Many other issues you see people complaining about have also been around for months.
It took them three months to fix an exploit that allowed one team to simply walk into the borderlands Hills keep.
People are fed up. We tried the honey, its time for tar.
Also within a couple of hours of their PvE patches being out, another patch disables WvW yet again to fix the tiny bits and bobs in that… nice to know that they care so much. Maybe if they could direct some of the attention in the general direction of the npcs spamming to enter mist portals, that’d be nice.
They could at least give us our gawddam’d colours back it wasn’t enough that we’re getting lagged to death constantly and I have no pony mount, now they have to steal our colours and make us bleed to death through our eyes.
A quick fix on that would really be appreciated and restore some faith from the community, that somewhere up there someone is listening to our prayers… just saying…
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
To be honest guys, Just leave this game.
WvW is dead since Habibbro left and said WvW was a mini game.
NN to be rude with Devonbro, he barely has 2 interns with him and 100$ budget for WvW.
Corporate acquisitions for profit spike another modern MMO. Not surprised. Some [games] are more difficult to leave than others. Attachment to the game was strong with this one, but in the end, it had to go (much like Anet’s listless WvW development cycle).
I renounce my hibernation and return.
Sea of Sorrows survivor – Currently on Blackgate
I think Devon deserves a kitten medal for his slew of responses in WvW topics.
Even if WvW is in a terrible place right now, and maybe it will be for several months into the future, he’s at least acknowledging there are issues and trying to offer the changes he wants to implement.
I just wanted to say thanks. Especially after seeing so few responses from Devs in other places where responses are desperately needed. (COUGH Ele forum..)
Let’s continue to repair the broken WvW climate.
It’s his job. That is why he was hired. Ignore the wvw community even more=profit loss.
Anyone can listen to complaints but not everyone does something about them.
The spam of negative response to the OP just shows how dissatisfied WvWers are. The ones that are left, anyway.
I dunno, I’m always quite sceptic and definitely not amused with how WvW has been, but at least he seems like a competent person and it seems like he wants to get improvements done.
Ofc, on the other hand, all I’ve seen so far are wvw masteries that I personally don’t really like at all and what? Useless rewards? wxp I don’t give a kitten about?
They keep trying to put in reward reward reward but what a real pvper want is actual gameplay
I hope they’ll realize this soon enough, the main difference between pve and pvp is that pvers mainly want shiny things and almost don’t even care about how mindless are the things their doing (crown pavillon anyone?), while pvpers actually want to have fun playing rather than getting shiny stuff and kitten
I truely feel sorry for all those poor souls seduced into the gaming industry with visions of painting their passion to the world, only to find themselves puppets to figure happy maestro’s who care little for investing in anyones canvas but their own. Such a sick industry this has become
Well, you won anet….you got my money…the best pvp I’ve seen yet
Goodbye and goodluck with your game
It’s nice story Cactus, but flawed analogy. Since we are (often) not asking to fix what doesn’t work according to specs. It is more like “pimp my ride for free dude!”
Or stop doing the “free” stuff we already got…Dude seriously, don’t act like the stuff they are doing is free…seriously.
What do you mean? For me personally all WvW stuff is free. Am I doing anything wrong?
You made the “Free” comment first and now you want me to explain it to you?
It’s nice story Cactus, but flawed analogy. Since we are (often) not asking to fix what doesn’t work according to specs. It is more like “pimp my ride for free dude!”
(edited by King Amadaeus.8619)
Mates, what I wanted to point out is that the level of communication (regardless if positive/negative) between Devonbro and the community is fair. The fact that in despite of the good communication things do not happen is another thing…
I always questioned myself about my attitude towards WvW: I love it and it is the reason why I am playing this game (and the horizontal progress instead of the horrible “every month you gotta farm, boy, or you won’t be as geared as the others”), HOWEVER, probably I believe that there are a lot of players like me (playing GW2 for the WvW aspect, mainly) and in reality there aren’t so many and that is why we are relegated tot a ghetto where “the change” is trebuchet mastery…
Probably we got it all wrong and we represent the 1% of the players’ pool and that is negligible, business-wise.
Regardless, I think we have the right to complain and constructively critique on things that we love/hate about the game…I just really do not get why is not focusing on one of the main (good) differences between GW2 and the large majority of the games that are out there or that will be out there soon…
For as much as I like the PvE aspect of a MMORPG, it is not for that aspect that I remain “loyal” to a game.
Having said so, I believe Devonbro is doing a good job considering the resources at disposal, business policy and the fact that WvW is still the Cindarella of the game. Does this make me happy or keep me calm about the direction WvW is taking? Rarely.
You guys realize how different this game is from what they advertised?
GUILD WARS 2….. There is zero guild wars that occurs other than player created.
I never played, but from the few hardcore players I know that played gw1 this game is so far astronomically worse when it comes to the actual player vs player mechanics.
It’s unreal how little clue the company has for (a guy said wvw is 1/3 the player base… It’s way more than that) a huge portion of their own game/what they wanted to create in GUILD WARS2….
You guys realize how different this game is from what they advertised?
GUILD WARS 2….. There is zero guild wars that occurs other than player created.
I never played, but from the few hardcore players I know that played gw1 this game is so far astronomically worse when it comes to the actual player vs player mechanics.
It’s unreal how little clue the company has for (a guy said wvw is 1/3 the player base… It’s way more than that) a huge portion of their own game/what they wanted to create in GUILD WARS2….
