Thank you Kains!

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


Many thanks to the Kain who tried to help me through the jumping puzzle, and the several other Kains who saw me but did not attack. I was an unarmed Ferg, and clearly struggling. I would have been an easy kill for any of them as I struggled over and over to complete the puzzle. It escapes me yet, my jumping skills are non-existent, but I bow to the Kains who let me continue to try. You are honorable warriors indeed.

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


I’m with you on the mechanics of jumping apparently being too difficult for my simple mind to grasp. I generally don’t attack folks in the puzzles unless they have a go at me first. I like it when folks jump me, though – usually I’m so frustrated by the puzzle at that point that it’s a huge stress reliever to smoke someone. xD

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


Yeah, I have no idea why the concept of jumping eludes me. I never seem to land anywhere near where I intended. And the only advice I get is “Keep practicing, you’ll get it!” After countless unsuccessful attempts, hearing that comment makes me want to attack them!

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: Berkut.2837


@Dhampyr: You silly, if you need help, just ask sometime :P.

@MiceElf: Couple tactics that help me:

  • Turn your character by holding the right mouse button and turning by moving your mouse. It allows for some pretty rapid turning rates compared to using the A and D keys and you can more easily fine tune your direction (your character will run in the direction of your camera by doing this, regardless of the direction your character is facing).
  • You don’t always have to be on the platform to still be able to jump. More specifically, many platforms have a bit of ‘lip’ to them, where you can still stand on them while not appearing to be. This can help you to shorten your jump distance. My way of thinking of it is (for a human character) ’jump the instant you think you should start falling).
  • You can alter your direction/speed while in mid air. Using the right mouse button technique (likely also with A and D keys) you can turn your character in mid-jump, allowing you to curve your jumps. You can also slow down your jump (ie not travel as far) by pressing the S key while traveling forward (such as when holding the right mouse button) if your going to overshoot a platform.
  • For getting around those fire traps in the dark room. Go against the wall, then run into the fire statue that spews the flames. Then, saddle directly to the right, so that you would still be flush with the statue but you move to be clear of the statue so that you can run by it. Then, instead of running, you roll forward through the flames. Alternatively, if your an elementalist, you can use the mist form skill to run through the traps, though this causes you to drop your torch.
  • If you lose your torch, the green area associated with aoe attacks before you use them can outline the structures, allowing you to ‘see’. The mist in the dark room can also outline the objects (this is my preferred way to get through this area, as I can remain invisible the entire time so as to not be seen by enemies).

Hope that helps!

Auri Nimayil: Lvl 80 Thief (Kaineng)

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: Kyiv.9621


In tier 1, they would help you up until the point where you could see the chest, then kill you, followed by dancing, laughing and jumping on your dead body.

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


@ Berk
Thank you! I will certainly try your tips as soon as get over the frustration of today’s fail. Your 3rd point is going to help me tremendously.

:( I guess being on the lowest tier has its perks. I’d rather be on the losing team if it means I am playing against people who still believe in being good sports.

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: Berkut.2837


Not a problem MiceElf, if you need help sometime let me know.

Auri Nimayil: Lvl 80 Thief (Kaineng)

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: kuora.5402


But when you do get attacked, don’t whine or ask yourself why these people are being so mean; the people you met in the JP today were doing their server a disservice by allowing enemies free siege. The ideal thing is to kill on sight, just saying.

¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸
[Aia] Amoria- The guild of pleasant love
¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


But when you do get attacked, don’t whine or ask yourself why these people are being so mean; the people you met in the JP today were doing their server a disservice by allowing enemies free siege. The ideal thing is to kill on sight, just saying.

Have you seen our matchup?

Were pretty bored right now, so if he wants to use that siege against us at least it will provide some entertainment.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


@Dhampyr: You silly, if you need help, just ask sometime :P.

LOL Unless you’re coming to push the dang buttons for me, not much you can do. I understand WHERE I need to go – I just can’t seem to hit the keys right to MAKE it happen. xD

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


But when you do get attacked, don’t whine or ask yourself why these people are being so mean; the people you met in the JP today were doing their server a disservice by allowing enemies free siege. The ideal thing is to kill on sight, just saying.

LOL. You are clearly not on our servers. Even if I ever made it through that jp, a couple of siege wouldn’t be any more bother to them than a gnat or two.
The point was, they could have killed me at any point in time (and do so, on a regular basis when I wander around the map), but they put aside the whole “greater good of the server” schtick to simply help an obviously struggling player with the game. And I appreciated the gesture.

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: Berkut.2837


We shall see won’t we?

Auri Nimayil: Lvl 80 Thief (Kaineng)

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


In tier 1, they would help you up until the point where you could see the chest, then kill you, followed by dancing, laughing and jumping on your dead body.

<scribble notes> Got it… thanks.

(actually, a lot depends on time of day and music selection… there is a huge difference between the willingness to cooperate when we’re rocking a polka instead of a thumpa-thumpa house groove)

[ed – on a serious note – and I write this carefully because I don’t want to get infracted – one of our opposition is demonstrating a new camping tactic in the JP drop/spawn that is “innovative” and creating substantial amount of dirty underwear for people spawing in… I’ll leave it at that.]

(edited by zortek.9607)

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: Irate Platypus.9318

Irate Platypus.9318

A few other things I’ve found useful:

- Jump from the high part of one platform towards the low part of the next.
- For the ones where you have to land on a small area, point the camera almost straight down. That helps you fine-tune things in mid-air.
- Swiftness helps with the long jumps.
- Keep trying, but on different days. This is one of those things where you wake up the next day better than you were the day before.

Ferguson’s Crossing

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


ugh id be in there every day waving and bowing to our fellow honorable jump artists if we ever had our keep at this time ;(

pretty sure one of the nicer things about being in the low pop servers is that your fellow jumpers realize that buying siege is infinitely more troublesome. we dont have the zergs to portal up for free siege pot lucks, so down here theres a lot more respect since the only other way to have siege is hard earned gold or badges.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: Hashashii.3087


Kain has shown me some good sports over the last.. Since I started WvW.
Nothing more amusing then a group of like, 8 of them following me around as I solotake camps simply just to watch me.