Thanks A-Net

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: xilius.7890


Well just a post to say thanks to A-Net for the pay transfers and splitting up guilds as a result. Next time think about adding stuff

Just a random guy

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


I don’t get it….didn’t we all know this was coming sooner rather than later?

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: xilius.7890


I know but still they should have done payd transfers from the start.

Just a random guy

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


They gave the notice of paid transfers almost 2 weeks in advance. Is that not enough time to get your guild back together? if not then its your guilds fault not anets.

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


They should have had guesting and paid transfers from the start. They didn’t and we criticized them for it. Now they are correcting their mistake so I won’t criticize them further in this regard.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: LHound.8964


Well just a post to say thanks to A-Net for the pay transfers and splitting up guilds as a result. Next time think about adding stuff

Splitting up guilds? Since the announcement there has been plenty of time to join players into their guild’s server. If they didn’t, their fault, not Anet’s.

This was a much needed change. Server hoppers were ruining both high and lower tiered servers.

Good Job A-Net!!!

—————— ~~ ~~ —-————-
Charr’s need more Love. All is Vain
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Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


I know but still they should have done payd transfers from the start.

This x1000

Allowing free transfers for the last 5 months has to be one of the biggest MMO fails ever to date.

I just quite a nice guild because i need to transfer to a full server now that every single WvW guild left SBI.

I can’t even describe how angry I am that transferring was every allowed for free. If I could I would fire the person responsible for that decision yesterday.

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: xilius.7890


Well u should see the matchup of RoF the last weeks. Ain’t being a walk in the park so due to that a lot of players a fed up with the current situation and see the paid transfers as blockage of improvement.

Just a random guy

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


I know but still they should have done payd transfers from the start.

This x1000

Allowing free transfers for the last 5 months has to be one of the biggest MMO fails ever to date.

I just quite a nice guild because i need to transfer to a full server now that every single WvW guild left SBI.

I can’t even describe how angry I am that transferring was every allowed for free. If I could I would fire the person responsible for that decision yesterday.

No one is disagreeing with you. I just fail to see the point in complaining about a problem that has been debated endlessly on these forums and others and has been an issue for months. We recognize it, ANet recognizes it. It’s getting fixed, lets move on.

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: Majik.8521


Well just a post to say thanks to A-Net for the pay transfers and splitting up guilds as a result. Next time think about adding stuff

paid transfers are not to blame. the peoples attitude of win at any cost even above having fun is to blame here.

I guess they could have just put in paid without telling anyone. however then you would probably be the first one here yelling at them for not giving a warning.

Wisdom is the reward for surviving our own stupidity.

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: Ironvos.9014


If this splits up your guild, it seems like the call to be on a certain server isn’t that unanimous as it seemed.
Everyone knew paid transfers were gonna be on their way sooner or later.
Most likely sooner cause as it says ‘paid’, thats what pays the Anet bills
Guilds should have anticipated this from the beginning.

Far Shiverpeaks
Luna Solares – Mesmer

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: Bailey.6892


Did the payed transfers go in now? What else went in?

O well was thinking of having our guild (to small to make a difference) move to a lower pop server to see if maybe their we could be of more use.

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: Chuo.4238


Did the payed transfers go in now? What else went in?

O well was thinking of having our guild (to small to make a difference) move to a lower pop server to see if maybe their we could be of more use.

No, they start on the 28th. You’ve got until then to move your guild, for free. Good luck!

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


If this splits up your guild, it seems like the call to be on a certain server isn’t that unanimous as it seemed.
Everyone knew paid transfers were gonna be on their way sooner or later.
Most likely sooner cause as it says ‘paid’, thats what pays the Anet bills
Guilds should have anticipated this from the beginning.

Paid transfers should have been done since day 1. The only reason they were’nt is because of Anet’s carebear attitude and horrible business decisions.

They completely messed up WvW and now I have to click on the transfer page over and over again for days and days to get onto a server that didn’t just have every single WvW guild leave.

SBI is now a ghost town and was full until the recent announcement. It has nothing to do with paid transfers now being implemented, it is the fact that they SHOULD HAVE ALWAYS BEEN IMPLEMENTED.

The last 5 months of server hopping has done more long term damage to the game than almost anything else that could have been done.

It blows my mind how stupid that decision was.

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: Bailey.6892


Thank you Chuo!

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Anyone playing on a server they just like playing on is not affected by this.

If people played where they were happy playing and played with who they were happy playing with instead of trying to server hop and bandwagon this wouldn’t be a problem for them.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: Baamoink.4281


I feel that starting with free transfers would have been fine for the first 2 weeks of release, then switching to paid transfers.

Hell, I think giving new players the option to switch to other servers for free during the first week of their purchase is also a good idea, so that they have time to explore Servers & find one that suits them.

How people can be whining that they are now implementing paid transfers, is beyond me. Unless you’re a server hopping guild, in which case I’m glad this upsets you.

Guild: Mantle Assasins [MA] – Guild Leader
Server: Far Shiverpeaks EU

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: xilius.7890


All I’m saying that I believe the result will be that some servers will remain ghost towns( RoF isn’t one of them) and other will have massive amounts of players and that in the end we’ll be facing the same enemy time after time after time cause of the stop of free transfers. Not that i’m defending that but the fact they will implement it now will propably have that result. But i hope i’m wrong about that. Will have to wait and see

Just a random guy

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: Zen Later.6475

Zen Later.6475

I’m sorry but for the new kids to mmo’s…LMAO if you think paid transfers are going to stop people from transfering servers.

Transfers are a fact of life in sharded worlds (hehehe shard =P )

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: Maladon.5760


All this is going to do is stop children from transferring to other servers. Any adult won’t think twice about paid transfers unless they are homeless and playing from a coffee shop.

Malzarius – Guardian
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: Baamoink.4281


More profit for Anet then

Guild: Mantle Assasins [MA] – Guild Leader
Server: Far Shiverpeaks EU

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


All this is going to do is stop children from transferring to other servers. Any adult won’t think twice about paid transfers unless they are homeless and playing from a coffee shop.

I’m an adult with a fulltime daytime job but wouldn’t be able to afford weekly to bi-weekly transfers which has become the standard for some players.
Not that I would want to transfer but if for some reason my server would become deserted I would only transfer 1x and check candidate servers through guesting.

Of course it doesn’t stop transferring altogether but a lot of players (incl. adult mmo veterans) will do so far less frequently than they’re doing with free transfers.

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: Rinzler.8072


Wow Give A-net a break. They said there would be paid transfers from day 1. The only reason they didnt implement it is guesting was not complete yet.

What would you rather they postpone the game till now just for guesting? Not me, ide rather play now. On top of that they already had the halloween, xmas and other events already pretty much complete. They arnt gonna postpone all that stuff till next year just so they can open then game when guesting is complete.

The first few months of the mmo are crucial. Pushing out alot of content is one of the reasons this mmo is so appealing to alot of people. They already put all the mman hours in for that initial burst. They arent gonna open the game later and not use it and have nothing ready for when they do open.

Rinzler [Mesmer] -BROLIS PASS- Violent Tendencies (vT)

Thanks A-Net

in WvW

Posted by: deviller.9135


The paid transfer should be implemented after 14/2 (which is after WvW “biggest change” plan (maybe should implemented at the end of the February ?)).

If the change can attract PvE-er to WvW (for about 14 days), I think there wont be any panic (mass guild transfer because they afraid their server cannot compete).