I have played Guild Wars 1, and the PVP/Alliance battles in it, while fun, were very very limited. Nothing like WvW. There is always room for improvement with any game, however I play the game to have fun, loot is just a bonus to my fun.
I thank anyone who encourages my fun and loot! I generally try to live life in the positive and my hope and patience I realize are greater then most. The Dev’s on this game seem pretty responsive even if I do not always like the answers they give me.
I have played alot of other games, where Devs don’t talk to you at all. While I know its their job to do the things they do, there are always people in every job that go above and beyond.
Thanks for all the extra stuff you do that no one sees Mr. Carver!
What a pile of kitten crap thread is all I can think of right now. Thank you Devon for all the promises that never been made is a better choice for your thread title.
I have played alot of other games, where Devs don’t talk to you at all. While I know its their job to do the things they do, there are always people in every job that go above and beyond.
For all its warts, Rift (which I played for almost 18 months) was WAY more responsive to its player base on the forums than ANet has been. The devs would give candid replies to most questions/complaints, they actually gave timetables for fixes, and they often just plain admitted when they screwed up. There is no reason on this earth that ANet couldn’t do the same … except for maybe that the Trion devs actually played and understood their own game.
In anticipation of the inevitable query from lordkrall/Vena/VOLKON/etc, I switched to GW2 because Conquest in Rift was a TERRIBLE implementation of open world strategy-based PvP. WvW in GW2 promised to be so much more, and in many respects even is … just way less than it could and should have been.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
Psst Cactus. I also did Rift pvp for awhile. Still haven’t played a game that has raid content on the same level of difficulty. Do you know of any game service like Rift’s raid content around patch 1.2/1.3 ? Uh…I googled Rift raid dungeons and I see its all different now. I don’t recognize any of it.
I renounce my hibernation and return.
Sea of Sorrows survivor – Currently on Blackgate
Bottom line is….been a year, and we have a couple meaningless wvw ranks (with abilities that help the mosquitoes not die to veteran guards)…..Annnnnnnnddddddd you still cant kick party members once they leave group. Good game.
Fellas fellas why all the hate?
We have been blessed with SHINY new bedazzling wvw colours!
Lol this thread.
Lol wvw is amazing if you guys spvp you realize what a gem we have here. For some reason the extreme balance issues don’t really show in wvw apart from that it is super fun. He is prolly in the forums almost every night just on a player account. I wouldn’t reply to half of the dribble that people put on these forums. I mean these are some of the worst forums ever and not cause the devs or the mods, but the players. If they wanted any good info they have to sift through a ton of bull kitten. It is great that even the special kids have a voice, but how many does this game have 0_o lol.
Masters in Geek Mythology
(edited by Thesilentflute.8761)
Devon is great he just suffers from that Anet Dev syndrome so even though he talks to us a lot we never really get much info(recently has been the biggest amount of info i have seen from a dev on WvW). Always saying soon, changes are coming, look forward to this, we can’t talk about that, etc just never really delving into what they want to do, why they want to do it(or did something in the past), and where they might go. Getting involved with their community is something Anet needs to do better in the future(I know internet=kittens but the more you communicate with your fans the bigger chance they have of being a lot nicer and explaining their problems to you especially if they see change come from it).
The main issue with the WvW community is we have suggested so much over the past year and gotten nothing but a big grind that doesn’t change up how WvW works in anyway.
I have played alot of other games, where Devs don’t talk to you at all. While I know its their job to do the things they do, there are always people in every job that go above and beyond.
For all its warts, Rift (which I played for almost 18 months) was WAY more responsive to its player base on the forums than ANet has been. The devs would give candid replies to most questions/complaints, they actually gave timetables for fixes, and they often just plain admitted when they screwed up. There is no reason on this earth that ANet couldn’t do the same … except for maybe that the Trion devs actually played and understood their own game.
In anticipation of the inevitable query from lordkrall/Vena/VOLKON/etc, I switched to GW2 because Conquest in Rift was a TERRIBLE implementation of open world strategy-based PvP. WvW in GW2 promised to be so much more, and in many respects even is … just way less than it could and should have been.
Ya the rift devs are some of the best mmo devs i have ever seen they do a really good job with getting involved in their community.
Lol wvw is amazing if you guys spvp you realize what a gem we have here. For some reason the extreme balance issues don’t really show in wvw apart from that it is super fun. He is prolly in the forums almost every night just on a player account. I wouldn’t reply to half of the dribble that people put on these forums. I mean these are some of the worst forums ever and not cause the devs or the mods, but the players. If they wanted any good info they have to sift through a ton of bull kitten. It is great that even the special kids have a voice, but how many does this game have 0_o lol.
That sPvP argument is demagogic to say the least. We’re talking about WvW not that failed e-sport
You are .8761 so you probably weren’t even here on those times (notice how many old players have left), but in the months that followed the game launch there wasn’t near as much “dribble” and there were plenty of suggestions for a good WvW, yet the devs were even less responsive than now*. So if we “dribble” so much it’s because they missed their shot months ago, they planted this seeds and now it’s harvest time. Yes, sucks to be them, but they are professionals who did a terrrible job so far.
*maybe because they were too focused on that Living Story kitten… that’s not an excuse, there are far better PvE games out there (including f2p), anyone playing GW2 for PvE clearly doesn’t know many MMOs, WvW is what makes GW2 unique… until Camelot Unchained launches
^and that’s the gospel truth